Ole and Lena jokes.

Ole was depressed and went out to the barn and shot himself. The newspaper asked Lena how she wanted the obituary to read,

"Ole died" Lena replied.
"Well, for the same price you can add more words", the obit guy said.
"I'll think about it", Lena responded.

The next day Ole's obituary read,

"Ole died. Gun for sale."

Born and raised in southeastern South Dakota, of Norwegian descent, I loved Ole and Lena jokes, and ya know what? I can't think of a single one in my old age.

So I searched for "Ole and Lena jokes" and be darned if it's not still a thing! Mostly in Minnesota. I went and looked and mostly they were just standards, reworked with a Scandinavian accent.

"Ya, I tink I vanna have a little yelly dere, on my toast". (said in my Grandpa's voice. My Grandma spoke almost no English.)


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