oligarchy vs. socialism vs. fascism vs. progressiveness

which ideology will win?

  • Oligarchy

  • Progressive

  • Socialism

  • fascism

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Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.

No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.

You know…..no one is keeping you here…that is what he socialists end up doing…you can go to whatever paradise you want……and please…don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out…..
No intention of leaving. Funny you think those of us trying to make it better for the bottom of the totem pole so the 1% can continue raping the workers in this country...nope.

Socialism doesn't lift anyone up…it concentrates power in the ruling elite…..free exchange of goods and services raises everyone up…….
Bullshit. National Socialism proved Capitalism to be a fraud. Workers were treated better,paid better,and they WANTED to work unlike what happens under Capitalism.
No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.

You know…..no one is keeping you here…that is what he socialists end up doing…you can go to whatever paradise you want……and please…don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out…..
No intention of leaving. Funny you think those of us trying to make it better for the bottom of the totem pole so the 1% can continue raping the workers in this country...nope.

Socialism doesn't lift anyone up…it concentrates power in the ruling elite…..free exchange of goods and services raises everyone up…….
Bullshit. National Socialism proved Capitalism to be a fraud. Workers were treated better,paid better,and they WANTED to work unlike what happens under Capitalism.

Really…….you believe in nazism……good…to…know…….thank you for coming out…...
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.

You know…..no one is keeping you here…that is what he socialists end up doing…you can go to whatever paradise you want……and please…don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out…..
No intention of leaving. Funny you think those of us trying to make it better for the bottom of the totem pole so the 1% can continue raping the workers in this country...nope.

Socialism doesn't lift anyone up…it concentrates power in the ruling elite…..free exchange of goods and services raises everyone up…….
Bullshit. National Socialism proved Capitalism to be a fraud. Workers were treated better,paid better,and they WANTED to work unlike what happens under Capitalism.

Really…….you believe in nazism……good…to…know…….thank you for coming out…...
Actually I am a Racial Socialist Creator Library

If you had read ANY of my posts you would know my political beliefs...I never hid them.
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
BWAH HA HA! $19 trillion national debt, and you claim capitalism is working. Get a clue.
It wasn't capitalism that got us there, it was massive social spending, which is increasing is size and scope. Learn English.
Bullshit....there are NO POOR IN CONGRESS! The rich added every single dollar of the national debt. This country is governed for the rich by the rich. Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion in tax cut welfare, and just added it to the national debt. $3 trillion more was wasted on the Iraq war for the benefit of the military industrial complex...you know, Cheney's Halliburton. The stupid whining cons blame the poor and expect them to pay the national debt. The cons complain about social spending, but take Social Security checks every month. The cons complain about deficit spending, but then vote for assholes that are going to waste another $10 trillion on a war with Iran. Morons.
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
BWAH HA HA! $19 trillion national debt, and you claim capitalism is working. Get a clue.
It wasn't capitalism that got us there, it was massive social spending, which is increasing is size and scope. Learn English.
Bullshit....there are NO POOR IN CONGRESS! The rich added every single dollar of the national debt. This country is governed for the rich by the rich. Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion in tax cut welfare, and just added it to the national debt. $3 trillion more was wasted on the Iraq war for the benefit of the military industrial complex...you know, Cheney's Halliburton. The stupid whining cons blame the poor and expect them to pay the national debt. The cons complain about social spending, but take Social Security checks every month. The cons complain about deficit spending, but then vote for assholes that are going to waste another $10 trillion on a war with Iran. Morons.
Lowering taxes for everyone isn't welfare for the rich. Your definition is wrong so the foundation of your argument is flawed. If you paid into SS you should draw a check, although I'd agree beyond a certain tax bracket you shouldn't. No congressperson is poor but they aren't all rich either. Who is blaming the poor? Conservatives want to lift them up, not take from one and give to another. The flaw there is based on the assumption that the economy is a fixed state. And I do believe Halliburton is still at it since they are doing the job.
You know…..no one is keeping you here…that is what he socialists end up doing…you can go to whatever paradise you want……and please…don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out…..
No intention of leaving. Funny you think those of us trying to make it better for the bottom of the totem pole so the 1% can continue raping the workers in this country...nope.

Socialism doesn't lift anyone up…it concentrates power in the ruling elite…..free exchange of goods and services raises everyone up…….
Bullshit. National Socialism proved Capitalism to be a fraud. Workers were treated better,paid better,and they WANTED to work unlike what happens under Capitalism.

Really…….you believe in nazism……good…to…know…….thank you for coming out…...
Actually I am a Racial Socialist Creator Library

If you had read ANY of my posts you would know my political beliefs...I never hid them.

I don't look for or read your posts…...
I don't quite agree with all those definitions. I'd say that Sanders is an old-school "New Left" liberal, and that Hillary is more Nixonian.

I expect that the silent majority will win.
What a bunch of silliness and drivel.

Let's see: So according to you, the "fascists" are the two guys who want to let people keep more of their own money, who want to reduce the size and power of the federal government, who want a trade policy that protects American jobs and American currency, who want to protect the basic rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights (freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom to own firearms), and who want to get control of our borders and visa program so that we're less vulnerable to terrorist attacks.

And your idea of a "progressive" is the candidate who wants to take more money from taxpayers and hand it over to the government, who wants to expand the size and scope of the federal government, who supports a trade deal that every major union condemned as a job-killer, who wants to infringe on basic constitutional rights, who opposes securing our border, and who opposes any substantive restrictions on immigration--even from nations where jihadism has been a serious problem, hence her support for allowing thousands more Muslim refugees into our country, never mind that senior intelligence officials (including the FBI Director) have said we cannot properly screen them.
So we have people of the left on this thread, projecting socialism, Marxism, Naziism, and whining about the greatest country the world has ever been witness to.

Is anyone buying their bullshit, and if so, can I sell you some swampland in Florida?

By these posts, everyone should be able to tell which side thinks what. We as a country, have already defeated Naziism, Marxism, and Socialism. Now, since they can't beat us militarily or economically, if you want to let the left resurrect these failed ideas by confusing you with bullshit, go ahead!
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
BWAH HA HA! $19 trillion national debt, and you claim capitalism is working. Get a clue.

Mostly the result of SOCIAL PROGRAMS moron.
No moron, it's millionaire politicians that waste trillion$ on the military industrial complex that puts billion$ in the pockets of war mongers like Dick Cheney and his Halliburton.
Ronnie Raygun wasted over a trillion dollars on "STAR WARS" that didn't do a fucking thing.
Shrub Jr. wasted $3 trillion on tax cut WELFARE FOR MILLIONAIRES, and just added it to the national debt. He wasted another $3 trillion on the stupid Iraq war that was added to the national debt. Then he destroyed the economy which has added another $5 trillion to the debt to clean up that mess.
The poor had nothing to do with any of it.
You are proof that there is no cure for stupid.
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.

Shouldn't this be placed in the post-we-laugh-at forum?
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
BWAH HA HA! $19 trillion national debt, and you claim capitalism is working. Get a clue.

Mostly the result of SOCIAL PROGRAMS moron.
No moron, it's millionaire politicians that waste trillion$ on the military industrial complex that puts billion$ in the pockets of war mongers like Dick Cheney and his Halliburton.
Ronnie Raygun wasted over a trillion dollars on "STAR WARS" that didn't do a fucking thing.
Shrub Jr. wasted $3 trillion on tax cut WELFARE FOR MILLIONAIRES, and just added it to the national debt. He wasted another $3 trillion on the stupid Iraq war that was added to the national debt. Then he destroyed the economy which has added another $5 trillion to the debt to clean up that mess.
The poor had nothing to do with any of it.
You are proof that there is no cure for stupid.
Reagan kicked commie balls into submission. Get over it.
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.

Shouldn't this be placed in the post-we-laugh-at forum?
The nazis laughed at those that those that exposed their arrogance...for a little while.

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