oligarchy vs. socialism vs. fascism vs. progressiveness

which ideology will win?

  • Oligarchy

  • Progressive

  • Socialism

  • fascism

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Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.

Fascism is socialism……try to get it right……..Trump and Cruz are not socialists…….sanders and hilary are………

Proggressive is a way to lie about being a socialist….
Why read a dictionary when you can make up your on definitions of fascism and socialism and progressive. It's really fun for you to be a moron, huh.

Explain, then, how fascism is different than Socialism….which is the state control of the means of production twit. And please, no superficial crap…….how is the government control of the economy under fascism/socialism not socialism…? Fascism is a word used by the international socialists to explain that they are different from national socialists at a time when the national socialists kicked them out of Germany.
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.

Fascism is socialism……try to get it right……..Trump and Cruz are not socialists…….sanders and hilary are………

Proggressive is a way to lie about being a socialist….
Why read a dictionary when you can make up your on definitions of fascism and socialism and progressive. It's really fun for you to be a moron, huh.

Here you go…learn something…

Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

s an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie.
Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners.

Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.)
Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically.

In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace.Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.

Fascism is socialism……try to get it right……..Trump and Cruz are not socialists…….sanders and hilary are………

Proggressive is a way to lie about being a socialist….
Why read a dictionary when you can make up your on definitions of fascism and socialism and progressive. It's really fun for you to be a moron, huh.

Socialism…the government controls the means of production…..how is that different than this genius…?

Under fascism, the state, through official cartels, controlled all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture. Planning boards set product lines, production levels, prices, wages, working conditions, and the size of firms. Licensing was ubiquitous; no economic activity could be undertaken without government permission.
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.
Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.
Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.

No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.
Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.

No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.
Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.

No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.

The United States surpassed all the other nations on Earth because of our belief in free markets and capitalism. The other countries of Europe, Asia and the rest of them…had been around longer, were stronger and more advanced….and we ran circles around them providing a level of wealth for all of our people, including the poor, never dreamed of in human existence except for the ruling classes of the other countries….Capitalism works….socialism kills.
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.
Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.

No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.

You know…..no one is keeping you here…that is what he socialists end up doing…you can go to whatever paradise you want……and please…don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out…..
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.
Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.

No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.

The United States surpassed all the other nations on Earth because of our belief in free markets and capitalism. The other countries of Europe, Asia and the rest of them…had been around longer, were stronger and more advanced….and we ran circles around them providing a level of wealth for all of our people, including the poor, never dreamed of in human existence except for the ruling classes of the other countries….Capitalism works….socialism kills.
NS Germany made the US look like a dump. Amazingly they had no free market garbage or capitalism.
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.
Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.

No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.

You know…..no one is keeping you here…that is what he socialists end up doing…you can go to whatever paradise you want……and please…don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out…..
No intention of leaving. Funny you think those of us trying to make it better for the bottom of the totem pole so the 1% can continue raping the workers in this country...nope.
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.
Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.

No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.

The United States surpassed all the other nations on Earth because of our belief in free markets and capitalism. The other countries of Europe, Asia and the rest of them…had been around longer, were stronger and more advanced….and we ran circles around them providing a level of wealth for all of our people, including the poor, never dreamed of in human existence except for the ruling classes of the other countries….Capitalism works….socialism kills.
NS Germany made the US look like a dump. Amazingly they had no free market garbage or capitalism.

You really aren't that bright are you?
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.
Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.

No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.

You know…..no one is keeping you here…that is what he socialists end up doing…you can go to whatever paradise you want……and please…don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out…..
No intention of leaving. Funny you think those of us trying to make it better for the bottom of the totem pole so the 1% can continue raping the workers in this country...nope.

Socialism doesn't lift anyone up…it concentrates power in the ruling elite…..free exchange of goods and services raises everyone up…….
Billionaires (Trump & Bloomberg) oligarchy vs. Socialism (Sanders) vs. fascism (Trump & Cruz) vs.progressive (Clinton).

Those are the most realistic possibilities at this point. This is the most radical extremist election in U.S. history. Which direction will this country go?

Conservatism is not even a choice this year. There are no conservatism candidates with a chance at this time.
Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Thread fail. Capitalism isn't even on there and it's the only one that can work long term.
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.

No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.

The United States surpassed all the other nations on Earth because of our belief in free markets and capitalism. The other countries of Europe, Asia and the rest of them…had been around longer, were stronger and more advanced….and we ran circles around them providing a level of wealth for all of our people, including the poor, never dreamed of in human existence except for the ruling classes of the other countries….Capitalism works….socialism kills.
NS Germany made the US look like a dump. Amazingly they had no free market garbage or capitalism.

I Notice you didn't respond to the explanation of actual Fascism……...
Forgot to capitalize Fascism in poll
Yeah tell the MILLIONS making min wage and not having what they make cover education or healthcare that capitalism is the way to go.

No, tell them to stay in high school and get a diploma, not have babies as unmarried teenagers, get an education or a marketable skill, or start a business and work real hard…..and then you will not be poor….and your chance of being rich or for your kids to one day be rich is increased…….
I did get diploma didn't have kids as teen,got a skill. Capitalism STILL sucks. Simple as that.Its for the rich by the rich to get richer and make the poor poorer and keep them there.

The United States surpassed all the other nations on Earth because of our belief in free markets and capitalism. The other countries of Europe, Asia and the rest of them…had been around longer, were stronger and more advanced….and we ran circles around them providing a level of wealth for all of our people, including the poor, never dreamed of in human existence except for the ruling classes of the other countries….Capitalism works….socialism kills.
NS Germany made the US look like a dump. Amazingly they had no free market garbage or capitalism.

I Notice you didn't respond to the explanation of actual Fascism……...

Unions and some companies are Fascist.
You are there for the sake of the entity.
You do your job and might perhaps be rewarded for exceptional performance if a position or test becomes available.

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