Olmert says Rice embarrassed over UN vote; U.S. denies the claim

very good point---It's our money-Isn't about time we took a consistent stand ? Perhaps our vacillation is a large part of the continuing bullshit.

Israel, much like so many issues facing Americans is a highly contentious issue.

If we abandon Israel to its fate, I expect to see either the first use of Atomic weapons since 1945, or the extermination of all the Jews of Israel, or possibly both.

If we continue to support Isreal, even when its doing things like continuing to build colonies in the midst of Palestinains, or keeping Palestinians in places where they are economically unable to support themselves, we can expect to see this ongoing civil war between two ideologically opposed peoples.

Not exactly great choices for us or the Isreali, or the Palestinians, are they?

I think that both some Isreali and some Palestinians have honestly tried to broker a modus vivendi, but the hotheaded enthocentric lunatics in BOTH groups make that basically impossible.

The solution is to marginalize the hotheads and reward the peacemakers.

Sadly I think we lack the skills to reward the peacemakers in Palestine because our intelligence community lacks the ability to infiltrate those people.

We need a truly fuctional CIA, folks.

One that actually can gather human INTEL, and which can help us find and support potential allies in the Moslem world.

The war in Isreali and Palestine is STILL a war for the hearts and minds of the people.

No military solutions will work.
It doesn't matter if you pay attention or not. You are expected not to pay attention.

The bottom line is American taxpayers should not be paying for Israel. Leave them to their own fate .. and if they believe they should "take out nations" .. so be it .. let them go right ahead, but leave them to suffer the consequences alone. If they want to bomb Iran .. go right ahead and do it .. but leave Israel to suffer the consequences alone.

Who cares if you don't pay attention .. Americans ARE paying attention to how much of OUR money continues to get flushed down the toliet of Israel when it is so badly needed in AMERICA.[/QUOTE]

I pay attention to how much gets flushed down that shithole known as Africa too. We need that money at home in America too.
Israel, much like so many issues facing Americans is a highly contentious issue.

If we abandon Israel to its fate, I expect to see either the first use of Atomic weapons since 1945, or the extermination of all the Jews of Israel, or possibly both. Exactly

If we continue to support Isreal, even when its doing things like continuing to build colonies in the midst of Palestinains, or keeping Palestinians in places where they are economically unable to support themselves, we can expect to see this ongoing civil war between two ideologically opposed peoples.

Not exactly great choices for us or the Isreali, or the Palestinians, are they?

I think that both some Isreali and some Palestinians have honestly tried to broker a modus vivendi, but the hotheaded enthocentric lunatics in BOTH groups make that basically impossible.

The solution is to marginalize the hotheads and reward the peacemakers.

Sadly I think we lack the skills to reward the peacemakers in Palestine because our intelligence community lacks the ability to infiltrate those people.

We need a truly fuctional CIA, folks. Kiss that goodbye. obamalama is in charge now

One that actually can gather human INTEL, and which can help us find and support potential allies in the Moslem world.

The war in Isreali and Palestine is STILL a war for the hearts and minds of the people.

No military solutions will work.

It doesn't matter if you pay attention or not. You are expected not to pay attention.

The bottom line is American taxpayers should not be paying for Israel. Leave them to their own fate .. and if they believe they should "take out nations" .. so be it .. let them go right ahead, but leave them to suffer the consequences alone. If they want to bomb Iran .. go right ahead and do it .. but leave Israel to suffer the consequences alone.

Who cares if you don't pay attention .. Americans ARE paying attention to how much of OUR money continues to get flushed down the toliet of Israel when it is so badly needed in AMERICA.[/QUOTE]

I pay attention to how much gets flushed down that shithole known as Africa too. We need that money at home in America too.

Perhaps you can point out my post about how much money we should be sending to Africa .. can't do it?

Aww, what a shame. :eusa_angel:
you make no sense. What was the question again?

Don't worry about it .. it was over your head anyway.

But you're free to fret over how much money is sent to Africa .. and you're free to gather/organize/participate with any group of Americans who share your beliefs.

Write your congressperson, start a petition, join on focus group and do all you can to eliminate all aid to Africa if you choose.

It doesn't matter if you pay attention or not. You are expected not to pay attention.

The bottom line is American taxpayers should not be paying for Israel. Leave them to their own fate .. and if they believe they should "take out nations" .. so be it .. let them go right ahead, but leave them to suffer the consequences alone. If they want to bomb Iran .. go right ahead and do it .. but leave Israel to suffer the consequences alone.

Who cares if you don't pay attention .. Americans ARE paying attention to how much of OUR money continues to get flushed down the toliet of Israel when it is so badly needed in AMERICA.[/QUOTE]

I pay attention to how much gets flushed down that shithole known as Africa too. We need that money at home in America too.

How much we give Africa is fucking peanuts and you know it. Along with the fact that a part of what's going on in Africa is OUR FAULT in case you hadn't noticed(blood diamonds for example, Berlin Conference 1885 that we supported, the slave trade that demoralized their population, etc etc etc).

The money sent to Africa is nothing like the middle east, nothing
How much we give Africa is fucking peanuts and you know it. Along with the fact that a part of what's going on in Africa is OUR FAULT in case you hadn't noticed(blood diamonds for example, Berlin Conference 1885 that we supported, the slave trade that demoralized their population, etc etc etc).

The money sent to Africa is nothing like the middle east, nothing

one dollar is too much. we need it here at home. no?
How much we give Africa is fucking peanuts and you know it. Along with the fact that a part of what's going on in Africa is OUR FAULT in case you hadn't noticed(blood diamonds for example, Berlin Conference 1885 that we supported, the slave trade that demoralized their population, etc etc etc).

The money sent to Africa is nothing like the middle east, nothing

Is there anything at all you moonbats don't blame America for?
Regardless of whether it happened or not, it struck me as being just a wee bit undiplomatic for Olmert to be talking about this in a public speech. I'm not sure that's all that advisable.
How much we give Africa is fucking peanuts and you know it. Along with the fact that a part of what's going on in Africa is OUR FAULT in case you hadn't noticed(blood diamonds for example, Berlin Conference 1885 that we supported, the slave trade that demoralized their population, etc etc etc).

The money sent to Africa is nothing like the middle east, nothing

I know that my brother.

I'm just having fun with Willow who thought saying he/she was against sending money to Africa was supposed to upset me.
That shithole has some huge resources. Why do you think China is trying so hard to extend its infuence across the continent?
um, no one else wonders how Rice could be embarrassed on the vote when it isn't the SoS that actually votes for the US in the UN
it's the UN ambassador
Answer: NO

Palestine should be taken care of by arab states.

Israel cannot exist without massive infusions of aid and US taxpayer dollars from the US.

How long can we afford to support the welfare state of Israel and why should we be picking up the tab?

As I agree with your position, would you or anyone else happen to have a link which outlines clearly exactly what from the US goes to Israel?

I have often wondered from the tax payers pocket, what all it entailed. I have tried to find it several times and not come up with anything which describes it well.

Either that or Israel does exactly what we tell them until they can support themselves. Pick your poison.

The thinking here is backwards- Israel does exactly what the US tells it to, thus they are worthy of such largesse. Similarly with Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Would anyone believe that Egypt gets its $2Billion a year because of an "Egyptian lobby" or because 'they control the US government'? No- why do these regimes get showered with American money? Because they are pillars of US imperial interests in the region, which is really what all of this is about.
As far as I can tell we are to infer that Isreal will be wiped out if we don't support them but that's sort of an insult to Israel so we don't talk about that.
The other suggesting is that our support for Israel is somehow "strategic" and is our tool to keep the Russians for becoming more powerful.
As for the real answer--I don't have a clue.
Israel is not a 'welfare state' and existed fine before any US dollars ever went there.

You really are quite the propagandist, hitting all the right buzz words.

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