‘Madness’: Netanyahu’s handling of US relations under scrutiny after UN vote

For the first time in my memory the USA didn't have Israel's back... threw them under a bus... its degusting that we side with filthy terrorists over Israelis today...
It will just continue..again.. year after year until there's a just peace and a 2 state solution. I'm sick of Israelis and Palestinians dying. I'm sick of the likes of Hamas being used to prevent a 2 state solution.
It will just continue..again.. year after year until there's a just peace and a 2 state solution. I'm sick of Israelis and Palestinians dying. I'm sick of the likes of Hamas being used to prevent a 2 state solution.
Way to soften the non-Palestinian approach to a two-state solution .. which they will never accept.
It will just continue..again.. year after year until there's a just peace and a 2 state solution. I'm sick of Israelis and Palestinians dying. I'm sick of the likes of Hamas being used to prevent a 2 state solution.
Palestinians don't want a two state solution... which means its not a solution.....
Way to soften the non-Palestinian approach to a two-state solution .. which they will never accept.

Of course they will. They couldn't accept the isolated, disconnected bantustans crisscrossed with Jewish only settlements, roads and checkpoints. That's not a contiguous state.

Do you remember the Saudi Peace initiative of 2002. 21 Arab states signed on to guarantee Israel's security as well as commerce and diplomatic relations. Ariel Sharon mocked the offer because like Netanyahu he wanted all the land.

The Jewish immigrants weren't given Gaza, the West Bank, Shaaba farms, the Golan heights and East Jerusalem.

Time for a fair and equitable solution.
“Netanyahu,” he continued, “has been dealing with America the way a spoiled teenager deals with his parents: with perpetual rebellion, perpetual insults and perpetual scandals.”
Of course they will. They couldn't accept the isolated, disconnected bantustans crisscrossed with Jewish only settlements, roads and checkpoints. That's not a contiguous state.

Do you remember the Saudi Peace initiative of 2002. 21 Arab states signed on to guarantee Israel's security as well as commerce and diplomatic relations. Ariel Sharon mocked the offer because like Netanyahu he wanted all the land.

The Jewish immigrants weren't given Gaza, the West Bank, Shaaba farms, the Golan heights and East Jerusalem.

Time for a fair and equitable solution.
Equitable .. lol Fuck Hamas and the "palestinians" ... the losers that no other Arab country will accept.
Equitable .. lol Fuck Hamas and the "palestinians" ... the losers that no other Arab country will accept.

That's a lie. There are Palestinians all over the Middle East. There are 400,000 in Arabia. Stop being a horse's ass with your bullshit ignorance and propaganda. The Israelis are living this nightmare and half the world thinks they are a pariah state because of the hard right thugs in their government.. Everyone is still dying..and aside from ranting on an obscure forum its no skin off your nose.

We have posters here who's sole purpose in life is to keep a running tally of "antisemitism" to justify 80 years of conflict.
That's a lie. There are Palestinians all over the Middle East. There are 400,000 in Arabia. Stop being a horse's ass with your bullshit ignorance and propaganda. The Israelis are living this nightmare and half the world thinks they are a pariah state because of the hard right thugs in their government.. Everyone is still dying..and aside from ranting on an obscure forum its no skin off your nose.

We have posters here who's sole purpose in life is to keep a running tally of "antisemitism" to justify 80 years of conflict.
Once again a half truth from you Sarada there are 280000 so called Palestinians living in Saudia Arabia however there was a law passed in 2004 that if anyone had lived in Saudia Arabia fir ten years they could become a citizen of Saudia Arabia except and this is a big except if they were Palestinian they could not become a citizen of Saudia Arabia…Now one must ask why is that wink wink nudge nudge… The Israelis are not living a nightmare they are defending themselves and will continue to do so even as they fight with one hand tied behind their back by nations that do not want them to succeed in their endevour it is mighty interesting times we live in to say the least mighty interesting indeed…
Of course they will. They couldn't accept the isolated, disconnected bantustans crisscrossed with Jewish only settlements, roads and checkpoints. That's not a contiguous state.

Do you remember the Saudi Peace initiative of 2002. 21 Arab states signed on to guarantee Israel's security as well as commerce and diplomatic relations. Ariel Sharon mocked the offer because like Netanyahu he wanted all the land.

The Jewish immigrants weren't given Gaza, the West Bank, Shaaba farms, the Golan heights and East Jerusalem.

Time for a fair and equitable solution.
That is just plain nonsense I will give you an example from non other then Mohammad Bin Salman in a meeting in New York, Mohammad bin Salman, Crown Price and Defacto ruler of Saudi Arabia, scolded the Palestinian leadership for what he described as a decades-long history of "rejecting peace with Israel", adding they should either begin to accept peace proposals or "shut up".

"In the last several decades the Palestinian leadership has missed one opportunity after the other and rejected all the peace proposals it was given. It is about time the Palestinians take the proposals and agree to come to the negotiations table or shut up and stop complaining," the Saudis' defacto leader said.

Bin Salman also said the Palestinian cause is not a priority for Riyadh's foreign policy.

He said rather than focusing on Palestine, Saudi Arabia has to face much wider threats in the region, such as Iran, its ideological rival.

In an interview with a US magazine, bin Salman appeared to put the rival land claims of Palestine and Israel on an equal footing.

I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land," bin Salman said.

"But we have to have a peace agreement to assure the stability for everyone and to have normal relations."

The remarks from MbS, as the 32-year-old prince is known, were published just three days after Israeli forces killed 16 Palestinians in one day during a demonstration along the Israel-Gaza border. By the way what Jewish immigrants are you talking about I believe most of the Israelis are native born now or there are certainly a vast multitude… You always try to get a shot in but the boomerang keeps going back and hitting you in your mouth…
Maybe this guy is the "wrong" sort of Jew ?
yeah doesn't smell to the high heavens of antisemitism at all tommy.
Its clear that Israel has had enough of that right wing psyvho.
unlike yesterday where you claimed this was going to save him.
Progress might be quicker without this nutter in charge,
and then what? just progressively eliminate the rest of your problem altogether?
A dysfunctional head of a bandit state.
yeah "a bandit state" tommy, doesn't sound much like you see all jews as the problem now does it!
Pissing off your biggest ally is never a shrewd move.
White liberals do it all the time, though they may not be our allies.

TRANSLATION: "When did jew bashing become such a big deal? every time me and tommy open our mouths [type] someone points out our antisemitism, certainly they must have better things to do".
This is a great example of when some thick fucker tries to shut down legitimate criticism of Israel. The qoute in the OP is not mine.
This is a great example of when some thick fucker tries to shut down legitimate criticism of Israel.
and ^this^ is proof you feel antisemitism is legitimate, antisemitism is all you have, when that is silenced so are you.
The qoute in the OP is not mine.
and the post you are citing isn't directed at you it was for Surada

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