Trump, a True Friend of Israel, Scuttles Anti-Israel Vote at UN


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
And yet 80% of American Jews will still vote Dimocrat just because?

UN scuttles vote on Israeli settlement after Trump warning

"The resolution being considered at the United Nations Security Council regarding Israel should be vetoed," Trump said in a statement. "As the United States has long maintained, peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians will only come through direct negotiations between the parties, and not through the imposition of terms by the United Nations."...

Trump's statement might have had the greatest influence on the Egyptian decision, beyond Netanyahu's lobbying or other American statements. "Diplomats in Tel Aviv speculating that Sisi didn't cave because of Israel, but rather because he didn't want to piss off incoming president," Economist correspondent Gregg Carlstrom tweeted.

Egypt is a temporary member of the UN Security Council, which is dominated by five permanent members — the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, and France — which have the authority to veto council resolutions. Obama used that authority to block a similar resolution condemning Israeli settlements in 2011, but his administration's increasingly public frustration with the failure of talks between Israel and the Palestinians raised the possibility that he wouldn't veto it this time around.​
And yet 80% of American Jews will still vote Dimocrat just because?

UN scuttles vote on Israeli settlement after Trump warning

"The resolution being considered at the United Nations Security Council regarding Israel should be vetoed," Trump said in a statement. "As the United States has long maintained, peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians will only come through direct negotiations between the parties, and not through the imposition of terms by the United Nations."...

Trump's statement might have had the greatest influence on the Egyptian decision, beyond Netanyahu's lobbying or other American statements. "Diplomats in Tel Aviv speculating that Sisi didn't cave because of Israel, but rather because he didn't want to piss off incoming president," Economist correspondent Gregg Carlstrom tweeted.

Egypt is a temporary member of the UN Security Council, which is dominated by five permanent members — the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, and France — which have the authority to veto council resolutions. Obama used that authority to block a similar resolution condemning Israeli settlements in 2011, but his administration's increasingly public frustration with the failure of talks between Israel and the Palestinians raised the possibility that he wouldn't veto it this time around.​
Because we have nothing in common with you right wing uneducated goyim

Simply put, On Israel, only Jews matter. Not Christians
Christian Fundamentalists Are Irrelevant: Only Jews Matter On Israel
And yet 80% of American Jews will still vote Dimocrat just because?

UN scuttles vote on Israeli settlement after Trump warning

"The resolution being considered at the United Nations Security Council regarding Israel should be vetoed," Trump said in a statement. "As the United States has long maintained, peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians will only come through direct negotiations between the parties, and not through the imposition of terms by the United Nations."...

Trump's statement might have had the greatest influence on the Egyptian decision, beyond Netanyahu's lobbying or other American statements. "Diplomats in Tel Aviv speculating that Sisi didn't cave because of Israel, but rather because he didn't want to piss off incoming president," Economist correspondent Gregg Carlstrom tweeted.

Egypt is a temporary member of the UN Security Council, which is dominated by five permanent members — the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, and France — which have the authority to veto council resolutions. Obama used that authority to block a similar resolution condemning Israeli settlements in 2011, but his administration's increasingly public frustration with the failure of talks between Israel and the Palestinians raised the possibility that he wouldn't veto it this time around.​

It's amazing how many think the UN is our friend. Saul Alinski did some excellent brainwashing tactics on the left so much so three generations have been indoctrinated by it.
Voicing that based of your statement more than what your post is about. =)
Israel will probably be one of the first nations to be turned into glass when Trump sets off WW3.
Who the fuck would launch a nuke at Israel, knowing they will return it with a catastrophic counter attack? Thats why nations with nukes will never be attacked by other nations with nukes.
Israel will probably be one of the first nations to be turned into glass when Trump sets off WW3.
Who the fuck would launch a nuke at Israel, knowing they will return it with a catastrophic counter attack? Thats why nations with nukes will never be attacked by other nations with nukes.
So stupid. That's like saying who would shoot at police when they know they'll be shot back at. Scatter enough nukes around, and someone will get their hands on them that is crazy enough to use them. Hell, our President might be the one to launch the first and set off the domino's.
And yet 80% of American Jews will still vote Dimocrat just because?

UN scuttles vote on Israeli settlement after Trump warning

"The resolution being considered at the United Nations Security Council regarding Israel should be vetoed," Trump said in a statement. "As the United States has long maintained, peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians will only come through direct negotiations between the parties, and not through the imposition of terms by the United Nations."...

Trump's statement might have had the greatest influence on the Egyptian decision, beyond Netanyahu's lobbying or other American statements. "Diplomats in Tel Aviv speculating that Sisi didn't cave because of Israel, but rather because he didn't want to piss off incoming president," Economist correspondent Gregg Carlstrom tweeted.

Egypt is a temporary member of the UN Security Council, which is dominated by five permanent members — the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, and France — which have the authority to veto council resolutions. Obama used that authority to block a similar resolution condemning Israeli settlements in 2011, but his administration's increasingly public frustration with the failure of talks between Israel and the Palestinians raised the possibility that he wouldn't veto it this time around.​
Nothing "anti israel" about it. Israel once again is talking out both sides of their mouth. They claim to want peace but keep building ILLEGAL settlements. You people think you are slick but you aren't. You aren't loyal to America you are loyal to your Jewish masters like a dog is loyal to its master.

Israel will probably be one of the first nations to be turned into glass when Trump sets off WW3.
Who the fuck would launch a nuke at Israel, knowing they will return it with a catastrophic counter attack? Thats why nations with nukes will never be attacked by other nations with nukes.
No Israel will strike Europe because the Jews enemy is the white race.

Israel will probably be one of the first nations to be turned into glass when Trump sets off WW3.
Who the fuck would launch a nuke at Israel, knowing they will return it with a catastrophic counter attack? Thats why nations with nukes will never be attacked by other nations with nukes.
No Israel will strike Europe because the Jews enemy is the white race.

Nah, we are all cool with jews. What's not to like about them? They have higher IQs than just about every other race, they are extremely inventive with medicine and technology, they are peaceful people and they make great neighbors, plus they smash it when it comes to business. Honestly, id say jews are the most successful humans on the planet.
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Israel will probably be one of the first nations to be turned into glass when Trump sets off WW3.
Who the fuck would launch a nuke at Israel, knowing they will return it with a catastrophic counter attack? Thats why nations with nukes will never be attacked by other nations with nukes.
No Israel will strike Europe because the Jews enemy is the white race.

Nah, we are all cool with jews. What's not to like about them? They have higher IQs than just about every other race, they are extremely inventive with medicine and technology, they are peaceful people and they make great neighbors, plus they smash it when it comes to business. Honestly, id say jews are the most successful humans on the planet.

Jews are a parasitical race. They drain the resources of whatever nation they settle in and then move on to another host. There is a reason they have been expelled from every host country they were ever settled in. Retards like to whine its just anti semitism but when EVERY host nation has a problem with you,YOU are the problem not them. They have created nothing,they aren't a warrior type people,they are just parasites feeding off of others hard work. I suggest you go read Natures Eternal Religion or just the chapter on the history of the Jews

Jews have made it quite clear they only deal with America because of what America gives them. Go google Netanyahu's quote on America drying up and going away once they have sucked us dry. They have also made it quite clear if they are ever overrun or destroyed they will launch nuclear weapons against European capitals.
Nah, we are all cool with jews. What's not to like about them? They have higher IQs than just about every other race, they are extremely inventive with medicine and technology, they are peaceful people and they make great neighbors, plus they smash it when it comes to business. Honestly, id say jews are the most successful humans on the planet.
Great response, however I must protesteth, lol.

1) Jews are not a race.

2) While Jews are very smart, they dont really seem to like hearing it said about them. I have no idea why.

3) Jews are the most successful ethnicity on the planet that had lost their original homeland. That they have held it together for 2000 years since the ROmans massacred and dispersed so many is a tribute to their intelligence, faith and resourcefulness.

4) While Jews are peaceful people, they can kick some serious ass when they need to.

5) They are the way they are because they are Gods People, the best of us as human beings and a blessing to the people of whatever land they settle.
Nah, we are all cool with jews. What's not to like about them? They have higher IQs than just about every other race, they are extremely inventive with medicine and technology, they are peaceful people and they make great neighbors, plus they smash it when it comes to business. Honestly, id say jews are the most successful humans on the planet.
Great response, however I must protesteth, lol.

1) Jews are not a race.

2) While Jews are very smart, they dont really seem to like hearing it said about them. I have no idea why.

3) Jews are the most successful ethnicity on the planet that had lost their original homeland. That they have held it together for 2000 years since the ROmans massacred and dispersed so many is a tribute to their intelligence, faith and resourcefulness.

4) While Jews are peaceful people, they can kick some serious ass when they need to.

5) They are the way they are because they are Gods People, the best of us as human beings and a blessing to the people of whatever land they settle.
Are you Jewish?
Nah, we are all cool with jews. What's not to like about them? They have higher IQs than just about every other race, they are extremely inventive with medicine and technology, they are peaceful people and they make great neighbors, plus they smash it when it comes to business. Honestly, id say jews are the most successful humans on the planet.
Great response, however I must protesteth, lol.

1) Jews are not a race.

2) While Jews are very smart, they dont really seem to like hearing it said about them. I have no idea why.

3) Jews are the most successful ethnicity on the planet that had lost their original homeland. That they have held it together for 2000 years since the ROmans massacred and dispersed so many is a tribute to their intelligence, faith and resourcefulness.

4) While Jews are peaceful people, they can kick some serious ass when they need to.

5) They are the way they are because they are Gods People, the best of us as human beings and a blessing to the people of whatever land they settle.
jesus you people are brainwashed. Oh and yes jews are a race Jews Are a ‘Race,’ Genes Reveal
Nah, we are all cool with jews. What's not to like about them? They have higher IQs than just about every other race, they are extremely inventive with medicine and technology, they are peaceful people and they make great neighbors, plus they smash it when it comes to business. Honestly, id say jews are the most successful humans on the planet.
Great response, however I must protesteth, lol.

1) Jews are not a race.

2) While Jews are very smart, they dont really seem to like hearing it said about them. I have no idea why.

3) Jews are the most successful ethnicity on the planet that had lost their original homeland. That they have held it together for 2000 years since the ROmans massacred and dispersed so many is a tribute to their intelligence, faith and resourcefulness.

4) While Jews are peaceful people, they can kick some serious ass when they need to.

5) They are the way they are because they are Gods People, the best of us as human beings and a blessing to the people of whatever land they settle.
jesus you people are brainwashed. Oh and yes jews are a race Jews Are a ‘Race,’ Genes Reveal

Who the fuck cares?
Nah, we are all cool with jews. What's not to like about them? They have higher IQs than just about every other race, they are extremely inventive with medicine and technology, they are peaceful people and they make great neighbors, plus they smash it when it comes to business. Honestly, id say jews are the most successful humans on the planet.
Great response, however I must protesteth, lol.

1) Jews are not a race.

2) While Jews are very smart, they dont really seem to like hearing it said about them. I have no idea why.

3) Jews are the most successful ethnicity on the planet that had lost their original homeland. That they have held it together for 2000 years since the ROmans massacred and dispersed so many is a tribute to their intelligence, faith and resourcefulness.

4) While Jews are peaceful people, they can kick some serious ass when they need to.

5) They are the way they are because they are Gods People, the best of us as human beings and a blessing to the people of whatever land they settle.
jesus you people are brainwashed. Oh and yes jews are a race Jews Are a ‘Race,’ Genes Reveal

Who the fuck cares?
Obviously you do. I don't let stupidity go without correcting it.

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