Olympia Snowe On Debt Ceiling Debate: 'I've Never Seen A Worse Congress'


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Olympia Snowe On Debt Ceiling Debate: 'I've Never Seen A Worse Congress'

Snowe, who served as Maine's congresswoman from 1979 to 1995 and has been a senator ever since, is being targeted by the Tea Party for voting in favor of the debt ceiling deal despite the fact that it did not include a balanced budget amendment.

"Just 25 days ago, Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe told us she would vote for a debt plan with a balanced budget amendment," Scott D'Amboise, a conservative Republican who is challenging Snowe for her Senate seat, wrote in the fundraising letter just hours after the debt ceiling vote. "However, today Snowe betrayed us by voting with the Democrats for a debt deal that gives President Obama a blank check in exchange for only token spending cuts and no promise for a balanced budget amendment."

So Tea Party retards would not have voted for the bill and would have welcomed a default, facking partisan hacks.
Ideological purity is clearly more important than the fate of the country.

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