Olympic swimmer Helen Smart dies suddenly at age 43: ‘Can’t comprehend’……another “isollated incident”.

So sad. It seems we have at least 3 of theseevery week now from elite athletes.

How could this possibly be happening?


I don't know for sure but could it have anything to do with what Heels Up Harris was talking about recently? Something or other about depopulation? I suspect she was referring to the clot shot.

So sad. It seems we have at least 3 of theseevery week now from elite athletes.

How could this possibly be happening?

She was not that Smart , poor Helen . And , of course it is happening in every field of activity , though there are variables which put sports people at greater risk . And you never get any reference in Media reports to their Killer Shot status , coroner findings where relevant , or post - mortem results. So many coincidences, rofl. .
These RARE AND ISOLATED INCIDENTS are really piling up.

Safe and effective is what they said the vax was,

She'd been paddle boarding right before she died.
Bro the shot killed her not the exercise.

Why is it that if she died FOR ANY REASON while having covid it would be labeled a covid death but the same logic isn't applied to the shot which is essentially a lab controlled version of covid injected into her body.

The shot killed her.
Gosh, where are all the liberals in this thread to defend the wonderful shots???

They still claim these all have nothing to do with the COVID Vax.

Remember how every death WITH COVID, these assholes called a COVID DEATH.

Now, every death or damage after the vax has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE VAX!

Its such lying bullshit.

Its amazing how your average cult fuck living on your street cares if your doctor prescribes you ivermectin. Its a cult.
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