Omar wants to end "Western imperialism"...

The problem is that the non-existent "American imperialism" has been taught in the American public system for the last half-century.
.....yes--never do they teach how the Native Americans/Africans/etc warred on/massacred/decimated/TORTURED/etc other tribes long before western imperialism

Uhhhmmmmmm..... that's not what "imperialism" means. Nor is a sweeping generalization a valid argument for anything anyway.
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?

Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?

The term is generally used in propaganda to denounce an opponent's foreign policy. Ergo, Omar considers the United States to be an opponent.

Perhaps so. But it's based in factual history, QED.

Thus are worlds built. Just think if we'd actually played a hegemon all these years.

Thus they are, however we ain't here to build no worlds, yet we've been doing so at least 120 years haven't we. Axe the innocent people of Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, the DR, Congo, Indonesia, Iraq, etc etc etc if we were just "playing". Might wanna axe summa them places ((Iraq, Syria) how they came to exist as regards the imperialism of, say, the UK and France.

Hell, whattaya think WW2 was all about?

WW2 was about us fighting AGAINST German and Japanese imperialism.

thanI you for making it so clear as to which side you support,though.
Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?

The term is generally used in propaganda to denounce an opponent's foreign policy. Ergo, Omar considers the United States to be an opponent.

Perhaps so. But it's based in factual history, QED.

Thus are worlds built. Just think if we'd actually played a hegemon all these years.

Thus they are, however we ain't here to build no worlds, yet we've been doing so at least 120 years haven't we. Axe the innocent people of Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, the DR, Congo, Indonesia, Iraq, etc etc etc if we were just "playing". Might wanna axe summa them places ((Iraq, Syria) how they came to exist as regards the imperialism of, say, the UK and France.

Hell, whattaya think WW2 was all about?

WW2 was about us fighting AGAINST German and Japanese imperialism.

thanI you for making it so clear as to which side you support,though.

Of course, one is a traitor if they oppose American imperialism.

So it goes in America today.
Actually we already did this a week ago, although Nostril Dumbass, the poster who started the thread, misattributed the quote, so hey it's a good day when you get one thing right.

Wanna see some highlights?

Here's a good one:

>> American imperialism began with McKinley's war on Cuba, the Caribbean, Hawaìi and the Philippines, continued through T Roosevelt's Philippines and Panama, continued further with Wilson's meddling in Latin America and the Soviet Union (we had troops in there until 1920), and really blossomed with the Eisenhower/Dulles forays into Guatemala, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia and Congo, not to mention Vietnam. And that only brings us to 1961, you're probably old enough to take it from there. <<

But maybe reeding iz harde. So here it is in video from that same thread:

Granted, these are only covering US imperialism. We'd have to expand to cover the "western" concept, the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese empires......

Want more? Or do you want to derail your own thread into whimpering about my sigline? Again?

The term is generally used in propaganda to denounce an opponent's foreign policy. Ergo, Omar considers the United States to be an opponent.

Perhaps so. But it's based in factual history, QED.

Thus are worlds built. Just think if we'd actually played a hegemon all these years.

Thus they are, however we ain't here to build no worlds, yet we've been doing so at least 120 years haven't we. Axe the innocent people of Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, the DR, Congo, Indonesia, Iraq, etc etc etc if we were just "playing". Might wanna axe summa them places ((Iraq, Syria) how they came to exist as regards the imperialism of, say, the UK and France.

Hell, whattaya think WW2 was all about?

WW2 was about us fighting AGAINST German and Japanese imperialism.

thanI you for making it so clear as to which side you support,though.

Actually I made no mention of "which side" but you are correct, German, Japanese and you forgot Italian imperialism. No thanls needed. Not even sure what a thanl is.

And you left out that what was threatened was British and French imperialism. Britain in the middle east, France in southeast Asia and north Africa. That's all under the umbrella of the aforementioned "western imperialism". Germany and Italy didn't even exist until the mid-19th century by which time Britain, France, Spain, Portugal and to a lesser extent Holland had all got the jump on the imperialism bidness. They tried to catch up wid a quickness and all hell broke loose.

Japan of course isn't "western" but had its own imperialism going on which was threatening French and Dutch imperialism, and perilously close to British (India). And you might maybe possibly remember Japan bombing Pearl Harbor, which is in Hawaìi ----- now how did we get Hawaìi in the first place? Gift from Santa Claus?
The term is generally used in propaganda to denounce an opponent's foreign policy. Ergo, Omar considers the United States to be an opponent.

Perhaps so. But it's based in factual history, QED.

Thus are worlds built. Just think if we'd actually played a hegemon all these years.

Thus they are, however we ain't here to build no worlds, yet we've been doing so at least 120 years haven't we. Axe the innocent people of Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, the DR, Congo, Indonesia, Iraq, etc etc etc if we were just "playing". Might wanna axe summa them places ((Iraq, Syria) how they came to exist as regards the imperialism of, say, the UK and France.

Hell, whattaya think WW2 was all about?

WW2 was about us fighting AGAINST German and Japanese imperialism.

thanI you for making it so clear as to which side you support,though.
Of course, one is a traitor if they oppose American imperialism.

So it goes in America today.
only a paranoid schizophrenic would thick that ww2 was an example of American imperialism.

run along now. I think I heard your conspiracy theory forum calling.
Perhaps so. But it's based in factual history, QED.

Thus are worlds built. Just think if we'd actually played a hegemon all these years.

Thus they are, however we ain't here to build no worlds, yet we've been doing so at least 120 years haven't we. Axe the innocent people of Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, the DR, Congo, Indonesia, Iraq, etc etc etc if we were just "playing". Might wanna axe summa them places ((Iraq, Syria) how they came to exist as regards the imperialism of, say, the UK and France.

Hell, whattaya think WW2 was all about?

WW2 was about us fighting AGAINST German and Japanese imperialism.

thanI you for making it so clear as to which side you support,though.
Of course, one is a traitor if they oppose American imperialism.

So it goes in America today.
only a paranoid schizophrenic would thick that ww2 was an example of American imperialism.

run along now. I think I heard your conspiracy theory forum calling.
Well opposing war doesn’t mean one supports the government’s enemy.
Perhaps so. But it's based in factual history, QED.

Thus are worlds built. Just think if we'd actually played a hegemon all these years.

Thus they are, however we ain't here to build no worlds, yet we've been doing so at least 120 years haven't we. Axe the innocent people of Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, the DR, Congo, Indonesia, Iraq, etc etc etc if we were just "playing". Might wanna axe summa them places ((Iraq, Syria) how they came to exist as regards the imperialism of, say, the UK and France.

Hell, whattaya think WW2 was all about?

WW2 was about us fighting AGAINST German and Japanese imperialism.

thanI you for making it so clear as to which side you support,though.
Of course, one is a traitor if they oppose American imperialism.

So it goes in America today.
only a paranoid schizophrenic would thick that ww2 was an example of American imperialism.

An illiterate might think that, since nobody suggested it.
Read much?
Thus are worlds built. Just think if we'd actually played a hegemon all these years.

Thus they are, however we ain't here to build no worlds, yet we've been doing so at least 120 years haven't we. Axe the innocent people of Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, the DR, Congo, Indonesia, Iraq, etc etc etc if we were just "playing". Might wanna axe summa them places ((Iraq, Syria) how they came to exist as regards the imperialism of, say, the UK and France.

Hell, whattaya think WW2 was all about?

WW2 was about us fighting AGAINST German and Japanese imperialism.

thanI you for making it so clear as to which side you support,though.
Of course, one is a traitor if they oppose American imperialism.

So it goes in America today.
only a paranoid schizophrenic would thick that ww2 was an example of American imperialism.

An illiterate might think that, since nobody suggested it.
Read much?
Omar hates this country because it is not Islamic. You hate this country because you are maladjusted and unhappy.

It is quite the unholy alliance at work.
Thus they are, however we ain't here to build no worlds, yet we've been doing so at least 120 years haven't we. Axe the innocent people of Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, the DR, Congo, Indonesia, Iraq, etc etc etc if we were just "playing". Might wanna axe summa them places ((Iraq, Syria) how they came to exist as regards the imperialism of, say, the UK and France.

Hell, whattaya think WW2 was all about?

WW2 was about us fighting AGAINST German and Japanese imperialism.

thanI you for making it so clear as to which side you support,though.
Of course, one is a traitor if they oppose American imperialism.

So it goes in America today.
only a paranoid schizophrenic would thick that ww2 was an example of American imperialism.

An illiterate might think that, since nobody suggested it.
Read much?
Omar hates this country because it is not Islamic. You hate this country because you are maladjusted and unhappy.

It is quite the unholy alliance at work.
That’s absurd. You are watching too much Fox News. Try thinking.

I love my country, but I hate it’s government. And I have done every well financially.

Unlike you, I don’t want my country sending our young people to kill and die for the .1%.

War is ALWAYS about the health of the state.
Thus they are, however we ain't here to build no worlds, yet we've been doing so at least 120 years haven't we. Axe the innocent people of Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, the DR, Congo, Indonesia, Iraq, etc etc etc if we were just "playing". Might wanna axe summa them places ((Iraq, Syria) how they came to exist as regards the imperialism of, say, the UK and France.

Hell, whattaya think WW2 was all about?

WW2 was about us fighting AGAINST German and Japanese imperialism.

thanI you for making it so clear as to which side you support,though.
Of course, one is a traitor if they oppose American imperialism.

So it goes in America today.
only a paranoid schizophrenic would thick that ww2 was an example of American imperialism.

An illiterate might think that, since nobody suggested it.
Read much?
Omar hates this country because it is not Islamic. You hate this country because you are maladjusted and unhappy.

It is quite the unholy alliance at work.

Yet another rhetoric fascist who fantasizes about dick-tating what other people's motivations are --- after jumping in on a conversation he wasn't even part of. You must be quite the flameout at parties.

No, dickhead, I happen to know this shit because I consider knowledge of one's own history to be vital and I'm not content with spoon-fed propaganda the State spoons out in great dollops to keep its rabble quiet and obedient, that OK with you?

It ain't a god damn secret -- read some history. And answer the question ... tell me where the fuck Hawaìi came from. Perhaps the Easter Island Bunny dropped it off, amirite? Perhaps Panama just erupted from a volcano in Colombia. Perhaps the "revolts" in Iran and Guatemala and Brazil and Hungary and Indonesia and Congo were just "organic" and not at all connected with CIA and Allen Dulles and several presidents. Yeah that's the ticket.
Last edited:
WW2 was about us fighting AGAINST German and Japanese imperialism.

thanI you for making it so clear as to which side you support,though.
Of course, one is a traitor if they oppose American imperialism.

So it goes in America today.
only a paranoid schizophrenic would thick that ww2 was an example of American imperialism.

An illiterate might think that, since nobody suggested it.
Read much?
Omar hates this country because it is not Islamic. You hate this country because you are maladjusted and unhappy.

It is quite the unholy alliance at work.
That’s absurd. You are watching too much Fox News. Try thinking.

I love my country, but I hate it’s government. And I have done every well financially.

Unlike you, I don’t want my country sending our young people to kill and die for the .1%.

War is ALWAYS about the health of the state.

So why if you hate it's "government" do you hate Trump? I mean he was against Iraq. Wants to bring home troops.
Trump being the anti-swamp-politician is a maverick to the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, McCain, Romney, GWB, Clinton and all
the government workers that want the status quo.
The above all want Trump gone because he is disrupting the status quo.

So I take it then you are still in favor of Obama and his anti-American status. And again you are still against Trump who has
done more to totally disrupt the status quo. I mean just in reduction of "Rules and Regulations" which I would think YOU being anti-government would also favor,

How many regulations has the Trump administration cut? Coming up with a solid number isn’t easy. The White House boasts the elimination of 22 rules for every new rule enacted, which results in $8.1 billion in lifetime savings via 67 regulatory cuts
These Are the Biggest Regulations Donald Trump Has Cut -- and How They Affect You
And how much does rules and regulations compliance cost?
Federal Regulations Cost U.S. $2 Trillion Per Year, Study Shows
Federal Regulations Cost U.S. $2 Trillion Per Year, Study Shows
Of course, one is a traitor if they oppose American imperialism.

So it goes in America today.
only a paranoid schizophrenic would thick that ww2 was an example of American imperialism.

An illiterate might think that, since nobody suggested it.
Read much?
Omar hates this country because it is not Islamic. You hate this country because you are maladjusted and unhappy.

It is quite the unholy alliance at work.
That’s absurd. You are watching too much Fox News. Try thinking.

I love my country, but I hate it’s government. And I have done every well financially.

Unlike you, I don’t want my country sending our young people to kill and die for the .1%.

War is ALWAYS about the health of the state.

So why if you hate it's "government" do you hate Trump? I mean he was against Iraq. Wants to bring home troops.
Trump being the anti-swamp-politician is a maverick to the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, McCain, Romney, GWB, Clinton and all
the government workers that want the status quo.
The above all want Trump gone because he is disrupting the status quo.

So I take it then you are still in favor of Obama and his anti-American status. And again you are still against Trump who has
done more to totally disrupt the status quo. I mean just in reduction of "Rules and Regulations" which I would think YOU being anti-government would also favor,

How many regulations has the Trump administration cut? Coming up with a solid number isn’t easy. The White House boasts the elimination of 22 rules for every new rule enacted, which results in $8.1 billion in lifetime savings via 67 regulatory cuts
These Are the Biggest Regulations Donald Trump Has Cut -- and How They Affect You
And how much does rules and regulations compliance cost?
Federal Regulations Cost U.S. $2 Trillion Per Year, Study Shows
Federal Regulations Cost U.S. $2 Trillion Per Year, Study Shows
I don’t hate Donnie and I certainly was never a supporter of Ears. Ears is like W a war criminal, who should be in solitary at Supermax.

I very much like Donnie’s efforts at peace. He has tried but hasn’t succeeded. Why the F does he bring in Bolton and make Pompeo SoS? Why is he supporting Saudis genocide in Yemen or the coup in Venezuela? His rhetoric against Iran is dumb too. Very spotty record so far.
WW2 was about us fighting AGAINST German and Japanese imperialism.

thanI you for making it so clear as to which side you support,though.
Of course, one is a traitor if they oppose American imperialism.

So it goes in America today.
only a paranoid schizophrenic would thick that ww2 was an example of American imperialism.

An illiterate might think that, since nobody suggested it.
Read much?
Omar hates this country because it is not Islamic. You hate this country because you are maladjusted and unhappy.

It is quite the unholy alliance at work.

Yet another rhetoric fascist who fantasizes about dick-tating what other people's motivations are --- after jumping in on a conversation he wasn't even part of. You must be quite the flameout at parties.

No, dickhead, I happen to know this shit because I consider knowledge of one's own history to be vital and I'm not content with spoon-fed propaganda the State spoons out in great dollops to keep its rabble quiet and obedient, that OK with you?

It ain't a god damn secret -- read some history. And answer the question ... tell me where the fuck Hawaìi came from. Perhaps the Easter Island Bunny dropped it off, amirite?
have you ever considered making something of yourself?

If you started contributing something to your country, you would find that you would stop hating it as you do. Successful people do not blame Americe for every ill maginable. Only failures do.
Ilhan Omar stated "end Western imperialism,"
Ilhan Omar at Bernie Sanders Rally: “I Am Beyond Honored and Excited for a President Who Will Fight Against Western Imperialism” - Geller Report News

Just a simple reminder for her and her ilk especially on this board:

It easier to tear something down rather than build something up.

So Omar and people on this board that agree with her, what will be its replacement after you end it?

I find it amusing that you Trumpies get so twisted over a single congresswoman.
Remember what Pelosi told AOC: You may have 7 million Twitter followers but you're only one vote.
Watching you trying to deflect from Trump's impending impeachment is sort of fun, though.
He's a threat to national security with his bumbling threats and bribery.
But you go ahead and worry your pretty little head over a little woman from Minnesota. Pathetic.
Of course, one is a traitor if they oppose American imperialism.

So it goes in America today.
only a paranoid schizophrenic would thick that ww2 was an example of American imperialism.

An illiterate might think that, since nobody suggested it.
Read much?
Omar hates this country because it is not Islamic. You hate this country because you are maladjusted and unhappy.

It is quite the unholy alliance at work.

Yet another rhetoric fascist who fantasizes about dick-tating what other people's motivations are --- after jumping in on a conversation he wasn't even part of. You must be quite the flameout at parties.

No, dickhead, I happen to know this shit because I consider knowledge of one's own history to be vital and I'm not content with spoon-fed propaganda the State spoons out in great dollops to keep its rabble quiet and obedient, that OK with you?

It ain't a god damn secret -- read some history. And answer the question ... tell me where the fuck Hawaìi came from. Perhaps the Easter Island Bunny dropped it off, amirite?
have you ever considered making something of yourself?

If you started contributing something to your country, you would find that you would stop hating it as you do. Successful people do not blame Americe for every ill maginable. Only failures do.

Thanl you. So you CAN'T answer the question, you DON'T know where "Americe" got Hawaii, you DON'T know where Panama came from, you DON'T know anything about this country's infiltrations in Vietnam, Laos Cambodia, Indonesia, Iran, Guatemala, Mexico, the Soviet Frickin Union etc etc etc because you're an uncurious pimple on the country's butt who buys whatever it tells you, no questions asked. Have any idea who Foster Dulles was? I'm guessing you don't.
only a paranoid schizophrenic would thick that ww2 was an example of American imperialism.

An illiterate might think that, since nobody suggested it.
Read much?
Omar hates this country because it is not Islamic. You hate this country because you are maladjusted and unhappy.

It is quite the unholy alliance at work.
That’s absurd. You are watching too much Fox News. Try thinking.

I love my country, but I hate it’s government. And I have done every well financially.

Unlike you, I don’t want my country sending our young people to kill and die for the .1%.

War is ALWAYS about the health of the state.

So why if you hate it's "government" do you hate Trump? I mean he was against Iraq. Wants to bring home troops.
Trump being the anti-swamp-politician is a maverick to the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, McCain, Romney, GWB, Clinton and all
the government workers that want the status quo.
The above all want Trump gone because he is disrupting the status quo.

So I take it then you are still in favor of Obama and his anti-American status. And again you are still against Trump who has
done more to totally disrupt the status quo. I mean just in reduction of "Rules and Regulations" which I would think YOU being anti-government would also favor,

How many regulations has the Trump administration cut? Coming up with a solid number isn’t easy. The White House boasts the elimination of 22 rules for every new rule enacted, which results in $8.1 billion in lifetime savings via 67 regulatory cuts
These Are the Biggest Regulations Donald Trump Has Cut -- and How They Affect You
And how much does rules and regulations compliance cost?
Federal Regulations Cost U.S. $2 Trillion Per Year, Study Shows
Federal Regulations Cost U.S. $2 Trillion Per Year, Study Shows
I don’t hate Donnie and I certainly was never a supporter of Ears. Ears is like W a war criminal, who should be in solitary at Supermax.

I very much like Donnie’s efforts at peace. He has tried but hasn’t succeeded. Why the F does he bring in Bolton and make Pompeo SoS? Why is he supporting Saudis genocide in Yemen or the coup in Venezuela? His rhetoric against Iran is dumb too. Very spotty record so far.

If Obama is a war criminal then why couldn't the Republicans do something about it?
So your statement is either false or the GOP is totally inept.

Trump gets love letters from Kim Jong Un and kisses Putin ass in Helsinki.
And you describe his record as "spotty"?
How about the truth: he's a fucking traitor to this country.
An illiterate might think that, since nobody suggested it.
Read much?
Omar hates this country because it is not Islamic. You hate this country because you are maladjusted and unhappy.

It is quite the unholy alliance at work.
That’s absurd. You are watching too much Fox News. Try thinking.

I love my country, but I hate it’s government. And I have done every well financially.

Unlike you, I don’t want my country sending our young people to kill and die for the .1%.

War is ALWAYS about the health of the state.

So why if you hate it's "government" do you hate Trump? I mean he was against Iraq. Wants to bring home troops.
Trump being the anti-swamp-politician is a maverick to the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, McCain, Romney, GWB, Clinton and all
the government workers that want the status quo.
The above all want Trump gone because he is disrupting the status quo.

So I take it then you are still in favor of Obama and his anti-American status. And again you are still against Trump who has
done more to totally disrupt the status quo. I mean just in reduction of "Rules and Regulations" which I would think YOU being anti-government would also favor,

How many regulations has the Trump administration cut? Coming up with a solid number isn’t easy. The White House boasts the elimination of 22 rules for every new rule enacted, which results in $8.1 billion in lifetime savings via 67 regulatory cuts
These Are the Biggest Regulations Donald Trump Has Cut -- and How They Affect You
And how much does rules and regulations compliance cost?
Federal Regulations Cost U.S. $2 Trillion Per Year, Study Shows
Federal Regulations Cost U.S. $2 Trillion Per Year, Study Shows
I don’t hate Donnie and I certainly was never a supporter of Ears. Ears is like W a war criminal, who should be in solitary at Supermax.

I very much like Donnie’s efforts at peace. He has tried but hasn’t succeeded. Why the F does he bring in Bolton and make Pompeo SoS? Why is he supporting Saudis genocide in Yemen or the coup in Venezuela? His rhetoric against Iran is dumb too. Very spotty record so far.

If Obama is a war criminal then why couldn't the Republicans do something about it?
So your statement is either false or the GOP is totally inept.

Trump gets love letters from Kim Jong Un and kisses Putin ass in Helsinki.
And you describe his record as "spotty"?
How about the truth: he's a fucking traitor to this country.
That’s silly. LMFAO. The Rs and Ds are warmongers. They loved W’s warmongering just as much as they did O’s warmongering.

Are you a corporate media consumer?
An illiterate might think that, since nobody suggested it.
Read much?
Omar hates this country because it is not Islamic. You hate this country because you are maladjusted and unhappy.

It is quite the unholy alliance at work.
That’s absurd. You are watching too much Fox News. Try thinking.

I love my country, but I hate it’s government. And I have done every well financially.

Unlike you, I don’t want my country sending our young people to kill and die for the .1%.

War is ALWAYS about the health of the state.

So why if you hate it's "government" do you hate Trump? I mean he was against Iraq. Wants to bring home troops.
Trump being the anti-swamp-politician is a maverick to the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, McCain, Romney, GWB, Clinton and all
the government workers that want the status quo.
The above all want Trump gone because he is disrupting the status quo.

So I take it then you are still in favor of Obama and his anti-American status. And again you are still against Trump who has
done more to totally disrupt the status quo. I mean just in reduction of "Rules and Regulations" which I would think YOU being anti-government would also favor,

How many regulations has the Trump administration cut? Coming up with a solid number isn’t easy. The White House boasts the elimination of 22 rules for every new rule enacted, which results in $8.1 billion in lifetime savings via 67 regulatory cuts
These Are the Biggest Regulations Donald Trump Has Cut -- and How They Affect You
And how much does rules and regulations compliance cost?
Federal Regulations Cost U.S. $2 Trillion Per Year, Study Shows
Federal Regulations Cost U.S. $2 Trillion Per Year, Study Shows
I don’t hate Donnie and I certainly was never a supporter of Ears. Ears is like W a war criminal, who should be in solitary at Supermax.

I very much like Donnie’s efforts at peace. He has tried but hasn’t succeeded. Why the F does he bring in Bolton and make Pompeo SoS? Why is he supporting Saudis genocide in Yemen or the coup in Venezuela? His rhetoric against Iran is dumb too. Very spotty record so far.

If Obama is a war criminal then why couldn't the Republicans do something about it?
So your statement is either false or the GOP is totally inept.

Trump gets love letters from Kim Jong Un and kisses Putin ass in Helsinki.
And you describe his record as "spotty"?
How about the truth: he's a fucking traitor to this country.
You clearly are consuming way too much corporate news. It makes you dumb.

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