OMB Director: "Spending on climate change a waste of money!"

But spending money on wars is worth the money. Worth it to who exactly? The soldiers who get killed, or the people making billions out of selling weapons?

Real sophomore type response s0n...........really. Discussion for another forum..........yuk.....yuk. But can always tell when somebody hasn't studied a lick of deterrence theory. do you square this thinking? The AGW kooks are pissing and moaning about climate change spending hugely cut.........but they also say, "the science is decided".:wtf::wtf::wtf::uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh:

You are an expert on "Deterrence"? It ain't no theory, the number of Boomers out there right now may have the same fire power of all of that used in all the wars in prior history. Our adversaries know that, and Trump ought to too; he should consider the fact that we have a big stick and he ought to STFU, and leave Brinkmanship to that asshole in N. Korea and not emulate him.

Actually s0n....wrote my thesis on the subject!!:fu:Pacifism is ghey...:gay:...nothing more to say.

You're a fag s0n.....when the shtf someday, you'll be among the first to capitulate because people like me will know exactly where to get the shit we need. You will happily hand shit over..........happily. :2up:. Because in this world, those with the bigger balls always survive.

As usual the only shit you know is what comes out of your mouth, or from your keyboard.
But spending money on wars is worth the money. Worth it to who exactly? The soldiers who get killed, or the people making billions out of selling weapons?

Real sophomore type response s0n...........really. Discussion for another forum..........yuk.....yuk. But can always tell when somebody hasn't studied a lick of deterrence theory. do you square this thinking? The AGW kooks are pissing and moaning about climate change spending hugely cut.........but they also say, "the science is decided".:wtf::wtf::wtf::uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh:

You are an expert on "Deterrence"? It ain't no theory, the number of Boomers out there right now may have the same fire power of all of that used in all the wars in prior history. Our adversaries know that, and Trump ought to too; he should consider the fact that we have a big stick and he ought to STFU, and leave Brinkmanship to that asshole in N. Korea and not emulate him.

Actually s0n....wrote my thesis on the subject!!:fu:Pacifism is ghey...:gay:...nothing more to say.

You're a fag s0n.....when the shtf someday, you'll be among the first to capitulate because people like me will know exactly where to get the shit we need. You will happily hand shit over..........happily. :2up:. Because in this world, those with the bigger balls always survive.

You mean you wrote on your feces; that might be credible (& stinky); nothing else you've post has ever been thoughtful, thought provoking or pleasant smelling.
But spending money on wars is worth the money. Worth it to who exactly? The soldiers who get killed, or the people making billions out of selling weapons?

Real sophomore type response s0n...........really. Discussion for another forum..........yuk.....yuk. But can always tell when somebody hasn't studied a lick of deterrence theory. do you square this thinking? The AGW kooks are pissing and moaning about climate change spending hugely cut.........but they also say, "the science is decided".:wtf::wtf::wtf::uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh:

You are an expert on "Deterrence"? It ain't no theory, the number of Boomers out there right now may have the same fire power of all of that used in all the wars in prior history. Our adversaries know that, and Trump ought to too; he should consider the fact that we have a big stick and he ought to STFU, and leave Brinkmanship to that asshole in N. Korea and not emulate him.

Actually s0n....wrote my thesis on the subject!!:fu:Pacifism is ghey...:gay:...nothing more to say.

You're a fag s0n.....when the shtf someday, you'll be among the first to capitulate because people like me will know exactly where to get the shit we need. You will happily hand shit over..........happily. :2up:. Because in this world, those with the bigger balls always survive.

You mean you wrote on your feces; that might be credible (& stinky); nothing else you've post has ever been thoughtful, thought provoking or pleasant smelling.

lol.......translation s0n? Ive been outed as the snowflake I am.......and Im pissed!!! Yep......a fag from a fag town that is also the most anti-black city in our nation. Sucks being you s0n.......and you know it too!!:fu:
3 American cities that use 100% renewable energy — and 7 that plan to join them within 20 years
3 American cities that use 100% renewable energy — and 7 that plan to join them within 20 years

What the minions of the orange clown think or say is irrelevant, the economics of wind and solar has already put the writing on the wall.

Yeah but c'mon......they are only cities with about 47 people in them. My math on this is that by 2050, there will still be thousands of American cities not even close to running renewables for electricity. All official estimates ( non-green ), including by the Obama 2016 EIA report continue to say renewables combined will still be at only 10% by 2050 with most of that being hydro. Of course, as always, it always comes down to costs, which is why you see Germany taking an about face on renewables in the last several years.......the slimy politicians never told them how much going to solar and wind was going to cost them......then they started getting their electric bills!!:coffee:

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