OMG Clinton's e-mails yet Trump.........

Really? You are that stupid.

These people are supposed to have clearances & Trump is soewung clsassified sghit to them every fucking day.

Wjat the fuck is wrong with you people?

You went into a frenzy because you thought Hillary's e-mail had classified information & someone might get it. Trump is actually doing it every fucking day.

He did it with Flynn - a foreign agent. He did it with Manafort.

He did it with the wife beaters.

So because somebody is involved in a domestic dispute, they can't be cleared for classified information?

Not every mission involves classified information, in fact I would say very few do.

However Hillary's toy server had the minimum safeguards on it. Even Comey testified to Congress that her server could have easily been hacked. He also testified that yes, her server had all kinds of classified and confidential material on it. A high school computer geek could have broken into it.

Then they found some of that information on Uma's husband laptop; the device he was using to send nude pictures of himself to strange women on the internet.

Keep on guessing.

Uncleared people running around the White House with Classified information & you make excuses.

But hey, that fuckin Clinton. Right asshole.

Where is this proof of yours there are uncleared people with classified information in the the White House?

The only asshole around here is the one making shit up as he goes along.

Pull your head out of your ass & read the fucking news.

Here you are accusuing me of making up shit & it is you being an ignorant fool. Fuck you, Ray.

You are making shit up. Either that or you don't understand there are different levels of clearances. Clearance to be in the White House or working for the government is way different than clearance to have access to classified or confidential material.
Ray, read the fucking news & just shut thenfuck up.
Bullshit. You are just guessing.

Everytime your oramge POS does something bad or stupid you come running "OMG OMG OMG but Clinton...."

Trump's White House is grossly mismanaged.
Anything that damages the federal government is a good thing
Said like a true traitorous Trumpette POS>

The country and the federal government are not one in the same… Shit for brains

So, if spies are in the White House stealing our secrets. That would make you happy.
It made all of you Obama cocksuckers happy when he enlisted his DOJ to steal secrets from the Trump campaign and transition staff.

Go fuck a snake, you reptilian POS!

So, the Trump campaign employed people that were speaking to the Russians & were picked up when those Russians were wire tapped.

And you complain about that?

Really Asswipe. Are you a Russian loving traitorous fuck like your orange buddy.
As the feeble minded Trumprttes keep having a fit about how Hillary's e-mails risked classified information, they sit idly by as their orange leader dishes classified information daily to people without security clearance.

Like what? Give us an example.

There are 30-40 people working today in the White House without the proper security clearance.

And they are dealing with classified information? :linky:

Kusher - the idiot son-in-law sen by Trump to deal with the Israelis, is one.

What does that have to do with classified information?
Oh please. You can't be that fucking stupid.

The question is are you? What did his son-in-laws visit to Israel have to do with classified information?

Really? You are that stupid.

These people are supposed to have clearances & Trump is soewung clsassified sghit to them every fucking day.

Wjat the fuck is wrong with you people?

You went into a frenzy because you thought Hillary's e-mail had classified information & someone might get it. Trump is actually doing it every fucking day.

He did it with Flynn - a foreign agent. He did it with Manafort.

He did it with the wife beaters.

So because somebody is involved in a domestic dispute, they can't be cleared for classified information?

Not every mission involves classified information, in fact I would say very few do.

However Hillary's toy server had the minimum safeguards on it. Even Comey testified to Congress that her server could have easily been hacked. He also testified that yes, her server had all kinds of classified and confidential material on it. A high school computer geek could have broken into it.

Then they found some of that information on Uma's husband laptop; the device he was using to send nude pictures of himself to strange women on the internet.

Yes, spousal abuse is one of the things that can get a clearance denied. Why? Because it is something that can be used to blackmail a person.
Oh please. You can't be that fucking stupid.

The question is are you? What did his son-in-laws visit to Israel have to do with classified information?

Really? You are that stupid.

These people are supposed to have clearances & Trump is soewung clsassified sghit to them every fucking day.

Wjat the fuck is wrong with you people?

You went into a frenzy because you thought Hillary's e-mail had classified information & someone might get it. Trump is actually doing it every fucking day.

He did it with Flynn - a foreign agent. He did it with Manafort.

He did it with the wife beaters.

So because somebody is involved in a domestic dispute, they can't be cleared for classified information?

Not every mission involves classified information, in fact I would say very few do.

However Hillary's toy server had the minimum safeguards on it. Even Comey testified to Congress that her server could have easily been hacked. He also testified that yes, her server had all kinds of classified and confidential material on it. A high school computer geek could have broken into it.

Then they found some of that information on Uma's husband laptop; the device he was using to send nude pictures of himself to strange women on the internet.

Keep on guessing.

Uncleared people running around the White House with Classified information & you make excuses.

But hey, that fuckin Clinton. Right asshole.

Where is this proof of yours there are uncleared people with classified information in the the White House?

The only asshole around here is the one making shit up as he goes along.

Porter was responsible for all the paperwork that crossed Trump's desk and worked very closely with Gen. Kelly. That is a job where classified material goes past EVERY DAY. And, Porter only had an interim clearance, meaning it was a probationary clearance while waiting on the investigation to be completed.

And yes, spousal abuse is something that can stop you from getting one, because it is something that can be used to blackmail a person.
For those with an open mind, and a clear sense of reality, please respond to the seminal question, i.e. why is HRC guilty, when the investigation did not find Mens rea, and Trump is excused, when the evidence proves his inner circle and family have access to classified material.

Does Trump know he shouldn't share classified material unless the person(s) has been fully vetted, or is he too inexperienced to know?

Typical "If you don't believe the way I do you must be closed minded." Here are the facts anyone that has access to the President goes through a vetting process the same for advisors this is how it works.

Clinton knowingly sent classified material over an unsecured server, there is no denying it. I've seen people jailed for the very same shit. I've seen people lose security clearances over a bad credit score.

Post the classified e-mails.

Right after you post the classified material Trump supposedly shared.

By the way.
22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified to Be Made Public

Watch GMA today and the interview with someone who knows about TOP SECRET FOLDERS on the desk of POTUS daily.

Why does Trump not keep a log of all visitors to the White House?

Transparency does not exist in the Trump White House, at least to the public. Non vetted, no credentialed of his family and the inner circle are privy to them and his cronies.

Time for Mueller and the FBI to investigate Trump and his unwillingness to follow the rules - HRC was so investigated at a large cost of taxpayer money, and one must believe the POTUS has more and more secrets than she ever did.

Without knowing who is being blackmailed and what they've been privy to, we are all at risk.
Last edited:
As the feeble minded Trumprttes keep having a fit about how Hillary's e-mails risked classified information, they sit idly by as their orange leader dishes classified information daily to people without security clearance.

There are 30-40 people working today in the White House without the proper security clearance.

Well one less adfter rhe Trump praised wife beater Portman resigned.

Kusher - the idiot son-in-law sen by Trump to deal with the Israelis, is one.

This is yet another gross mismanagement by Trump & another sign of just how fucking stupid his base really is.

Ah, a liberal insults Trump voters say how did that work out for you in 2016? Do you still have sour grapes over getting your ass whooped? Are you still in pain knowing Trump controls the White House and GOP controls both the House and Senate? Here's how I feel :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Because they have security clearances dumbass.

And Clinton not only was committing felonies regarding dissemination of classified intel, she was selling it, and also engaging in insider trading.

There is nothing she wasn’t willing to sell.

HRC has been accused of allowing classified information for her eyes only to be disseminated recklessly. The FBI cleared her of a crime, and indicated she was careless. No Mens rea, no crime.

She continues to be attacked by Trump Supporters and Clinton Haters and even today, "lock her up" rings out at Trump rallies.

Trump has allowed classified information - including what maybe TOP SECRET matters, to be seen/handled by his family and his inner circle without a full vetting. Yet, not a peep from his supporters as to the propriety of this behavior.

Why is that?

Once again your presentation of the evidence is overwhelming, how anyone cannot believe your enlightening and probative facts of Madam Secretary's crimes simply amazes me.

For those with an open mind, and a clear sense of reality, please respond to the seminal question, i.e. why is HRC guilty, when the investigation did not find Mens rea, and Trump is excused, when the evidence proves his inner circle and family have access to classified material.

Does Trump know he shouldn't share classified material unless the person(s) has been fully vetted, or is he too inexperienced to know?
Typical "If you don't believe the way I do you must be closed minded." Here are the facts anyone that has access to the President goes through a vetting process the same for advisors this is how it works.

Clinton knowingly sent classified material over an unsecured server, there is no denying it. I've seen people jailed for the very same shit. I've seen people lose security clearances over a bad credit score.

Post the classified e-mails.
Right after you post the classified material Trump supposedly shared.

By the way.
22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified to Be Made Public

Watch GMA today and the interview with someone who knows about TOP SECRET FOLDERS on the desk of POTUS daily.

Why does Trump not keep a log of all visitors to the White House?

Transparency does not exist in the Trump White House, at least to the public. Non vetted, no credentialed of his family and the inner circle are privy to them and his cronies.

Time for Mueller and the FBI to investigate Trump and his unwillingness to follow the rules - HRC was so investigated at a large cost of taxpayer money, and one must believe the POTUS has more and more secrets than she ever did.

Without knowing who is being blackmailed and what they've been privy to, we are all at risk.
Now Liberals are concerned about transparency what a fucking joke.
So Much For Obama's Pledge To Transparency
Porter only had an interim security clearance. What does that mean? It means he was given a temporary clearance while waiting for his investigation to come back approved. Because he had spousal abuse (something that blackmailers can use) in his past, his clearance was held up for that reason.

Interestingly enough, when people in my commands were issued interim clearances, they were only given for 6 months, not indefinitely like Porter's apparently was.

And yes, Porter as the person who is responsible for every piece of paper that goes across Trump's desk, he's going to see Top Secret and classified material on a daily basis.
Anything that damages the federal government is a good thing
Said like a true traitorous Trumpette POS>

The country and the federal government are not one in the same… Shit for brains

So, if spies are in the White House stealing our secrets. That would make you happy.
It made all of you Obama cocksuckers happy when he enlisted his DOJ to steal secrets from the Trump campaign and transition staff.

Go fuck a snake, you reptilian POS!

So, the Trump campaign employed people that were speaking to the Russians & were picked up when those Russians were wire tapped.

And you complain about that?

Really Asswipe. Are you a Russian loving traitorous fuck like your orange buddy.
You suck far too much Obama ass
Said like a true traitorous Trumpette POS>

The country and the federal government are not one in the same… Shit for brains

So, if spies are in the White House stealing our secrets. That would make you happy.
It made all of you Obama cocksuckers happy when he enlisted his DOJ to steal secrets from the Trump campaign and transition staff.

Go fuck a snake, you reptilian POS!

So, the Trump campaign employed people that were speaking to the Russians & were picked up when those Russians were wire tapped.

And you complain about that?

Really Asswipe. Are you a Russian loving traitorous fuck like your orange buddy.
You suck far too much Obama ass

South Park  white kissing  black ass.jpg
And your continual fellating of The Marxist in Chief and rumanating over Crimes that never occurred, were never Crimes in the first place, and fictitious stories worthy of Mother Goose Fairy Tales Used to attack Our Democracy on behalf of Clinton & Obama with Putin’s help amaze me!

Got Naked Trump?

This goes back clear to November which means Putin got to Adam Schiff and he was helping with “The Insurance Plan”

Devin Nunes: Seeing "Bizarre Behavior" From Adam Schiff About Investigation Into Origin Of 'Steele Dossier'

Because they have security clearances dumbass.

And Clinton not only was committing felonies regarding dissemination of classified intel, she was selling it, and also engaging in insider trading.

There is nothing she wasn’t willing to sell.

HRC has been accused of allowing classified information for her eyes only to be disseminated recklessly. The FBI cleared her of a crime, and indicated she was careless. No Mens rea, no crime.

She continues to be attacked by Trump Supporters and Clinton Haters and even today, "lock her up" rings out at Trump rallies.

Trump has allowed classified information - including what maybe TOP SECRET matters, to be seen/handled by his family and his inner circle without a full vetting. Yet, not a peep from his supporters as to the propriety of this behavior.

Why is that?

Once again your presentation of the evidence is overwhelming, how anyone cannot believe your enlightening and probative facts of Madam Secretary's crimes simply amazes me.

HRC has been accused of allowing classified information for her eyes only to be disseminated recklessly. The FBI cleared her of a crime, and indicated she was careless. No Mens rea, no crime.

She continues to be attacked by Trump Supporters and Clinton Haters and even today, "lock her up" rings out at Trump rallies.

Trump has allowed classified information - including what maybe TOP SECRET matters, to be seen/handled by his family and his inner circle without a full vetting. Yet, not a peep from his supporters as to the propriety of this behavior.

Why is that?

I still have no idea why she hasn't been locked up!

Look up Mens rea, read the Bill of Rights, look up the Magna Carta and the Rights of Man and Citizens, Then you MIGHT have a clue.

Why do you excuse Trump for his failure to secure classified information?

Mens rea doesn't apply, moron. That statute only requires gross negligence. How many times does this have to be explained to all you SJW morons?
Porter only had an interim security clearance. What does that mean? It means he was given a temporary clearance while waiting for his investigation to come back approved. Because he had spousal abuse (something that blackmailers can use) in his past, his clearance was held up for that reason.

Interestingly enough, when people in my commands were issued interim clearances, they were only given for 6 months, not indefinitely like Porter's apparently was.

And yes, Porter as the person who is responsible for every piece of paper that goes across Trump's desk, he's going to see Top Secret and classified material on a daily basis.

This is the biggest non-scandal ever to become fake news, aside from the whole "Russian collusion" scandal, that is.
Hillary stores untold numbers of classified emails on a home server, which is illegal, sources say it was likely hacked, and you have the nerve to compare this to anything Trump as allegedly done? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
For those with an open mind, and a clear sense of reality, please respond to the seminal question, i.e. why is HRC guilty, when the investigation did not find Mens rea, and Trump is excused, when the evidence proves his inner circle and family have access to classified material.

Does Trump know he shouldn't share classified material unless the person(s) has been fully vetted, or is he too inexperienced to know?
Typical "If you don't believe the way I do you must be closed minded." Here are the facts anyone that has access to the President goes through a vetting process the same for advisors this is how it works.

Clinton knowingly sent classified material over an unsecured server, there is no denying it. I've seen people jailed for the very same shit. I've seen people lose security clearances over a bad credit score.

Post the classified e-mails.
Right after you post the classified material Trump supposedly shared.

By the way.
22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified to Be Made Public

Watch GMA today and the interview with someone who knows about TOP SECRET FOLDERS on the desk of POTUS daily.

Why does Trump not keep a log of all visitors to the White House?

Transparency does not exist in the Trump White House, at least to the public. Non vetted, no credentialed of his family and the inner circle are privy to them and his cronies.

Time for Mueller and the FBI to investigate Trump and his unwillingness to follow the rules - HRC was so investigated at a large cost of taxpayer money, and one must believe the POTUS has more and more secrets than she ever did.

Without knowing who is being blackmailed and what they've been privy to, we are all at risk.

Now Liberals are concerned about transparency what a fucking joke.
So Much For Obama's Pledge To Transparency

Stop being a dip shit, no president in my lifetime has been as unfit, incompetent and dishonest as Donald Trump. There is a time when a President needs secracy
HRC has been accused of allowing classified information for her eyes only to be disseminated recklessly. The FBI cleared her of a crime, and indicated she was careless. No Mens rea, no crime.

She continues to be attacked by Trump Supporters and Clinton Haters and even today, "lock her up" rings out at Trump rallies.

Trump has allowed classified information - including what maybe TOP SECRET matters, to be seen/handled by his family and his inner circle without a full vetting. Yet, not a peep from his supporters as to the propriety of this behavior.

Why is that?

I still have no idea why she hasn't been locked up!

Look up Mens rea, read the Bill of Rights, look up the Magna Carta and the Rights of Man and Citizens, Then you MIGHT have a clue.

Why do you excuse Trump for his failure to secure classified information?

Mens rea doesn't apply, moron. That statute only requires gross negligence. How many times does this have to be explained to all you SJW morons?

Post the Statute. Of course you won't, but the reader needs to understand the Federal Definition, to wit:

Gross negligence is the "lack of slight diligence or care" or "a conscious, voluntary act or omission in reckless disregard of a legal duty and of the consequences to another party." ... The standard of ordinary negligence is what conduct deviates from the proverbial "reasonable person".
Morons like bripat never does research, his posts are mostly hysterical with fake facts justifying his foolish notion of reality.
Said like a true traitorous Trumpette POS>

The country and the federal government are not one in the same… Shit for brains

So, if spies are in the White House stealing our secrets. That would make you happy.
It made all of you Obama cocksuckers happy when he enlisted his DOJ to steal secrets from the Trump campaign and transition staff.

Go fuck a snake, you reptilian POS!

So, the Trump campaign employed people that were speaking to the Russians & were picked up when those Russians were wire tapped.

And you complain about that?

Really Asswipe. Are you a Russian loving traitorous fuck like your orange buddy.
You suck far too much Obama ass
This from Mr orange lips.

The country and the federal government are not one in the same… Shit for brains

So, if spies are in the White House stealing our secrets. That would make you happy.
It made all of you Obama cocksuckers happy when he enlisted his DOJ to steal secrets from the Trump campaign and transition staff.

Go fuck a snake, you reptilian POS!

So, the Trump campaign employed people that were speaking to the Russians & were picked up when those Russians were wire tapped.

And you complain about that?

Really Asswipe. Are you a Russian loving traitorous fuck like your orange buddy.
You suck far too much Obama ass

View attachment 176095
Funny chit coming from a Trumpette who doesn't give a rat's ass that Trump colluded with the Rusians & passes around classified information with people who lack the proper security clearance.

How about the fat assed orange POS keep America safe by doing his FUCKING job. He passed classified information to Flynn for Christ's sake & he was working as a foreign agent.

This is how fucking stupid you Trumpettes are.
As the feeble minded Trumprttes keep having a fit about how Hillary's e-mails risked classified information, they sit idly by as their orange leader dishes classified information daily to people without security clearance.

There are 30-40 people working today in the White House without the proper security clearance.

Well one less adfter rhe Trump praised wife beater Portman resigned.

Kusher - the idiot son-in-law sen by Trump to deal with the Israelis, is one.

This is yet another gross mismanagement by Trump & another sign of just how fucking stupid his base really is.

Ah, a liberal insults Trump voters say how did that work out for you in 2016? Do you still have sour grapes over getting your ass whooped? Are you still in pain knowing Trump controls the White House and GOP controls both the House and Senate? Here's how I feel :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
This country is in pain & you could care less.
As the feeble minded Trumprttes keep having a fit about how Hillary's e-mails risked classified information, they sit idly by as their orange leader dishes classified information daily to people without security clearance.

There are 30-40 people working today in the White House without the proper security clearance.

Well one less adfter rhe Trump praised wife beater Portman resigned.

Kusher - the idiot son-in-law sen by Trump to deal with the Israelis, is one.

This is yet another gross mismanagement by Trump & another sign of just how fucking stupid his base really is.

Ah, a liberal insults Trump voters say how did that work out for you in 2016? Do you still have sour grapes over getting your ass whooped? Are you still in pain knowing Trump controls the White House and GOP controls both the House and Senate? Here's how I feel :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
This country is in pain & you could care less.

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