OMG Clinton's e-mails yet Trump.........

Dims love Hillary. That is how fucking stupid these braindead, armstretched, commie lickin', terrorist lovin', street corner shittin', bathroom swappin', military hatin', couch worshippin' worthless perverted traitors are. Embarrassing to this country - embarrassing to the world over.
So, the Trump campaign employed people that were speaking to the Russians & were picked up when those Russians were wire tapped.

And you complain about that?

Really Asswipe. Are you a Russian loving traitorous fuck like your orange buddy.
You suck far too much Obama ass

View attachment 176095
Funny chit coming from a Trumpette who doesn't give a rat's ass that Trump colluded with the Rusians & passes around classified information with people who lack the proper security clearance.

How about the fat assed orange POS keep America safe by doing his FUCKING job. He passed classified information to Flynn for Christ's sake & he was working as a foreign agent.

This is how fucking stupid you Trumpettes are.

Do you make this shit up as you go along or do you plan it for some time?

There is no Russian collusion you brainwashed fool. The only Russian collusion was between Steele and the Russians who's information got passed to FISA to issue an illegal surveillance warrant to spy on an opposing party candidate.

Show me this proof of classified material going into the hands of people with no security clearance. You can't, because you made it all up. Hillary sent classified material to OOOOMA's computer which was used for her husband to send out dick pictures to complete strangers, and you're worried about similar information going into the hands of a former US General???
FISA warrant was legal because only suspicion is required.
And proof of release of classified info is here.

Oh! Buzzfeed said only suspicion is required? Boy do I feel foolish now. :21:

As for Trump releasing classified information, he has the authority to declassify anything he wants. Sorry you don't approve of it, but every President has that ability.
Funny chit coming from a Trumpette who doesn't give a rat's ass that Trump colluded with the Rusians & passes around classified information with people who lack the proper security clearance.

How about the fat assed orange POS keep America safe by doing his FUCKING job. He passed classified information to Flynn for Christ's sake & he was working as a foreign agent.

This is how fucking stupid you Trumpettes are.

Do you make this shit up as you go along or do you plan it for some time?

There is no Russian collusion you brainwashed fool. The only Russian collusion was between Steele and the Russians who's information got passed to FISA to issue an illegal surveillance warrant to spy on an opposing party candidate.

Show me this proof of classified material going into the hands of people with no security clearance. You can't, because you made it all up. Hillary sent classified material to OOOOMA's computer which was used for her husband to send out dick pictures to complete strangers, and you're worried about similar information going into the hands of a former US General???
FISA warrant was legal because only suspicion is required.
And proof of release of classified info is here.

Oh! Buzzfeed said only suspicion is required? Boy do I feel foolish now. :21:

As for Trump releasing classified information, he has the authority to declassify anything he wants. Sorry you don't approve of it, but every President has that ability.
Buzzfeed is only reporting on it. Just suspicion is required according to Deborah Pearlstein, a constitutional-law scholar at Cardozo School of Law in New York.
The president has authority to declassify, but the US wasnt given permission by the ally country. The same applies to Hillary as described here; whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
Typical "If you don't believe the way I do you must be closed minded." Here are the facts anyone that has access to the President goes through a vetting process the same for advisors this is how it works.

Clinton knowingly sent classified material over an unsecured server, there is no denying it. I've seen people jailed for the very same shit. I've seen people lose security clearances over a bad credit score.

Post the classified e-mails.
Right after you post the classified material Trump supposedly shared.

By the way.
22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified to Be Made Public

Watch GMA today and the interview with someone who knows about TOP SECRET FOLDERS on the desk of POTUS daily.

Why does Trump not keep a log of all visitors to the White House?

Transparency does not exist in the Trump White House, at least to the public. Non vetted, no credentialed of his family and the inner circle are privy to them and his cronies.

Time for Mueller and the FBI to investigate Trump and his unwillingness to follow the rules - HRC was so investigated at a large cost of taxpayer money, and one must believe the POTUS has more and more secrets than she ever did.

Without knowing who is being blackmailed and what they've been privy to, we are all at risk.

Now Liberals are concerned about transparency what a fucking joke.
So Much For Obama's Pledge To Transparency

Stop being a dip shit, no president in my lifetime has been as unfit, incompetent and dishonest as Donald Trump. There is a time when a President needs secracy
HRC has been accused of allowing classified information for her eyes only to be disseminated recklessly. The FBI cleared her of a crime, and indicated she was careless. No Mens rea, no crime.

She continues to be attacked by Trump Supporters and Clinton Haters and even today, "lock her up" rings out at Trump rallies.

Trump has allowed classified information - including what maybe TOP SECRET matters, to be seen/handled by his family and his inner circle without a full vetting. Yet, not a peep from his supporters as to the propriety of this behavior.

Why is that?

I still have no idea why she hasn't been locked up!

Look up Mens rea, read the Bill of Rights, look up the Magna Carta and the Rights of Man and Citizens, Then you MIGHT have a clue.

Why do you excuse Trump for his failure to secure classified information?

Mens rea doesn't apply, moron. That statute only requires gross negligence. How many times does this have to be explained to all you SJW morons?

Post the Statute. Of course you won't, but the reader needs to understand the Federal Definition, to wit:

Gross negligence is the "lack of slight diligence or care" or "a conscious, voluntary act or omission in reckless disregard of a legal duty and of the consequences to another party." ... The standard of ordinary negligence is what conduct deviates from the proverbial "reasonable person".
Morons like bripat never does research, his posts are mostly hysterical with fake facts justifying his foolish notion of reality.

How does that prove the statue requires intent, moron? Your "research" was an effort in wasting your time. It's entirely irrelevant. It proved nothing.
HRC has been accused of allowing classified information for her eyes only to be disseminated recklessly. The FBI cleared her of a crime, and indicated she was careless. No Mens rea, no crime.

She continues to be attacked by Trump Supporters and Clinton Haters and even today, "lock her up" rings out at Trump rallies.

Trump has allowed classified information - including what maybe TOP SECRET matters, to be seen/handled by his family and his inner circle without a full vetting. Yet, not a peep from his supporters as to the propriety of this behavior.

Why is that?

She had a 98% chance to win (according to CNN) on 11/9/2016

It's been a while since, no?

Okay, they were way off, now what? Where do we go from here, hmm?
When Trump is sloppy with confidential information, his supporters don't really care because ... well, because he's an (almost) openly pro-white president. That's it.

Also, because he's a president and she was SOS, and the president can declassify anything whenever he wants, as I understand it. Not that many of them actually think through it that far. They just hear, "Trump", think, "Oh, he hates those nasty darkies just like I do", and immediately throw their weight behind him.
No poster in my lifetime has been so unfit, so mentally unstable, so dishonest, .so full of hate, and so willing to serve as Putin’s Butt Plug than Comrade Cry Catcher!

Typical "If you don't believe the way I do you must be closed minded." Here are the facts anyone that has access to the President goes through a vetting process the same for advisors this is how it works.

Clinton knowingly sent classified material over an unsecured server, there is no denying it. I've seen people jailed for the very same shit. I've seen people lose security clearances over a bad credit score.

Post the classified e-mails.
Right after you post the classified material Trump supposedly shared.

By the way.
22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified to Be Made Public

Watch GMA today and the interview with someone who knows about TOP SECRET FOLDERS on the desk of POTUS daily.

Why does Trump not keep a log of all visitors to the White House?

Transparency does not exist in the Trump White House, at least to the public. Non vetted, no credentialed of his family and the inner circle are privy to them and his cronies.

Time for Mueller and the FBI to investigate Trump and his unwillingness to follow the rules - HRC was so investigated at a large cost of taxpayer money, and one must believe the POTUS has more and more secrets than she ever did.

Without knowing who is being blackmailed and what they've been privy to, we are all at risk.

Now Liberals are concerned about transparency what a fucking joke.
So Much For Obama's Pledge To Transparency

Stop being a dip shit, no president in my lifetime has been as unfit, incompetent and dishonest as Donald Trump. There is a time when a President needs secracy
HRC has been accused of allowing classified information for her eyes only to be disseminated recklessly. The FBI cleared her of a crime, and indicated she was careless. No Mens rea, no crime.

She continues to be attacked by Trump Supporters and Clinton Haters and even today, "lock her up" rings out at Trump rallies.

Trump has allowed classified information - including what maybe TOP SECRET matters, to be seen/handled by his family and his inner circle without a full vetting. Yet, not a peep from his supporters as to the propriety of this behavior.

Why is that?

I still have no idea why she hasn't been locked up!

Look up Mens rea, read the Bill of Rights, look up the Magna Carta and the Rights of Man and Citizens, Then you MIGHT have a clue.

Why do you excuse Trump for his failure to secure classified information?

Mens rea doesn't apply, moron. That statute only requires gross negligence. How many times does this have to be explained to all you SJW morons?

Post the Statute. Of course you won't, but the reader needs to understand the Federal Definition, to wit:
Gross negligence is the "lack of slight diligence or care" or "a conscious, voluntary act or omission in reckless disregard of a legal duty and of the consequences to another party." ... The standard of ordinary negligence is what conduct deviates from the proverbial "reasonable person".
Morons like bripat never does research, his posts are mostly hysterical with fake facts justifying his foolish notion of reality.
Last edited:
Not only are you a moron and race baiter, you made my IGNORE list.

Congratulations Comrade.Putin is very angry with you right now!
When Trump is sloppy with confidential information, his supporters don't really care because ... well, because he's an (almost) openly pro-white president. That's it.

Also, because he's a president and she was SOS, and the president can declassify anything whenever he wants, as I understand it. Not that many of them actually think through it that far. They just hear, "Trump", think, "Oh, he hates those nasty darkies just like I do", and immediately throw their weight behind him.
HRC has been accused of allowing classified information for her eyes only to be disseminated recklessly. The FBI cleared her of a crime, and indicated she was careless. No Mens rea, no crime.
Bullshit. Being careless and stupid is not an excuse for violating the espionage act. The FBI did not clear her of anything, in fact Comey held a press conference in which he indicated that Clinton violated the espionage act well over 100 times.

If you or I did that we would be in prison for the rest of our lives.
Not only are you a moron and race baiter, you made my IGNORE list.

Congratulations Comrade.Putin is very angry with you right now!
When Trump is sloppy with confidential information, his supporters don't really care because ... well, because he's an (almost) openly pro-white president. That's it.

Also, because he's a president and she was SOS, and the president can declassify anything whenever he wants, as I understand it. Not that many of them actually think through it that far. They just hear, "Trump", think, "Oh, he hates those nasty darkies just like I do", and immediately throw their weight behind him.

What an honor.

Truth is, no one has to take my word for it. The racism that comes from Trump supporters on here is so abundant that you'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to notice it.
You do not understand the ramifications of an insecure PRIVATE server in Hillary's home containing TOP SECRET classified information. Nor do you understand the OBVIOUS obstruction of justice that Hillary created by smashing cell phones and Blackberries and with deleting 33,000 SUBPOENED emails. And you claim Trump supporters are of feeble mind?
No one ever said her server contained top secret material so don't be a lying fuk.

It's un Christian.
Not only are you a moron and race baiter, you made my IGNORE list.

Congratulations Comrade.Putin is very angry with you right now!
When Trump is sloppy with confidential information, his supporters don't really care because ... well, because he's an (almost) openly pro-white president. That's it.

Also, because he's a president and she was SOS, and the president can declassify anything whenever he wants, as I understand it. Not that many of them actually think through it that far. They just hear, "Trump", think, "Oh, he hates those nasty darkies just like I do", and immediately throw their weight behind him.

What an honor.

Truth is, no one has to take my word for it. The racism that comes from Trump supporters on here is so abundant that you'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to notice it.
According to douchebags like you, supporting the wall makes you a racist. Supporting due process makes you a racist. Supporting freedom of speech makes you a racist.

Liberal Dictionary
Racism - any opposition to the leftist agenda.
Not only are you a moron and race baiter, you made my IGNORE list.

Congratulations Comrade.Putin is very angry with you right now!
When Trump is sloppy with confidential information, his supporters don't really care because ... well, because he's an (almost) openly pro-white president. That's it.

Also, because he's a president and she was SOS, and the president can declassify anything whenever he wants, as I understand it. Not that many of them actually think through it that far. They just hear, "Trump", think, "Oh, he hates those nasty darkies just like I do", and immediately throw their weight behind him.

What an honor.

Truth is, no one has to take my word for it. The racism that comes from Trump supporters on here is so abundant that you'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to notice it.
According to douchebags like you, supporting the wall makes you a racist. Supporting due process makes you a racist. Supporting freedom of speech makes you a racist.

Liberal Dictionary
Racism - any opposition to the leftist agenda.

Nyah, we just know when we see and hear 'em! Denial is usually a telltale sign when accused! Listen to Trump; "I'm the least racist person you'll ever meet!" Well that made a lot of sense and we all know it's a colossal LIE! :114:
You do not understand the ramifications of an insecure PRIVATE server in Hillary's home containing TOP SECRET classified information. Nor do you understand the OBVIOUS obstruction of justice that Hillary created by smashing cell phones and Blackberries and with deleting 33,000 SUBPOENED emails. And you claim Trump supporters are of feeble mind?
No one ever said her server contained top secret material so don't be a lying fuk.

It's un Christian.

Classified isn't top secret?
Not only are you a moron and race baiter, you made my IGNORE list.

Congratulations Comrade.Putin is very angry with you right now!
When Trump is sloppy with confidential information, his supporters don't really care because ... well, because he's an (almost) openly pro-white president. That's it.

Also, because he's a president and she was SOS, and the president can declassify anything whenever he wants, as I understand it. Not that many of them actually think through it that far. They just hear, "Trump", think, "Oh, he hates those nasty darkies just like I do", and immediately throw their weight behind him.

What an honor.

Truth is, no one has to take my word for it. The racism that comes from Trump supporters on here is so abundant that you'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to notice it.

Yeah, all Trump supporters are racist, in fact deplorable. Gee, I can't figure out how we lose elections by insulting half the voters in this country. :206:
When Trump is sloppy with confidential information, his supporters don't really care because ... well, because he's an (almost) openly pro-white president. That's it.

When we pointed out that almost all blacks voted for DumBama, you leftists told us blacks voting for a black man is a smart move because they are voting for their own best interest. If a white does the exact same, it's racist.
Last edited:
Funny chit coming from a Trumpette who doesn't give a rat's ass that Trump colluded with the Rusians & passes around classified information with people who lack the proper security clearance.

How about the fat assed orange POS keep America safe by doing his FUCKING job. He passed classified information to Flynn for Christ's sake & he was working as a foreign agent.

This is how fucking stupid you Trumpettes are.

Do you make this shit up as you go along or do you plan it for some time?

There is no Russian collusion you brainwashed fool. The only Russian collusion was between Steele and the Russians who's information got passed to FISA to issue an illegal surveillance warrant to spy on an opposing party candidate.

Show me this proof of classified material going into the hands of people with no security clearance. You can't, because you made it all up. Hillary sent classified material to OOOOMA's computer which was used for her husband to send out dick pictures to complete strangers, and you're worried about similar information going into the hands of a former US General???
FISA warrant was legal because only suspicion is required.
And proof of release of classified info is here.

Oh! Buzzfeed said only suspicion is required? Boy do I feel foolish now. :21:

As for Trump releasing classified information, he has the authority to declassify anything he wants. Sorry you don't approve of it, but every President has that ability.
Buzzfeed is only reporting on it. Just suspicion is required according to Deborah Pearlstein, a constitutional-law scholar at Cardozo School of Law in New York.
The president has authority to declassify, but the US wasnt given permission by the ally country. The same applies to Hillary as described here; whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

Hillary couldn't declassify anything. Instead, she sent that material to OOOMA who had it on the computer used by her husband to send his dick pictures out to strangers on the internet. Between the two, I'll trust Trump any day of the week. He isn't that stupid.

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