OMG Noam Chomsky Says Sarah Palin was right about Obama

Before you wingnuts get too excited, I suggest you look a little deeper into who Noam Chomsky is...

Making the Future by Noam Chomsky - review


Chomsky was one of my major heroes when I was young and in college. You just think conservatives are just dumb in bred illiterate bitter gun clingers don't you?

It never crosses your mind that many conservatives evolved from being liberals as we matured and left our academic pasts.

I think paying taxes is what propels most young liberals to become Conservative.

yeap making money and not wanting to share it with your country is what turns libs to Rs.

That doesnt make it the smart thing
Does anyone know anything about Chomsky? He's had harsh criticism for Obama since day one.

I disagree with him a lot, but at least he's a man of principle, unlike the partisans in our 2 parties who have none.

He's very much anti-warmongering and against U.S. imperialism and has bashed both Bush and Obama for having foreign policies centered around those 2 characteristics.
Does anyone know anything about Chomsky? He's had harsh criticism for Obama since day one.

I disagree with him a lot, but at least he's a man of principle, unlike the partisans in our 2 parties who have none.

He's very much anti-warmongering and against U.S. imperialism and has bashed both Bush and Obama for having foreign policies centered around those 2 characteristics.


He's pretty consistent. But he's far from what people in the mainstream liberal community share viewpoints.
You got that backwards. It's Chomsky siding with the right on this one. The left usually seems to love this guy and it'll be interesting to see what their reaction is.

Okay..go for it.

Who on the "left" cites Chomsky on anything?

Maddow? Matthews? Krugman?

Name someone.

Because, most responsible people on the left think he's a loon.

Really? Chomsky is a respectable and respected source of citation regarding social theory and criticism in most academic circles.

It was a pretty simple question.

There's no doubt that he gets alot of the facts, right.

It's his conclusions that most people don't buy into.
PressTV - Chomsky: Bush kidnapped & tortured, Obama murders

“If Bush, the Bush administration, didn’t like somebody, they’d kidnap them and send them to torture chambers,” the renowned American scholar told Democracy Now on Monday.

“If the Obama administration decides they don’t like somebody, they murder them, so you don’t have to have torture chambers all over,” he said.

Chomsky also criticized Obama team for the extrajudicial murder of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born cleric, in Yemen in a drone strike.

“He (Awlaki) was killed. The guy next to him was killed. Shortly after, his son was killed. Now, there was a little talk about the fact that he was an American citizen: you shouldn’t just murder American citizens.” Chomsky commented.

This is a guy who's in the bag for Obama? :cuckoo:
Howard Zinn, Karl Marx and Mao can be very academically inspiring as well..............

Workers of the world, UNITE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know anything about Chomsky? He's had harsh criticism for Obama since day one.

I disagree with him a lot, but at least he's a man of principle, unlike the partisans in our 2 parties who have none.

He's very much anti-warmongering and against U.S. imperialism and has bashed both Bush and Obama for having foreign policies centered around those 2 characteristics.


He's pretty consistent. But he's far from what people in the mainstream liberal community share viewpoints.

I don't think "mainstream" can be considered liberal since the "center" has been dragged (some kicking and screaming would have been nice, alas) so far to the right that our"mainstream" dems at the nationals (and increasingly at many state capitals) are just slightly left of Attila the Hun. If they aren't, and even though they are, what has become the "mainstream" right call them communist, socialist, and many other icky, scary things.
That would be the first time Noam Chomsky was ever right about anything.

Hell's frozen over and heads are exploding at DU and Daily Kos.

This is wild!

Probably the last person you’d expect to cite Sarah Palin favorably is Noam Chomsky. Yet in an interview with the Leftist news organization Democracy Now, Chomsky did precisely that, saying Palin was right to mock Obama for his lack of substance.

“I don’t usually admire Sarah Palin,” Chomsky said, “but when she was making fun of this ‘hopey changey stuff,’ she was right, there was nothing there.


Noam Chomsky Says Sarah Palin Was Right About Obama’s Lack of Substance | Video |

ETA: for you libs who are afraid to go to the Blaze for fear it might give you cooties, the original link for the Noam Chomsky piece is at the National Review.

Hope this works for you.

Noam Chomsky: Sarah Palin Right About ‘Hopey Changey’ Stuff - By Noah Glyn - The Corner - National Review Online
Really? Chomsky is a respectable and respected source of citation regarding social theory and criticism in most academic circles.

You must be joking. Chomsky defended Pol Pot and Ho Chi Mhin. He's "respected" only by the looniest of the loons on the left.
Have any of you even bother to read Chomsky?

He sees conspiracies in everything. Watching him and Buckley go at it was fun..but Chomsky is a little on the whacky side.


You've obviously never read Chomsky, liar.

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