Omnibus Bill Written by Four Congressmen and a Mob of Lobbyists Proves One Thing....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
We are ruled by corporations now, not democratically elected representatives and Senators. And it is BOTH parties in cahoots doing it, not one devil party vrs an angelic party; BOTH party elites are evil and oppressive to the American population whom the elites are busily destroying and replacing with nonChristian anti-American immigrant populations many of whom loath Americans or at least detest us as imperialists.

The Oligarchs are engaged in a quiet demographic genocide against the American people.

Who Wrote the Omnibus? Four Lawmakers, Many Lobbyists - Breitbart

According to Sessions, lawmakers found out what was in the bill by talking to lobbyists, who had a better idea than they did as to what was being included in the bill. “No member of even the House and Senate knew what was going on,” he told Portland, Oregon talk show host Lars Larson. “Special interests did because we heard from lobbyists what some things were being considered.”

Sessions went on to note that basically four members of congress put the deal together without consulting their colleagues. “It’s not right for ultimately four members, in secret — for reasons we have no understanding of — to make critical decisions on things,” he said.

Sessions also bristled and how the bill was quickly presented to members of congress with little time to consider it. “This kind of process is unhealthy … because in a matter of panic before Christmas we’re told ‘you either vote for this bill or shut the government down and that would be a colossal disaster.’”
Then why did they vote for the damn thing
Because they are OWNED by the lobbyists, that's why. A solid minority of 96 Republicans refused to vote in favor and voted against the bill.

They are either men of integrity or their price has not yet been found.
We are ruled by corporations now, not democratically elected representatives and Senators. And it is BOTH parties in cahoots doing it, not one devil party vrs an angelic party; BOTH party elites are evil and oppressive to the American population whom the elites are busily destroying and replacing with nonChristian anti-American immigrant populations many of whom loath Americans or at least detest us as imperialists.

The Oligarchs are engaged in a quiet demographic genocide against the American people.

Who Wrote the Omnibus? Four Lawmakers, Many Lobbyists - Breitbart

According to Sessions, lawmakers found out what was in the bill by talking to lobbyists, who had a better idea than they did as to what was being included in the bill. “No member of even the House and Senate knew what was going on,” he told Portland, Oregon talk show host Lars Larson. “Special interests did because we heard from lobbyists what some things were being considered.”

Sessions went on to note that basically four members of congress put the deal together without consulting their colleagues. “It’s not right for ultimately four members, in secret — for reasons we have no understanding of — to make critical decisions on things,” he said.

Sessions also bristled and how the bill was quickly presented to members of congress with little time to consider it. “This kind of process is unhealthy … because in a matter of panic before Christmas we’re told ‘you either vote for this bill or shut the government down and that would be a colossal disaster.’”
No, it only proves that this belongs in the CT forum, along with most everything else from Breitbart.
Then why did they vote for the damn thing
They should have voted for because it was sound, appropriate legislation, they should have voted for it because it's the responsibility of Congress to ensure the government is properly funded and able to meet its responsibilities and obligations to the American people, and they should have voted for it because its provisions benefit the American people.

But that's not why they voted for it.

Thy voted for it as a consequence of their fear of next November, their fear of losing the Senate, their fear of not winning the WH, and their justified fear that another government shutdown would backfire – again.

It's partisan politics, not some goofy conspiracy theory.
They should have voted for because it was sound, appropriate legislation, they should have voted for it because it's the responsibility of Congress to ensure the government is properly funded and able to meet its responsibilities and obligations to the American people, and they should have voted for it because its provisions benefit the American people.

But that's not why they voted for it.

Thy voted for it as a consequence of their fear of next November, their fear of losing the Senate, their fear of not winning the WH, and their justified fear that another government shutdown would backfire – again.

It's partisan politics, not some goofy conspiracy theory.

Bullshit. It was an unknown pile of steaming shit, but you like eating shit, dont you Clayton? You like it when Congress puts up 2000+ page bills and give congressmen less than a day to read it and then vote on it, right? You love it when Congressmen have to ask LOBBYISTS what is in the bill because they are the ones that basically wrote it and 4 Congresscritters rubber stamped it claiming authorship.

All which proves what a goose-stepping Nazi fucktard you are.

For the GOP leadership to promote this bill that entirely negates everything they p[romised their voters that they would do is classic liars gambit politics, and you eat that shit up too, right Clayton?

You are a disgusting joke.


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