On 9/11/01, 17 years ago where were you that day?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I was at my desk at work when the following email came through...

advisxxx @ us.xxx.com on 09/11/2001 10:34:19 AM

Subject: ** Note from XXXXXXX Communications **

ON 09/11/01 AT 10:32

That was a notice that customer's server in the WTC was down.

Watching the WTC collapse and knowing some people in that building was very sobering.
Then about 2 months later I was in NY at this customer's home office and it was very sad the memorials
they had regarding these employees deaths.

Never in American history has such a devastating attack on America occurred. Never.
Pearl Harbor was bad.
No question.
But for Americans watching TV and seeing landmarks like the WTC and the Pentagon being attacked!

And people are still dying from the chemical effects of that day and weeks following.
Hopefully no one will be so crass and crude to bring up any issues regarding that for this comment as
everyone knows the issues.

Let's just remember the people that died and those that died trying to save people.
I was driving to work when I heard about the first plane on the radio. My first thought was about an airplane that accidentally crashed into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog in the 1930s.

Once I was at work, someone shouted the second tower had been hit. I immediately screamed, "OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!"

I knew it was that bastard instantly.
I was driving to work when I heard about the first plane on the radio. My first thought was about an airplane that accidentally crashed into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog in the 1930s.

Once I was at work, someone shouted the second tower had been hit. I immediately screamed, "OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!"

I knew it was that bastard instantly.

I'm surprised you didn't blame it on Trump.
I was at my desk at work when the following email came through...

advisxxx @ us.xxx.com on 09/11/2001 10:34:19 AM

Subject: ** Note from XXXXXXX Communications **

ON 09/11/01 AT 10:32

That was a notice that customer's server in the WTC was down.

Watching the WTC collapse and knowing some people in that building was very sobering.
Then about 2 months later I was in NY at this customer's home office and it was very sad the memorials
they had regarding these employees deaths.

Never in American history has such a devastating attack on America occurred. Never.
Pearl Harbor was bad.
No question.
But for Americans watching TV and seeing landmarks like the WTC and the Pentagon being attacked!

And people are still dying from the chemical effects of that day and weeks following.
Hopefully no one will be so crass and crude to bring up any issues regarding that for this comment as
everyone knows the issues.

Let's just remember the people that died and those that died trying to save people.
Ah the day that terrorism defeated America. I was in study hall. You could see the smoke from the Pentagon from where I was. We had heard earlier that what we assumed was a small plane had hit the World Trade Center. After the Pentagon, teachers decided it was more than an accident and worth turning on the news.

A friend of mine had a dad that worked on a higher floor of one of the towers. He had decided to be late to work that morning to try a bagel place or something silly like that. It saved his life.
I was driving to work when I heard about the first plane on the radio. My first thought was about an airplane that accidentally crashed into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog in the 1930s.

Once I was at work, someone shouted the second tower had been hit. I immediately screamed, "OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!"

I knew it was that bastard instantly.

I'm surprised you didn't blame it on Trump.

They blamed it on BOOOOSH!!!!
I had to go to work but had the flu so I was on my couch watching in horror while feeling horrible. I will NEVER forget.
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I was driving to work when I heard about the first plane on the radio. My first thought was about an airplane that accidentally crashed into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog in the 1930s.

Once I was at work, someone shouted the second tower had been hit. I immediately screamed, "OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!"

I knew it was that bastard instantly.

I'm surprised you didn't blame it on Trump.
I've actually seen people blame the 2007/2008 economic crash retroactively on Obama. Right here on this forum.
I was driving to work when I heard about the first plane on the radio. My first thought was about an airplane that accidentally crashed into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog in the 1930s.

Once I was at work, someone shouted the second tower had been hit. I immediately screamed, "OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!"

I knew it was that bastard instantly.

I'm surprised you didn't blame it on Trump.
Just had to go there. You win The Interwebs for the day.

I was driving to work when I heard about the first plane on the radio. My first thought was about an airplane that accidentally crashed into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog in the 1930s.

Once I was at work, someone shouted the second tower had been hit. I immediately screamed, "OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!"

I knew it was that bastard instantly.

I'm surprised you didn't blame it on Trump.

They blamed it on BOOOOSH!!!!
We gave Bush an approval rating of over 90%. And then he absolutely shat all over that and all of America to your cheers. Now, hilariously, most of you pretend to have always not liked that idiot. :laugh:
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I was driving to work when I heard about the first plane on the radio. My first thought was about an airplane that accidentally crashed into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog in the 1930s.

Once I was at work, someone shouted the second tower had been hit. I immediately screamed, "OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!"

I knew it was that bastard instantly.

I'm surprised you didn't blame it on Trump.

They blamed it on BOOOOSH!!!!
Trump wanted to impeach Bush for the Iraq War, and still says Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq.

Trump also went on CNN to call for us to cut and run from Iraq.

Meanwhile, all the people who defended Bush ("He kept us safe!" "Where's your flag pin, terrorist lover?") and said there were WMDs in Iraq are scarce on the ground these days. Pseudocons are the most cowardly people on Earth. They haven't the integrity to hold Trump accountable for his far left views during the recent Bush years.
I was driving to work when I heard about the first plane on the radio. My first thought was about an airplane that accidentally crashed into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog in the 1930s.

Once I was at work, someone shouted the second tower had been hit. I immediately screamed, "OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!"

I knew it was that bastard instantly.

I'm surprised you didn't blame it on Trump.
I've actually seen people blame the 2007/2008 economic crash retroactively on Obama. Right here on this forum.

That was Mr. Bush all the way.
I was driving to work when I heard about the first plane on the radio. My first thought was about an airplane that accidentally crashed into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog in the 1930s.

Once I was at work, someone shouted the second tower had been hit. I immediately screamed, "OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!"

I knew it was that bastard instantly.

I'm surprised you didn't blame it on Trump.

They blamed it on BOOOOSH!!!!
Trump wanted to impeach Bush for the Iraq War, and still says Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq.

Trump also went on CNN to call for us to cut and run from Iraq.

Meanwhile, all the people who defended Bush ("He kept us safe!" "Where's your flag pin, terrorist lover?") and said there were WMDs in Iraq are scarce on the ground these days. Pseudocons are the most cowardly people on Earth. They haven't the integrity to hold Trump accountable for his far left views during the recent Bush years.

Trump was 100% correct in his statements IMO.
I was driving to work when I heard about the first plane on the radio. My first thought was about an airplane that accidentally crashed into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog in the 1930s.

Once I was at work, someone shouted the second tower had been hit. I immediately screamed, "OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!"

I knew it was that bastard instantly.

I'm surprised you didn't blame it on Trump.
I've actually seen people blame the 2007/2008 economic crash retroactively on Obama. Right here on this forum.

That was Mr. Bush all the way.
No, it was Bush and Clinton and the Republicans and the Democrats, the rich and the poor, the Federal Reserve and the banks and the broker-dealers, the ratings agencies and the regulators.

It was everyone's fault.
I was listening to the Howard Stern show . Which was broadcasting from Manhattan. Crazy stuff .
I was at work in my transmission shop. Not being stupid like liberals I immediately went home and brought two rifles to the shop.
We gave Bush an approval rating of over 90%. And then he absolutely shat all over that and all of Anerica to your cheers. Now, hilariously, most of you pretend to have always not like that idiot. :laugh:

Perhaps, but we've always hated you. That has stayed consistent.
We gave Bush an approval rating of over 90%. And then he absolutely shat all over that and all of Anerica to your cheers. Now, hilariously, most of you pretend to have always not like that idiot. :laugh:

Perhaps, but we've always hated you. That has stayed consistent.
Lol consistent? You fools have completely abandoned your principles to support Trump’s liberal policies. Fornexample with tariffs, Trump has done the impossible. He got the conservative sheep base to celebrate new taxes! :laugh:
I remember that whole day pretty well. I had just gotten out of the shower when I saw that the first plane had hit the towers and was looking at it and wondering how bad the pilot had to screw up to hit the building.

Then, as I was watching and putting on my uniform, I saw the second plane hit and immediately high tailed it into work. Once I got there, we were told about the attacks, and that we had to get ahold of all the recruiters so that they could take their applicants home. When the Pentagon was hit, someone came into my office and told me, then I went to the television lounge and saw what happened. By around 1100 that morning, we had all the applicants gone, and we shut down the MEPS because we were concerned that the MEPS could be a target as well.
I resided in my North Dallas condo @ the time.
I woke up with a hangover as I had been helping one of my favorite bartenders in Dallas 'close' just a few hours earlier.
I turned on the television & they kept replaying a video clip of the second plane flying into WTC 2. I thought to myself, I have never seen this movie before, as I thought it was a movie clip. After a bit & some conversation by the news anchors I understood what had actually happened.

As soon as I knew what happened my mind immediately went back to that summer day in 1998, in Dallas, when I talked to then Lt. Gov. Rick Perry about G. W. Bush making a 2000 run for POTUS. I recalled exactly what I thought at that moment that summer in 1998 & how I had THE EXACT SAME THOUGHT immediately after I learned what the jet going into that tower really meant.

That was the most surreal, honest to God, most deja vu moment in my life, and it was not based in some fairy tale; it was based in complete reality. I knew exactly what the result would be. It was only a matter of time before we would be in a war in Iraq.
I was in my classroom. A teacher down the hall sent a student to tell us all to turn on the closed circuit tv, which the office had turned on to CBS. We were just about in time to watch the first tower fall.

What was so frightening to me was that for many hours, we heard nothing from the White House about what was happening or who did it or what we were going to do about it. Some of the other teachers were retired military, and they assured me "we've got this." But not knowing, hearing the Pentagon had been hit, that another jet headed for DC had crashed in PA, and that the Pres was being flown hither and yon, total blackout on information except the local coverage of the chaos in NYC.

That was scary to me. That, and of course, waiting for another shoe to drop. Thank god it didn't.

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