On A Scale Of "0 To 10".How Exuberant Are You Over Rick Santorum Entering The Presidential Race?

:banana::boobies::woohoo: Not that Rick Santorum is the equivalent of Bernie Sanders jumping in the race to take out Hillary, Rick is a good man, but we all know that he wont even come close to knocking off the top four contenders.{and we know who they are}. So, just for fun, how excited are you? Are we jumping on our couches like Tom Cruise? Popping Champagne? Asking Richard Simmons to perform a victory dance? :hitit:.
Anyone even close to a "5" on the excitement meter?
A frothy 5 on the excrement meter.
is that a new word? it sounds like an option on a McDonalds milk shake, or a commercial. "Oil, Cream, or Frothy?"
:banana::boobies::woohoo: Not that Rick Santorum is the equivalent of Bernie Sanders jumping in the race to take out Hillary, Rick is a good man, but we all know that he wont even come close to knocking off the top four contenders.{and we know who they are}. So, just for fun, how excited are you? Are we jumping on our couches like Tom Cruise? Popping Champagne? Asking Richard Simmons to perform a victory dance? :hitit:.
Anyone even close to a "5" on the excitement meter?
A frothy 5 on the excrement meter.
is that a new word? it sounds like an option on a McDonalds milk shake, or a commercial. "Oil, Cream, or Frothy?"
santorum (san-TOR-um) n.
1. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter
that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.
"On A Scale Of "0 To 10".How Exuberant Are You Over Rick Santorum Entering The Presidential Race?"

As already correctly noted, for most democrats that would be a 10.
I haven't kept up with what Santorum has been up to lately. I guess I better Google him to find out just what Santorum stands for.
You're still holding on to the desperate hope that Jeb gets the nod?


Sorry, Hillary is done. Jeb was the ONLY person who could lose to the Hildabeast - but my left shoe is more likely to the be the GOP nominee than Jeb is.

A little practice will help you; repeat "President Scott Walker" 30 times each day, and you'll find it comes easy to you....

Walker is one of the few I would consider right now.

Please.........tell us why.

He got things done. Right now what we need more than anything else is a strong leader who can get things done.

Man.....I sure don't see that. What did he get done? Really? What makes you think he is a strong leader?

You'll have to look at him yourself and decide. He took power in a solid union state and he broke their power. You may not think he should have, but the fact is he did. I'm not looking for a boy scout in a president. I'm not looking for a particular political philosophy. I'm looking for strength and that will be the primary thing I look for. The reason I voted against Romney (the first time I didn't vote Republican in a presidential election in my life) was because he was so clearly bending to every little wind that I lost any confidence in him as a leader. F
So a politician's 'strength' alone renders him a qualified candidate, although he uses that 'strength' improperly.

Otherwise, Walker is wrong on the issues, he's a rightist ideologue and social conservative, someone hostile to the rights of many Americans, his administration would be reactionary and fearful of change, diversity, and dissent – that's not the 'leadership' needed for America as we end the first quarter of the 21st Century.
:banana::boobies::woohoo: Not that Rick Santorum is the equivalent of Bernie Sanders jumping in the race to take out Hillary, Rick is a good man, but we all know that he wont even come close to knocking off the top four contenders.{and we know who they are}. So, just for fun, how excited are you? Are we jumping on our couches like Tom Cruise? Popping Champagne? Asking Richard Simmons to perform a victory dance? :hitit:.
Anyone even close to a "5" on the excitement meter?

:banana::boobies::woohoo: Not that Rick Santorum is the equivalent of Bernie Sanders jumping in the race to take out Hillary, Rick is a good man, but we all know that he wont even come close to knocking off the top four contenders.{and we know who they are}. So, just for fun, how excited are you? Are we jumping on our couches like Tom Cruise? Popping Champagne? Asking Richard Simmons to perform a victory dance? :hitit:.
Anyone even close to a "5" on the excitement meter?

Rick brought the funny and really spotlighted the kookyness of the religious right
They gotta get all 15 or 16 or how many ever of these characters in the same debate, all on the same stage at once,

if only to hear them one by one answer the 'do you believe in Evolution' question.

My impression of him is that he would be reading this whilst picking his nose and eating his boogers instead of just wiping them off on his shirt. Sorry, but that is the vibe he puts off, else I'm just homophobic or something. I think his name means "sacred cow" at a time when Republicans want to eat steak without feeling guilty about what goes on at the slaughterhouse, if that makes sense. I guess, read into that whatever you wish, but at least he's not Jeb.
Well, he did have some success in the last cycle.

I saw one media person (what do we call these people now, journalism and advocacy are so intertwined) say that in his announcement speech he concentrated more on economic populism than on social issues, that's probably smart.

Can a Republican populist have success in this environment?

Come on....Why would anyone be embarrassed. I heard this morning that he finished second to Mitt is the Primaries leading up to the 2012 race. Why wouldn't he want to run again. I know the "clown car" is filling up quickly. But this is America. Give the guy a chance.
2016 is the year of the Cuban Sandwich Candidate. Thats why Santorum and Mike F_____K a Bee may as well not even try. Just because they did well in 2012 doesnt mean they will do just as well in 2016. Maybe they forgot we need the Hispanic and Florida vote this time around?
:banana::boobies::woohoo: Not that Rick Santorum is the equivalent of Bernie Sanders jumping in the race to take out Hillary, Rick is a good man, but we all know that he wont even come close to knocking off the top four contenders.{and we know who they are}. So, just for fun, how excited are you? Are we jumping on our couches like Tom Cruise? Popping Champagne? Asking Richard Simmons to perform a victory dance? :hitit:.
Anyone even close to a "5" on the excitement meter?
damn! pushing 700 hits! that comes out to about one peep per minute.
Come on....Why would anyone be embarrassed. I heard this morning that he finished second to Mitt is the Primaries leading up to the 2012 race. Why wouldn't he want to run again. I know the "clown car" is filling up quickly. But this is America. Give the guy a chance.
My God, he did finish second. Holy crap!
Come on....Why would anyone be embarrassed. I heard this morning that he finished second to Mitt is the Primaries leading up to the 2012 race. Why wouldn't he want to run again. I know the "clown car" is filling up quickly. But this is America. Give the guy a chance.
My God, he did finish second. Holy crap!
if we have 15 candidates, i think rick will be in 7/8th place in the Iowa Crocus. and Elizabeth Warren will place 32nd place
:banana::boobies::woohoo: Not that Rick Santorum is the equivalent of Bernie Sanders jumping in the race to take out Hillary, Rick is a good man, but we all know that he wont even come close to knocking off the top four contenders.{and we know who they are}. So, just for fun, how excited are you? Are we jumping on our couches like Tom Cruise? Popping Champagne? Asking Richard Simmons to perform a victory dance? :hitit:.
Anyone even close to a "5" on the excitement meter?
Santorum represents just about every lie the left tells about Republicans.
I wish he would STFU and stay home.
:banana::boobies::woohoo: Not that Rick Santorum is the equivalent of Bernie Sanders jumping in the race to take out Hillary, Rick is a good man, but we all know that he wont even come close to knocking off the top four contenders.{and we know who they are}. So, just for fun, how excited are you? Are we jumping on our couches like Tom Cruise? Popping Champagne? Asking Richard Simmons to perform a victory dance? :hitit:.
Anyone even close to a "5" on the excitement meter?
Santorum represents just about every lie the left tells about Republicans.
I wish he would STFU and stay home.
That was illogical, even for you.
:banana::boobies::woohoo: Not that Rick Santorum is the equivalent of Bernie Sanders jumping in the race to take out Hillary, Rick is a good man, but we all know that he wont even come close to knocking off the top four contenders.{and we know who they are}. So, just for fun, how excited are you? Are we jumping on our couches like Tom Cruise? Popping Champagne? Asking Richard Simmons to perform a victory dance? :hitit:.
Anyone even close to a "5" on the excitement meter?
Santorum represents just about every lie the left tells about Republicans.
I wish he would STFU and stay home.
does that mean u are a 0.0 on the meter?

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