On Becoming Part Of The 1%

If it's so easy to become rich then why didn't any of you Conservatives bother to do it?

Or are we all to believe that you Republican Conservatives invested wisely and saved millions of dollars and now that your lives are fulfilled, you don't have anything else to do but sit around all day on a public internet messageboard?

We didn't say it was easy, we said it was possible.
I hate to break it to you, but there is a difference.
But you also imply that the system isn't rigged to limit the number of people who become successful. It is rigged. If you don't think so, take a look at "too big to fail". There's no such thing as "too small to fail" is there? None of you are "too big to fail" so why would you defend such a terrible mentality? For all your hard work and savings, you're a bunch of chumps acting as a buffer between the billions of impoverished workers and the handful of billionaire "job creators" who aren't creating any jobs.

Do you Conservatives understand that 49 million Americans cannot afford food every week? And you're sitting there saying, "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." The problem you don't take into consideration is that millions of those poor workers already have jobs that don't pay shit in this system, and that's why multi-billion dollar companies keep breaking record profits.
If it's so easy to become rich then why didn't any of you Conservatives bother to do it?

Or are we all to believe that you Republican Conservatives invested wisely and saved millions of dollars and now that your lives are fulfilled, you don't have anything else to do but sit around all day on a public internet messageboard?

We didn't say it was easy, we said it was possible.
I hate to break it to you, but there is a difference.
But you also imply that the system isn't rigged to limit the number of people who become successful. It is rigged. If you don't think so, take a look at "too big to fail". There's no such thing as "too small to fail" is there? None of you are "too big to fail" so why would you defend such a terrible mentality? For all your hard work and savings, you're a bunch of chumps acting as a buffer between the billions of impoverished workers and the handful of billionaire "job creators" who aren't creating any jobs.

Do you Conservatives understand that 49 million Americans cannot afford food every week? And you're sitting there saying, "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." The problem you don't take into consideration is that millions of those poor workers already have jobs that don't pay shit in this system, and that's why multi-billion dollar companies keep breaking record profits.

How is the system rigged? Anyone can buy stock and earn dividends in those same companies. Work a minimum wage job for ten hours a week and put every penny in savings and it's 4000 bucks a year. Do that for the next 25 years and never touch it and you've got 100 grand (not including interest). Everyone can get an education.
The very idea that anyone can get really wealthy is retarded. Practically anyone can work themselves into an early grave to pay debts on houses and cars though, I think many conservatives equate borrowing power to wealth. What of those who do not like the idea of massive debt? In our society it seems an unwillingness to take on long-term debt is seen as laziness for some reason.
Bill Gates, the college dropout, is the wealthiest person in the world.
Mark Zuckerburg, the college dropout, was the youngest person to become a billionaire.
Facts are against you.

We cannot all be talented visionaries either. For every person who went deep into debt to start a business and succeeded there are many more who failed, they did everything the land of opportunity people say to do and failed anyway because they lacked the vision to find a niche and properly capitalize on it, does it make those people lazy or stupid? No, they are just not cut out for it. How many people would have been saved from ruin if they could honestly gauge their business plan rather than buy all the hoopla that hard work and determination is the key to success when in reality it is vision that is the key and that other stuff is just the means to an end.
How many times did Edison fail in his attempt to create the light bulb?
He finally succeeded through determination and hard work.

By the way, nothing is preventing anybody in this country from the vision that can bring them ultimate wealth. Nothing is preventing them from working hard to realize their vision.
You have a defeatist and negative attitude. I predict things wont end well for you.
The very idea that anyone can get really wealthy is retarded...

Soo..., by that logic, really wealthy people do not exist, except in the minds of retarded people.

You might want to re-phrase that a bit.

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If it's so easy to become rich then why didn't any of you Conservatives bother to do it?

Or are we all to believe that you Republican Conservatives invested wisely and saved millions of dollars and now that your lives are fulfilled, you don't have anything else to do but sit around all day on a public internet messageboard?

We didn't say it was easy, we said it was possible.
I hate to break it to you, but there is a difference.
But you also imply that the system isn't rigged to limit the number of people who become successful. It is rigged. If you don't think so, take a look at "too big to fail". There's no such thing as "too small to fail" is there? None of you are "too big to fail" so why would you defend such a terrible mentality? For all your hard work and savings, you're a bunch of chumps acting as a buffer between the billions of impoverished workers and the handful of billionaire "job creators" who aren't creating any jobs.

Do you Conservatives understand that 49 million Americans cannot afford food every week? And you're sitting there saying, "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." The problem you don't take into consideration is that millions of those poor workers already have jobs that don't pay shit in this system, and that's why multi-billion dollar companies keep breaking record profits.
Here is what I see when talking about the poverty....
Poverty comes with A/C, Xboxes, multiple color televisions, cell phones, cable television, computers, DVD's.....well you get the picture.

It really does come down to making the right decisions and keeping debt low.


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We didn't say it was easy, we said it was possible.
I hate to break it to you, but there is a difference.
But you also imply that the system isn't rigged to limit the number of people who become successful. It is rigged. If you don't think so, take a look at "too big to fail". There's no such thing as "too small to fail" is there? None of you are "too big to fail" so why would you defend such a terrible mentality? For all your hard work and savings, you're a bunch of chumps acting as a buffer between the billions of impoverished workers and the handful of billionaire "job creators" who aren't creating any jobs.

Do you Conservatives understand that 49 million Americans cannot afford food every week? And you're sitting there saying, "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." The problem you don't take into consideration is that millions of those poor workers already have jobs that don't pay shit in this system, and that's why multi-billion dollar companies keep breaking record profits.
How is the system rigged? Anyone can buy stock and earn dividends in those same companies. Work a minimum wage job for ten hours a week and put every penny in savings and it's 4000 bucks a year. Do that for the next 25 years and never touch it and you've got 100 grand (not including interest). Everyone can get an education.
Yeah, because people with a minimum wage job for ten hours a week don't have rent, utility bills, food bills, car payments, or any other expenses at all. They're free to put every penny toward buying stocks and retirement. That's just good ol' Republican common sense.
But you also imply that the system isn't rigged to limit the number of people who become successful. It is rigged. If you don't think so, take a look at "too big to fail". There's no such thing as "too small to fail" is there? None of you are "too big to fail" so why would you defend such a terrible mentality? For all your hard work and savings, you're a bunch of chumps acting as a buffer between the billions of impoverished workers and the handful of billionaire "job creators" who aren't creating any jobs.

Do you Conservatives understand that 49 million Americans cannot afford food every week? And you're sitting there saying, "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." The problem you don't take into consideration is that millions of those poor workers already have jobs that don't pay shit in this system, and that's why multi-billion dollar companies keep breaking record profits.
How is the system rigged? Anyone can buy stock and earn dividends in those same companies. Work a minimum wage job for ten hours a week and put every penny in savings and it's 4000 bucks a year. Do that for the next 25 years and never touch it and you've got 100 grand (not including interest). Everyone can get an education.
Yeah, because people with a minimum wage job for ten hours a week don't have rent, utility bills, food bills, car payments, or any other expenses at all. They're free to put every penny toward buying stocks and retirement. That's just good ol' Republican common sense.
You left out all the luxuries that they need to obtain, KNB.
But you also imply that the system isn't rigged to limit the number of people who become successful. It is rigged. If you don't think so, take a look at "too big to fail". There's no such thing as "too small to fail" is there? None of you are "too big to fail" so why would you defend such a terrible mentality? For all your hard work and savings, you're a bunch of chumps acting as a buffer between the billions of impoverished workers and the handful of billionaire "job creators" who aren't creating any jobs.

Do you Conservatives understand that 49 million Americans cannot afford food every week? And you're sitting there saying, "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." The problem you don't take into consideration is that millions of those poor workers already have jobs that don't pay shit in this system, and that's why multi-billion dollar companies keep breaking record profits.
How is the system rigged? Anyone can buy stock and earn dividends in those same companies. Work a minimum wage job for ten hours a week and put every penny in savings and it's 4000 bucks a year. Do that for the next 25 years and never touch it and you've got 100 grand (not including interest). Everyone can get an education.
Yeah, because people with a minimum wage job for ten hours a week don't have rent, utility bills, food bills, car payments, or any other expenses at all. They're free to put every penny toward buying stocks and retirement. That's just good ol' Republican common sense.

I meant work those ten hours above and beyond your normal pay. But even so, there are options for people making little money. Get a roommate, find a smaller (and cheaper) apartment. Sell stuff. There are any number of government programs to stretch money.

But even before that, how many of the people making minimum wage at 30 or 40 are in that position because they make bad decisions? When I see my cashier at McDonalds with tattoos, I wonder how much that tattoo cost him and why didn't he do something with that money instead of ink. How much did the rims on that car cost and why didn't she buy a class at the community college instead? How many kids does that worker have and how old is she or how many bastards did the cook make that he's on the hook for child support? How many people in the sob stories on the news aren't there because the system kept them down but are they because of choices they made?
I keep reading about how there is this 1% and how much they have and how much more they are amassing and so on and so forth, but what is stopping anyone in America from joining them? Anyone can invest in the stock market or trade bonds, free education is available to every child and anyone can go to college thanks to student loans and scholarships. The sky is the limit here, so how much of the class divide is really class warfare and how much is people not using the opportunities they have or making poor choices?

Hey maybe you could calculate the odds of that happening. Can you do that.
Lets say for a high school graduated in an inner city. What are this persons odds of making it to the ranks of the ultra wealthy.

What are the odds?

How about the person that goes to college to become a teacher. How do they become ultra wealthy?

How about the kid that comes from an ultra wealthy family and goes to Harvard or someplace like that and has a family fortune of 5 billion dollars behind them. Does that person have a pretty good chance of staying ultra wealthy?

I could fly to the moon or I could become ultra wealthy. Both have about the same chance of happening.
What kind of luxuries do you mean? The overpriced gasoline needed to get to and from their shitty minimum-wage jobs that don't offer any health benefits? Electricity in their homes? Heating? Food? Or do you mean all the drugs and alcohol that poor people buy and that's why they're all poor?

Remember that right-wing psycho asshole Bill O'Reilly made a really stupid point about 97% of poor people having refrigerators as proof of how well-off poor people are in America. Is that your standard to go by? Whoever owns a tv shouldn't get government assistance because they can sell their tv to buy food, right? But billionaire banker pieces of shit get multi-billion dollar bonuses from public funds for nearly destroying the entire global economy through illegal and pseudo-legal means, and that's just okay with you.
I keep reading about how there is this 1% and how much they have and how much more they are amassing and so on and so forth, but what is stopping anyone in America from joining them? Anyone can invest in the stock market or trade bonds, free education is available to every child and anyone can go to college thanks to student loans and scholarships. The sky is the limit here, so how much of the class divide is really class warfare and how much is people not using the opportunities they have or making poor choices?

(1) "Free" education isn't. Our public school system has fallen to 46th in the world. Basically, it is junk. Student loans have to be paid back.

(2) I absolutely agree that ANYONE can become part of the 1% - but it takes unbelievably hard work and dedication to your task. Only the 1% can hand their money down to children. Most of us don't have enough to "hand down". So, if you want to make it - you can - but "busting your ass" will have to become your battle cry.

(3) The left constantly screams about "class warfare". The only "warfare" going on is their desire to destroy the middle class and make us a country of the very rich and the very poor - dependent on the government for our "daily bread". Funny, though, they never question anyone in Hollywood or anyone like Bill Gates - now worth an estimated 76 BILLION dollars. Nope - they are entitled to THEIR money.
If it's so easy to become rich then why didn't any of you Conservatives bother to do it?

Or are we all to believe that you Republican Conservatives invested wisely and saved millions of dollars and now that your lives are fulfilled, you don't have anything else to do but sit around all day on a public internet messageboard?

We didn't say it was easy, we said it was possible.
I hate to break it to you, but there is a difference.
But you also imply that the system isn't rigged to limit the number of people who become successful. It is rigged. If you don't think so, take a look at "too big to fail". There's no such thing as "too small to fail" is there? None of you are "too big to fail" so why would you defend such a terrible mentality? For all your hard work and savings, you're a bunch of chumps acting as a buffer between the billions of impoverished workers and the handful of billionaire "job creators" who aren't creating any jobs.

Do you Conservatives understand that 49 million Americans cannot afford food every week? And you're sitting there saying, "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." The problem you don't take into consideration is that millions of those poor workers already have jobs that don't pay shit in this system, and that's why multi-billion dollar companies keep breaking record profits.

You're right, I don't understand. I've been employed since I was 13 and I've never worked for as low as minimum wage, NOT EVEN AT 13. How "rigged" is it that I, as a 13 year old, could negotiate a salary above minimum wage?

By the way, I didn't say "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." Don't put words in my mouth, don't falsely create an argument for you to defend and apply it to me. That's a bullshit tactic, you should be ashamed for attempting it.
I don't know that it's even a question of being ultrawealthy since Obama has pegged anyone making over 250k/year as rich. That's not completely unobtainable. So what's stopping our ghetto or barrio or trailer park kid from getting there given that anyone can participate financially and everyone has access to an education?

Is an adult living in poverty a victim of anything but their own bad decisions?
I keep reading about how there is this 1% and how much they have and how much more they are amassing and so on and so forth, but what is stopping anyone in America from joining them? Anyone can invest in the stock market or trade bonds, free education is available to every child and anyone can go to college thanks to student loans and scholarships. The sky is the limit here, so how much of the class divide is really class warfare and how much is people not using the opportunities they have or making poor choices?

Go ask Obama about the 1%. He knew them oh so well during campaign. Now he is paying them back at the expense of the middle class

What a guy....

We didn't say it was easy, we said it was possible.
I hate to break it to you, but there is a difference.
But you also imply that the system isn't rigged to limit the number of people who become successful. It is rigged. If you don't think so, take a look at "too big to fail". There's no such thing as "too small to fail" is there? None of you are "too big to fail" so why would you defend such a terrible mentality? For all your hard work and savings, you're a bunch of chumps acting as a buffer between the billions of impoverished workers and the handful of billionaire "job creators" who aren't creating any jobs.

Do you Conservatives understand that 49 million Americans cannot afford food every week? And you're sitting there saying, "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." The problem you don't take into consideration is that millions of those poor workers already have jobs that don't pay shit in this system, and that's why multi-billion dollar companies keep breaking record profits.

You're right, I don't understand. I've been employed since I was 13 and I've never worked for as low as minimum wage, NOT EVEN AT 13. How "rigged" is it that I, as a 13 year old, could negotiate a salary above minimum wage?

By the way, I didn't say "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." Don't put words in my mouth, don't falsely create an argument for you to defend and apply it to me. That's a bullshit tactic, you should be ashamed for attempting it.
You should be ashamed for actually suggesting that people working full time at minimum wage jobs who still can't afford food each week should just wisely invest their meager paychecks and live like kings. Do you understand that people who don't have enough money to buy food also don't have enough money to buy stocks? Do you expect them to starve to death while they're waiting for their returns?
But you also imply that the system isn't rigged to limit the number of people who become successful. It is rigged. If you don't think so, take a look at "too big to fail". There's no such thing as "too small to fail" is there? None of you are "too big to fail" so why would you defend such a terrible mentality? For all your hard work and savings, you're a bunch of chumps acting as a buffer between the billions of impoverished workers and the handful of billionaire "job creators" who aren't creating any jobs.

Do you Conservatives understand that 49 million Americans cannot afford food every week? And you're sitting there saying, "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." The problem you don't take into consideration is that millions of those poor workers already have jobs that don't pay shit in this system, and that's why multi-billion dollar companies keep breaking record profits.

You're right, I don't understand. I've been employed since I was 13 and I've never worked for as low as minimum wage, NOT EVEN AT 13. How "rigged" is it that I, as a 13 year old, could negotiate a salary above minimum wage?

By the way, I didn't say "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." Don't put words in my mouth, don't falsely create an argument for you to defend and apply it to me. That's a bullshit tactic, you should be ashamed for attempting it.
You should be ashamed for actually suggesting that people working full time at minimum wage jobs who still can't afford food each week should just wisely invest their meager paychecks and live like kings. Do you understand that people who don't have enough money to buy food also don't have enough money to buy stocks? Do you expect them to starve to death while they're waiting for their returns?

Look at the bright side- at least they don't have to pay for their healthcare. :badgrin:

I keep reading about how there is this 1% and how much they have and how much more they are amassing and so on and so forth, but what is stopping anyone in America from joining them? Anyone can invest in the stock market or trade bonds, free education is available to every child and anyone can go to college thanks to student loans and scholarships. The sky is the limit here, so how much of the class divide is really class warfare and how much is people not using the opportunities they have or making poor choices?

Go ask Obama about the 1%. He knew them oh so well during campaign. Now he is paying them back at the expense of the middle class

What a guy....

No, he's not. Can't you Conservatives get your story straight? Obama's a Marxist Kenyan Muslim Socialist and he's destroying America for rich corporations, remember?

Which is it? Is Obama a Marxist who is taking from the rich and redistributing it to unwed illegal aliens and their anchor crack babies, or is Obama siding with the 1% over the dwindling middle class? Which is it? Do you even know?
I keep reading about how there is this 1% and how much they have and how much more they are amassing and so on and so forth, but what is stopping anyone in America from joining them? Anyone can invest in the stock market or trade bonds, free education is available to every child and anyone can go to college thanks to student loans and scholarships. The sky is the limit here, so how much of the class divide is really class warfare and how much is people not using the opportunities they have or making poor choices?

Go ask Obama about the 1%. He knew them oh so well during campaign. Now he is paying them back at the expense of the middle class

What a guy....

No, he's not. Can't you Conservatives get your story straight? Obama's a Marxist Kenyan Muslim Socialist and he's destroying America for rich corporations, remember?

Which is it? Is Obama a Marxist who is taking from the rich and redistributing it to unwed illegal aliens and their anchor crack babies, or is Obama siding with the 1% over the dwindling middle class? Which is it? Do you even know?

I thought he was a Marxo-Fascist Messiah Narcissist, with a shitty golf handicap.

But I could be wrong.

What kind of luxuries do you mean? The overpriced gasoline needed to get to and from their shitty minimum-wage jobs that don't offer any health benefits? Electricity in their homes? Heating? Food? Or do you mean all the drugs and alcohol that poor people buy and that's why they're all poor?

Remember that right-wing psycho asshole Bill O'Reilly made a really stupid point about 97% of poor people having refrigerators as proof of how well-off poor people are in America. Is that your standard to go by? Whoever owns a tv shouldn't get government assistance because they can sell their tv to buy food, right? But billionaire banker pieces of shit get multi-billion dollar bonuses from public funds for nearly destroying the entire global economy through illegal and pseudo-legal means, and that's just okay with you.

Smart phones, Xboxes, DVD's, multiple televisions, computers, internet.etc
You asked...may not like the answers.
Go to another country with REAL poverty....the kind that Bill O'Reilly has witnessed.....then get back to me.
Twits like you always make excuses for others bad decisions....never holding them accountable for their decisions.

I am not broad brushing everone who are poor. Some actually can't and are not capable of making the right decisions, but, most would rather go into debt trying to keep up with the other side.
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What kind of luxuries do you mean? The overpriced gasoline needed to get to and from their shitty minimum-wage jobs that don't offer any health benefits? Electricity in their homes? Heating? Food? Or do you mean all the drugs and alcohol that poor people buy and that's why they're all poor?

Remember that right-wing psycho asshole Bill O'Reilly made a really stupid point about 97% of poor people having refrigerators as proof of how well-off poor people are in America. Is that your standard to go by? Whoever owns a tv shouldn't get government assistance because they can sell their tv to buy food, right? But billionaire banker pieces of shit get multi-billion dollar bonuses from public funds for nearly destroying the entire global economy through illegal and pseudo-legal means, and that's just okay with you.
Smart phones, Xboxes, DVD's, multiple televisions, computers, internet. etc
You asked...may not like the answers.
They can just accept some austerity, right? Sell off their possessions to pay for their bad decisions, right? Tighten up their belts and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, right? All of their failures are their own fault, right?

Now go tell that insipid shit to the handful of billionaire banker scumbags who tanked the world economy to get themselves ahead. How many of them had to sell off their yachts, private jets and summer homes?

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