On Behalf of President Obama...Thank You to all Conservatives!

Hum Dinger

Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
I feel confident that President Obama would like to thank all members of our current conservatives movements, and so I will say "Thank You!" for him.

"Why?", you may ask...

Well, it seems that very soon the "Affordable Care Act" will be fully implemented. This program, like Medicare and Social Security, will become a bedrock program of our soceity. Once Americans see the benefits, they will never let it be repealed.

And so forever into America's future, whenever receiving Health Care benefits, Americans will refer those benefits as "ObamaCare".

Yes, it's true, Conservatives have IMMORTALIZED President Obama thru their attempt at deriding the "Affordable Care Act" by calling it "ObamaCare".

What a bunch of DUMB ASSES!

So, dumb asses, let's hear those desparate arguments that Romney is going to win the election and repeal ObamaCare. If you remember...you also argued that Sarah Palin was a great V.P. pick.....

Please try not to grind your teeth too hard...
Yep, part of the bedrock programs that will bankrupt us without serious changes to them. Thanks, Barry. In not too long the whole country will look like the slums you agitated in back home.
Shouldn't Conservatives be thanking Obama for Obamacare? It's just another issue he doesn't want to talk about because it's garbage, he knows it and America knows it. Speaking of VP picks ... how bout that Joe Biden eh? hahahahahahahaha
If it were so great, his teleprompter would be filled with Ocare stories. The country did not want this yet he shoved it down our throat while the country was/is sliding into the abyss.
If it were so great, his teleprompter would be filled with Ocare stories. The country did not want this yet he shoved it down our throat while the country was/is sliding into the abyss.

Well at least this republican presidential candidate will not need a phonetically spelled out telepromter like Bush had to have. Bushisms were funny.
If it were so great, his teleprompter would be filled with Ocare stories. The country did not want this yet he shoved it down our throat while the country was/is sliding into the abyss.

Well at least this republican presidential candidate will not need a phonetically spelled out telepromter like Bush had to have. Bushisms were funny.

And let's not forget the "New clear", teleprompter moment for Caribou Barbie at the Republican Convention in an attempt to keep her from using Bush's "nucular", during the last go round....
obamacare needed $853 billion in bribes to get it passed, and that is NOT counting all the free passes given out to cronies so they don't have to suffer under it.

HC premiums were supposed to go down, they actually went up more than they would have.

Medicare was supposed to cost us less.


You guys never do any research, ever.

oh and; the obama plan for the economy has it falling completly appart in '27, while the Ryan plan makes it all better.
Yep, part of the bedrock programs that will bankrupt us without serious changes to them. Thanks, Barry. In not too long the whole country will look like the slums you agitated in back home.

Yes..like those vast slums that populate places like Germany, France, Japan, Swizterland, Sweden, Finland and most other modern industrialized nations that have implemented a health care plan that covers most of it's citizens.
Yes..like those vast slums that populate places like Germany, France, Japan, Swizterland, Sweden, Finland and most other modern industrialized nations that have implemented a health care plan that covers most of it's citizens.

If you want 55% of your income taxed, $12/gallon gas, and are willing to pay $15 for a Big Mac - please move there son.
Well, it seems that very soon the "Affordable Care Act" will be fully implemented. This program, like Medicare and Social Security, will become a bedrock program of our soceity.

So you're saying it will also become a slush fund for asshole politicians?
Yep, part of the bedrock programs that will bankrupt us without serious changes to them. Thanks, Barry. In not too long the whole country will look like the slums you agitated in back home.

Yes..like those vast slums that populate places like Germany, France, Japan, Swizterland, Sweden, Finland and most other modern industrialized nations that have implemented a health care plan that covers most of it's citizens.

and Greece, spain, Ireland

Oh yea, thanks Barry............thanks for stealing 700 billion from medicare to finance your debacle of so called "affordable healthcare". I know you had to get your $$$ to repay all your supporters somewhere, why not from grandma and grandpa. You've already stole a bunch from the grand kids.

You've gutted the very program you are accusing Ryan of wanting to gut. Nice!! :cuckoo:
Oh yea, thanks Barry............thanks for stealing 700 billion from medicare to finance your debacle of so called "affordable healthcare". I know you had to get your $$$ to repay all your supporters somewhere, why not from grandma and grandpa. You've already stole a bunch from the grand kids.

You've gutted the very program you are accusing Ryan of wanting to gut. Nice!! :cuckoo:
The Romney-Ryan campaign in its latest TV ad assails Obama for approving the cuts in 2010. “Obama has cut $716 billion dollars from Medicare,” says the narrator. “The money you paid for your guaranteed health care…is going to a massive new government program that’s not for you.”

Voters might be left with the impression that Romney and Ryan have both opposed the cuts. The truth is that Ryan himself endorses them in his signature budget plan – the same plan Romney has said he would sign as president if it reached his desk.Those Medicare savings -achieved through reduced provider reimbursements and curbed waste, fraud and abuse, not benefit cuts – appear in the House Republicans’ FY 2013 budget, which Ryan authored.[/QUOTE]
Oh yea, thanks Barry............thanks for stealing 700 billion from medicare to finance your debacle of so called "affordable healthcare". I know you had to get your $$$ to repay all your supporters somewhere, why not from grandma and grandpa. You've already stole a bunch from the grand kids.

You've gutted the very program you are accusing Ryan of wanting to gut. Nice!! :cuckoo:
The Romney-Ryan campaign in its latest TV ad assails Obama for approving the cuts in 2010. “Obama has cut $716 billion dollars from Medicare,” says the narrator. “The money you paid for your guaranteed health care…is going to a massive new government program that’s not for you.”

Voters might be left with the impression that Romney and Ryan have both opposed the cuts. The truth is that Ryan himself endorses them in his signature budget plan – the same plan Romney has said he would sign as president if it reached his desk.Those Medicare savings -achieved through reduced provider reimbursements and curbed waste, fraud and abuse, not benefit cuts – appear in the House Republicans’ FY 2013 budget, which Ryan authored.

Affordable Healthcare is not affordable under Obama, you have seen the new CBO numbers, haven't you??
Oh yea, thanks Barry............thanks for stealing 700 billion from medicare to finance your debacle of so called "affordable healthcare". I know you had to get your $$$ to repay all your supporters somewhere, why not from grandma and grandpa. You've already stole a bunch from the grand kids.

You've gutted the very program you are accusing Ryan of wanting to gut. Nice!! :cuckoo:
The Romney-Ryan campaign in its latest TV ad assails Obama for approving the cuts in 2010. “Obama has cut $716 billion dollars from Medicare,” says the narrator. “The money you paid for your guaranteed health care…is going to a massive new government program that’s not for you.”

Voters might be left with the impression that Romney and Ryan have both opposed the cuts. The truth is that Ryan himself endorses them in his signature budget plan – the same plan Romney has said he would sign as president if it reached his desk.Those Medicare savings -achieved through reduced provider reimbursements and curbed waste, fraud and abuse, not benefit cuts – appear in the House Republicans’ FY 2013 budget, which Ryan authored.

Affordable Healthcare is not affordable under Obama, you have seen the new CBO numbers, haven't you??[/QUOTE]

Let's stick with your first lie, shall we? What "gutting" did Obama do?
The Romney-Ryan campaign in its latest TV ad assails Obama for approving the cuts in 2010. “Obama has cut $716 billion dollars from Medicare,” says the narrator. “The money you paid for your guaranteed health care…is going to a massive new government program that’s not for you.”

Voters might be left with the impression that Romney and Ryan have both opposed the cuts. The truth is that Ryan himself endorses them in his signature budget plan – the same plan Romney has said he would sign as president if it reached his desk.Those Medicare savings -achieved through reduced provider reimbursements and curbed waste, fraud and abuse, not benefit cuts – appear in the House Republicans’ FY 2013 budget, which Ryan authored.

Affordable Healthcare is not affordable under Obama, you have seen the new CBO numbers, haven't you??

Let's stick with your first lie, shall we? What "gutting" did Obama do?[/QUOTE]

Jimney Christmas, Obama said it himself in an interview on ABC...........
TAPPER: One of the concerns about health care and how you pay for it — one third of the funding comes from cuts to Medicare.


TAPPER: A lot of times, as you know, what happens in Congress is somebody will do something bold and then Congress, close to election season, will undo it.

OBAMA: Right.

TAPPER: You saw that with the ‘doc fix.’

OBAMA: Right.

TAPPER: Are you willing to pledge that whatever cuts in Medicare are being made to fund health insurance, one third of it, that you will veto anything that tries to undo that?

OBAMA: Yes. I actually have said that it is important for us to make sure this thing is deficit neutral, without tricks. I said I wouldn’t sign a bill that didn’t meet that criteria

President Obama in 2009 Pledged to Veto Attempts to Undo Medicare Cuts - ABC News
I feel confident that President Obama would like to thank all members of our current conservatives movements, and so I will say "Thank You!" for him.

"Why?", you may ask...

Well, it seems that very soon the "Affordable Care Act" will be fully implemented. This program, like Medicare and Social Security, will become a bedrock program of our soceity. Once Americans see the benefits, they will never let it be repealed.

And so forever into America's future, whenever receiving Health Care benefits, Americans will refer those benefits as "ObamaCare".

Yes, it's true, Conservatives have IMMORTALIZED President Obama thru their attempt at deriding the "Affordable Care Act" by calling it "ObamaCare".

What a bunch of DUMB ASSES!

So, dumb asses, let's hear those desparate arguments that Romney is going to win the election and repeal ObamaCare. If you remember...you also argued that Sarah Palin was a great V.P. pick.....

Please try not to grind your teeth too hard...

I want you to remember in 2019 that you were told today that ObamaCare is going to bankrupt your state.

By that time, Obama will be retired on the golf course, laughing his ass off. And when your fellow citizens get slammed with a higher state tax bill, and your fellow citizens find their state benefits abruptly cut back, you should probably know that Obama will have a lot of Secret Service protection. And he will need it.

That is Obama's way. Shower you with free gifts and pushing the costs out until long after he is gone. Just so you will swallow his c**k and vote for him.

Remember. 2019. You were warned way ahead of time. You were warned today.
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