On Fox Right Now, Fords legal team says "no limited scope or timeframe, FBI should be broader"

I'd say the alt-left, socialists are on another level. A man brought an automatic to a GOP baseball practice.

The list is very long, and some of you are a little naive about what is at stake. This is your Republic and your Constitution.
they call it "patriotism" but to fight for one side over the other in a long established system isn't patriotism by either side.

we need to figure that out quick and understand what we're doing to ourselves.
They will always find more people willing to lie that they were sexually harassed.

It's to grow balls and just tell them produce the evidence or get the fuck out. Further, it's time to start locking up the false accusers, especially if they obstruct the political process. They also will have to pay for all the damages to they inflicted on all parties involved.
Or you could do like Drumpf and Moore promised to do which was sue the people they claimed were lying. Ever wonder why they havent done that?

You bring up Roy Moore. Have you yet found out the evidence that he is actually guilty?

A other coup... and yes he did sue some of the false accusers. They need to be put much much closer to real rape... that is behind bars.

She needs to pay regardless if she is lying or not. With these crazy feminists, they are probably capable of believing whatever the democrat politicians tell them. They should also face consequences, which they will in November.
They will always find more people willing to lie that they were sexually harassed.

It's to grow balls and just tell them produce the evidence or get the fuck out. Further, it's time to start locking up the false accusers, especially if they obstruct the political process. They also will have to pay for all the damages to they inflicted on all parties involved.
Or you could do like Drumpf and Moore promised to do which was sue the people they claimed were lying. Ever wonder why they havent done that?

You bring up Roy Moore. Have you yet found out the evidence that he is actually guilty?

A other coup... and yes he did sue some of the false accusers. They need to be put much much closer to real rape... that is behind bars.

She needs to pay regardless if she is lying or not. With these crazy feminists, they are probably capable of believing whatever the democrat politicians tell them. They should also face consequences, which they will in November.
I dont need any evidence. Moore is out of the picture. My point was if Moore and Drumpf were innocent why didnt they sue the women like they claimed they was going to do? :laugh:

You clowns talk all this shit about random accusations but you dont put your money where your mouth is. Your own actions show you to be liars.
Just on Fox right now.

Get ready folks, as I said, this will be about painting the judge as the enemy, pressuring weak GOP. They will tell you "you are going to vote without this investigation being completed"?

You will have a Liberal judge in 2019 taking that vacant seat. You actually have lawyers telling YOUR government, YOUR president and YOUR Federal Police agency "we tell YOU what to do".

They aren't going to get it this close to the Mid-Terms without ensuring it's delayed.

How is it that this timid mouse little Ford has a "legal team?????" I thought that she just wanted to get this story off her chest?
Now who is paying for that?????
Basically the very same argument is being used here as with the Mueller investigation: delay the confirmation, risk losing the seat to investigate to SEE IF THERE IS ANYTHING HERE WORTH INVESTIGATING? o_O:cuckoo:o_O:cuckoo:

Chrissy Ford gave us NOTHING but vacuous claims and innuendo that flies in the face of everything that was ever known about Kavanaugh, and now the GOP is going to fold out of fear of being seen as 0.000000001% ever so slightly not 150% behind the MeToo movement of bashing every male on the slightest accusation of a woman?

When are we safe from that cross look we gave Chrissy? After 40 years? 60 years? In the next lifetime?

I'll agree to the FBI looking into this OUT THE WAZOO to the nines, on the condition that when it is done and assuming Kavanaugh is found innocent (whenever is any man ever "innocent" anymore of sexism just as now we are all born racists?), that when the vote is finally ready to proceed, no matter what the outcome of the midterms, the GOP doesn't give up any confirmation votes.

THEN the Dems can prove to us that is is not really about politics and truly just about the integrity of the SC and the rights of a woman.
Just on Fox right now.

Get ready folks, as I said, this will be about painting the judge as the enemy, pressuring weak GOP. They will tell you "you are going to vote without this investigation being completed"?

You will have a Liberal judge in 2019 taking that vacant seat. You actually have lawyers telling YOUR government, YOUR president and YOUR Federal Police agency "we tell YOU what to do".

They aren't going to get it this close to the Mid-Terms without ensuring it's delayed.

too bad trump just laid the ground rules for the fbi

“I’ve ordered the FBI to conduct a supplemental investigation to update Judge Kavanaugh’s file. As the Senate has requested, this update must be limited in scope and completed in less than one week.”
The Dems got what they want, now the corrupt FBI will "investigate" Kavanaugh (for the 7th time thank you) and it's going to wrap up in a week. Yeah right. This is a one week delay to line up the rent-a-victims with one absurd accusation after another after another after another. How can we possibly wrap up the "investigation" in a week with all this NEW evidence? :bsflag:
Trump Agrees to Open ‘Limited’ F.B.I. Investigation Into Accusations Against Kavanaugh - WASHINGTON — President Trump, ceding to a request from Senate Republican leaders facing an insurrection in their ranks, ordered the F.B.I. on Friday to open an investigation into accusations of sexual assault leveled against Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, his nominee to the Supreme Court.

The decision capped a confusing day on Capitol Hill, where the Senate Judiciary Committee voted along party lines to advance Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, but only by agreeing to a last-minute demand by Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, to conduct a time-limited inquiry.

“I’ve ordered the F.B.I. to conduct a supplemental investigation to update Judge Kavanaugh’s file,” Mr. Trump said in a statement. “As the Senate has requested, this update must be limited in scope and completed in less than one week.”
They will always find more people willing to lie that they were sexually harassed.

It's to grow balls and just tell them produce the evidence or get the fuck out. Further, it's time to start locking up the false accusers, especially if they obstruct the political process. They also will have to pay for all the damages to they inflicted on all parties involved.
Or you could do like Drumpf and Moore promised to do which was sue the people they claimed were lying. Ever wonder why they havent done that?

You bring up Roy Moore. Have you yet found out the evidence that he is actually guilty?

A other coup... and yes he did sue some of the false accusers. They need to be put much much closer to real rape... that is behind bars.

She needs to pay regardless if she is lying or not. With these crazy feminists, they are probably capable of believing whatever the democrat politicians tell them. They should also face consequences, which they will in November.
I dont need any evidence. Moore is out of the picture. My point was if Moore and Drumpf were innocent why didnt they sue the women like they claimed they was going to do? :laugh:

You clowns talk all this shit about random accusations but you dont put your money where your mouth is. Your own actions show you to be liars.

What are you talking about? He did sue some of the accusers.

Of course, they would have to have evidence that the accusers actually were lying, which is hard to produce. That's exactly why the credibility of an accusation should be zero by default. Without evidence it belongs in garbage bin automatically, and if evidence is produced that the woman is in fact lying, she be suffering prison rapes for rest of her life.

Of course if this FBI investigation happens, I hope they go full offensive, and if it turns out the woman is lying... people need to be put behind bars.
"Limited in scope"

Thats the key. Whats the scope? 1 day in the life of Kav back in 1982?
Man... If Ginsburg shit the bed... That’d really Upset the Democrat apple cart...
They will always find more people willing to lie that they were sexually harassed.

It's to grow balls and just tell them produce the evidence or get the fuck out. Further, it's time to start locking up the false accusers, especially if they obstruct the political process. They also will have to pay for all the damages to they inflicted on all parties involved.
Or you could do like Drumpf and Moore promised to do which was sue the people they claimed were lying. Ever wonder why they havent done that?

You bring up Roy Moore. Have you yet found out the evidence that he is actually guilty?

A other coup... and yes he did sue some of the false accusers. They need to be put much much closer to real rape... that is behind bars.

She needs to pay regardless if she is lying or not. With these crazy feminists, they are probably capable of believing whatever the democrat politicians tell them. They should also face consequences, which they will in November.
I dont need any evidence. Moore is out of the picture. My point was if Moore and Drumpf were innocent why didnt they sue the women like they claimed they was going to do? :laugh:

You clowns talk all this shit about random accusations but you dont put your money where your mouth is. Your own actions show you to be liars.

What are you talking about? He did sue some of the accusers.

Of course, they would have to have evidence that the accusers actually were lying, which is hard to produce. That's exactly why the credibility of an accusation should be zero by default.
Show me the link where Drumpf sued any of the women. Looks like Moore dropped his suit.

Judge rules on Roy Moore's request to drop lawsuit
Just on Fox right now.

Get ready folks, as I said, this will be about painting the judge as the enemy, pressuring weak GOP. They will tell you "you are going to vote without this investigation being completed"?

You will have a Liberal judge in 2019 taking that vacant seat. You actually have lawyers telling YOUR government, YOUR president and YOUR Federal Police agency "we tell YOU what to do".

They aren't going to get it this close to the Mid-Terms without ensuring it's delayed.
If repubs were actually smart they would pull Kav.
No! That would let the dog shit dirty democrats off the hook. Let this play out!
They will always find more people willing to lie that they were sexually harassed.

It's to grow balls and just tell them produce the evidence or get the fuck out. Further, it's time to start locking up the false accusers, especially if they obstruct the political process. They also will have to pay for all the damages to they inflicted on all parties involved.
Or you could do like Drumpf and Moore promised to do which was sue the people they claimed were lying. Ever wonder why they havent done that?

You bring up Roy Moore. Have you yet found out the evidence that he is actually guilty?

A other coup... and yes he did sue some of the false accusers. They need to be put much much closer to real rape... that is behind bars.

She needs to pay regardless if she is lying or not. With these crazy feminists, they are probably capable of believing whatever the democrat politicians tell them. They should also face consequences, which they will in November.
I dont need any evidence. Moore is out of the picture. My point was if Moore and Drumpf were innocent why didnt they sue the women like they claimed they was going to do? :laugh:

You clowns talk all this shit about random accusations but you dont put your money where your mouth is. Your own actions show you to be liars.

What are you talking about? He did sue some of the accusers.

Of course, they would have to have evidence that the accusers actually were lying, which is hard to produce. That's exactly why the credibility of an accusation should be zero by default.
Show me the link where Drumpf sued any of the women.

Why would Trump sue any of the women accusing a different person?

So tired of dealing with the 80 IQ morons.

Of course, nothing will come out of the investigation, the woman doesn't remember where, when and who. Which is exactly why she should have never been given a light of day.
Just on Fox right now.

Get ready folks, as I said, this will be about painting the judge as the enemy, pressuring weak GOP. They will tell you "you are going to vote without this investigation being completed"?

You will have a Liberal judge in 2019 taking that vacant seat. You actually have lawyers telling YOUR government, YOUR president and YOUR Federal Police agency "we tell YOU what to do".

They aren't going to get it this close to the Mid-Terms without ensuring it's delayed.
If repubs were actually smart they would pull Kav.
No! That would let the dog shit dirty democrats off the hook. Let this play out!
Well thats what I told you idiots last week. Let it play out but you clowns wanted it to be rushed.
Or you could do like Drumpf and Moore promised to do which was sue the people they claimed were lying. Ever wonder why they havent done that?

You bring up Roy Moore. Have you yet found out the evidence that he is actually guilty?

A other coup... and yes he did sue some of the false accusers. They need to be put much much closer to real rape... that is behind bars.

She needs to pay regardless if she is lying or not. With these crazy feminists, they are probably capable of believing whatever the democrat politicians tell them. They should also face consequences, which they will in November.
I dont need any evidence. Moore is out of the picture. My point was if Moore and Drumpf were innocent why didnt they sue the women like they claimed they was going to do? :laugh:

You clowns talk all this shit about random accusations but you dont put your money where your mouth is. Your own actions show you to be liars.

What are you talking about? He did sue some of the accusers.

Of course, they would have to have evidence that the accusers actually were lying, which is hard to produce. That's exactly why the credibility of an accusation should be zero by default.
Show me the link where Drumpf sued any of the women.

Why would Trump sue any of the women accusing a different person?

So tired of dealing with the 80 IQ morons.

Of course, nothing will come out of the investigation, the women doesn't remember where, when and who. Which is exactly why she should have never been given a light of day.
Drumpf should sue the women that accused him dummy.

Stop smoking meth and then posting.
You bring up Roy Moore. Have you yet found out the evidence that he is actually guilty?

A other coup... and yes he did sue some of the false accusers. They need to be put much much closer to real rape... that is behind bars.

She needs to pay regardless if she is lying or not. With these crazy feminists, they are probably capable of believing whatever the democrat politicians tell them. They should also face consequences, which they will in November.
I dont need any evidence. Moore is out of the picture. My point was if Moore and Drumpf were innocent why didnt they sue the women like they claimed they was going to do? :laugh:

You clowns talk all this shit about random accusations but you dont put your money where your mouth is. Your own actions show you to be liars.

What are you talking about? He did sue some of the accusers.

Of course, they would have to have evidence that the accusers actually were lying, which is hard to produce. That's exactly why the credibility of an accusation should be zero by default.
Show me the link where Drumpf sued any of the women.

Why would Trump sue any of the women accusing a different person?

So tired of dealing with the 80 IQ morons.

Of course, nothing will come out of the investigation, the women doesn't remember where, when and who. Which is exactly why she should have never been given a light of day.
Drumpf should sue the women that accused him dummy.

Stop smoking meth and then posting.

Yes, he should sue them. But right now he's the POTUS and has more important matters to attend to. He dealt with the hard left bitches much better than Roy Moore anyway. Hope they have job security as no one clear headed is going to hire them.
Flake he looks stupid now for believing Dem's agreed to his 1 week investigation with limited scope. Even Graham didn't fall for that one.
Just on Fox right now.

Get ready folks, as I said, this will be about painting the judge as the enemy, pressuring weak GOP. They will tell you "you are going to vote without this investigation being completed"?

You will have a Liberal judge in 2019 taking that vacant seat. You actually have lawyers telling YOUR government, YOUR president and YOUR Federal Police agency "we tell YOU what to do".

They aren't going to get it this close to the Mid-Terms without ensuring it's delayed.
If repubs were actually smart they would pull Kav.

Wrong, tell the Dem's to go fuck themselves and confirm him.

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