CDZ On history repeating itself, control freaks and communism


Mar 27, 2016
(All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. -Arthur Schopenhauer)

Some thoughts on history repeating itself, personality types, Communism and control freaks, plus some
advice on how to spot a sociopath v. 2.5 by Norman K. Breslow, 2010-2014​

History is said to repeat itself. If it does, the question is why. The answer is simple. There are numerous types of personalities, and each type does what is natural for that type to do. For example, the sociopath, who has no conscience and no empathy and who has a lust for power, often becomes a politician. If he’s lucky, he becomes the dictator of a small third world country. If he’s very lucky, he becomes the dictator of a large first world country.
Another personality type is the dogmatic personality. No matter what evidence is presented to a person with a dogmatic personality showing that he is wrong on any subject, he won’t change his mind once it’s made up, and he will insist that he is right. He won’t budge. Not an inch. Never. After about 150 years of failure, Commies haven’t figured out that Communism doesn’t work. They keep insisting that it does, or will the next time a country tries it. This is an example of a Dogmatic personality type!
A control freak is a person who was hurt when very young, either emotionally or physically or sexually, or any combination of the above. They believe that if they can control everyone and everything around them, they can’t be hurt again.
Communists, (also known as socialists or progressives or liberals or democrats or republicans) have dogmatic personalities, and are control freaks. If a normal person doesn’t like a TV show, he doesn’t watch it. If a Commie doesn’t like a TV show, he wants it banned. Commies want to destroy what they don’t like. When it’s destroyed, they feel safer.
In summary, Commies are control freaks who want to control everyone and everything around them. Because they were emotionally and/or physically and/or sexually abused when they were young, they believe if they can control everyone and everything then they can’t be hurt again. They have dogmatic personalities, so don’t learn from the past that communism doesn’t work. Commie politicians are not only control freaks with dogmatic personalities, but also sociopaths, who don’t have a conscience or empathy.
As sociopathic control freak politicians accumulate power, they become tyrants, which is why history tends to repeat itself. Sociopathic control freak politicians do what is natural for sociopathic control freak politicians to do. They try to accumulate more power and control at other people’s expense.
How to spot a sociopath
Listen to their laugh. Sociopaths don’t have a full range of human emotions. In any situation, they look at the people around them to show them how to react to what’s happening. If other people are smiling, they smile. Easy enough to fake. Easy enough to make them appear to be a normal person. Easy enough to make themselves seem to “fit in”. Sociopaths don’t get humor. The best faked laugh they can do is “Ha Ha Ha”. Faking a realistic laugh is impossible for sociopaths. Faking a smile is easy.
As an example of the sociopaths laugh, search the Web for “Obama laughing”. After almost five years as President, you’d think there would be lots of videos of him laughing. There are almost none. The best examples of him laughing that I found are on YouTube, in which he kinda-sorta goes “he he he he”. You’ll never see him having a “belly laugh”, because sociopaths are incapable of having one. The type of (almost) laugh Obama has is sometimes called “a mirthless laugh” or a “performance laugh”. He has been couched to give a “he he he he” laugh instead of a “Ha Ha Ha” laugh because it is thought the “he
he he he” is not as noticeably weird as the “Ha Ha Ha” laugh is.
If you do find a video of Obama laughing, does he sound like a person laughing, or a person trying to sound like a person laughing? You decide for yourself. I suggest that whenever you hear a person who has a weird “mechanical-mirthless-performance” laugh, watch out. Sociopaths should be avoided whenever possible. Just a thought.

P.S. Check out Nancy Pelosi’s laugh!
P.P.S. For a scary insight into sociopaths, read “The Sociopath Next Door” by Martha Stout, Ph.D., available on Amazon. I think the author grossly underestimates the number of sociopaths in America, but I believe the rest of the points she makes are right on.

Norman K. Breslow, B.F.A, B.A, M.A.

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History is said to repeat itself. If it does, the question is why. The answer is simple. There are numerous types of personalities, and each type does what is natural for that type to do.

History repeats itself because history is the story of humanity and the human condition has not changed in tens of thousands of years. Until the human nature does change, history will continue to repeat itself.

Your kids and my kids may be very different individuals, and yet all of them, just as you and I did, for example, in their mid teens through young adulthood are certain they've "invented a better mousetrap" than the one we as their more experienced guides have presented to them. They'll eventually, as you and I have, figure out that they in fact had not. What varies among them is how much time must pass before they discover that they did not conceive a "better mousetrap." It will be the same similarities and differences for every other person on the planet, no matter their culture.

It may be that we are saying the same thing. I'm not sure.
History repeats itself because history is the story of humanity and the human condition has not changed in tens of thousands of years. Until the human nature does change, history will continue to repeat itself.

So why do we continue with unending social experimentation?
History repeats itself because history is the story of humanity and the human condition has not changed in tens of thousands of years. Until the human nature does change, history will continue to repeat itself.

So why do we continue with unending social experimentation?

I think what is being said is that Human Nature does not change...and so it is no surprise that that it will operate on events the same...over time.

I think Human Nature does change...but so gradually that it can't be measured except over eons.

In other words, you can look for the Great American Experiment...from which came the greatest society in ultimately fail...just like the last great society, known as the Roman Empire..and fail for the same reason---the operation of Human Nature...which makes each generation expect everything to be easier for them than than it was for their parents...until the burden of the ever increasing expectations...collapses the whole system.

Practical Example: Everybody knows Social Security is going broke in large part because people are living longer than was expected. As was the case in the 1980's. Then, Ron Reagan stepped up and made some changes and saved it...I remember, it hurt my paycheck...but it was obviously necessary.

And, it is again.

But, only a generation later, Paul Ryan stepped up with a proposal that would save it again...and within a few days, the Democrat/Socialists have a commercial out that shows a Paul Ryan look-a-like throwing Granny out of a wheel chair and off a cliff.

Nobody has dared touch the subject it looms over the Sword of Damocles.

Like the Romans; the Americans have become fat and lazy and spoiled. They expect to be taken care of...its Human Nature....and the collapse will come...eventually.

Who cares about "eventually"?

Just a few old Jeffersonians with children and grandchildren.

But, Human Nature must work its will.
I sincerely hope that humans are not the highest form of intelligence in the universe.

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