On Jan. 20, Biden to issue memo freezing Trump administration's midnight regulations

You left wingers are such fools...........you would be hilariously funny if your policies and beliefs didn't always end in mass graves and murder....
‘At noon ET on Jan. 20, after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will issue a memo to stop or postpone midnight regulations and actions taken by the Trump administration that have not gone into effect by Inauguration Day, Biden transition spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

Midnight regulations are created by executive branch agencies during the lame duck period of an outgoing president's administration. Psaki shared some examples, including a rule the Department of Labor is expected to publish that "would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for incoming administrations, Psaki said, "but this freeze will apply not only to regulations but also guidance documents — documents that can have enormous consequences on the lives of the American people." Biden has already said he will take several executive actions on his first day in office, including rejoining both the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change.’

And this isn’t just about Trump – any Republican president would have sought to implement the same reckless, irresponsible, failed, wrongheaded regulations and actions.
I imagine the first 9 months-24 months will be done surveying the damage done in the last 4 years and trying to repair/reverse it.
Some of it irreparable.
If you're a foreign government, there is no reason to believe the agreements and treaties you're signing will be permanent. And if you're a first world nation; you're re-doubling your efforts to get a weapons platform in space.... Because the US has a "space force" out there now.

Calling the Trump administration "stupid" is putting it mildly.

You do realize that at least in the beginning, as Civilian space travel becomes more common, the US space force will be more like the Coast Guard for space than Space Marines?

And I'm sure the Chinese and Russians see it that way too, right?

Who the fuck cares how they see it?

Stop sucking Chinese and Russian dick, it will help with your overbite.

Yeah you first. You support the blob who had his MAGA hats made in China. You've swallowed so much orange cum that you look like a baboon and your piss looks like tang.

The reason it's important is because it opens a new frontier in the arms race. Perhaps you'll care when they put a missile platform up there, space mines, etc...

But you'd have to have mutli-track thinking capability to be able to see what a disaster it is to devote a branch of the military to militarizing space. I don't expect you to understand.

never bought one, and if progs like you keep pushing a $15 minimum wage without any import restrictions on China more stuff will be made over there.
So you're making excuses for your blob sucking chinese cock or are you upset that he's taking your turn fuck face.

Like military equipment wasn't going to end up in space anyway.

And it's not like no one has done anything about this decades ago:

Istrebitel Sputnikov - Wikipedia

We already had a branch of the military devoted to space military theory and practice, the Air Force. Trump just setup a separate branch.

Again, more like the coast guard at first, rescue, control, that sort of thing.

I'm sure it was. But now the Chinese and Trump's other buddies in Soviet/Russia have clearance to be rather open about their militarization.

It's called diplomacy you mindless piece of shit.

I'm saying policies you support will make even more shit be made there and sold here.

Um, guess what? They were doing it already and they don't need to hide it because they are authoritarian governments. There is zero impact of Trump doing this on what they would, will or are doing except propagandizing their "fears" to gullible Quislings like you.

You are a fucking tool, the "useful idiot" concept attributed to Lenin.

Plus China and Russia aren't really "buddies". Learn global politics moar if you want to comment on it.

No what you're staying fuck stain is that as long as your blob does it, you're fine with it. He personally contributed to the trade deficit you're allegedly suddenly pissed about. Take his dick out of your mouth for a moment and ask him.

No I am pointing out your hypocrisy is supporting Dem policies that will result in China having an easier time selling shit in our country.

He tried to force China to play fairly in trade, and you clowns backed China just to be contrary to him.
He achieved very little in terms of China. His bluster might have excited his dickhead fans but had no real impact. The way to curb the Chinese is by forming an international consensus and taking co-ordinated action.

That is the way to deal with all the problems of the modern age.Trump never understood that.In fact he worked hard at alienating long time allies and isolating the US.

Trumps legacy is that the US needs to rebuild its position as a world leader..

The way to curb the Chinese is by forming an international consensus and taking co-ordinated action.

Your countries are already bending over for China, you dumbass....the same way they did to make peace with hitler....

Do you remember how that turned out?

Trump is the modern Churchill trying to warn you dumb fucks about China...and you are ignoring him the same way you ignored Churchill....

I can't wait till Angela Merkle and Macron come out with the piece of paper... yelling..."Peace in our Time....but for real....no...really, this time we mean it....and so do the Chinese...."
‘At noon ET on Jan. 20, after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will issue a memo to stop or postpone midnight regulations and actions taken by the Trump administration that have not gone into effect by Inauguration Day, Biden transition spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

Midnight regulations are created by executive branch agencies during the lame duck period of an outgoing president's administration. Psaki shared some examples, including a rule the Department of Labor is expected to publish that "would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for incoming administrations, Psaki said, "but this freeze will apply not only to regulations but also guidance documents — documents that can have enormous consequences on the lives of the American people." Biden has already said he will take several executive actions on his first day in office, including rejoining both the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change.’

And this isn’t just about Trump – any Republican president would have sought to implement the same reckless, irresponsible, failed, wrongheaded regulations and actions.
I imagine the first 9 months-24 months will be done surveying the damage done in the last 4 years and trying to repair/reverse it.
Some of it irreparable.
If you're a foreign government, there is no reason to believe the agreements and treaties you're signing will be permanent. And if you're a first world nation; you're re-doubling your efforts to get a weapons platform in space.... Because the US has a "space force" out there now.

Calling the Trump administration "stupid" is putting it mildly.

You do realize that at least in the beginning, as Civilian space travel becomes more common, the US space force will be more like the Coast Guard for space than Space Marines?

And I'm sure the Chinese and Russians see it that way too, right?

Who the fuck cares how they see it?

Stop sucking Chinese and Russian dick, it will help with your overbite.

Yeah you first. You support the blob who had his MAGA hats made in China. You've swallowed so much orange cum that you look like a baboon and your piss looks like tang.

The reason it's important is because it opens a new frontier in the arms race. Perhaps you'll care when they put a missile platform up there, space mines, etc...

But you'd have to have mutli-track thinking capability to be able to see what a disaster it is to devote a branch of the military to militarizing space. I don't expect you to understand.

never bought one, and if progs like you keep pushing a $15 minimum wage without any import restrictions on China more stuff will be made over there.
So you're making excuses for your blob sucking chinese cock or are you upset that he's taking your turn fuck face.

Like military equipment wasn't going to end up in space anyway.

And it's not like no one has done anything about this decades ago:

Istrebitel Sputnikov - Wikipedia

We already had a branch of the military devoted to space military theory and practice, the Air Force. Trump just setup a separate branch.

Again, more like the coast guard at first, rescue, control, that sort of thing.

I'm sure it was. But now the Chinese and Trump's other buddies in Soviet/Russia have clearance to be rather open about their militarization.

It's called diplomacy you mindless piece of shit.

I'm saying policies you support will make even more shit be made there and sold here.

Um, guess what? They were doing it already and they don't need to hide it because they are authoritarian governments. There is zero impact of Trump doing this on what they would, will or are doing except propagandizing their "fears" to gullible Quislings like you.

You are a fucking tool, the "useful idiot" concept attributed to Lenin.

Plus China and Russia aren't really "buddies". Learn global politics moar if you want to comment on it.

No what you're staying fuck stain is that as long as your blob does it, you're fine with it. He personally contributed to the trade deficit you're allegedly suddenly pissed about. Take his dick out of your mouth for a moment and ask him.

No I am pointing out your hypocrisy is supporting Dem policies that will result in China having an easier time selling shit in our country.

He tried to force China to play fairly in trade, and you clowns backed China just to be contrary to him.
He achieved very little in terms of China. His bluster might have excited his dickhead fans but had no real impact. The way to curb the Chinese is by forming an international consensus and taking co-ordinated action.

That is the way to deal with all the problems of the modern age.Trump never understood that.In fact he worked hard at alienating long time allies and isolating the US.

Trumps legacy is that the US needs to rebuild its position as a world leader..

He tried, but quislings like you tried to and probably effectively sabotaged him.

Your definition of world leader is a milquetoast that lets your Commie China butt fuck buddies shaft over everyone else.

Die you dried up old commie hack.
A few late night tweets is not "trying".
‘At noon ET on Jan. 20, after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will issue a memo to stop or postpone midnight regulations and actions taken by the Trump administration that have not gone into effect by Inauguration Day, Biden transition spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

Midnight regulations are created by executive branch agencies during the lame duck period of an outgoing president's administration. Psaki shared some examples, including a rule the Department of Labor is expected to publish that "would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for incoming administrations, Psaki said, "but this freeze will apply not only to regulations but also guidance documents — documents that can have enormous consequences on the lives of the American people." Biden has already said he will take several executive actions on his first day in office, including rejoining both the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change.’

And this isn’t just about Trump – any Republican president would have sought to implement the same reckless, irresponsible, failed, wrongheaded regulations and actions.
I imagine the first 9 months-24 months will be done surveying the damage done in the last 4 years and trying to repair/reverse it.
Some of it irreparable.
If you're a foreign government, there is no reason to believe the agreements and treaties you're signing will be permanent. And if you're a first world nation; you're re-doubling your efforts to get a weapons platform in space.... Because the US has a "space force" out there now.

Calling the Trump administration "stupid" is putting it mildly.

You do realize that at least in the beginning, as Civilian space travel becomes more common, the US space force will be more like the Coast Guard for space than Space Marines?

And I'm sure the Chinese and Russians see it that way too, right?

Who the fuck cares how they see it?

Stop sucking Chinese and Russian dick, it will help with your overbite.

Yeah you first. You support the blob who had his MAGA hats made in China. You've swallowed so much orange cum that you look like a baboon and your piss looks like tang.

The reason it's important is because it opens a new frontier in the arms race. Perhaps you'll care when they put a missile platform up there, space mines, etc...

But you'd have to have mutli-track thinking capability to be able to see what a disaster it is to devote a branch of the military to militarizing space. I don't expect you to understand.

never bought one, and if progs like you keep pushing a $15 minimum wage without any import restrictions on China more stuff will be made over there.
So you're making excuses for your blob sucking chinese cock or are you upset that he's taking your turn fuck face.

Like military equipment wasn't going to end up in space anyway.

And it's not like no one has done anything about this decades ago:

Istrebitel Sputnikov - Wikipedia

We already had a branch of the military devoted to space military theory and practice, the Air Force. Trump just setup a separate branch.

Again, more like the coast guard at first, rescue, control, that sort of thing.

I'm sure it was. But now the Chinese and Trump's other buddies in Soviet/Russia have clearance to be rather open about their militarization.

It's called diplomacy you mindless piece of shit.

I'm saying policies you support will make even more shit be made there and sold here.

Um, guess what? They were doing it already and they don't need to hide it because they are authoritarian governments. There is zero impact of Trump doing this on what they would, will or are doing except propagandizing their "fears" to gullible Quislings like you.

You are a fucking tool, the "useful idiot" concept attributed to Lenin.

Plus China and Russia aren't really "buddies". Learn global politics moar if you want to comment on it.

No what you're staying fuck stain is that as long as your blob does it, you're fine with it. He personally contributed to the trade deficit you're allegedly suddenly pissed about. Take his dick out of your mouth for a moment and ask him.

No I am pointing out your hypocrisy is supporting Dem policies that will result in China having an easier time selling shit in our country.

He tried to force China to play fairly in trade, and you clowns backed China just to be contrary to him.
He achieved very little in terms of China. His bluster might have excited his dickhead fans but had no real impact. The way to curb the Chinese is by forming an international consensus and taking co-ordinated action.

That is the way to deal with all the problems of the modern age.Trump never understood that.In fact he worked hard at alienating long time allies and isolating the US.

Trumps legacy is that the US needs to rebuild its position as a world leader..

You are an idiot, and your countries are already bending over for China.......it will lead to blood, tears and death...

Europe and China yesterday signed a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment after seven years of negotiation. Why now? As I report at Asia Times, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron pushed the deal through to pre-empt anything that the new U.S. administration might have to say on the subject.

The dumb part of that quote from the link?

pushed the deal through to pre-empt anything that the new U.S. administration might have to say on the subject.

The democrat party here in the states sold out to China in the 1990s....when the clintons sold our secret, high tech to china for campaign cash........and biden has China's hand so far up his ass that they touch the back of his teeth with their fingers......

The only thing the democrats will have to say on the subject is whatever China tells them to say on the subject...
‘At noon ET on Jan. 20, after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will issue a memo to stop or postpone midnight regulations and actions taken by the Trump administration that have not gone into effect by Inauguration Day, Biden transition spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

Midnight regulations are created by executive branch agencies during the lame duck period of an outgoing president's administration. Psaki shared some examples, including a rule the Department of Labor is expected to publish that "would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for incoming administrations, Psaki said, "but this freeze will apply not only to regulations but also guidance documents — documents that can have enormous consequences on the lives of the American people." Biden has already said he will take several executive actions on his first day in office, including rejoining both the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change.’

And this isn’t just about Trump – any Republican president would have sought to implement the same reckless, irresponsible, failed, wrongheaded regulations and actions.
I imagine the first 9 months-24 months will be done surveying the damage done in the last 4 years and trying to repair/reverse it.
Some of it irreparable.
If you're a foreign government, there is no reason to believe the agreements and treaties you're signing will be permanent. And if you're a first world nation; you're re-doubling your efforts to get a weapons platform in space.... Because the US has a "space force" out there now.

Calling the Trump administration "stupid" is putting it mildly.

You do realize that at least in the beginning, as Civilian space travel becomes more common, the US space force will be more like the Coast Guard for space than Space Marines?

And I'm sure the Chinese and Russians see it that way too, right?

Who the fuck cares how they see it?

Stop sucking Chinese and Russian dick, it will help with your overbite.

Yeah you first. You support the blob who had his MAGA hats made in China. You've swallowed so much orange cum that you look like a baboon and your piss looks like tang.

The reason it's important is because it opens a new frontier in the arms race. Perhaps you'll care when they put a missile platform up there, space mines, etc...

But you'd have to have mutli-track thinking capability to be able to see what a disaster it is to devote a branch of the military to militarizing space. I don't expect you to understand.

never bought one, and if progs like you keep pushing a $15 minimum wage without any import restrictions on China more stuff will be made over there.
So you're making excuses for your blob sucking chinese cock or are you upset that he's taking your turn fuck face.

Like military equipment wasn't going to end up in space anyway.

And it's not like no one has done anything about this decades ago:

Istrebitel Sputnikov - Wikipedia

We already had a branch of the military devoted to space military theory and practice, the Air Force. Trump just setup a separate branch.

Again, more like the coast guard at first, rescue, control, that sort of thing.

I'm sure it was. But now the Chinese and Trump's other buddies in Soviet/Russia have clearance to be rather open about their militarization.

It's called diplomacy you mindless piece of shit.

I'm saying policies you support will make even more shit be made there and sold here.

Um, guess what? They were doing it already and they don't need to hide it because they are authoritarian governments. There is zero impact of Trump doing this on what they would, will or are doing except propagandizing their "fears" to gullible Quislings like you.

You are a fucking tool, the "useful idiot" concept attributed to Lenin.

Plus China and Russia aren't really "buddies". Learn global politics moar if you want to comment on it.

No what you're staying fuck stain is that as long as your blob does it, you're fine with it. He personally contributed to the trade deficit you're allegedly suddenly pissed about. Take his dick out of your mouth for a moment and ask him.

No I am pointing out your hypocrisy is supporting Dem policies that will result in China having an easier time selling shit in our country.

He tried to force China to play fairly in trade, and you clowns backed China just to be contrary to him.
He achieved very little in terms of China. His bluster might have excited his dickhead fans but had no real impact. The way to curb the Chinese is by forming an international consensus and taking co-ordinated action.

That is the way to deal with all the problems of the modern age.Trump never understood that.In fact he worked hard at alienating long time allies and isolating the US.

Trumps legacy is that the US needs to rebuild its position as a world leader..

He tried, but quislings like you tried to and probably effectively sabotaged him.

Your definition of world leader is a milquetoast that lets your Commie China butt fuck buddies shaft over everyone else.

Die you dried up old commie hack.
A few late night tweets is not "trying".

He tweeted about actions he took, actions panned by China loving lefties like you.
‘At noon ET on Jan. 20, after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will issue a memo to stop or postpone midnight regulations and actions taken by the Trump administration that have not gone into effect by Inauguration Day, Biden transition spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

Midnight regulations are created by executive branch agencies during the lame duck period of an outgoing president's administration. Psaki shared some examples, including a rule the Department of Labor is expected to publish that "would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for incoming administrations, Psaki said, "but this freeze will apply not only to regulations but also guidance documents — documents that can have enormous consequences on the lives of the American people." Biden has already said he will take several executive actions on his first day in office, including rejoining both the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change.’

And this isn’t just about Trump – any Republican president would have sought to implement the same reckless, irresponsible, failed, wrongheaded regulations and actions.
I imagine the first 9 months-24 months will be done surveying the damage done in the last 4 years and trying to repair/reverse it.
That's always the case for Democrat Presidents after a republican one is done trashing the country
Let’s look at the misguided, wrongheaded policy change from the OP Trump seeks to put into place:

"would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Only Republicans would advance a policy that would adversely affect working Americans.

This comes as no surprise, of course, given the fact that Republicans are hostile toward working Americans.
‘At noon ET on Jan. 20, after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will issue a memo to stop or postpone midnight regulations and actions taken by the Trump administration that have not gone into effect by Inauguration Day, Biden transition spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

Midnight regulations are created by executive branch agencies during the lame duck period of an outgoing president's administration. Psaki shared some examples, including a rule the Department of Labor is expected to publish that "would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for incoming administrations, Psaki said, "but this freeze will apply not only to regulations but also guidance documents — documents that can have enormous consequences on the lives of the American people." Biden has already said he will take several executive actions on his first day in office, including rejoining both the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change.’

And this isn’t just about Trump – any Republican president would have sought to implement the same reckless, irresponsible, failed, wrongheaded regulations and actions.
This is welcome news and very encouraging. The worry is that the right can still fool so many people into voting against their own interests.
Education is the only answer to this.Giving people the tools to recognise a con when it is presented to them.
It’s the consequence of adhering blindly to failed conservative dogma.
Let’s look at the misguided, wrongheaded policy change from the OP Trump seeks to put into place:

"would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Only Republicans would advance a policy that would adversely affect working Americans.

This comes as no surprise, of course, given the fact that Republicans are hostile toward working Americans.

You are a lying piece of crap...

"would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

This is in reaction to the democrat party union wing trying to destroy Lyft, Uber, and the other parts of the Gig economy who compete with unions...the unions want to destroy these new industries and services, you dumbass...
Let’s look at the misguided, wrongheaded policy change from the OP Trump seeks to put into place:

"would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Only Republicans would advance a policy that would adversely affect working Americans.

This comes as no surprise, of course, given the fact that Republicans are hostile toward working Americans.

Also, you dumb ass........the democrats and their union wing want to force people who take care of family members to be forced to join unions...

A 55-year-old woman who earns less than minimum wage caring for her disabled son could unravel decades of labor law and strike a blow against one of the most powerful political lobbies in the nation.

Pamela Harris is fighting an Illinois law crafted by imprisoned former Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D.) and enforced by his successor Pat Quinn (D.) that forces her and other home healthcare workers to pay union dues. Her case, Harris v. Quinn, begins oral arguments at the Supreme Court on Tuesday morning

“I don’t want to be the face and name associated with anti-union campaign, but this is at its heart a mother doing what she thinks is right for her son,” she told theWashington Free Beacon. “I don’t see this as a union issue, but the current administration in Illinois has an unhealthy relationship with public sector unions. We got swept up in that.”

Her son Josh, 25, has a rare muscular genetic disease called Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome that has left him intellectually disabled, non-communicative, and unable to control his body. She bathes him, brushes his teeth, pops his dislocated limbs back into place, and takes him to meetings with doctors, specialists, and therapists.

He communicates to Mrs. Harris, his full-time caregiver, through an iPad app, but the majority of the work is done by a mother’s intuition.

“The state faces scant availability of personal care workers, especially those willing to work with Josh,” Harris said. “It yields better outcomes of care for the individuals when cared for with people they trust—it takes years of observation and honestly someone who loves to give Josh the care he needs.”

Josh receives $715 each month from Medicaid to cover the costs of the constant supervision he requires, a far cheaper alternative to institutionalization. The money is divided between Mrs. Harris, the occupational therapist who massages his limbs to prevent dislocations, the speech therapist who teaches him how to chew and swallow, and the physical therapist who keeps him ambulatory, as well as medical professionals that help keep Josh healthy.

Under the agreement reached by Governors Blagojevich and Quinn, the Harris family would have to funnel a portion of that money to public sector unions, including Democratic allies such as the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).

The government is arguing that because people like Harris receive taxpayer money, they are state employees subject to union dues, though not the pensions and liability coverage that their fellow public sector workers receive. Harris was puzzled by the classification, considering that unions cannot negotiate other benefits for her family because the Medicaid program is capped.

‘At noon ET on Jan. 20, after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will issue a memo to stop or postpone midnight regulations and actions taken by the Trump administration that have not gone into effect by Inauguration Day, Biden transition spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

Midnight regulations are created by executive branch agencies during the lame duck period of an outgoing president's administration. Psaki shared some examples, including a rule the Department of Labor is expected to publish that "would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for incoming administrations, Psaki said, "but this freeze will apply not only to regulations but also guidance documents — documents that can have enormous consequences on the lives of the American people." Biden has already said he will take several executive actions on his first day in office, including rejoining both the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change.’

And this isn’t just about Trump – any Republican president would have sought to implement the same reckless, irresponsible, failed, wrongheaded regulations and actions.
I imagine the first 9 months-24 months will be done surveying the damage done in the last 4 years and trying to repair/reverse it.
Some of it irreparable.
If you're a foreign government, there is no reason to believe the agreements and treaties you're signing will be permanent. And if you're a first world nation; you're re-doubling your efforts to get a weapons platform in space.... Because the US has a "space force" out there now.

Calling the Trump administration "stupid" is putting it mildly.
It would be the height of stupidity to yield the advantages of a space force to a foreign power. Every major advancement in the history of man has been met with cries of derision from the usual suspects who maintain that it won't work or it's too dangerous or some excuse to cling to horses instead of transitioning to cars.
We're not yielding anything, we're giving the other nations complete license to militarize space. We've seen this play before...we know how it ends
‘At noon ET on Jan. 20, after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will issue a memo to stop or postpone midnight regulations and actions taken by the Trump administration that have not gone into effect by Inauguration Day, Biden transition spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

Midnight regulations are created by executive branch agencies during the lame duck period of an outgoing president's administration. Psaki shared some examples, including a rule the Department of Labor is expected to publish that "would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for incoming administrations, Psaki said, "but this freeze will apply not only to regulations but also guidance documents — documents that can have enormous consequences on the lives of the American people." Biden has already said he will take several executive actions on his first day in office, including rejoining both the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change.’

And this isn’t just about Trump – any Republican president would have sought to implement the same reckless, irresponsible, failed, wrongheaded regulations and actions.
I imagine the first 9 months-24 months will be done surveying the damage done in the last 4 years and trying to repair/reverse it.
Some of it irreparable.
If you're a foreign government, there is no reason to believe the agreements and treaties you're signing will be permanent. And if you're a first world nation; you're re-doubling your efforts to get a weapons platform in space.... Because the US has a "space force" out there now.

Calling the Trump administration "stupid" is putting it mildly.

You do realize that at least in the beginning, as Civilian space travel becomes more common, the US space force will be more like the Coast Guard for space than Space Marines?

And I'm sure the Chinese and Russians see it that way too, right?

Who the fuck cares how they see it?

Stop sucking Chinese and Russian dick, it will help with your overbite.

Yeah you first. You support the blob who had his MAGA hats made in China. You've swallowed so much orange cum that you look like a baboon and your piss looks like tang.

The reason it's important is because it opens a new frontier in the arms race. Perhaps you'll care when they put a missile platform up there, space mines, etc...

But you'd have to have mutli-track thinking capability to be able to see what a disaster it is to devote a branch of the military to militarizing space. I don't expect you to understand.

never bought one, and if progs like you keep pushing a $15 minimum wage without any import restrictions on China more stuff will be made over there.
So you're making excuses for your blob sucking chinese cock or are you upset that he's taking your turn fuck face.

Like military equipment wasn't going to end up in space anyway.

And it's not like no one has done anything about this decades ago:

Istrebitel Sputnikov - Wikipedia

We already had a branch of the military devoted to space military theory and practice, the Air Force. Trump just setup a separate branch.

Again, more like the coast guard at first, rescue, control, that sort of thing.

I'm sure it was. But now the Chinese and Trump's other buddies in Soviet/Russia have clearance to be rather open about their militarization.

It's called diplomacy you mindless piece of shit.

I'm saying policies you support will make even more shit be made there and sold here.

Um, guess what? They were doing it already and they don't need to hide it because they are authoritarian governments. There is zero impact of Trump doing this on what they would, will or are doing except propagandizing their "fears" to gullible Quislings like you.

You are a fucking tool, the "useful idiot" concept attributed to Lenin.

Plus China and Russia aren't really "buddies". Learn global politics moar if you want to comment on it.

No what you're staying fuck stain is that as long as your blob does it, you're fine with it. He personally contributed to the trade deficit you're allegedly suddenly pissed about. Take his dick out of your mouth for a moment and ask him.

No I am pointing out your hypocrisy is supporting Dem policies that will result in China having an easier time selling shit in our country.

He tried to force China to play fairly in trade, and you clowns backed China just to be contrary to him.
Oh bullshit.

Since 1980, we've had what, 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush SR, 8 years of Bush Jr, and 4 years of your blob. Multiple congresses where the Republicans have had majorities in the House and the Senate and both at the same time. Calling it "dem policies" is bullshit, you know it's bullshit.

Your orange blob actually contributed to the trade deficit you suddenly are having your tantrum over. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
‘At noon ET on Jan. 20, after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will issue a memo to stop or postpone midnight regulations and actions taken by the Trump administration that have not gone into effect by Inauguration Day, Biden transition spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

Midnight regulations are created by executive branch agencies during the lame duck period of an outgoing president's administration. Psaki shared some examples, including a rule the Department of Labor is expected to publish that "would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for incoming administrations, Psaki said, "but this freeze will apply not only to regulations but also guidance documents — documents that can have enormous consequences on the lives of the American people." Biden has already said he will take several executive actions on his first day in office, including rejoining both the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change.’

And this isn’t just about Trump – any Republican president would have sought to implement the same reckless, irresponsible, failed, wrongheaded regulations and actions.
I imagine the first 9 months-24 months will be done surveying the damage done in the last 4 years and trying to repair/reverse it.
Some of it irreparable.
If you're a foreign government, there is no reason to believe the agreements and treaties you're signing will be permanent. And if you're a first world nation; you're re-doubling your efforts to get a weapons platform in space.... Because the US has a "space force" out there now.

Calling the Trump administration "stupid" is putting it mildly.

You do realize that at least in the beginning, as Civilian space travel becomes more common, the US space force will be more like the Coast Guard for space than Space Marines?

And I'm sure the Chinese and Russians see it that way too, right?

Who the fuck cares how they see it?

Stop sucking Chinese and Russian dick, it will help with your overbite.

Yeah you first. You support the blob who had his MAGA hats made in China. You've swallowed so much orange cum that you look like a baboon and your piss looks like tang.

The reason it's important is because it opens a new frontier in the arms race. Perhaps you'll care when they put a missile platform up there, space mines, etc...

But you'd have to have mutli-track thinking capability to be able to see what a disaster it is to devote a branch of the military to militarizing space. I don't expect you to understand.

never bought one, and if progs like you keep pushing a $15 minimum wage without any import restrictions on China more stuff will be made over there.
So you're making excuses for your blob sucking chinese cock or are you upset that he's taking your turn fuck face.

Like military equipment wasn't going to end up in space anyway.

And it's not like no one has done anything about this decades ago:

Istrebitel Sputnikov - Wikipedia

We already had a branch of the military devoted to space military theory and practice, the Air Force. Trump just setup a separate branch.

Again, more like the coast guard at first, rescue, control, that sort of thing.

I'm sure it was. But now the Chinese and Trump's other buddies in Soviet/Russia have clearance to be rather open about their militarization.

It's called diplomacy you mindless piece of shit.

I'm saying policies you support will make even more shit be made there and sold here.

Um, guess what? They were doing it already and they don't need to hide it because they are authoritarian governments. There is zero impact of Trump doing this on what they would, will or are doing except propagandizing their "fears" to gullible Quislings like you.

You are a fucking tool, the "useful idiot" concept attributed to Lenin.

Plus China and Russia aren't really "buddies". Learn global politics moar if you want to comment on it.

No what you're staying fuck stain is that as long as your blob does it, you're fine with it. He personally contributed to the trade deficit you're allegedly suddenly pissed about. Take his dick out of your mouth for a moment and ask him.

No I am pointing out your hypocrisy is supporting Dem policies that will result in China having an easier time selling shit in our country.

He tried to force China to play fairly in trade, and you clowns backed China just to be contrary to him.
Oh bullshit.

Since 1980, we've had what, 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush SR, 8 years of Bush Jr, and 4 years of your blob. Multiple congresses where the Republicans have had majorities in the House and the Senate and both at the same time. Calling it "dem policies" is bullshit, you know it's bullshit.

Your orange blob actually contributed to the trade deficit you suddenly are having your tantrum over. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I am saying Biden and his ilk will suck Chinese dick, like you do.

Slurp Slurp Slurp.
‘At noon ET on Jan. 20, after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will issue a memo to stop or postpone midnight regulations and actions taken by the Trump administration that have not gone into effect by Inauguration Day, Biden transition spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

Midnight regulations are created by executive branch agencies during the lame duck period of an outgoing president's administration. Psaki shared some examples, including a rule the Department of Labor is expected to publish that "would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for incoming administrations, Psaki said, "but this freeze will apply not only to regulations but also guidance documents — documents that can have enormous consequences on the lives of the American people." Biden has already said he will take several executive actions on his first day in office, including rejoining both the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change.’

And this isn’t just about Trump – any Republican president would have sought to implement the same reckless, irresponsible, failed, wrongheaded regulations and actions.
I imagine the first 9 months-24 months will be done surveying the damage done in the last 4 years and trying to repair/reverse it.
Some of it irreparable.
If you're a foreign government, there is no reason to believe the agreements and treaties you're signing will be permanent. And if you're a first world nation; you're re-doubling your efforts to get a weapons platform in space.... Because the US has a "space force" out there now.

Calling the Trump administration "stupid" is putting it mildly.

You do realize that at least in the beginning, as Civilian space travel becomes more common, the US space force will be more like the Coast Guard for space than Space Marines?

And I'm sure the Chinese and Russians see it that way too, right?

Who the fuck cares how they see it?

Stop sucking Chinese and Russian dick, it will help with your overbite.

Yeah you first. You support the blob who had his MAGA hats made in China. You've swallowed so much orange cum that you look like a baboon and your piss looks like tang.

The reason it's important is because it opens a new frontier in the arms race. Perhaps you'll care when they put a missile platform up there, space mines, etc...

But you'd have to have mutli-track thinking capability to be able to see what a disaster it is to devote a branch of the military to militarizing space. I don't expect you to understand.

never bought one, and if progs like you keep pushing a $15 minimum wage without any import restrictions on China more stuff will be made over there.
So you're making excuses for your blob sucking chinese cock or are you upset that he's taking your turn fuck face.

Like military equipment wasn't going to end up in space anyway.

And it's not like no one has done anything about this decades ago:

Istrebitel Sputnikov - Wikipedia

We already had a branch of the military devoted to space military theory and practice, the Air Force. Trump just setup a separate branch.

Again, more like the coast guard at first, rescue, control, that sort of thing.

I'm sure it was. But now the Chinese and Trump's other buddies in Soviet/Russia have clearance to be rather open about their militarization.

It's called diplomacy you mindless piece of shit.

I'm saying policies you support will make even more shit be made there and sold here.

Um, guess what? They were doing it already and they don't need to hide it because they are authoritarian governments. There is zero impact of Trump doing this on what they would, will or are doing except propagandizing their "fears" to gullible Quislings like you.

You are a fucking tool, the "useful idiot" concept attributed to Lenin.

Plus China and Russia aren't really "buddies". Learn global politics moar if you want to comment on it.

No what you're staying fuck stain is that as long as your blob does it, you're fine with it. He personally contributed to the trade deficit you're allegedly suddenly pissed about. Take his dick out of your mouth for a moment and ask him.

No I am pointing out your hypocrisy is supporting Dem policies that will result in China having an easier time selling shit in our country.

He tried to force China to play fairly in trade, and you clowns backed China just to be contrary to him.
Oh bullshit.

Since 1980, we've had what, 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush SR, 8 years of Bush Jr, and 4 years of your blob. Multiple congresses where the Republicans have had majorities in the House and the Senate and both at the same time. Calling it "dem policies" is bullshit, you know it's bullshit.

Your orange blob actually contributed to the trade deficit you suddenly are having your tantrum over. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I am saying Biden and his ilk will suck Chinese dick, like you do.

Slurp Slurp Slurp.

Nobody sucks more chinese cock than a globalist like Trump. In turn..you blow him 24/7 fuck face.
‘At noon ET on Jan. 20, after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will issue a memo to stop or postpone midnight regulations and actions taken by the Trump administration that have not gone into effect by Inauguration Day, Biden transition spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday.

Midnight regulations are created by executive branch agencies during the lame duck period of an outgoing president's administration. Psaki shared some examples, including a rule the Department of Labor is expected to publish that "would make it easier for companies to call their workers independent contractors to avoid minimum wage and overtime protections."

Issuing a regulatory freeze is standard practice for incoming administrations, Psaki said, "but this freeze will apply not only to regulations but also guidance documents — documents that can have enormous consequences on the lives of the American people." Biden has already said he will take several executive actions on his first day in office, including rejoining both the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change.’

And this isn’t just about Trump – any Republican president would have sought to implement the same reckless, irresponsible, failed, wrongheaded regulations and actions.
I imagine the first 9 months-24 months will be done surveying the damage done in the last 4 years and trying to repair/reverse it.
Some of it irreparable.
If you're a foreign government, there is no reason to believe the agreements and treaties you're signing will be permanent. And if you're a first world nation; you're re-doubling your efforts to get a weapons platform in space.... Because the US has a "space force" out there now.

Calling the Trump administration "stupid" is putting it mildly.

You do realize that at least in the beginning, as Civilian space travel becomes more common, the US space force will be more like the Coast Guard for space than Space Marines?

And I'm sure the Chinese and Russians see it that way too, right?

Who the fuck cares how they see it?

Stop sucking Chinese and Russian dick, it will help with your overbite.

Yeah you first. You support the blob who had his MAGA hats made in China. You've swallowed so much orange cum that you look like a baboon and your piss looks like tang.

The reason it's important is because it opens a new frontier in the arms race. Perhaps you'll care when they put a missile platform up there, space mines, etc...

But you'd have to have mutli-track thinking capability to be able to see what a disaster it is to devote a branch of the military to militarizing space. I don't expect you to understand.

never bought one, and if progs like you keep pushing a $15 minimum wage without any import restrictions on China more stuff will be made over there.
So you're making excuses for your blob sucking chinese cock or are you upset that he's taking your turn fuck face.

Like military equipment wasn't going to end up in space anyway.

And it's not like no one has done anything about this decades ago:

Istrebitel Sputnikov - Wikipedia

We already had a branch of the military devoted to space military theory and practice, the Air Force. Trump just setup a separate branch.

Again, more like the coast guard at first, rescue, control, that sort of thing.

I'm sure it was. But now the Chinese and Trump's other buddies in Soviet/Russia have clearance to be rather open about their militarization.

It's called diplomacy you mindless piece of shit.

I'm saying policies you support will make even more shit be made there and sold here.

Um, guess what? They were doing it already and they don't need to hide it because they are authoritarian governments. There is zero impact of Trump doing this on what they would, will or are doing except propagandizing their "fears" to gullible Quislings like you.

You are a fucking tool, the "useful idiot" concept attributed to Lenin.

Plus China and Russia aren't really "buddies". Learn global politics moar if you want to comment on it.

No what you're staying fuck stain is that as long as your blob does it, you're fine with it. He personally contributed to the trade deficit you're allegedly suddenly pissed about. Take his dick out of your mouth for a moment and ask him.

No I am pointing out your hypocrisy is supporting Dem policies that will result in China having an easier time selling shit in our country.

He tried to force China to play fairly in trade, and you clowns backed China just to be contrary to him.
Oh bullshit.

Since 1980, we've had what, 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush SR, 8 years of Bush Jr, and 4 years of your blob. Multiple congresses where the Republicans have had majorities in the House and the Senate and both at the same time. Calling it "dem policies" is bullshit, you know it's bullshit.

Your orange blob actually contributed to the trade deficit you suddenly are having your tantrum over. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I am saying Biden and his ilk will suck Chinese dick, like you do.

Slurp Slurp Slurp.

Nobody sucks more chinese cock than a globalist like Trump. In turn..you blow him 24/7 fuck face.

lol, what an ignorant twat you are. he fights with tariffs to get them to play nice in trade, and yet you still think HE's the one sucking up to them.

Meanwhile Dems from NBA players to politicians bend over backwards to kowtow to China.

You are a fucking hack, and need to assume room temperature to make the world a better place.

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