On May 6th, The Czech Republic Honors Our Soldiers For What Happened On That Day In 1945


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
This is an amazing story of remembrance.

In the Czech Republic, the school children of the equivalent of our fifth grade are each assigned one of the American and Canadian liberators buried there. The graves are the student's responsibility for the year and they learn all there is to know of their own hero. Their surviving family is sent letters and they respond to the annual child who tends their loved one's grave.

No apology needed here!

Have you ever wondered if anyone in Europe remembers America's sacrifice in World War II? There is an answer in a small town in the Czech Republic, the town called, Pilsen (Plzen).


Every 5 years, Pilsen conducts the Liberation Celebration of the City of Pilsen in the Czech Republic on May 6th, 2010, marked the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Pilsen by General George Patton's 3rd Army. Pilsen is the town that every American should visit. Because they love America and the American Soldier.

Even 65 years later... by the thousands,

The citizens of Pilsen came to say thank you.


Lining the streets of Pilsen for miles

From the large crowds,

To the quite moments of reflection

including this American family's private time to honor and remember their American hero.

This is the crash site of Lt. Virgil P. Kirkham, the last recorded American USAAF pilot killed in Europe during WWII. It was Lt. Kirkham's 82nd mission and one that he volunteered to go on.

At the time, this 20-year-old pilot's P-47 Thunderbolt plane was shot down, a young 14-year-old Czech girl, Zdenka Sladkova, was so moved by his sacrifice she made a vow to care for him and his memory. For 65 straight years, Zdenka, now 79-years-old, took on the responsibility to care for Virgil's crash site and memorial near her home.

On May 4th, she was recognized by the Mayor of Zdenka's home town of Trhanova, Czech Republic, for her sacrifice and extraordinary effort to honor this American hero.


Another chapter in this important story... the Czech people are teaching their children about America's sacrifice for their freedom.


American Soldiers, young and old, are the Rock Stars these children and their parents want autographs from.


Yes, Rock Stars! As they patiently waited for his autograph, the respect this little Czech boy and his father have for our troops serving today was heartwarming and inspirational.

The Brian LaViolette Foundation established The Scholarship of Honor in tribute to General George S. Patton and the American Soldier, past and present.


Each year, a different military hero will be honored in tribute to General Patton's memory and their mission to liberate Europe. This award will be presented to a graduating senior who will be entering the military or a form of community service such as fireman, policeman, teaching or nursing -- a cause greater than self. The student will be from 1 of the 5 high schools in Pilsen, Czech Republic.


The first award was presented in May 2011 in honor of Lt. Virgil Kirkham, the young 20-year-old P-47 pilot killed 65 years ago in the final days of WWII.


Notice the flags? Share this with your family and friends ... every American should know of this story.


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The Czech Republic is awesome, one of my favorite European countries. Definitely a place I will consider moving to if and when the Democrats finally destroy America.
lol, it is nothing but another example of rewriting history

it was Russia/Soviet troops which liberated most of Czech republic, including Prague.

besides, in the end of April 1945 US planes massively bombed the town killing 649 Czech civilians, without real need - Germans did not control the city by that time.

Americans entered it without fight. And could do it only because Soviets beseaged Berlin already, USSR has actually finished Nazi Germany by the time Americans arrived..


right after that Americans kept German POWs without due guarding, Germans could freely move and loot the area.


but now Czech government is trying to silence such truth.
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The Czech Republic is awesome, one of my favorite European countries. Definitely a place I will consider moving to if and when the Democrats finally destroy America.
Yup. Been to the Pilsen commemoration and moved to Prague 23 years ago. The women are hot, the beer is cold, cheap and excellent and besides a few Gypsies, the people are white.
lol, it is nothing but another example of rewriting history

it was Russia/Soviet troops which liberated most of Czech republic, including Prague.

besides, in the end of April 1945 US planes massively bombed the town killing 649 Czech civilians, without real need - Germans did not control the city by that time.

Americans entered it without fight. And could do it only because Soviets beseaged Berlin already, USSR has actually finished Nazi Germany by the time Americans arrived..


right after that Americans kept German POWs without due guarding, Germans could freely move and loot the area.


but now Czech government is trying to silence such truth.
Liberated, riiiight, pull the other one, it’s got bells on it. The Red Armt didn’t liberate any country. It conquered them and installed puppet governments against the wishes of the citizens of those countries and in violation of the agreements Stalin signed with the western allies. Thanks to the Red Army, the various peoples of Eastern Europe spent the next fifty plus years living in misery, poverty and want under totalitarian governments installed and controlled by Moscow.
The only reason the Russians were even in the war in the first place was because Britain and the U.S. supplied them and kept the Luftwaffe tied up by the bombing campaigns over Germany. They were just hired help.
lol, it is nothing but another example of rewriting history....
That appears to be your insane goal, not that of the documented history presented in the OP. The citizens of the Czech Republic certainly have more awareness of what occurred. As was proven by Russia's postwar claims, it was more interested in gaining control of lands and the people than liberating anyone. That is precisely why we were introduced to East Germany and West Germany, East Berlin and West Berlin, The Berlin Wall, The Berlin Airlift, and the stark difference between liberation and Russian control. It took decades to get rid of the wall that was built to keep people in East Berlin and to reunite the German people...thanks again to the efforts of the United States and other free nations.

You are a sick, sick person.
How are 5th graders able to assimilate the tragic effects of a war that ended 70 years before they were born? I would consider child abuse charges against regimes that force children to comply with these responsibilities.
How are 5th graders able to assimilate the tragic effects of a war that ended 70 years before they were born? I would consider child abuse charges against regimes that force children to comply with these responsibilities.
It appears that they are taught the true history of their nation, unlike what many deranged liberals omit from the educations of our children today. I consider lying to children about true history as child abuse.
How are 5th graders able to assimilate the tragic effects of a war that ended 70 years before they were born? I would consider child abuse charges against regimes that force children to comply with these responsibilities.
It appears that they are taught the true history of their nation, unlike what many deranged liberals omit from the educations of our children today. I consider lying to children about true history as child abuse.
5th graders can hardly focus enough to read basic material . Forcing them to tend to grave sites is child abuse.
lol, it is nothing but another example of rewriting history....
That appears to be your insane goal, not that of the documented history presented in the OP. The citizens of the Czech Republic certainly have more awareness of what occurred. As was proven by Russia's postwar claims, it was more interested in gaining control of lands and the people than liberating anyone. That is precisely why we were introduced to East Germany and West Germany, East Berlin and West Berlin, The Berlin Wall, The Berlin Airlift, and the stark difference between liberation and Russian control. It took decades to get rid of the wall that was built to keep people in East Berlin and to reunite the German people...thanks again to the efforts of the United States and other free nations.

You are a sick, sick person.

recall how the US sank Greece in blood with help of Nazi troops to subdue post-WWII free Greece to install a dictatorship there, or operation Gladio in Italy, perpetrating false flag terrorist attacks to blame communists not to allow them to come to power, because they were the most popular party.

as for control of Europe - after 28 mln Soviet citizens killed by Germans, Finns, Slovakians, French, Spaniards, Italians, Romanians, Hungarians etc. Russia has full right to keep eternal control over Europe to prevent another Nazi agression, which we see now beibg prepared by NATO, which keeps building US bases on our borders and keeps talking about "Russian agressiin" being 6 times stronger than Russia.

Russia by good will liberated Eastern Europe another time in 1989, allowing it to choose its fate - Europe another time used it for agression against Russia.

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