On Tape: Boehner looks two little girls in the face - and lies.




See Teen Girls Grill Boehner on Immigration - US News and World Report

"I agree with you," Boehner said before his final "thanks."

Boehner has yet to bring an immigration bill to the floor and has repeatedly stated he won't bring the Senate bill, which passed in June, up for a vote.

Wednesday during his press conference Boehner put another nail in the coffin.

"We have no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate bill," Boehner said.

Advocates for reform on the Hill are worried. Many are convinced Boehner has made up his mind. But reminders lurk around every corner.

"Go to any restaurant within 10 miles of the Capitol and you are going to run into working immigrants there. His life is impacted by immigrants," says one Democratic House aide. "I mean where does he take his shirts?"


Guess he showed them a typical Republican. Good for him. Lying to a thirteen year old. I love it. It's who Republicans are.
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Beats facing the failure of the ironically named "affordable health care act". More smoke and mirrors from the desperate left.
Beats facing the failure of the ironically named "affordable health care act". More smoke and mirrors from the desperate left.

We call that "bait and switch". Since it was about immigration.
Hey dumbass, where was the lie?


John A. Boehner on Wednesday flatly ruled out even entering into negotiations with the Senate on that chamber’s immigration bill, signaling that the issue is dead for this year — and setting up major hurdles for any action before the midterm elections.

That Senate bill called for quick legal status for most illegal immigrants, though it withheld a full pathway to citizenship until after the Homeland Security Department invested in more Border Patrol agents, doubled the length of pedestrian fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border, and purchased more equipment and technology. The Senate bill also would revamp the legal immigration system to let in more foreigners based on job skills or deep family ties.


"...quick legal status for most illegal immigrants..."
Wonder why? :eusa_whistle:

Boehner: House won't negotiate with Senate on immigration bill - Washington Times
Boehner should have said, "If you like your immigration plan, you can keep it. Period" or "If you like your migrant farm-worker you can keep him. Period"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnpaPGHFsL4]Immigrant Song with lyrics HQ Led Zeppelin - YouTube[/ame]
George Will nailed it in his column this morning (George F. Will: A need for compromise on immigration - The Washington Post).

There would be no problem at all passing laws in both the House and the Senate that addressed the issues of border security and dealing with our workforce needs productively and fairly. But the Democrats have ONE agenda item that they will not let go of: They want to accelerate the time when the ten-plus million illegal wetbacks will become reliable Democrat voters.

So "Lightbrain" Harry Reid has tied the three issues together in a "comprehensive" bill, knowing that the Republicans in the House will never swallow #3 - and he can blame the R's for the impass in "immigration reform." The entire MSM seems to have bought into this sophomoric misrepresentation (along with many people who post here).

The only solution is to make Mitch McConnell the Senate Majority Leader. Wait until November.
Hey dumbass, where was the lie?


You call me a dumbass and look right at a lie and don't even see it.

Well, just because you are obviously "challenged", I'll explain it.

Boehner told those girls he supported immigration and a couple of hours later said that not only didn't he support it, he would make sure it never came to the floor. The opposite of what he told that thirteen year old.

Don't worry. Being smarter than you, she knew he was lying.
Hey dumbass, where was the lie?


John A. Boehner on Wednesday flatly ruled out even entering into negotiations with the Senate on that chamber’s immigration bill, signaling that the issue is dead for this year — and setting up major hurdles for any action before the midterm elections.

That Senate bill called for quick legal status for most illegal immigrants, though it withheld a full pathway to citizenship until after the Homeland Security Department invested in more Border Patrol agents, doubled the length of pedestrian fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border, and purchased more equipment and technology. The Senate bill also would revamp the legal immigration system to let in more foreigners based on job skills or deep family ties.


"...quick legal status for most illegal immigrants..."
Wonder why? :eusa_whistle:

Boehner: House won't negotiate with Senate on immigration bill - Washington Times

And? Where is the lie?
Hey dumbass, where was the lie?


You call me a dumbass and look right at a lie and don't even see it.

Well, just because you are obviously "challenged", I'll explain it.

Boehner told those girls he supported immigration and a couple of hours later said that not only didn't he support it, he would make sure it never came to the floor. The opposite of what he told that thirteen year old.

Don't worry. Being smarter than you, she knew he was lying.

Hey moron, you are too simple-minded to understand what you see and hear, especially when it doesn't support your idiotic beliefs. He supports immigration, he doesn't support amnesty for illegals, and especially the bill put together by the Senate.

Again, you are a dumbass.
How would you feel about this idea.
1. Enforce the borders
2. Fine the businesses for hiring them
3. Increasing the number of Mexicans given citizenship every year. Maybe 500,000/year?
4. Allowing the illegals a chance to go back to Mexico so they can get in line.

This way we would have control of who and what becomes a citizen.
Hey dumbass, where was the lie?


You call me a dumbass and look right at a lie and don't even see it.

Well, just because you are obviously "challenged", I'll explain it.

Boehner told those girls he supported immigration and a couple of hours later said that not only didn't he support it, he would make sure it never came to the floor. The opposite of what he told that thirteen year old.

Don't worry. Being smarter than you, she knew he was lying.

Hey moron, you are too simple-minded to understand what you see and hear, especially when it doesn't support your idiotic beliefs. He supports immigration, he doesn't support amnesty for illegals, and especially the bill put together by the Senate.

Again, you are a dumbass.

What bill are you even talking about? Dumbass.
You call me a dumbass and look right at a lie and don't even see it.

Well, just because you are obviously "challenged", I'll explain it.

Boehner told those girls he supported immigration and a couple of hours later said that not only didn't he support it, he would make sure it never came to the floor. The opposite of what he told that thirteen year old.

Don't worry. Being smarter than you, she knew he was lying.

Hey moron, you are too simple-minded to understand what you see and hear, especially when it doesn't support your idiotic beliefs. He supports immigration, he doesn't support amnesty for illegals, and especially the bill put together by the Senate.

Again, you are a dumbass.

What bill are you even talking about? Dumbass.

What do you think of my 4. point plan?
How would you feel about this idea.
1. Enforce the borders
2. Fine the businesses for hiring them
3. Increase the number of Mexicans given citizenship every year. Maybe 500,000/year?
4. Allow the illegals a chance to go back to Mexico so they can get in line. Forgive them for the crime of illegal immigration.

This way we would have control of who and what becomes a citizen.

Could both parties agree with this?
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It's a WHITE NATIONALIST POSITION not to give these people a chance.

This is a fact.

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