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On The Education Industry Recruiting Liberals

LOL. Ol' PoliticalShit once more flapping silly yap. There are far more liberals teaching at institutions of higher learning because the more education a person gets, the more that he or she learns that the 'Conservatives' are lying in most of their views. As Cheney stated, "The more education a person has, the more they become liberals. Just shows you can have too much of a good thing."

From global warming to what happened at Sand Creek and Wounded Knee, the 'Conservatives' totally ignore reality. Deny science and deny the facts of history. What a bunch of fools.
yep :p

The reason is that they only major in voodoo economics (the Austrian *cough* "school") They don't have the inclination or the smarts to want to learn about anything outside of :up: money & how to funnel it upwards to the top 1%
LOL. Ol' PoliticalShit once more flapping silly yap. There are far more liberals teaching at institutions of higher learning because the more education a person gets, the more that he or she learns that the 'Conservatives' are lying in most of their views. As Cheney stated, "The more education a person has, the more they become liberals. Just shows you can have too much of a good thing."

From global warming to what happened at Sand Creek and Wounded Knee, the 'Conservatives' totally ignore reality. Deny science and deny the facts of history. What a bunch of fools.
yep :p

The reason is that they only major in voodoo economics (the Austrian *cough* "school") They don't have the inclination or the smarts to want to learn about anything outside of :up: money & how to funnel it upwards to the top 1%

More nonsense from another empty-headed liberal douche. ^

Idiotic. Since I'm nearly always the only genuine Native American in any of these discussions, let me set you straight on a few things. We didn't own the land from sea to shining sea and what land we did have we often took from others by force. There's nothing done to us by white settlers that we weren't doing to other tribes, who we considered mortal enemies to be destroyed if possible. For thousands of years, this continent belonged to the most brutal, ruthless killers. There were no grandfathers because most of us died in some pointless war before we ever turned 30. The only difference is now, the savages with the best technology, the white settlers, have put an end to a very primitive and futile life. We aren't killing each other anymore, we live to see our grandchildren, we make art, beads, and make music for tourists. All in all, we're better off, or at least I am.

And I, as the only genuine Native here, don't consider "native" born Americans to be illegal aliens. That's just stupid.
what tribe are you? :eusa_think:

BTW- we have at least 2-3 other redskins..... errr..... native Americans posting on this board

I'm sure I'll meet them in due course. Call us whatever you like, you might offend some white liberals, but it doesn't offend us.

Blackfoot Nation.
you are a dreamer


Pithy. And devastatingly accurate. They all are.

Really? Can you prove the Founders were the conservatives of their times?

Of course.

1.In simplest terms, the classical liberalism of the Founders was based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

2.Classical liberalism of the Founders would be called conservatism today.

a. “The American intellectual class from the mid 19th century onward has disliked liberalism (which originally referred to individualism, private property, and limits on power) precisely because the liberal society has no overarching goal.” http://fff.org/freedom/fd0203c.asp

3. Natural law or the law of nature (Latin: lex naturalis) is a theory that posits the existence of a law whose content is set by nature and that therefore has validity everywhere. Because of the intersection between natural law and natural rights, it has been cited as a component in United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.

Based on this understanding of human nature, the government is structured so that no one branch has all the power.

Alexander Hamilton referred to ‘sacred rights written by the hand of Divinity.

Madison, 1792, said that ‘property’ included our natural rights, and the goal of government is the protection of property.

Government based on 1. consent of the governed, 2. limited government…limited in purpose, but not weak: powerful in protecting rights, 3. responsible Constitutionalism: the government is responsible to the people, not responsible for them. (should not take on too many jobs.)

Educated folks know that communist John Dewey co-opted the name 'Liberal' and used it instead of 'socialist.'

And, socialist, communist. Liberal, Progressive, whatever.....all the same under the skin.

Idiotic. Since I'm nearly always the only genuine Native American in any of these discussions, let me set you straight on a few things. We didn't own the land from sea to shining sea and what land we did have we often took from others by force. There's nothing done to us by white settlers that we weren't doing to other tribes, who we considered mortal enemies to be destroyed if possible. For thousands of years, this continent belonged to the most brutal, ruthless killers. There were no grandfathers because most of us died in some pointless war before we ever turned 30. The only difference is now, the savages with the best technology, the white settlers, have put an end to a very primitive and futile life. We aren't killing each other anymore, we live to see our grandchildren, we make art, beads, and make music for tourists. All in all, we're better off, or at least I am.

And I, as the only genuine Native here, don't consider "native" born Americans to be illegal aliens. That's just stupid.
what tribe are you? :eusa_think:

BTW- we have at least 2-3 other redskins..... errr..... native Americans posting on this board

I'm sure I'll meet them in due course. Call us whatever you like, you might offend some white liberals, but it doesn't offend us.

Blackfoot Nation.
Make sure to them them that the slaughter of their ancestors doesn't matter now, because you have a nice big TV.
LOL. Ol' PoliticalShit once more flapping silly yap. There are far more liberals teaching at institutions of higher learning because the more education a person gets, the more that he or she learns that the 'Conservatives' are lying in most of their views. As Cheney stated, "The more education a person has, the more they become liberals. Just shows you can have too much of a good thing."

From global warming to what happened at Sand Creek and Wounded Knee, the 'Conservatives' totally ignore reality. Deny science and deny the facts of history. What a bunch of fools.
yep :p

The reason is that they only major in voodoo economics (the Austrian *cough* "school") They don't have the inclination or the smarts to want to learn about anything outside of :up: money & how to funnel it upwards to the top 1%

More nonsense from another empty-headed liberal douche. ^
translation = can't stand it when we're right .. this douche bag has to resort to 8th grade attacks ... ooooooooooooh you got us, meaning Liberals/dems for politicalshit
translation = can't stand it when we're right ..

Do you seriously think "The reason is that they only major in voodoo economics (the Austrian *cough* "school") They don't have the inclination or the smarts to want to learn about anything outside of money & how to funnel it upwards to the top 1%" is "right," you hysterical little nitwit? Even you can't be that stupid.
translation = can't stand it when we're right ..

Do you seriously think "The reason is that they only major in voodoo economics (the Austrian *cough* "school") They don't have the inclination or the smarts to want to learn about anything outside of money & how to funnel it upwards to the top 1%" is "right," you hysterical little nitwit? Even you can't be that stupid.
you've got to be the stupidesed gullible person on this board ... if you think the 1% is your best bet ... then you are a doushbag
translation = can't stand it when we're right ..

Do you seriously think "The reason is that they only major in voodoo economics (the Austrian *cough* "school") They don't have the inclination or the smarts to want to learn about anything outside of money & how to funnel it upwards to the top 1%" is "right," you hysterical little nitwit? Even you can't be that stupid.
you've got to be the stupidesed [sic] gullible person on this board ... if you think the 1% is your best bet ... then you are a doushbag [sic]

Your straw man is as clumsy and futile as your attempts at writing in the English language.
LOL. Ol' PoliticalShit once more flapping silly yap. There are far more liberals teaching at institutions of higher learning because the more education a person gets, the more that he or she learns that the 'Conservatives' are lying in most of their views. As Cheney stated, "The more education a person has, the more they become liberals. Just shows you can have too much of a good thing."

From global warming to what happened at Sand Creek and Wounded Knee, the 'Conservatives' totally ignore reality. Deny science and deny the facts of history. What a bunch of fools.
yep :p

The reason is that they only major in voodoo economics (the Austrian *cough* "school") They don't have the inclination or the smarts to want to learn about anything outside of :up: money & how to funnel it upwards to the top 1%

More nonsense from another empty-headed liberal douche. ^
so you can't refute my assertion? Noted froth boi .....errr..... Unkotare :thup:
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Pithy. And devastatingly accurate. They all are.

Really? Can you prove the Founders were the conservatives of their times?

Of course.

1.In simplest terms, the classical liberalism of the Founders was based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

2.Classical liberalism of the Founders would be called conservatism today.


Your premise is fallacious. What the Founders would be today is irrelevant. What they were in their own time was liberal.

They opposed the conservatives of the times who wanted to conserve the status quo.
so you can't refute my assertion?

You can't support your assertion, you illogical fool.

Of course he can't.

Paul Krugman hasn't written a blog post about it.
because its common knowledge ...

Wow, you really are this stupid. Damn.

OK stupid, go ahead and prove your assertion. Prove that each and every conservative college student is studying economics, and one specific school of economics at that. Go ahead, stupid. You know what, throw in accounting and business administration too, just because I'm feeling generous. Prove that no conservative college student ever studies anything but that. Have fun, stupid.
so you can't refute my assertion?

You can't support your assertion, you illogical fool.

Of course he can't.

Paul Krugman hasn't written a blog post about it.
because its common knowledge ...

Wow, you really are this stupid. Damn.

OK stupid, go ahead and prove your assertion. Prove that each and every conservative college student is studying economics, and one specific school of economics at that. Go ahead, stupid. You know what, throw in accounting and business administration too, just because I'm feeling generous. Prove that no conservative college student ever studies anything but that. Have fun, stupid.


As usual, EconChick is cutting and pasting very tired talking points. Let's try to unpack what she is asking us to consider.
  1. The modern concept of liberal education stems from the 17th century Enlightenment which believes in the primacy of human reason (which is centered in human rationality, the thing that separates us from the beasts and allows us to make choices rather than being a mere reflex of instinct, tradition, religion, history, nature, nation, etc).
  2. In contrast to a conservative education, the enlightenment concept of liberal education was opposed to religious and cultural indoctrination. Children should only be bound to American values through reason, argument and choice not through dogmatic obligation.
  3. Enlightenment Liberals believed that human reason (the engine of individual choice and freedom) was the PRIME MOVER of the universe, not the laws of god and tradition (as many religious conservatives believe).
  4. American Conservatives believed that students were best understood as receptacles of American tradition, and that education was designed to inculcate them with "American values", which, for conservatives, meant creating good Christians & good capitalists. They didn't want to subject these sacred things to rigorous analysis and criticism. (Side note: This is why they created the Think Tanks in the 70s, so they could create paid-for conclusions that were not open to academic forms of debate and peer-review)
  5. Noted theorist of liberal education John Dewey saw conservative education as bypassing human reason, which, when deployed collectively through Democratic institutions, was the final arbiter of the values, laws and institutions by which the coming generation should live. [Whereas a religious conservative believes that God is the final arbiter, and that our National traditions/laws cannot be questioned through reason and changed through democratic legislation] Dewey, by contrast, thought that nothing was sacred, save reason and the capacity for choice as it operates through democratic mechanisms. Today's Conservatives, by contrast, believe that American Tradition and Capitalism are sacred, and that it is the job of education to cultivate a love of these things rather than subjecting our Most Sacred Things to rigorous criticism by allowing students to consider the best counter-arguments against our way of life.
  6. Questioning & criticizing one's nation (its tradition, laws & values) is why Socrates was put to death, and it is why the Church persecuted Galileo. Education and science have a long tradition of threatening power (which power is, today, wielded by the wealthy capitalists who fund our elections and run primary challenges against any politician who does not vote "correctly"). Power doesn't want its values and institutions to be questioned. This is why PoliticalChic must attack any liberal who subjects our most sacred national values to analysis and criticism. This is why he/she wants students to be mere receptacles, functionaries, automata of American Tradition. PoliticalChic wants the system to breed good capitalists. This is in stark contrast to a truly Liberal education which wants students to construct, through democratic mechanisms, the values/laws by which they live, using reason, argument and debate rather than indoctrination. It's called freedom.
  7. Things like the Constitution and capitalism mean nothing if students are taught to blindly obey them. Our most Sacred Things should be forced to prove themselves over and over inside an education system which subjects them to the most rigorous forms of criticism. Conservatives are threatened by this, because they believe that our Most Sacred Things (God, Nation, Tradition) are beyond criticism. The rest you may ignore.
Postscritpt: the reason PoliticalChic doesn't know the history of Liberal Education along with its contrast to traditional or conservative forms of education is because he/she doesn't read. The OP in a foot-soldier in a movement, which means she is using ideas as tools to achieve political ends. A question arises. when did movement conservatives become Trotskyites? Is it possible that the current wave of Libertarianism (which uses conservatism as a populism to harvest red state votes) is in fact that logical evolution of the American Left? Is PoliticalChic the latest version of Leninism which uses information purely as a weapon to manipulate people and achieve political ends? That is, what if Ronald Reagan, Dick Chaney and Bush 43 didn't believe in God? What if they were merely using religious conservatism as a tool to manipulate voters so they could gain access to Washington in order to create a system which allows for the narrow accumulation of financial and political power? How else can Big Oil or Big Pharma control Washington, other than to create a movement that is capable of molding & manipulating the required number of voters? Did the people who took over the American right go to school on the revolutionary energies and practices that were once deployed on the Left?
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As usual, EconChick is cutting and pasting very tired talking points. Let's try to unpack what she is asking us to consider.
  1. The modern concept of liberal education stems from the 17th century Enlightenment which believes in the primacy of human reason (which is centered in human rationality, the thing that separates us from the beasts and allows us to make choices rather than being a mere reflex of instinct, tradition, religion, history, nature, nation, etc).
  2. In contrast to a conservative education, the enlightenment concept of liberal education was opposed to religious and cultural indoctrination. Children should only be bound to American values through reason, argument and choice not through dogmatic obligation.
  3. Enlightenment Liberals believed that human reason (the engine of individual choice and freedom) was the PRIME MOVER of the universe, not the laws of god and tradition (as many religious conservatives believe).
  4. American Conservatives believed that students were best understood as receptacles of American tradition, and that education was designed to inculcate them with "American values", which, for conservatives, meant creating good Christians & good capitalists. They didn't want to subject these sacred things to rigorous analysis and criticism. (Side note: This is why they created the Think Tanks in the 70s, so they could create paid-for conclusions that were not open to academic forms of debate and peer-review)
  5. Noted theorist of liberal education John Dewey saw conservative education as bypassing human reason, which, when deployed collectively through Democratic institutions, was the final arbiter of the values, laws and institutions by which the coming generation should live. [Whereas a religious conservative believes that God is the final arbiter, and that our National traditions/laws cannot be questioned through reason and changed through democratic legislation] Dewey, by contrast, thought that nothing was sacred, save reason and the capacity for choice as it operates through democratic mechanisms. Today's Conservatives, by contrast, believe that American Tradition and Capitalism are sacred, and that it is the job of education to cultivate a love of these things rather than subjecting our Most Sacred Things to rigorous criticism by allowing students to consider the best counter-arguments against our way of life.
  6. Questioning & criticizing one's nation (its tradition, laws & values) is why Socrates was put to death, and it is why the Church persecuted Galileo. Education and science have a long tradition of threatening power (which is, today, wielded by wealthy capitalists). Power doesn't want its values and institutions to be questioned. This is why PoliticalChic must attack any liberal who subjects our most sacred national values to analysis and criticism. This is why he/she wants students to be mere receptacles of American Tradition. PoliticalChic wants the system to breed good capitalists. This is in stark contrast to a truly Liberal education which wants students to construct, through democratic mechanisms, the values/laws by which they live, using reason, argument and debate rather than indoctrination. It's called freedom.
  7. Things like the Constitution and capitalism mean nothing if students are taught to blindly obey them. Our most Sacred Things should be forced to prove themselves over and over inside an education system which subjects them to the most rigorous forms of criticism. Conservatives are threatened by this, because they believe that our Most Sacred Things (God, Nation, Tradition) are beyond criticism. The rest you may ignore.
Postscritpt: the reason PoliticalChic doesn't know the history of Liberal Education along with its contrast to traditional or conservative forms of education is because he/she doesn't read. The OP in a foot-soldier in a movement, which means she is using ideas as tools to achieve political ends. A question arises. when did movement conservatives become Trotskyites? Is it possible that the current wave of Libertarianism (which uses conservatism as a populism to harvest red state votes) is in fact that logical evolution of the American Left? Is PoliticalChic the latest version of Leninism which uses information purely as a weapon to manipulate people and achieve political ends? That is, what if Ronald Reagan, Dick Chaney and Bush 43 didn't believe in God? What if they were merely using religious conservatism as a tool to manipulate voters so they could create a system which allows for the narrow accumulation of financial and political power? Did the people who took over the American right go to school on the revolutionary energies and practices that were once deployed by the Left?

You moron- results of international scores prove...PROVE....it doesn't work!!!

There's no debate here.

The results are in.

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