On the Failed Job Creation Front, Obama Has Completely Run Out of Ideas


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
excellent read in Forbes.

On the Failed Job Creation Front, Obama Has Completely Run Out of Ideas - Forbes

Unemployment is the millstone around President Obama’s neck in the 2012 election campaign. Attentive voters understand he is offering excuses — a worse-than-expected economy, financial crises requiring longer recoveries, bad luck of tsunamis, droughts, and the Euro — not solutions. Obama cannot deliver solutions because a real jobs program contradicts his core principles, alienates his base, and infuriates his crony contributors. He can only promise more of the failed policies –stimulus and tinkering — of his first three and a half years.

Obama’s vaunted Jobs Task Force has not met for more than a half year. Obama is out of ideas. He can only offer excuses, criticize those offering new solutions, and divert attention from the worst recovery in history with chatter about the rich not paying their fair share and his opponent’s tax returns.

what a real jobs program looks like...
(specifics on linked page)
  • Measure No. 1: Prove that you are not anti-business.
  • Measure No. 2: Do everything in your power to reduce energy costs.
  • Measure No. 3: Create conditions that encourage businesses to hire and the unemployed to seek and accept jobs.
  • Measure No. 4: Reduce uncertainty of households and businesses caused by unsustainable deficits and uncertain future tax liabilities.
  • Measure No. 5: Free the housing market from government intervention to work off excess inventories quickly.
  • Measure No. 6: Cease and desist promoting crony-capitalist government-private partnerships that serve political agendas rather than earning profits and creating jobs.
  • Measure No. 7: Seek and accept the resignations of die-hard Keynesian advisers behind the failed trillion dollar stimulus and who favor more stimulus.

If Obama had enacted these policies (which would have garnered strong Republican support) a year ago, a strong recovery would be underway, the U. S. economy would be on its way to regaining its competitive edge, and jobs would be expanding. He would be sailing to an easy electoral victory by reaching across the aisles to get things done for the American people.

Instead, with two months until the election, Obama presides over the worst economic recovery in history, despite a catastrophic increase in federal debt under his administration. The unemployment rate is stuck at 8.3 percent, of which 40 percent are long term unemployed. The 13 million unemployed are joined by another 10 million, who are underemployed or have given up looking for a job. The poverty rate is the highest since the mid 1960s, and a half million workers have joined the ranks of the disabled, many as their unemployment benefits expired.
Anyone can see he is out of answers, he is all talk but is doing nothing.

Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that when Mitch Mcconnell and John Boehner said their primary purpose would be to ensure that Obama would be a one term president we have had a "Do Nothing" congress. No president has ever been able to control anything without some help...it's the way our forebears set up the system. Considering where we were the president hasn't done bad:

Anyone can see he is out of answers, he is all talk but is doing nothing.

Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that when Mitch Mcconnell and John Boehner said their primary purpose would be to ensure that Obama would be a one term president we have had a "Do Nothing" congress. No president has ever been able to control anything without some help...it's the way our forebears set up the system. Considering where we were the president hasn't done bad:


oh... an unsubstantiated chart from a blog! Let's all bow to it! :rolleyes:
Anyone can see he is out of answers, he is all talk but is doing nothing.

Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that when Mitch Mcconnell and John Boehner said their primary purpose would be to ensure that Obama would be a one term president we have had a "Do Nothing" congress. No president has ever been able to control anything without some help...it's the way our forebears set up the system. Considering where we were the president hasn't done bad:


Care to tell me why Obama has not met with his Jobs Council this year?
Anyone can see he is out of answers, he is all talk but is doing nothing.

Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that when Mitch Mcconnell and John Boehner said their primary purpose would be to ensure that Obama would be a one term president we have had a "Do Nothing" congress. No president has ever been able to control anything without some help...it's the way our forebears set up the system. Considering where we were the president hasn't done bad:


oh... an unsubstantiated chart from a blog! Let's all bow to it! :rolleyes:

No kidding. You'd think we have millions of jobs floating everywhere. Fact is we are still over 8%.
Anyone can see he is out of answers, he is all talk but is doing nothing.

Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that when Mitch Mcconnell and John Boehner said their primary purpose would be to ensure that Obama would be a one term president we have had a "Do Nothing" congress. No president has ever been able to control anything without some help...it's the way our forebears set up the system. Considering where we were the president hasn't done bad:


oh... an unsubstantiated chart from a blog! Let's all bow to it! :rolleyes:

Your opinion piece in the OP is less substantiated than the job growth chart Cambell provided. We KNOW that there has been continuous private sector job growth for the last two years. We also know that the GOP has stopped any meaningful jobs legislation from seeing the light of day. It wouldn't be prudent for the GOP to pass any legislation that would actually help the American people...until after the election.
Anyone can see he is out of answers, he is all talk but is doing nothing.

Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that when Mitch Mcconnell and John Boehner said their primary purpose would be to ensure that Obama would be a one term president we have had a "Do Nothing" congress. No president has ever been able to control anything without some help...it's the way our forebears set up the system. Considering where we were the president hasn't done bad:


Care to tell me why Obama has not met with his Jobs Council this year?

Because they finished their work? Because Obama met with them after they completed their work, and implemented most of their recommendations, that Republicans weren't obstructing?

Why are you lying?
Hilarious. Even business, all business, says the ONLY thing that would cause them to hire is "demand". You know, the "demand" from the equation of "supply and demand"? It's not even mentioned in your article.

What did one Republican on this site say about "demand" driving the economy? Oh that's right. The idea is "absurd" and loony far left.
Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that when Mitch Mcconnell and John Boehner said their primary purpose would be to ensure that Obama would be a one term president we have had a "Do Nothing" congress. No president has ever been able to control anything without some help...it's the way our forebears set up the system. Considering where we were the president hasn't done bad:


Care to tell me why Obama has not met with his Jobs Council this year?

Because they finished their work? Because Obama met with them after they completed their work, and implemented most of their recommendations, that Republicans weren't obstructing?

Why are you lying?

So they are out of ideas.
Anyone can see he is out of answers, he is all talk but is doing nothing.

Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that when Mitch Mcconnell and John Boehner said their primary purpose would be to ensure that Obama would be a one term president we have had a "Do Nothing" congress. No president has ever been able to control anything without some help...it's the way our forebears set up the system. Considering where we were the president hasn't done bad:


So which party was it that controlled congress for Obama's first two years? He couldn't even get the votes for Obamacare........
Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that when Mitch Mcconnell and John Boehner said their primary purpose would be to ensure that Obama would be a one term president we have had a "Do Nothing" congress. No president has ever been able to control anything without some help...it's the way our forebears set up the system. Considering where we were the president hasn't done bad:


oh... an unsubstantiated chart from a blog! Let's all bow to it! :rolleyes:

No kidding. You'd think we have millions of jobs floating everywhere. Fact is we are still over 8%.

:eusa_drool:And the left still wont take into fact about the ones that gave up looking. They don't like counting them as unemployed.
Hilarious. Even business, all business, says the ONLY thing that would cause them to hire is "demand". You know, the "demand" from the equation of "supply and demand"? It's not even mentioned in your article.

What did one Republican on this site say about "demand" driving the economy? Oh that's right. The idea is "absurd" and loony far left.

:badgrin:Dude the demand would be there if people had jobs. Jobs not promises.

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