On This Anniversary - 9/11: How it Was Done, the Science of Demolition (Epic Essay)

Here's one I posted on another news board 16 years ago which has been removed and since reposted on YouTube.
There is no evidence the Government killed Kennedy.
And yet the point stands none of you loons have posted a shred of evidence.
Just because you are a coward who does this everytime when we give you evidence
And yet the point stands none of you loons have posted a shred of evidence.
Just because you are a coward who does this everytime we give you evidence :scared1: and makes no attempts to refute it does not mean there is no evidence dumbass.:abgg2q.jpg:
There is no evidence the Government killed Kennedy.
So says the dumbass who thinks our government and politicians serve the people obviously.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:A dumbass zombie who thinks our government is of the people,for the people and by the people. :rofl:
Which was done Charlie so as always,you are checkmated and I see as always you are only looking at posts from paid trolls like alang and soupnazi that support what the government says,you are not reading the evidence people like the op have posted and you never will,anything that shoots down the governments version of events you do this everytime.:scared1:strange that you only show up fir threads on 9/11 on government corruption,thst you have never made it over to threads on the jfk assassination.let me guess you believe the magic bullet theory that oswald shot jfk as well don’t you.:rofl:
No one has posted any evidence especially the OP or you
Wrong as always,colon.

So we're back onto the name calling.
Perhaps your have a right if you were courageous enough to put yours up but since your a republican, courage isn't your strong points.
Cut that silly shit. Get on with the debate.
If you have nothing say, say nothing.
So we're back onto the name calling.
Perhaps your have a right if you were courageous enough to put yours up but since your a republican, courage isn't your strong points.
Well since I'm not a Republican it looks like being wrong is your strong point. Colon.:laughing0301:
Sargent came back to fart in defeat like the crying baby he is.:9: Have fun talking to yourself trollboy,I don’t hang around fag losers who are too butthurt and immature to admit defeat.
Sargent came back to fart in defeat like the crying baby he is.:9: Have fun talking to yourself trollboy,I don’t hang around fag losers who are too butthurt and immature to admit defeat.
The only one farting in defeat is you.

you have never produced evidence like the liar angelo an d have been proven a fucking fool like the fag angelo
for the sane people. The Government did not plant explosives in the towers, No one did that. Any one that claims that is mentally unstable. The Government did not kill Kennedy again only crazy people believe that.

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