On This Anniversary - 9/11: How it Was Done, the Science of Demolition (Epic Essay)

How about the Pentagon Black Ops blew up the Murrah building ?

You know McVeigh and Nichols toured Iraq together.

As usual you need evidence for such an idiotic claim as the one you just made. Just like all of your other claioms you have no fucking evidence and have never posted any.

Nichols was discharged before Desert Storm and never went to Iraq you dumbfuck
You are a gullible fool who has no evidewnce and dreams up crap from your imagination.

Yes that is a fact
NIST could not explain the collapses so they never tried to.

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you cant do it with out construction on numerous floors to plant explosives on the columns
Which was done Charlie so as always,you are checkmated and I see as always you are only looking at posts from paid trolls like alang and soupnazi that support what the government says,you are not reading the evidence people like the op have posted and you never will,anything that shoots down the governments version of events you do this everytime.:scared1:strange that you only show up fir threads on 9/11 on government corruption,thst you have never made it over to threads on the jfk assassination.let me guess you believe the magic bullet theory that oswald shot jfk as well don’t you.:rofl:
Which was done Charlie so as always,you are checkmated and I see as always you are only looking at posts from paid trolls like alang and soupnazi that support what the government says,you are not reading the evidence people like the op have posted and you never will,anything that shoots down the governments version of events you do this everytime.:scared1:strange that you only show up fir threads on 9/11 on government corruption,thst you have never made it over to threads on the jfk assassination.let me guess you believe the magic bullet theory that oswald shot jfk as well don’t you.:rofl:
I dont care that happened when I was what 6.
This is the most idiotic conspiracy theory that I have ever seen!
You mean the idiotic conspiracy theory thst 19 Muslims pulled off 9/11 and penetrated the worlds most sophisticated air defense system,yeah that is indeed the most idiotic conspiracy theory ever invented by the govermpnment indeed,you are correct. :abgg2q.jpg:
I dont care that happened when I was what 6.
So you don’t care thst a change of power took place that day nor do you care thst if the government can kill the president of the United States and get away with it then they can kill any of us and get away with it,our education system is indeed failing society.
You mean the idiotic conspiracy theory thst 19 Muslims pulled off 9/11 and penetrated the worlds most sophisticated air defense system,yeah that is indeed the most idiotic conspiracy theory ever invented by the govermpnment indeed,you are correct. :abgg2q.jpg:
And yet the point stands none of you loons have posted a shred of evidence.
So you don’t care thst a change of power took place that day nor do you care thst if the government can kill the president of the United States and get away with it then they can kill any of us and get away with it,our education system is indeed failing society.
There is no evidence the Government killed Kennedy.
There is no reason why President Bush and Republicans would want to kill thousands of innocent civilians in the World Trade Center. Watching a video of the WTC towers collapse can not lead one to conclude conspiracy.
Another brainwashed zombie Unaware of the crime cartel Bush familys long history of corruption and murder going back decades who thinks the government and politicians serves him and is looking out for our best interests at heart. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Another brainwashed zombie Unaware of the crime cartel Bush familys long history of corruption and murder going back decades who thinks the government and politicians serves him and is looking out for our best interests at heart. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
you people are retarded.

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