Once again Biden Regime sides against America. Sues Texas on behalf of illegals.

Try harder.
Texas should try harder. The state is a mess. White-right rule is dysfunctional.

Texas will be much improved by the addition of a few million Central Americans. Certainly most of the whites there are useless dead weight.
Pinoccho Joe just listens to whoever is pulling his strings.
Oh, and he doesn't give a shit about this country.
How much covid comes over the border that Joe won't defend?
Nobody is pulling his strings, lying traitor. You think that because Trumpolini did whatever his butt-master Putin dictated, that all Presidents behave like that. But no, it's only the lowlife scum like the Orange Pervert.

YOU don't give a shit about this country, as you support fascism and hate democracy. Best for you and for all of us, MOVE to Russia now!
Nobody is pulling his strings, lying traitor. You think that because Trumpolini did whatever his butt-master Putin dictated, that all Presidents behave like that. But no, it's only the lowlife scum like the Orange Pervert.

YOU don't give a shit about this country, as you support fascism and hate democracy. Best for you and for all of us, MOVE to Russia now!
Or what? Are you going to "whup" me like you threatened that other guy?
You're a terrible liar but a real obedient dumpster rat.
It is xiden and the scum demonRATS dissing the USA, by pretending that the borders are closed

Texas is doing great.....The state is completely functional.

. So... what you need to do right now is go to church every day, sing loudly, spew virus all over your scum demonRAT cohorts, and then y'all can die like rats, as you deserve!
Are you vaccinated, white-right punk? If not, then you are the spreader in question, so don't deflect to imaginary immigrants. YOU are the problem, schmuck.
Are you vaccinated, shit 4 brains? If you are, then you are the spreader in question, YOU are the problem, retard
Texas should try harder. The state is a mess. White-right rule is dysfunctional.

Texas will be much improved by the addition of a few million Central Americans. Certainly most of the whites there are useless dead weight.
Certainly, you are useless dead weight.
Nobody is pulling his strings, lying traitor. You think that because Trumpolini did whatever his butt-master Putin dictated, that all Presidents behave like that. But no, it's only the lowlife scum like the Orange Pervert.

YOU don't give a shit about this country, as you support fascism and hate democracy. Best for you and for all of us, MOVE to Russia now!
YOU don't give a shit about this country, as you support communism and hate democracy. Best for you and for all of us, MOVE to Russia or china..... NOW!!!!
These clowns put America last.
That is the pretense of the butt barnacles of a Cry Baby Loser who persists in crapping on American democracy.

Americans have made their preference known.

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We have federal immigration law that Biden is ignoring, you fucking worm!
Abbott isn't the problem here. Go crawl back in your hole.
Care to insult me in person, little incel boy? You're just stupid enough to try it...

Abbott IS the problem, you halfwit, since a state cannot contravene Federal law or policy. Read the bloody Constitution, wanker.
they are not processing them. they are defend g the rights of the landowners
Bullshit. Abbott is simply trying to create an incident as he intends to run for President, and stirring up pathological Texas white-right rednecks is just the way to do it!

And his confrontation of state vs Feds plays right into the idiotic Southern-scum "Lost Cause" ConfedeRAT narrative which the white-right Trumpoid traitors love...

Texas is a mess. It might be time to send in Federal troops as was necessary in the South in the 50's-60's. From time to time we have to straighten those crackers out.
President Biden's open border policy is for solving the Democrat Cult's white people problem.
White people are only a problem when they're white-right Trumpoid traitors like you.

Decent progressive Democratic white people like me... a benefit to humanity. See the difference?

Either improve your thinking or move to Russia. Don't dawdle.
So "round" us up, right?
Quarantining you would be in order, yes. However, if y'all are only going to associate with each other, I advocate that you congregate mightily, spread that Delta to all of your white-right traitor cohorts, and thereby improve the country! We're so much better without you

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