Once Again Chick Fil A Named America’s Favorite Restaurant

America's favorite restaurant?

Are you nuts? (don't bother to answer, we all know you are).

You calling CNN fake news is hilarious.

I called you nuts. Your claim was a chain; a fast food chain is what would have been a true statement. Your post is at best a half-truth.

Anyone who eats fast food is a fool, and likely a good candidate for type 2 diabetes.
Dufus thinks a 5 star restaurant is healthier than a chicken sandwich.

You know leftists, all organic, non GMO, range chickens and eggs...and they still die the same age we do.
Leftards die sooner.
While inserting toxic chemicals made from carcinogenic crap to get high.
I smoke bacon, eh...
Lol but didn't the left boycott those evil Christians?

Every fast food franchise in America is begging for them to boycott

I don't get it......it is essentially "White Castle" but with chicken......tried it a couple times and it wasn't good....no where near as good as the people who love the place
Lol but didn't the left boycott those evil Christians?

Every fast food franchise in America is begging for them to boycott

I don't get it......it is essentially "White Castle" but with chicken......tried it a couple times and it wasn't good....no where near as good as the people who love the place

Ask our kids where they want to go for lunch and it's unanimous Chik Fil La. Our youngest has a healthy fear of clowns so Mickey D is out
I don't get it......it is essentially "White Castle" but with chicken......tried it a couple times and it wasn't good....no where near as good as the people who love the place
Now there's a place that I haven't been to in years because there isn't one in my area. Instead of White Castle, here in East Tennessee, we have a place named Krystal's which is pretty much the same thing.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Chic Fil A may have good food, but in my opinion, it will never be worth the money that you have to pay for it.
My ex gf swore by CFA. She bought it one time for me and I ate it. It was good, but it wasn't THAT good especially for how much you have to pay. They serve chicken fingers. You can get those at Wal Mart for half the price and twice as big. All chicken fingers taste the same.

I much prefer BK, nothing beats a big juicy whopper.

But that begs the question, what part of the chicken is the "finger"?

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