Once again the NYT's an anonymous source... Rosenstein wears a wire to trap Trump!

I think the NYT is trying to bait the president to fire a Rosenstein.

He should for other reasons, but he should state that they will investigate the allegation as the NYT is fake news.

Then after the election fire him

why should he? What has he done? He helped him get rid of Comey.
If you have been paying attention: Obama sent Sessions to a diplomatic function, where an Obama associate of Russian Origin was directed to contact Sessions. This Russian Associate of Clinton and Obama asked for an appointment with Session. Both entirely legal, but it was a setup by Obama and Rosenstein to get Sessions to recuse himself.

Papadapolis a mere volunteer, who few people even knew worked with the campaign was approached again by a Clinton associate and set up.

Natalia V, a Russian Attorney from The Ukraine and Fusion GPS employee arranged to get an Audience with The Trump Campaign Team. She was promptly kicked out of Trump tower after it was discovered her intentions were not honest.

Fusion GPS and COIE Lawfirm along with THE Podesta Group which was saturated with Russian Leadership, helped to launder money from Clinton and Obama and the DNC to Russian and British Agents to purchase KGB Propaganda from Putin.

General Flynn, conducted perfectly legal meetings and discussions. He was targeted, and interviewed without an attorney present and was not under oath. He was tripped up on a question about an event he already had disclosed in his disclosure documents. He verbally recalled the wrong date of the event after 4 hours of interrogation, and was charged with lying to THE FBI about a legal event which he had legally and properly disclosed. He then was harassed and threatened and his family was threatened by The FBI, in to pleading to a bullshit jaywalking charge.

Meanwhile Comey and Loretta Lynch engaged in both Obstruction of justice, perjury, conspiracy etc. etc. to exonerate Clinton's crimes and grant her and her staff immunity long before they were ever going to be interviewed. She committed gross violations of the law, was grossly negligent and committed perjury thousands of times, and never gets a slap on the wrist.

Carter Page, was set up by yet another Clinton Associate, in a He Said She Said Scenario where the Clinton Associate said they had dirt on Clinton. Not illegal to listen to anyone offering information. Page disclosed this in a disclosure statement. He also was working with the FBI in the past to help them identify unregistered Foreign Agents. What the FBI nailed him on was exactly what they did to Flynn. The asked him numerous questions about events he already disclosed in writing and grilled him repeatedly asking him to mentally recall times and dates of events which were entirely legal occurrences, and when he was tripped up, and got a date or time wrong they charged him with lying to The FBI.

Trump's personal attorney who had not been charged with any crimes, was not under suspicion to have committed any crimes had his attorney's office and his home ransacked by THE FBI using a Warrant no one seems to be able to find. over a criminal charge no one can name. Attorney Client Privileged documents were confiscated in direct violation of numerous Federal Laws and statutes and basic Constitutional Rights.

Paul Manafort who had only worked with the campaign for 4 months and who was fully cooperating with Mueller and his goon squad, providing them with thousands of financial and personal documents had his home raided in a Pre Dawn raid where Mueller and his goons pointed Machine Guns at him and his wife while they stood in their pajamas, brutalizing them. Again Mueller confiscated documents actually marked as Attorney Client Privilege.

Loretta Lynch, Susan Powers, and Susan Rice illegally daily unmasked all kinds of Trump Associates who were illegally surveilled and who were supposed to be protected from such unmasking, also leake classified information as does Comey, McCabe, and others, even private Conversations The PRESIDENT was having with the leaders of Thailand, Australia, Great Britain and Mexico. They were ACTUALLY FUCKING SPYING ON THE PRESIDENT AND RECORDING HIM. Didn't NIXON have to resign over recording conversations of people without their knowledge?

Loretta Lynch, ordered the contents of Obama's illegal surveillance on President Trump his family and his team disseminated throughout the entire intelligence community in a plot to leak all of it, and to make it near impossible to pin down the origins of the leaks.

Russian Propaganda was used to touch this whole witch hunt off. Propaganda that everyone knew was false, salacious and unverifiable, and was paid for by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. That propaganda with Putin's blessing, was used by Clinton and Obama Communist Sympathizers, and members of The Resistance to Fraudulently File False Affidavits in the Unconstitutional and Secret FISA Court to seek an Illegal Surveillance Warrant to spy on President Trump , his sons and daughters, and his associates, to pry in to their emails, their servers, listen to their phone conversations all to help Hillary Clinton to win the election and to serve as an Insurance Policy if she didnt'

Comey, McCabe, Stozk Ohr and others openly plotted treason and insurrection, and abused their positions to leak classified information, and to obstruct justice in their fanatical pursuit of Donald Trump.

And if that isn't bad enough you have Rosenstein and Sessions obstructing justice themselves when they repeatedly stonewall The President and Congress. Rosenstein even plotted to illegally wiretap President Trump to try to get him removed from office if he could.

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1. NYT is fake new according to lord Orangina.

2. He hired Rosenstein..

3. The shit show is fun to watch. (Out of pop corn)
1. NYT is fake new according to lord Orangina.

2. He hired Rosenstein..

3. The shit show is fun to watch. (Out of pop corn)

I thought Rosenstein was a hold over.

Regardless he has changed his story. Originally he was denying it. Now he is claiming it was a joke.

So it looks like the account is accurate

I didn’t think the NYT could do real journalism
1. NYT is fake new according to lord Orangina.

2. He hired Rosenstein..

3. The shit show is fun to watch. (Out of pop corn)

I thought Rosenstein was a hold over.

Regardless he has changed his story. Originally he was denying it. Now he is claiming it was a joke.

So it looks like the account is accurate

I didn’t think the NYT could do real journalism
You should have advised Drumpf not to appoint Rosenstein. Didnt Drumpf claim he hires only the best people?
Given our presidents tendency to lie and deny everything that is said about him.......wearing a wire is the only way to go
McCabe‘s attorneys have confirm that McCabe is the source of these allegations. And the memos used for the Times story has been in the hands of mueller for a while.
McCabe‘s attorneys have confirm that McCabe is the source of these allegations. And the memos used for the Times story has been in the hands of mueller for a while.
Well that puts Drumpf in a tough spot. Didnt he claim McCabe was a liar?
Rosenstein Suggested He Secretly Record Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment
So according to an anonymous source (AGAIN will they ever realize how stupid this is?) now says
Rosenstein said he'd wear a wire in a meeting with Trump so he could use it to invoke the 25th amendment!

Now as much as most of us despise the politicization of the FBI i.e. text messages, FISA warrants, etc...
this is really stupid and I really really hope no dumb ass Trump supporter thinking it would be helpful did this
"anonymous source".

So I'm going on the record here that even though I'm a Trump supporter I do NOT believe this NYT story for a minute!

Rosenstin denied it pretty damn fast. I’m thinking it’s true, but I don’t think it was a plan so much as an extream statement tossed out during an argument.
Rosenstein Suggested He Secretly Record Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment
So according to an anonymous source (AGAIN will they ever realize how stupid this is?) now says
Rosenstein said he'd wear a wire in a meeting with Trump so he could use it to invoke the 25th amendment!

Now as much as most of us despise the politicization of the FBI i.e. text messages, FISA warrants, etc...
this is really stupid and I really really hope no dumb ass Trump supporter thinking it would be helpful did this
"anonymous source".

So I'm going on the record here that even though I'm a Trump supporter I do NOT believe this NYT story for a minute!

Rosenstin denied it pretty damn fast. I’m thinking it’s true, but I don’t think it was a plan so much as an extream statement tossed out during an argument.

I am not sure about it but one thing I am sure is "anonymous source" could be anyone! As I pointed out I certainly hope it isn't a Trump "supporter" thinking it is helpful!
Rosenstein Suggested He Secretly Record Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment
So according to an anonymous source (AGAIN will they ever realize how stupid this is?) now says
Rosenstein said he'd wear a wire in a meeting with Trump so he could use it to invoke the 25th amendment!

Now as much as most of us despise the politicization of the FBI i.e. text messages, FISA warrants, etc...
this is really stupid and I really really hope no dumb ass Trump supporter thinking it would be helpful did this
"anonymous source".

So I'm going on the record here that even though I'm a Trump supporter I do NOT believe this NYT story for a minute!

Rosenstin denied it pretty damn fast. I’m thinking it’s true, but I don’t think it was a plan so much as an extream statement tossed out during an argument.
He disputed it using legal jargon in the event he would later have those words subject to cross examination. Thats different from denying it. He called it "inaccurate" and "factually in accurate".

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