Once stigmatized, food stamps find acceptance

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If we gave the poor flour, sugar, potatoes, etc most of them would starve.
Food preparation is a vanishing skill.

We are too lazy to even prepare our own food.

yea its pretty sad. non-fresh food tastes so shitty and is very unhealthy and still people can't take 20 minute to make a meal
They could work to become rich.
Don't you mean they could come and work for the rich?

No I don't.

I told this story here before.

Two years ago I was pretty broke. I got nervous buying lettuce in the grocery store. I got a job doing door to door sales strictly on commission.

I now have my own company, and I have salespeople, my income is now about 15 times the amount it was two years ago.
Congratulations! Where can we find customers today?
My god Mike, you can be that fucking lame to quote the blowhard cowboy, I misunderestimated your stupidity
Don't you mean they could come and work for the rich?

No I don't.

I told this story here before.

Two years ago I was pretty broke. I got nervous buying lettuce in the grocery store. I got a job doing door to door sales strictly on commission.

I now have my own company, and I have salespeople, my income is now about 15 times the amount it was two years ago.
Congratulations! Where can we find customers today?

Thank you.

Depends on what you are selling and to whom.

I am in a fortunate position, my company is thriving because of the down economy.

I am not going to reveal what it is I actually sell though.

I'll tell you I don't take anything for granted though.

I am not trying to be cocky.

My point is that it's untrue that you can't change your circumstances, because it happened to me.

I did have something rather unfortunate happen though...

November my wife and I were vacationing in Cancun, MX. My wife fell on some steps going to the beach.

She shattered her ankle in a few places. She got surgery in Cancun, and it had to be redone when we got back.

I have been taking her to physical therapy for about two hours at a time, 3 times a week.

That has been a tough road.
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Shame on those children for wanting to be born into poverty.
They could have chosen to be born rich.

They could work to become rich.

Yes possibly. You really do not have a clue how hard it is to climb out of poverty when your parents are deadbeat slugs do you?

and typically once you do begin to climb out your relatives try and bleed you dry.

Okay, I am confused.

You are saying it's bad to be in proverty and out of proverty?
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They could work to become rich.

Yes possibly. You really do not have a clue how hard it is to climb out of poverty when your parents are deadbeat slugs do you?

and typically once you do begin to climb out your relatives try and bleed you dry.

Okay, I am confused.

You are saying it's bad to be in proverty and out of proverty?

I am saying it is hard to climb out of what you were born and raised in. And often your family is more of a burden than a help as you do try and climb out.
They could work to become rich.
Don't you mean they could come and work for the rich?

No I don't.

I told this story here before.

Two years ago I was pretty broke. I got nervous buying lettuce in the grocery store. I got a job doing door to door sales strictly on commission.

I now have my own company, and I have salespeople, my income is now about 15 times the amount it was two years ago.
What time in the early AM can we watch your infomercial?
Don't you mean they could come and work for the rich?

No I don't.

I told this story here before.

Two years ago I was pretty broke. I got nervous buying lettuce in the grocery store. I got a job doing door to door sales strictly on commission.

I now have my own company, and I have salespeople, my income is now about 15 times the amount it was two years ago.
What time in the early AM can we watch your infomercial?

The Personal success kit is available for sale....

I read an expose on theo how to get rich quick guys and their scams recently.
Several disgusting parasites
I never said it was get rich quick.

I worked hard.

I was door knocking. I was out there in all weather going house to house.

I often left monday morning and came home Friday .

Sometimes I was gone for 2 weeks.

Yanno...what surprised me is how few people were wiling to do what I was doing.

I have a brother-in-law that got fired from his job. He could have done what I did for the same pay. He refused to do it. He lived off his mother for about two years and still does.

I have a MBA but I did what I had to do to support my wife.

As I mentioned before there were quite a few people I ran into door knocking who were unemployed and on government assistance who refused to do exactly what I was doing.

The reason I bring my story up is to refute those posts that said that you can't change your circumstances.

I am now going to open up in my third state.
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I never said it was get rich quick.

I worked hard.

I was door knocking.

I often left monday morning and came home Friday .

Sometimes I was gone for 2 weeks.

Was that you?

No wonder I wouldn't let you in
If we gave the poor flour, sugar, potatoes, etc most of them would starve.
Food preparation is a vanishing skill.

We are too lazy to even prepare our own food.

is that because the poor are incapable of cooking or because there is no necessity with all the frozen dinners available. I assure you, if poor Americans crawled from the depression then our modern poor can remember how to make biscuits from scratch.

Those things in the can are NOT biscuits! Yuck, ptew,spit,spit....
Long gone, my friend.

For families with children, especially, there is never any need or call for shame, and whatever it takes to keep children fed and healthy, ab-so-fucking-lutely, and anyone that doesn't like it can can piss cocleburrs.

As for those who think others should be ashamed, I think it is funny, as I am sure that some of your family members are getting help you don't know about, and as for needing help, it was/is BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEY CANNOT GET HELP FROM THE FUCKIN' MISERS IN THE FAMILY, LIKE YOU, THAT YOU ARE QUITE CONTENT TO SEE CHILDREN AS WELL AS AGED OR DISABLED FAMILY GO HUNGRY!

And why would you be sure of that? personally i would go hungry before I went on the dole. I'd pick up shit for a penny a pile so i could feed my kids because i would be ashamed to take government assistance.

But hey that's just me.

i disagree. being ashamed is not a bad thing in fact it can and should be a great motivator.
And at a time like now, when there are no jobs to be found, and there are currently 10 applicants for every available job in California, and there is no shit to be picked up?

Then you, because of false pride, would get to watch your children die.... and you would tell them to be PROUD because even though there was food available to you, your idiot politics took precedence over their lives.....

While others would take whatever was available, AND LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY!

Truly you are a fool.......

Those who LIVE also WIN!
The grocery industry were the biggest lobbyists for the stamp redemption of the food.
A better less fraudulent way would be to have it mass packaged and delivered from the suppliers.

very true. which is why I suggest segregating food stamp products from chain store profits by making stamps usable only in neighborhood pantries and specialized outlets separate from locations where it's easy to abuse the system.

Store computers separate out what is and what is not "eligible." Where the hell have you been shopping? Certainly not in a store with electricity and refridgeration!!!!!

Oh, and who gets to RUN the little outlets you think are right? the ones that only sell flour, lard, and chicken backs????

FYI. the WIC stores' cost TO THE GOV is more than being able to purchase in regular chain grocery stores: -- where the product is fresher (not outdated) and has the advantage of often being on sale.... etc!
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I never said it was get rich quick.

I worked hard.

I was door knocking.

I often left monday morning and came home Friday .

Sometimes I was gone for 2 weeks.

Was that you?

No wonder I wouldn't let you in

I thought he was the Jehovas Witnesses back again.

Me too!

If I knew it was Mike, I would have released the hounds

What ever happened to the days when people were embarrassed and dare i say ashamed to be on the dole?

From what I can tell this is still the case with the vast majority of Americans much to the chagrin of the progressive nanny staters that would like to see being a dependent of the state become the "norm".

Who wants that? Seriously. Who out there advocates for making more and more Americans poor enough to qualify for food stamps?
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