One day the economy will get much worse and only socialism will save it


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.
Socialism is evil. No economy will ever be bad enough that bread lines are an improvement
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.
/——/ Maybe Socialism can save Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela—— oh wait. Never mind.
Socialism .....

Socialism has been proven not to work. The problem is you eventually run out of other people's money to spend.
Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.

Poor fool. That has ALWAYS been the PROMISE of socialism, too bad it has never ever worked.

What socialists hate more than anything is that we Capitalists have delivered everything they've ever promised while they've delivered nothing but death and despair.

At one time, Argentina was the 4th richest Country on Earth. No more, thanks to the 'Third way' socialist policies of the Perons.

Russia's socialists murdered over 20 million people in an effort to make everybody equal -- Equally DEAD.

Mao did essentially the same thing but his tally was closer to 40 million.

Then there was Pol Pot and dozens upon dozens of smaller, lesser known socialists who murder, murder and murder some more.

Look what Mugabe did for Rhodesia. Time Mag-Rag even did a full cover story on him, calling him "The Practical Socialist"

Then there's the clusterfuck in Venezuela and the disaster in Nicaragua.

socialism often does advance a people but for a very short time. The problem becomes when the people in power refuse to leave.

socialism and socialists SUCK. Hundreds of Millions murdered in its name. Millions more starved to death. Untold suffering, deprivations, torture and cruelty.

socialism is the worst thing to ever happen to this world and it, along with its sycophant followers, should be put down like a rabid dog
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.

I noticed you didn't say Democrats were going to save us. :eusa_whistle:
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.

Unfortunately there are quite a number of young people who pretty much believe the same thing that Billy does. None of it is true of course, but they're too young to realize what it means to go with a socialistic agenda.
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.
All of those will be addressed by Trump performing elfin magic.
Didn't they say "only socialism will save it" right before the Bolshevics took over Russia and right before the Nationalist Socialists gained power in Germany? It's hard to keep up with the incoherent left these days but it's refreshing that the democrat party finally came out of the socialist closet and stopped pretending .
How will socialist policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will socialist policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will socialist policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will socialist policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will socialist policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

How will socialist policy improve all of these things?

I'll wait for your detailed answers, thank you.
Do you foresee the microprocessor, or technology of today? Human INNOVATION will overcome these economic challenges creating new industries, and new jobs. Necessity is the mother of invention. Democrats (socialists/communists) are devout pessimists, and only think government can solve problems by taking from the productive.

GROW the PIE. Don't make everyone's piece smaller.
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.
/——/ Maybe Socialism can save Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela—— oh wait. Never mind.
It’s not my fault you don’t understand the different types of socialism.

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