One day the economy will get much worse and only socialism will save it

How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.

You know nothing about economics and nothing about how fiat currency is created, why it has to expended exponentially in order to serve the debt created by an extension of credit by a central bank with an empty account but yet we pay interest on their paper fiat currency which leads to inflation, a hidden tax. You are simply ignorant to believe that socialism is the answer as long as a central bank exists.
Socialism .....

How will the GOP address the issues I listed?
....I hope to god the economy goes to hell and socialism [ like in Venezuela ] saves us like it is saving Venezuela
...then I can steal some sugar like on a Mad Max movie

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Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.

Poor fool. That has ALWAYS been the PROMISE of socialism, too bad it has never ever worked.

What socialists hate more than anything is that we Capitalists have delivered everything they've ever promised while they've delivered nothing but death and despair.

At one time, Argentina was the 4th richest Country on Earth. No more, thanks to the 'Third way' socialist policies of the Perons.

Russia's socialists murdered over 20 million people in an effort to make everybody equal -- Equally DEAD.

Mao did essentially the same thing but his tally was closer to 40 million.

Then there was Pol Pot and dozens upon dozens of smaller, lesser known socialists who murder, murder and murder some more.

Look what Mugabe did for Rhodesia. Time Mag-Rag even did a full cover story on him, calling him "The Practical Socialist"

Then there's the clusterfuck in Venezuela and the disaster in Nicaragua.

socialism often does advance a people but for a very short time. The problem becomes when the people in power refuse to leave.

socialism and socialists SUCK. Hundreds of Millions murdered in its name. Millions more starved to death. Untold suffering, deprivations, torture and cruelty.

socialism is the worst thing to ever happen to this world and it, along with its sycophant followers, should be put down like a rabid dog
How will the GOP address the issues I listed?
May-be you should defect to a socialist Country and give it a whirl. Let me know how all the free shit works out.

What the op'er fails to understand is nothing is free and someone has to work.

The problem is no one want to work for the other guy while the other guy get paid thw same amount.

So what happens?

Look at the former Soviet Union and Bloc countries and they mostly ditched their failed system.

Kids never learn and must fail like their parents did...
Unfortunately there are quite a number of young people who pretty much believe the same thing that Billy does. None of it is true of course, but they're too young to realize what it means to go with a socialistic agenda.

Known in elite Democrat circles as the.....


Or...Temporarily Useful Idiots
Okay let’s pretend we deregulated everything. How, specifically, would that address the issues I listed?

There are "Social Programs" that benefit society when properly administered.

You folks confuse the hell out of that and think it's Socialism

Look around the modern world...Venezuela, Turkey, China, Russia....
We are entering an age of Totalitarianism brought about largely by ignorant young people but also by equally stump stupid adults who thought Socialism was a free ride for all. And it was....they just weren't told the destination was hell.
Socialist policy is never the answer.
Social security was a bad idea?
Well, yes, it's an unsustainable ponzi scheme. The government is currently in debt up to its eyeballs, one would have to be part of the Church of the Omnipotent State to believe that it's capable of saving one's money for them.
Putting aside socialism for a moment, how would republican policy address the issues I arose?
They wouldn't, the Republicans want what the Democrats want. The only difference which they pretend exists is that Democrats hate it when a Republican does it, and the Republicans hate when a Democrat does it. Of course, neither have policies which work, because their end goal is the same as yours.

I can, however, tell you what would actually solve all of the problems you listed.

How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?
Automation can never replace "human jobs", because people will always have to program, innovate, build, and service the machines. If there's a demand for it, the private sector will fulfill that demand, and if there isn't a demand, it doesn't need to exist.
How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?
People get paid what their performance and position is worth, otherwise they work for someone else. The government is not, and has never been necessary to determine wages. One has to be completely delusional to believe that random people are qualified for determining demand and cost simply because they're part of the government. People who support a federal minimum wage are part of the Church of the Omnipotent State.
How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

If the government had not interfered in the market in the first place, neither would be a problem. The government created both problems with regulations and patents. Because of the government, before Obama destroyed the already-too-heavily-regulated healthcare industry, the Healthcare providers were limited to specific areas, limiting competition, allowing them to raise costs, as few to no other options were available.

As for medicine costs, the businesses already have to pay colossal amounts and go through a long process to get their medicine onto the market in the first place, and patents make this even worse, as it limits competition. If it weren't for the government, there may have been cures for cancer and AIDs by now, and far fewer people would have died of curable illnesses.
How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

If Climate Change existed, policies claiming to solve it wouldn't be getting rammed down our throats, and data wouldn't be falsified. Scientists also would be open to debating the topic, rather than claiming there's no point in debating and that people who disagree should be thrown in jail. The fact that anyone believes it's an actual issue is absolutely sad.

There's already insurance for natural disasters, and it would be far better if the government wasn't regulating it.
How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.
You'll notice that private industry builds better roads when the government isn't involved. If they want customers, they'll build roads to their place of business. The government is not required, as there's a demand for roads.

If there's a demand for something, the private industry takes care of it. If there isn't, it is not needed. This is the nature of capitalism, and government interference only impedes progress.

If you'd leave the Church of the Omnipotent State, you'd stop believing that they're the only people who can do everything, and realize that they are not omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. With a lack of incentive, a lack of knowledge, and a lack of resources, the state is actually the LEAST qualified entity for everything you believe it's capable of. Any money it has, it steals, anything it buys, it pays too much for and either gets too much or too little, as it can't accurately measure demand, and anything it builds, is mediocre at best.

Your faith in the state is horribly misplaced.
Socialist policy is never the answer.
Social security was a bad idea?
Well, yes, it's an unsustainable ponzi scheme. The government is currently in debt up to its eyeballs, one would have to be part of the Church of the Omnipotent State to believe that it's capable of saving one's money for them.
Putting aside socialism for a moment, how would republican policy address the issues I arose?
No. Let's not put aside socialism for a moment. How would socialism address the issues raised? Obviously, you (a socialist?) think that republicans have no answers. I want to know what the socialist solutions would be to the problems raised?
You'll notice that private industry builds better roads when the government isn't involved. If they want customers, they'll build roads to their place of business. The government is not required, as there's a demand for roads.

If there's a demand for something, the private industry takes care of it. If there isn't, it is not needed. This is the nature of capitalism, and government interference only impedes progress.

If you'd leave the Church of the Omnipotent State, you'd stop believing that they're the only people who can do everything, and realize that they are not omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. With a lack of incentive, a lack of knowledge, and a lack of resources, the state is actually the LEAST qualified entity for everything you believe it's capable of. Any money it has, it steals, anything it buys, it pays too much for and either gets too much or too little, as it can't accurately measure demand, and anything it builds, is mediocre at best.

Your faith in the state is horribly misplaced.........................

That's quite a post Pumpkin, but most of it your opinion and your perspective. Which is fine.
As far as Democrats and Republicans being the same......dunno. In the upper political circles, probably more so.
Down here among the grunts, not so much. ALL politicians are bought. We're paying through corporate and corrupt proxy.

While your view of government is largely true, especially as it leans socialist and becomes more corrupt we still need government services for National defense and certain social services. The interstate system is probably better as a Federal program.

I do, however, LOVE your expression "Church of the Omnipotent State". lol I have to remember that one.

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