One Example of How Archaic and Backwards Our Health Insurance Is


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
OK, I have a family plan with a health insurance company whose name I dont want to give out, but lets just call it for the time being, ETNA.

Before I went on vacation to Canada, I called and asked about filing my Gap insurance coverage for a Dr Boatang (not actual doctors name). In the course of my several discussion with several different ETNA call handlers, it finally emerged that, to my surprise Dr Boatang was in their system. So I was told to wait till I got back from vacation and just submit the bill. So that was the plan.

I get home and cant find my $3k bill, so I call the doctors office and ask them to email me my bill, and they do. I then take my bill and upload it to ETNA on their website.

A couple of weeks go by and I get a call from Dr Boatangs office that informed me that ETNA told them that I was not in the ETNA system. I call ETNA and after about 2 hours of talking with one person then the next I was, of course, in their system, but the real problem was that my bill, uploaded to the website, did not move the bill to their billing side of their operations. So the lady kindly took my bill, printed it out and then uploaded it again to the billing side of their operations. I ask to talk to a supervisor to complain about how broken their billing system is, and I am told that they dont have a complaint handling manager, but they could escalate my call to a high priority call desk, and I ask them what good that would do to fix their broken part of their billing system. "Nothing" I was told, so I declined.

Then last week I got this response letter from ETNA saying that they declined to cover my treatment since my doctor was not in their system. Yes, the same doctor that they had told me only a few weeks ago that he was in their system. So I look up this doctors information, see that he take ETNA and I just called ETNA to find out what the hell is going on. Ow, wow, the problem was that the bill, after being loaded up and scanned a second time the name and PID was illegible. So why didnt they say that the doctors name was illegible instead of not in their system? The didnt know. Well I could give them the PID over the phone and any other information that they need. No, that wont do it has to be part of the bill.

But of course I cannot submit a second bill for the same closed claim, so they tell to send a message to the message center and they can get the clean copy of the bill that way. I ask to speak to a manager or someone that I can get to shepherd this bill through to the proper people in their broken bill system. Again I am told that they dont have anyone that does this.

So now that Trump has won, are the insurance companies returning to their old bullshit games to deny people due coverage?

It would seem so, as I have also recently experienced the same kind of thing with a State Farm Claim for medical coverage and with a disability insurance claim that took me off disability even though my medical condition was made much worse than when they first put me on it.

This is NOT how one makes American great again, folks.
Having healthcare ruled by concentrated corporate power where "the people" have no voice ends where it always ends in america and that trendline will continue unabated. It will become out of the reach of more and more over time, no one is ready to deal with healthcare in america.
OK, I have a family plan with a health insurance company whose name I dont want to give out, but lets just call it for the time being, ETNA.

Before I went on vacation to Canada, I called and asked about filing my Gap insurance coverage for a Dr Boatang (not actual doctors name). In the course of my several discussion with several different ETNA call handlers, it finally emerged that, to my surprise Dr Boatang was in their system. So I was told to wait till I got back from vacation and just submit the bill. So that was the plan.

I get home and cant find my $3k bill, so I call the doctors office and ask them to email me my bill, and they do. I then take my bill and upload it to ETNA on their website.

A couple of weeks go by and I get a call from Dr Boatangs office that informed me that ETNA told them that I was not in the ETNA system. I call ETNA and after about 2 hours of talking with one person then the next I was, of course, in their system, but the real problem was that my bill, uploaded to the website, did not move the bill to their billing side of their operations. So the lady kindly took my bill, printed it out and then uploaded it again to the billing side of their operations. I ask to talk to a supervisor to complain about how broken their billing system is, and I am told that they dont have a complaint handling manager, but they could escalate my call to a high priority call desk, and I ask them what good that would do to fix their broken part of their billing system. "Nothing" I was told, so I declined.

Then last week I got this response letter from ETNA saying that they declined to cover my treatment since my doctor was not in their system. Yes, the same doctor that they had told me only a few weeks ago that he was in their system. So I look up this doctors information, see that he take ETNA and I just called ETNA to find out what the hell is going on. Ow, wow, the problem was that the bill, after being loaded up and scanned a second time the name and PID was illegible. So why didnt they say that the doctors name was illegible instead of not in their system? The didnt know. Well I could give them the PID over the phone and any other information that they need. No, that wont do it has to be part of the bill.

But of course I cannot submit a second bill for the same closed claim, so they tell to send a message to the message center and they can get the clean copy of the bill that way. I ask to speak to a manager or someone that I can get to shepherd this bill through to the proper people in their broken bill system. Again I am told that they dont have anyone that does this.

So now that Trump has won, are the insurance companies returning to their old bullshit games to deny people due coverage?

It would seem so, as I have also recently experienced the same kind of thing with a State Farm Claim for medical coverage and with a disability insurance claim that took me off disability even though my medical condition was made much worse than when they first put me on it.

This is NOT how one makes American great again, folks.
Sorry for your problem I have the same provider but have not had a problem with them. If I experienced this kind of problem, I think I would make a trip to their home office, get in there and refuse to leave until the problems were worked out and I had a letter to prove it.
Your problem with them started before the election . What you need to now do is get corporates number and call and fight to get someone to take care of it for you.
Just because Trump was elected a few days ago, things do not suddenly change. If you can't get help from corporate contact your state Senate rep.
OK, I have a family plan with a health insurance company whose name I dont want to give out, but lets just call it for the time being, ETNA.

Before I went on vacation to Canada, I called and asked about filing my Gap insurance coverage for a Dr Boatang (not actual doctors name). In the course of my several discussion with several different ETNA call handlers, it finally emerged that, to my surprise Dr Boatang was in their system. So I was told to wait till I got back from vacation and just submit the bill. So that was the plan.

I get home and cant find my $3k bill, so I call the doctors office and ask them to email me my bill, and they do. I then take my bill and upload it to ETNA on their website.

A couple of weeks go by and I get a call from Dr Boatangs office that informed me that ETNA told them that I was not in the ETNA system. I call ETNA and after about 2 hours of talking with one person then the next I was, of course, in their system, but the real problem was that my bill, uploaded to the website, did not move the bill to their billing side of their operations. So the lady kindly took my bill, printed it out and then uploaded it again to the billing side of their operations. I ask to talk to a supervisor to complain about how broken their billing system is, and I am told that they dont have a complaint handling manager, but they could escalate my call to a high priority call desk, and I ask them what good that would do to fix their broken part of their billing system. "Nothing" I was told, so I declined.

Then last week I got this response letter from ETNA saying that they declined to cover my treatment since my doctor was not in their system. Yes, the same doctor that they had told me only a few weeks ago that he was in their system. So I look up this doctors information, see that he take ETNA and I just called ETNA to find out what the hell is going on. Ow, wow, the problem was that the bill, after being loaded up and scanned a second time the name and PID was illegible. So why didnt they say that the doctors name was illegible instead of not in their system? The didnt know. Well I could give them the PID over the phone and any other information that they need. No, that wont do it has to be part of the bill.

But of course I cannot submit a second bill for the same closed claim, so they tell to send a message to the message center and they can get the clean copy of the bill that way. I ask to speak to a manager or someone that I can get to shepherd this bill through to the proper people in their broken bill system. Again I am told that they dont have anyone that does this.

So now that Trump has won, are the insurance companies returning to their old bullshit games to deny people due coverage?

It would seem so, as I have also recently experienced the same kind of thing with a State Farm Claim for medical coverage and with a disability insurance claim that took me off disability even though my medical condition was made much worse than when they first put me on it.

This is NOT how one makes American great again, folks.
Sorry for your problem I have the same provider but have not had a problem with them. If I experienced this kind of problem, I think I would make a trip to their home office, get in there and refuse to leave until the problems were worked out and I had a letter to prove it.

Blue Bell PA is a bit of a drive for me to make with my back.

I just called my congressman, David Brat, and his staffer told me, once a waded through the voice message machine gauntlet of nonsense (do these guys ever really call anyone back?) I got told that he doesnt handle complaints with private businesses, but only complaints about the government. I know some do in fact handle business complaints about insurance and have helped me in the past. But the staffer reiterated that they dont do that and if anyone had helped me like that in the past that point I said have a nice day and hung up.

This is the kind of bullshit that people are hoping Trump will fix when he drains the swamp, but apparently it seems like it isnt going to help me at all.

The situation I find myself in now after having given 5 years of my life in the US Army infantry makes me feel like I was a complete fool, and I feel so much better that I told my son to not sign up because it would take years from his life and give him nothing of benefit to himself, but warm fuzies, perhaps about defending the people of a country that will turn their back on you when you need their help in return.
Your problem with them started before the election . What you need to now do is get corporates number and call and fight to get someone to take care of it for you.
I did call the corporate number, thanks to your advice, and I was told how to mail in a physcial form that has the correct information, etc.

So thanks for the suggestion.

As to the sequence of events with the election and my claim, I suspect these corporations had a firm idea of who was going to win as they have their own sources completely independent of the media.
Your problem with them started before the election . What you need to now do is get corporates number and call and fight to get someone to take care of it for you.
I did call the corporate number, thanks to your advice, and I was told how to mail in a physcial form that has the correct information, etc.

So thanks for the suggestion.

As to the sequence of events with the election and my claim, I suspect these corporations had a firm idea of who was going to win as they have their own sources completely independent of the media.
Sorry for your problems...and it's a shame since you are a vet. You deserve so much better!
I've gone through this crud, about 20 years ago in Florida and then again 10 years ago, while up here....

contact your State Insurance Commissioner.
If you have any more problems contact your states insurance commission. .
Sorry for your problem I have the same provider but have not had a problem with them. If I experienced this kind of problem, I think I would make a trip to their home office, get in there and refuse to leave until the problems were worked out and I had a letter to prove it.

Blue Bell PA is a bit of a drive for me to make with my back.

I just called my congressman, David Brat, and his staffer told me, once a waded through the voice message machine gauntlet of nonsense (do these guys ever really call anyone back?) I got told that he doesnt handle complaints with private businesses, but only complaints about the government. I know some do in fact handle business complaints about insurance and have helped me in the past. But the staffer reiterated that they dont do that and if anyone had helped me like that in the past that point I said have a nice day and hung up.

This is the kind of bullshit that people are hoping Trump will fix when he drains the swamp, but apparently it seems like it isnt going to help me at all.

The situation I find myself in now after having given 5 years of my life in the US Army infantry makes me feel like I was a complete fool, and I feel so much better that I told my son to not sign up because it would take years from his life and give him nothing of benefit to himself, but warm fuzies, perhaps about defending the people of a country that will turn their back on you when you need their help in return.

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