One more time... SIMPLE arithmetic people... PLEASE PLEASE prove these numbers are wrong!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
To pass Obamacare Obama told us that:
“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."

What HE FAILED to explain to you that:
1) NOW he agrees 10 million of the 46 million were NOT citizens and therefore not eligible!
IF YOU have the GUTS to follow this Census bureau link that proves according to the Census...
PLEASE DO so...Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
NOTE: NOT A CITZEN... 2009 There were 9,936,000 counted... THEY AREN'T citizens!!!

2) If you have the guts follow this link and read how the Census states 14 million counted as uninsured
In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau ACKNOWLEDGES that the survey
"...underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment
and participation data from the Centers for medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)"
I DARE YOU to follow this link
and see how the Census agrees 14 million should have been enrolled BEFORE ACA in Medicaid/SCHIP!

3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance counted as "uninsured"... but don't want it!
These 18 million can afford their employers' plans as they make over $50,000...but they don't want it!
These 18 million spend less then $1,000 per year on health services...again they don't want it!
Check it out see if I'm wrong! CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

They add up to 42 million that either aren't eligible, don't know they are eligible or don't want insurance!
NOT 46 million but 4 million!
And ACA was sold on this gigantic phony baloney NUMBER!!!
ACA was passed by JUST 7 votes... 219 "Yes" votes and 212 "No" votes.
THINK how many of those "Yes" votes realized there NEVER were 46 million because
1) 10 million that the Census said were uninsured WERE NOT citizens...that leaves 36 million.
2) 14 million qualified for Medicaid...before ACA... and Census agrees.. weren't counted... that leaves 22 million.
3) 18 million DIDN"T want insurance, could afford make over $50,000 but didn't want... that leaves 4 million!
NOT 46 million!
To pass Obamacare Obama told us that:
“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."

What HE FAILED to explain to you that:
1) NOW he agrees 10 million of the 46 million were NOT citizens and therefore not eligible!
IF YOU have the GUTS to follow this Census bureau link that proves according to the Census...
PLEASE DO so...Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
NOTE: NOT A CITZEN... 2009 There were 9,936,000 counted... THEY AREN'T citizens!!!

2) If you have the guts follow this link and read how the Census states 14 million counted as uninsured
In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau ACKNOWLEDGES that the survey
"...underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment
and participation data from the Centers for medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)"
I DARE YOU to follow this link
and see how the Census agrees 14 million should have been enrolled BEFORE ACA in Medicaid/SCHIP!

3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance counted as "uninsured"... but don't want it!
These 18 million can afford their employers' plans as they make over $50,000...but they don't want it!
These 18 million spend less then $1,000 per year on health services...again they don't want it!
Check it out see if I'm wrong! CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

They add up to 42 million that either aren't eligible, don't know they are eligible or don't want insurance!
NOT 46 million but 4 million!
And ACA was sold on this gigantic phony baloney NUMBER!!!

You were proven wrong in every one of the other 100 threads you started about this.
To pass Obamacare Obama told us that:
“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."

What HE FAILED to explain to you that:
1) NOW he agrees 10 million of the 46 million were NOT citizens and therefore not eligible!
IF YOU have the GUTS to follow this Census bureau link that proves according to the Census...
PLEASE DO so...Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
NOTE: NOT A CITZEN... 2009 There were 9,936,000 counted... THEY AREN'T citizens!!!

2) If you have the guts follow this link and read how the Census states 14 million counted as uninsured
In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau ACKNOWLEDGES that the survey
"...underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment
and participation data from the Centers for medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)"
I DARE YOU to follow this link
and see how the Census agrees 14 million should have been enrolled BEFORE ACA in Medicaid/SCHIP!

3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance counted as "uninsured"... but don't want it!
These 18 million can afford their employers' plans as they make over $50,000...but they don't want it!
These 18 million spend less then $1,000 per year on health services...again they don't want it!
Check it out see if I'm wrong! CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

They add up to 42 million that either aren't eligible, don't know they are eligible or don't want insurance!
NOT 46 million but 4 million!
And ACA was sold on this gigantic phony baloney NUMBER!!!

You were proven wrong in every one of the other 100 threads you started about this.
Please explain how I was proven wrong that :
1) 10 million counted as "uninsured" WERE NOT Citizens. Even Obama agrees that the number is NOT 46 million due to the illegals inclusion!
2) 14 million that the CENSUS agrees were counted as "uninsured" but ""...underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment"... what this means to idiots like you is THESE 14 million were not counted as insured...Census underreported coverage!!!
3) 18 million that don't WANT insurance! Why are they being counted if they CAN buy insurance (they make over $50,000!) but idiots like
you don't seem to understand THIS IS AMERICA and these have a right in making a decision regarding insurance they don't NEED!

SO again... why don't you simply refute those 3 simple facts.
Prove the Census was wrong! Prove that 18 million people WANTED health insurance!
To pass Obamacare Obama told us that:
“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."

What HE FAILED to explain to you that:
1) NOW he agrees 10 million of the 46 million were NOT citizens and therefore not eligible!
IF YOU have the GUTS to follow this Census bureau link that proves according to the Census...
PLEASE DO so...Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
NOTE: NOT A CITZEN... 2009 There were 9,936,000 counted... THEY AREN'T citizens!!!

2) If you have the guts follow this link and read how the Census states 14 million counted as uninsured
In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau ACKNOWLEDGES that the survey
"...underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment
and participation data from the Centers for medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)"
I DARE YOU to follow this link
and see how the Census agrees 14 million should have been enrolled BEFORE ACA in Medicaid/SCHIP!

3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance counted as "uninsured"... but don't want it!
These 18 million can afford their employers' plans as they make over $50,000...but they don't want it!
These 18 million spend less then $1,000 per year on health services...again they don't want it!
Check it out see if I'm wrong! CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

They add up to 42 million that either aren't eligible, don't know they are eligible or don't want insurance!
NOT 46 million but 4 million!
And ACA was sold on this gigantic phony baloney NUMBER!!!

You were proven wrong in every one of the other 100 threads you started about this.

Explain one question I have for you.
How do you go about PROVING that
1) 10 million illegals citizens WEREN"T included in the Census' 46 million when the Census clearly states the following:
Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
NOT A CITZEN... 2009 There were 9,936,000 counted... THEY AREN'T citizens!!!

2) 14 million of the Census figure were people the Census says and I'm quoting them exactly:
Page 3 of this document:
The Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) estimates that about 9 million of these individuals actually were enrolled in Medicaid during the year, but were categorized as uninsured in the Census survey. In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges
that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).”
Among uninsured individuals eligible for public programs, but not enrolled during the year: 89 percent were in working families, 41 percent were children under the age of 18 who could be enrolled in Medicaid and/or SCHIP, and 44 percent were Hispanic."

Please explain WHY YOU disagree with the Census these 24 million people that the Census agrees should NOT be counted as "uninsured"?
Just because you're a mental case who keeps repeating the same false claim over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, no matter how many times you're proven wrong,

the truth will not change.
Let's do the math.

In most countries people get coverage if they are citizens of the country. In the USA this is not the case. Not difficult.

Does it matter if it's 45 million or 35 million? 35 million is 35 million too little with coverage.
Just because you're a mental case who keeps repeating the same false claim over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, no matter how many times you're proven wrong,

the truth will not change.
YOU haven't proven me wrong because there is NO other way to state clearly:
The CENSUS was the source for the 46 million number!
THE Census said it included 10 million illegals which Obama said would NOT be covered therefore NOT 46 million but 36 million!
HOW f...king complicated is that? You can't admit that??
Then THE CENSUS said they OVER COUNTED the 14 million that are Medicaid/SCHIP eligible!
DO YOU understand that simple fact? THE CENSUS said 14 million of the 36 million then are already eligible SO why were they counted?
That leaves 22 million!

Are you telling me that for the FAIRNESS of less then 4 million people 18 million people that don't want, don't need health insurance should be
forced to buy? Is that what you are saying?
SAY SO then!
And then I'll show you another way rather then forcing 18 million people against their will to cover the remaining 4 million!
BUT DON"T be so stupid as to say there were 46 million "uninsured"! THERE NEVER WERE!
And name calling is really juvenile.
You've already agreed at 35 million right?
So what is YOUR problem in understanding that 14 million are already eligible and needed to be covered by this inept administration without
ACA? There was NO need to count them as part of the 35 million!
Thus leaving 21 million!
So of 21 million you want 18 million people to be forced to buy something THEY DON"T NEED...(they are under 34)!
They spend less then $1,000 a year per person on health services out of pocket!
They make over $50,000 a year so they can afford their employers' health plans but don't want to participate.
So how is that FAIR to these 18 million people?
All they needed to do was sign up with their employers' plans if they wanted insurance!
That leaves 3 million people that wanted and need health insurance!
NOT 46 million! Not 36 million! Not 22 million! but 3 million!
Do you again NOT think congress could have a program designed for these 3 million that would NOT require the destruction and massive
boondoggle known as ACA? NONE of the ACA provisions have been helpful!
The "pre-existing conditions"? Bogus! How many people affected? less then 1.5 million.
NOT the lie Obama said up to half of all 310 million Americans!
Why is it so difficult to admit these numbers were blown way out of proportion to force ACA to be passed by a Congress as dumb as
what Gruber said ..."stupidity of the American voter"!
Let's do the math.

In most countries people get coverage if they are citizens of the country. In the USA this is not the case. Not difficult.

Does it matter if it's 45 million or 35 million? 35 million is 35 million too little with coverage.

No one in the USA was being denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE. There was no healthcare crisis that required destroying the best medical system in the world.

being uninsured does not equal being untreated. ever hear of medicaid and medicare? ever hear of St Judes, MD Anderson, Ochsner clinic, Cleveland clinic, Mayo clinic? all of them treat uninsured people.

you are full of batshit.
3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance counted as "uninsured"... but don't want it!
These 18 million can afford their employers' plans as they make over $50,000...but they don't want it!
These 18 million spend less then $1,000 per year on health services...again they don't want it!
Check it out see if I'm wrong! CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

I'm a glutton for punishment though, so i'll ask you this.

Show me someone who doesn't need insurance in our country and you'll have a point. Whether they want it or not is inconsequential. There are too many idiots (this thread being proof) that don't understand what they truly need.
Let's do the math.

In most countries people get coverage if they are citizens of the country. In the USA this is not the case. Not difficult.

Does it matter if it's 45 million or 35 million? 35 million is 35 million too little with coverage.

No one in the USA was being denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE. There was no healthcare crisis that required destroying the best medical system in the world.

being uninsured does not equal being untreated. ever hear of medicaid and medicare? ever hear of St Judes, MD Anderson, Ochsner clinic, Cleveland clinic, Mayo clinic? all of them treat uninsured people.

you are full of batshit.

Am I?

Medicare is for the old, over 65 year olds or those with disabilities.

Medicaid has many requirements and states are not even required to use medicaid, all do but some don't do it to the same level as others.

Now it covers those up to 133% of the poverty line. Before it was the Health Insurance Premium Payment Program which not many states used anyway.

Yes, there are places to get treated. Does this mean all people get treated? Does this mean everyone gets treatment that is of sufficient level they need.
Let's do the math.

In most countries people get coverage if they are citizens of the country. In the USA this is not the case. Not difficult.

Does it matter if it's 45 million or 35 million? 35 million is 35 million too little with coverage.

No one in the USA was being denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE. There was no healthcare crisis that required destroying the best medical system in the world.

being uninsured does not equal being untreated. ever hear of medicaid and medicare? ever hear of St Judes, MD Anderson, Ochsner clinic, Cleveland clinic, Mayo clinic? all of them treat uninsured people.

you are full of batshit.

Am I?

Medicare is for the old, over 65 year olds or those with disabilities.

Medicaid has many requirements and states are not even required to use medicaid, all do but some don't do it to the same level as others.

Now it covers those up to 133% of the poverty line. Before it was the Health Insurance Premium Payment Program which not many states used anyway.

Yes, there are places to get treated. Does this mean all people get treated? Does this mean everyone gets treatment that is of sufficient level they need.

Yes, no one was denied needed treatment before ACA. NO ONE, even those here illegally.

Due to ACA millions of americans have lost insurance coverage, employers can no longer afford to provide it as a benefit of employment. There are as many, if not more, uninsured and underinsured now than there were before ACA. It spent billions and accomplished nothing.
3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance counted as "uninsured"... but don't want it!
These 18 million can afford their employers' plans as they make over $50,000...but they don't want it!
These 18 million spend less then $1,000 per year on health services...again they don't want it!
Check it out see if I'm wrong! CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

I'm a glutton for punishment though, so i'll ask you this.

Show me someone who doesn't need insurance in our country and you'll have a point. Whether they want it or not is inconsequential. There are too many idiots (this thread being proof) that don't understand what they truly need.

needing insurance, needing medical treatment, and needing socialized medicine are three totally different things.
3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance counted as "uninsured"... but don't want it!
These 18 million can afford their employers' plans as they make over $50,000...but they don't want it!
These 18 million spend less then $1,000 per year on health services...again they don't want it!
Check it out see if I'm wrong! CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

I'm a glutton for punishment though, so i'll ask you this.

Show me someone who doesn't need insurance in our country and you'll have a point. Whether they want it or not is inconsequential. There are too many idiots (this thread being proof) that don't understand what they truly need.

needing insurance, needing medical treatment, and needing socialized medicine are three totally different things.

And your point is? Go ahead and make it, because we both know you don't have one.
Let's do the math.

In most countries people get coverage if they are citizens of the country. In the USA this is not the case. Not difficult.

Does it matter if it's 45 million or 35 million? 35 million is 35 million too little with coverage.

No one in the USA was being denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE. There was no healthcare crisis that required destroying the best medical system in the world.

being uninsured does not equal being untreated. ever hear of medicaid and medicare? ever hear of St Judes, MD Anderson, Ochsner clinic, Cleveland clinic, Mayo clinic? all of them treat uninsured people.

you are full of batshit.

LOL!! This post is evidence about how truly clueless you are about the world you live in.
3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance counted as "uninsured"... but don't want it!
These 18 million can afford their employers' plans as they make over $50,000...but they don't want it!
These 18 million spend less then $1,000 per year on health services...again they don't want it!
Check it out see if I'm wrong! CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

I'm a glutton for punishment though, so i'll ask you this.

Show me someone who doesn't need insurance in our country and you'll have a point. Whether they want it or not is inconsequential. There are too many idiots (this thread being proof) that don't understand what they truly need.

needing insurance, needing medical treatment, and needing socialized medicine are three totally different things.

And your point is? Go ahead and make it, because we both know you don't have one.

my point. there was no healthcare crisis in the USA before ACA. NONE.

there are two good things in the ACA bill
1. insurance companies must take you with pre-existing conditions
2. there can be no lifetime maximum payments on a policy.

those two changes could have been made with a one page bill and it would have had unanimous support.
Let's do the math.

In most countries people get coverage if they are citizens of the country. In the USA this is not the case. Not difficult.

Does it matter if it's 45 million or 35 million? 35 million is 35 million too little with coverage.

No one in the USA was being denied medical care before ACA. NO ONE. There was no healthcare crisis that required destroying the best medical system in the world.

being uninsured does not equal being untreated. ever hear of medicaid and medicare? ever hear of St Judes, MD Anderson, Ochsner clinic, Cleveland clinic, Mayo clinic? all of them treat uninsured people.

you are full of batshit.

LOL!! This post is evidence about how truly clueless you are about the world you live in.

no, actually the fact that you don't understand the reality is evidence of how clueless you are about the real world.

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