One move that can save the American middle class.

So you are a certified nut case? LOL!

I voted for Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012 so that makes me the only sane one.
I was a certified nutcase at one point in my life but didn't we both end up voting for Trump in 2020 so where do we go from here is the question not what should have happened b4.
But yet these Union shitheads claim they are just as responsible for the product as anybody in Management and that is why they claim they deserve a share of the profits.

Leftist loons think the rank and file are innocent and abused? They were responsible tor the late 80s, early 90s bebacle of horrible pathetically assembled American cars falling apart at the user. In came Japanese quality taking market share. Then they woke up. Pretty good now but still not as good? allegedly?

DET was full of doped up drunken Union BS workers back then like US GOVT workers of today. Those that can’t be fired etc.
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I stand corrected
My only regret is voting for both of the Bush RINOs.

Not that I would have voted for the Democrat scum. RINOs are better than Democrats but not by much.

At least I was smart enough to not vote for the RINOs in 2008 and 2012.
You're just imagining that socialism has crept in, so I called you on it.

Now you're trying to say that capitalism was pure in the 1800's and so I'll call you on that too.
I can accept the call on the 1800s, as I picked it pretty much at random.

It doesn't change that you sound as if you would be willing to go whole hog, instead of just having some in the sausage mix. I would not.
Do you think most of the libs have no idea what they are doing or where they are going?
Absolutely, without a doubt or a care, just wanting to get there quick.
I feel the same

However the democrat opposing Bush were even worse
Both those shitheads running against GW were absolute idiots and would have done a tremendous amount of damage to this country.

However, GW contributed his share of big Liberal government that did a share of damage. The sonofabitch wouldn't even seal the border.

Daddy Bush was a Democrat in everything but name.
I feel the same

However the democrat opposing Bush were even worse
I'm still glad I voted for Daddy Bush. I knew SonovaBush wasn't going to be worth a crap from the beginning and didn't vote for him either time. History says I was right, but yes, I usually have good instincts.
Both those shitheads running against GW were absolute idiots and would have done a tremendous amount of damage to this country.

However, GW contributed his share of big Liberal government that did a share of damage. The sonofabitch wouldn't even seal the border.

Daddy Bush was a Democrat in everything but name.
I cant disagree

W was a big disappointment
I'm still glad I voted for Daddy Bush. I knew SonovaBush wasn't going to be worth a crap from the beginning and didn't vote for him either time. History says I was right, but yes, I usually have good instincts.
Poppy was a war criminal beginning in Nicaragua, Panama and Iraq.

And no ... can't just blame the CIA because he was CIA.
Poppy was a war criminal beginning in Nicaragua, Panama and Iraq.

And no ... can't just blame the CIA because he was CIA.
I don't and didn't care about Nicaragua and Panama and well aware he ran the CIA. Met a bunch back in the day. Some I liked, some I didn't, but in the end, none I trusted, (another example of my instinct keeping me out of trouble) though some trusted me, or acted like they did.
I can accept the call on the 1800s, as I picked it pretty much at random.
Fine, but you're still running away from your claim that socialism has crept in.
We can let it go if you like.

The collective bargaining process is pure capitalism at work. I want you to know and understand that.

Then it becomes easy to understand that allowing it to play out without government interference, is socialist policy. If government interferes then it becomes dictatorial or fascistic.
Fine, but you're still running away from your claim that socialism has crept in.
We can let it go if you like.

The collective bargaining process is pure capitalism at work. I want you to know and understand that.

Then it becomes easy to understand that allowing it to play out without government interference, is socialist policy. If government interferes then it becomes dictatorial or fascistic.
As I said, I have no problem with the UAW or collective bargaining. I had no problem with the Air Traffic Controller strike back in the 80s.
I don't and didn't care about Nicaragua and Panama and well aware he ran the CIA. Met a bunch back in the day. Some I liked, some I didn't, but in the end, none I trusted, (another example of my instinct keeping me out of trouble) though some trusted me, or acted like they did.
You might want to look into the history of guns going to Nicaragua and cocaine coming back in the 80s while Bush was Reagans VP then as president and Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas.

And on your jaded attitude about Panama and generally several other countries in South America and Central America you might want to keep your mouth shut in case you run into anyone from there. Many innocent people were brutally tortured imprisoned and killed during the CIA assisted coup d'etat in Panama in 88 to 90

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