One Of California’s Favorite Escapes May Never Be The Same Because Of Climate Change


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
BuzzFeed News

One Of California’s Favorite Escapes May Never Be The Same Because Of Climate Change​

Stephanie K. Baer
Fri, September 10, 2021, 7:14 PM·10 min read

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, California — Brian Hunter hadn’t yet been ordered to leave his South Lake Tahoe home. But, thinking back to how a wildfire tore through the town of Paradise three years ago and killed 85 people, he didn’t want to risk it. As flames crept toward the Tahoe Basin, he and his partner loaded the car with their belongings, their dog, and two cats, and drove off into the haze. Behind them, a wall of thick brown smoke bore down on the city.

“It looked like death,” Hunter, a 38-year-old freelance writer, said. “You couldn’t see sky.”

So, again. Just to point out. This is all the left's fault, right? Let me review again.

The left insist it is all man made global warming. (They call it climate change as we know now to make certain every single weather event can be included. Including blizzards.)

They claim it is the knuckle dragging flat earther mouth breathers like me that don't believe in the effects of man made climate change, and because of the few like me, the earth is doomed.

So, in their woke for thee but not for me manner that they go through life, they never actually do what they are calling all of us to do.

They want higher taxes they claim. Right? Yes, they do. Do they voluntarily pay more taxes? No, they don't. They all take tax cuts and hide their money and most on the left are the cheapest people on earth.

They hate icky oil and all things that rely on fossil fuels. Yet, they are all free in this country to live as the Amish (who theoretically don't use fossil fuels) but none of them do. In fact the Millennials, who have been in the loudest about all of this global warming climate change stuff over the last 20 years are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in the history of the world.

Remember when their hero dicaprio made a speech at the un (AT THE UN) about THE global warming (which is now climate change as we know) and immediately after he rented a 300 foot yacht from an oil tycoon from Saudi Arabia, sailed down to Brazil and threw orgy parties.

Yes, the left, if they lived as they preached, would actually cure this so called man made climate change.


As they continue to live along the coasts that are rising rapidly, their righteousness doesn't pass the smell test of hypocrisy.

I will admit righteousness surpassing hypocrisy is a challenge. I too fail miserably in that regard in many ways.

So, having said that. Is the man made global warming and impending doom the left's fault?


It's most definitely NOT the result of Global Warming...cooling...climate change...tectonic winds...bigfoot.

You don't thin the permit fuel sources to grow...die...grow...die.



See how that works?




Here we are 20 years later....."ITS GLOBAL WARMING!!"
BuzzFeed News

One Of California’s Favorite Escapes May Never Be The Same Because Of Climate Change​

Stephanie K. Baer
Fri, September 10, 2021, 7:14 PM·10 min read

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, California — Brian Hunter hadn’t yet been ordered to leave his South Lake Tahoe home. But, thinking back to how a wildfire tore through the town of Paradise three years ago and killed 85 people, he didn’t want to risk it. As flames crept toward the Tahoe Basin, he and his partner loaded the car with their belongings, their dog, and two cats, and drove off into the haze. Behind them, a wall of thick brown smoke bore down on the city.

“It looked like death,” Hunter, a 38-year-old freelance writer, said. “You couldn’t see sky.”

So, again. Just to point out. This is all the left's fault, right? Let me review again.

The left insist it is all man made global warming. (They call it climate change as we know now to make certain every single weather event can be included. Including blizzards.)

They claim it is the knuckle dragging flat earther mouth breathers like me that don't believe in the effects of man made climate change, and because of the few like me, the earth is doomed.

So, in their woke for thee but not for me manner that they go through life, they never actually do what they are calling all of us to do.

They want higher taxes they claim. Right? Yes, they do. Do they voluntarily pay more taxes? No, they don't. They all take tax cuts and hide their money and most on the left are the cheapest people on earth.

They hate icky oil and all things that rely on fossil fuels. Yet, they are all free in this country to live as the Amish (who theoretically don't use fossil fuels) but none of them do. In fact the Millennials, who have been in the loudest about all of this global warming climate change stuff over the last 20 years are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in the history of the world.

Remember when their hero dicaprio made a speech at the un (AT THE UN) about THE global warming (which is now climate change as we know) and immediately after he rented a 300 foot yacht from an oil tycoon from Saudi Arabia, sailed down to Brazil and threw orgy parties.

Yes, the left, if they lived as they preached, would actually cure this so called man made climate change.


As they continue to live along the coasts that are rising rapidly, their righteousness doesn't pass the smell test of hypocrisy.

I will admit righteousness surpassing hypocrisy is a challenge. I too fail miserably in that regard in many ways.

So, having said that. Is the man made global warming and impending doom the left's fault?


Nominated for the longest ad hominem of the year ^^^ (thus far).

The Great Smog of London, lethal smog that covered the city of London for five days (December 5–9) in 1952, caused by a combination of industrial pollution and high-pressure weather conditions. This combination of smoke and fog brought the city to a near standstill and resulted in thousands of deaths.

I'm not sure but I suspect this Great Smog was a warning that the industrial revolution had created a change in our weather if not the climate. I'm very sure that human activity contributes to the weather when each year the aggregate temperature has risen creating more evaporation leading to more powerful hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and rising seas.

BTW, we've camped on the west shore of Lake Tahoe a number of times and one thing not considered in the link was the Animal Life. Several summers ago the animals in the forest fled the flames west of the lake, and we observed smaller animals [we saw a bobcat crossing the highway) being chased from their territory as Bears and Mountain Lions fled the flames. Hundreds of birds, smaller mammals and species of plants were destroyed making food for the animals ranging far away from their usual habitat.

What are the factors that contribute to forest fires? Lightening and PG&E seems to be the problem.
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It's most definitely NOT the result of Global Warming...cooling...climate change...tectonic winds...bigfoot.

You don't thin the permit fuel sources to grow...die...grow...die.



See how that works?




Here we are 20 years later....."ITS GLOBAL WARMING!!"

I live in Cali. I was actually helping a friend renovate a cabin right off of HWY 50... its true. As a property owner he wasnt allowed to clear dead wood or remove trees, only those if designated by the forestry service.
His cabin was one out of the 2 cabins that survived out of 33 in the vicinity... however there was some damge and the forest will be shut down for the next year.

One of the things is, there was a shortage of fire fighters. Fire crews were exhausted, no way they could stop that fire. We have had a governor for a while here in California who has done a poor job in preparing for the fire season and as noted, the forest has to much fuel to burn. Trees burn the same way they always have, global warming is just a convenient excuse for some.
Plate Techtonics, Continental Drift, ice ages…


You communist fucknuts build a house on the water and freak out when the EARTH changes….like it always has.

Why do you brain tumor eating fascists think you can STOP the world from changing?

Nominated for the longest ad hominem of the year ^^^ (thus far).

The Great Smog of London, lethal smog that covered the city of London for five days (December 5–9) in 1952, caused by a combination of industrial pollution and high-pressure weather conditions. This combination of smoke and fog brought the city to a near standstill and resulted in thousands of deaths.

I'm not sure but I suspect this Great Smog was a warning that the industrial revolution had created a change in our weather if not the climate. I'm very sure that human activity contributes to the weather when each year the aggregate temperature has risen creating more evaporation leading to more powerful hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and rising seas.

BTW, we've camped on the west shore of Lake Tahoe a number of times and one thing not considered in the link was the Animal Life. Several summers ago the animals in the forest fled the flames west of the lake, and we observed smaller animals [we saw a bobcat crossing the highway) being chased from their territory as Bears and Mountain Lions fled the flames. Hundreds of birds, smaller mammals and species of plants were destroyed making food for the animals ranging far away from their usual habitat.

What are the factors that contribute to forest fires? Lightening and PG&E seems to be the problem.
Yeah? And you do nothing about it, but you think you are cause you hate American capitalism well enough and a good enough socialist. Meanwhile, banging away on your little device produced and manufactured somewhere all dependent on that icky fossil fuels that you supposedly hate yet guzzle every day.

Meanwhile you advocate to, OH I don't really know.

Give us your little solution rye catcher. Give all of us the things you actually do and sacrifice. Anything? You all call for higher taxes. You know you can pay more right? Well, do you?

Rye catcher, you missed my whole point as usual. Just like the rest of you. Your so called righteousness doesn't surpass the smell test of hypocrisy.

So, go ahead and keep thinking you are on the side of the angels as you go on with your moral platitudes that are truly nothing but tropes.
Yeah? And you do nothing about it, but you think you are cause you hate American capitalism well enough and a good enough socialist. Meanwhile, banging away on your little device produced and manufactured somewhere all dependent on that icky fossil fuels that you supposedly hate yet guzzle every day.

Meanwhile you advocate to, OH I don't really know.

Give us your little solution rye catcher. Give all of us the things you actually do and sacrifice. Anything? You all call for higher taxes. You know you can pay more right? Well, do you?

Rye catcher, you missed my whole point as usual. Just like the rest of you. Your so called righteousness doesn't surpass the smell test of hypocrisy.

So, go ahead and keep thinking you are on the side of the angels as you go on with your moral platitudes that are truly nothing but tropes.
Nothing you posted is credible.
  • I don't hate "American" Capitalism, I'm invested in the stock markets;
  • I'm not a Marxist or a Socialist, I dislike greed and callous conservatives, support small businesses in my community and own some bonds used to improve my state and county;
  • I'm a liberal Democrat, socially liberal on some, progressives on others; and I'm fiscally responsible - by the latter I don't kick the can down the road as fiscal conservative normally do;
  • I don't put profit over people;
  • I doubt I've missed any point you might have made. However, if I recall reading your comments I haven't come up with any point other than your being anti American. By that I mean you reject anyone of us whose opinions you disagree; yet you cannot write a rebuttal to our opinions.
Climate change has been happening for billions of years. Earth is in a constant state of change, the universe is chaos. Nothing stays the same forever.

All one has to do is pick up a geology book and see that, or a any science book showing the history of earth.

Earth has lost and gained the ozone layer hundreds of times, world wide floods, world wide droughts, world wide fires, world wide ice age, a total reversal of the poles, earthquakes of magnitudes to break apart land masses, extinction level volcanoes, and a whole lot more.

These things have been happening for billions of years before man ever evolved and they will happen long after we are dead.

Think only think "we did this" is to ignore history, science and fact.
Nothing you posted is credible.
  • I don't hate "American" Capitalism, I'm invested in the stock markets;
  • I'm not a Marxist or a Socialist, I dislike greed and callous conservatives, support small businesses in my community and own some bonds used to improve my state and county;
  • I'm a liberal Democrat, socially liberal on some, progressives on others; and I'm fiscally responsible - by the latter I don't kick the can down the road as fiscal conservative normally do;
  • I don't put profit over people;
  • I doubt I've missed any point you might have made. However, if I recall reading your comments I haven't come up with any point other than your being anti American. By that I mean you reject anyone of us whose opinions you disagree; yet you cannot write a rebuttal to our opinions.
Yet you vote for the global socialists determined to destroy American capitalism.

Your actions don't jive with your claims of being a capitalist.

Yet you vote for the global socialists determined to destroy American capitalism.

Your actions don't jive with your claims of being a capitalist.

You're a damn liar and completely nuts. I suggest you go and find a good therapist.
  • I'm not a Marxist or a Socialist

You can tell yourself that. But since you vote for them, you actually really are.

This is a bizarre thing from Democrats how so many of you are like oh no, you're not nuts. You aren't AOC.

Yet how do you vote?

Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat ...
Left wing communist fags think we can stop this from occurring:


Are you Communist Cucks really that arrogant?
Nominated for the longest ad hominem of the year ^^^ (thus far).

The Great Smog of London, lethal smog that covered the city of London for five days (December 5–9) in 1952, caused by a combination of industrial pollution and high-pressure weather conditions. This combination of smoke and fog brought the city to a near standstill and resulted in thousands of deaths.

I'm not sure but I suspect this Great Smog was a warning that the industrial revolution had created a change in our weather if not the climate. I'm very sure that human activity contributes to the weather when each year the aggregate temperature has risen creating more evaporation leading to more powerful hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and rising seas.

BTW, we've camped on the west shore of Lake Tahoe a number of times and one thing not considered in the link was the Animal Life. Several summers ago the animals in the forest fled the flames west of the lake, and we observed smaller animals [we saw a bobcat crossing the highway) being chased from their territory as Bears and Mountain Lions fled the flames. Hundreds of birds, smaller mammals and species of plants were destroyed making food for the animals ranging far away from their usual habitat.

What are the factors that contribute to forest fires? Lightening and PG&E seems to be the problem.
The Great Smog was a combination of weather conditions (cold, no wind, dense fog) and burning enormous amounts of poor-quality, high-sulfur lignite coal. Primitive pollution controls on some of the power plants might have actually made things WORSE.

London air quality has sucked rocks since medieval times.
You can tell yourself that. But since you vote for them, you actually really are.

This is a bizarre thing from Democrats how so many of you are like oh no, you're not nuts. You aren't AOC.

Yet how do you vote?

Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat,Democrat, Democrat ...
I won't vote for those running for Congress or the White House as members of the Libertarian Party, the Republican Party
Climate change has been happening for billions of years. Earth is in a constant state of change, the universe is chaos. Nothing stays the same forever.

All one has to do is pick up a geology book and see that, or a any science book showing the history of earth.

Earth has lost and gained the ozone layer hundreds of times, world wide floods, world wide droughts, world wide fires, world wide ice age, a total reversal of the poles, earthquakes of magnitudes to break apart land masses, extinction level volcanoes, and a whole lot more.

These things have been happening for billions of years before man ever evolved and they will happen long after we are dead.

Think only think "we did this" is to ignore history, science and fact.
Bullshit. To make an example that one does not want to experience, human behaviors can change the climate as well as us and our air, water and soil. Consider this, a Thermonuclear war.

Of course this is an extreme example, but one which disproves your post.
I won't vote for those running for Congress or the White House as members of the Libertarian Party, the Republican Party

Exactly what I said. You said you aren't a communist, but you vote for them. No one else is acceptable. You are voting for a left wing authoritarian world. That you theoretically don't support everything they say is irrelevant since your actions are trying to end freedom and democracy and set up the Democrat party as our State single party who are continually validated with fraudulent elections

Bullshit. To make an example that one does not want to experience, human behaviors can change the climate as well as us and our air, water and soil. Consider this, a Thermonuclear war.

Of course this is an extreme example, but one which disproves your post.

And yet there are exactly two things that we could do that would have a dramatic affect on global warming, and neither even hurts our economy: nuclear and fracking for natural gas.

Democrats oppose them both.

You pull the Democrat lever in every election.

So who gives a shit what you "say" since that isn't what you do?
Exactly what I said. You said you aren't a communist, but you vote for them. No one else is acceptable. You are voting for a left wing authoritarian world. That you theoretically don't support everything they say is irrelevant since your actions are trying to end freedom and democracy and set up the Democrat party as our State single party who are continually validated with fraudulent elections

And yet there are exactly two things that we could do that would have a dramatic affect on global warming, and neither even hurts our economy: nuclear and fracking for natural gas.

Democrats oppose them both.

You pull the Democrat lever in every election.

So who gives a shit what you "say" since that isn't what you do?
You stated: "You are voting for a left wing authoritarian world. That you theoretically don't support everything they say is irrelevant since your actions are trying to end freedom and democracy and set up the Democrat party as our State single party who are continually validated with fraudulent elections"

To correct you: You defined the goals of the Republican Party (RP)! The RP Right Wing Authoritarian Pols, the most notorious being the Governors of FL & Texas and their state legislatures (followed by other Red States) seek to suppress the vote and to oppose R v W. The RP, has already packed the Federal Court System with extremist judges and justices to begin a coup to last for generations.
Nominated for the longest ad hominem of the year ^^^ (thus far).

The Great Smog of London, lethal smog that covered the city of London for five days (December 5–9) in 1952, caused by a combination of industrial pollution and high-pressure weather conditions. This combination of smoke and fog brought the city to a near standstill and resulted in thousands of deaths.

I'm not sure but I suspect this Great Smog was a warning that the industrial revolution had created a change in our weather if not the climate. I'm very sure that human activity contributes to the weather when each year the aggregate temperature has risen creating more evaporation leading to more powerful hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and rising seas.

BTW, we've camped on the west shore of Lake Tahoe a number of times and one thing not considered in the link was the Animal Life. Several summers ago the animals in the forest fled the flames west of the lake, and we observed smaller animals [we saw a bobcat crossing the highway) being chased from their territory as Bears and Mountain Lions fled the flames. Hundreds of birds, smaller mammals and species of plants were destroyed making food for the animals ranging far away from their usual habitat.

What are the factors that contribute to forest fires? Lightening and PG&E seems to be the problem.

Mauna Loa CO2 readings disagree with your "the industrial revolution had created a change in our weather if not the climate. I'm very sure that human activity contributes to the weather when each year the aggregate temperature has risen creating more evaporation leading to more powerful hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and rising seas" assessment

Maybe time for a new theory?


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