One of the most EVIL people on the EARTH, HITLEY CLINTONG

Chattahoochee remains open should Robo need some "rest". And yes, I have been there, as a VISITOR, REPRESENTING A CLIENT. Much different now than as portrayed in the movie; a few of the old buildings remain as reminders.
This is all utter horseshit. As time has passed astern, we've had some flat leaders and at times, elected some very heart sounded leaders, who faced the wonders of wrath, and led us to the other side in Triumph.

It is the bane of a free Republic, but that is also why we remain.

Hat then, is tipped to all of us.

This is all utter horseshit. As time has passed astern, we've had some flat leaders and at times, elected some very heart sounded leaders, who faced the wonders of wrath, and led us to the other side in Triumph.

It is the bane of a free Republic, but that is also why we remain.

Hat then, is tipped to all of us.


oh really?:lol::lol::lol: I knew you would ignore this post below since it proves your ramblings to be just that.:lol:

with that woman." Clinton lied to the american people on live television saying-We never fired onto the compond.The davidians fired at us but we never fired on them.Problem is the films taken that day show army helicopters firing machine gun rounds onto the compound. He then goes on to say-We never started any fires,the davidians were the ones that started the fires.again the problem with slick willies lies is that the films taken that day show an army tank with a flame thrower mounted on them shooting flames on the compound burning it down.

Clinton and his thugs murdered innocent women and children.survivors of that tragedy stated when they came out when they set it on fire,they were yelling-dont shoot,dont shoot. yet the ATF continued shooting at them when they came out.some free country we live in. during all this witme,Clinton was in the white house watching it all on tv with some known chinese mafia thugs. Janet Reno also stated in time magazine that Clinton gave her the okay to burn down the compound.

Till Bush came along,Clinton was the most evil and corrupt president ever.Now Obama is.every president that gets in is always worse than the previous one.
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Hillery or Hitlery Rotten Clintong.

Doesn't work for the American people.

Her being gay or bi, doesn't help at all with ...

Hitlery, hates mankind, she hates Bill, who also hates mankind.

Communism is what Communism is..or I could say Fascist is...

The ideas are so easy to understand, but still human beings decide to be confused.

Hillery wants most of us DEAD, just like her bosses. ( Agenda 21)

Hillery thinks with her private wants, same can be said about evil men.

This is the "WORLD"... no one gets out alive unless our Savior says.

I'm a Christian unlike our leadership, when I say their is only one truth, everyone freaks out.

When Islam, murders people in cold blood on your streets, because of their "Religion" Thats ok?

Its not PC to talk about.

If its not PC to talk about evil, then we are @@@@@@

Peace is Peace, and War is War...

is that so hard understand.

May Peace bring in comfort...and Grace

The whole world is being set up.

But I'm just a man, I can't know things beyond the MSM...which is "Special Interest" by definition.

So here is the most terrifying things to be said in the whole world.

Jesus Christ is Lord.

Notice, I didn't say the "Christ"

I said "Jesus Christ", there is only "ONE"
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This is all utter horseshit. As time has passed astern, we've had some flat leaders and at times, elected some very heart sounded leaders, who faced the wonders of wrath, and led us to the other side in Triumph.

It is the bane of a free Republic, but that is also why we remain.

Hat then, is tipped to all of us.


oh really?:lol::lol::lol: I knew you would ignore this post below since it proves your ramblings to be just that.:lol:

with that woman." Clinton lied to the american people on live television saying-We never fired onto the compond.The davidians fired at us but we never fired on them.Problem is the films taken that day show army helicopters firing machine gun rounds onto the compound. He then goes on to say-We never started any fires,the davidians were the ones that started the fires.again the problem with slick willies lies is that the films taken that day show an army tank with a flame thrower mounted on them shooting flames on the compound burning it down.

Clinton and his thugs murdered innocent women and children.survivors of that tragedy stated when they came out when they set it on fire,they were yelling-dont shoot,dont shoot. yet the ATF continued shooting at them when they came out.some free country we live in. during all this witme,Clinton was in the white house watching it all on tv with some known chinese mafia thugs. Janet Reno also stated in time magazine that Clinton gave her the okay to burn down the compound.

Till Bush came along,Clinton was the most evil and corrupt president ever.Now Obama is.every president that gets in is always worse than the previous one.

notice how those Clinton apologists ran off back then when they were cornered with these facts they could not refute.:D they want to keep their heads buried in the sand with that ostrich and attack the messenger because the truth hurts. God that would be americans worst nightmare,if another Bush or another Clinton was president.

Not that it already isnt with Obama but things would get no better thats for sure.HELLARY is even more evil than Bill.The arkansas state troopers who served under him while he was governor all said back then they were relaxed around Bill but Hellary scared them to pieces.same with the people that served in the white house.HELLARY was running the country back then,thats why you saw bumper stickers that said-IMPEACH CLINTON,AND HER HUSBAND TO.:D

Its no theory that she is gay anymore.she has even come out and ADMITTED it in a book recently that she is. Gays have a weird mind.It just amazes me how they cant seem to comprehend it that that thats not the way it was suppose to be.that the reason they exist in the first place is because of two people who were the opposite sex.:cuckoo:
9/11, dear,

Your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall syntax have degraded significantly since you started posting in this forum.

You're losing it, dude. Seek help while you still can.
This is all utter horseshit. As time has passed astern, we've had some flat leaders and at times, elected some very heart sounded leaders, who faced the wonders of wrath, and led us to the other side in Triumph.

It is the bane of a free Republic, but that is also why we remain.

Hat then, is tipped to all of us.


oh really?:lol::lol::lol: I knew you would ignore this post below since it proves your ramblings to be just that.:lol:

with that woman." Clinton lied to the american people on live television saying-We never fired onto the compond.The davidians fired at us but we never fired on them.Problem is the films taken that day show army helicopters firing machine gun rounds onto the compound. He then goes on to say-We never started any fires,the davidians were the ones that started the fires.again the problem with slick willies lies is that the films taken that day show an army tank with a flame thrower mounted on them shooting flames on the compound burning it down.

Clinton and his thugs murdered innocent women and children.survivors of that tragedy stated when they came out when they set it on fire,they were yelling-dont shoot,dont shoot. yet the ATF continued shooting at them when they came out.some free country we live in. during all this witme,Clinton was in the white house watching it all on tv with some known chinese mafia thugs. Janet Reno also stated in time magazine that Clinton gave her the okay to burn down the compound.

Till Bush came along,Clinton was the most evil and corrupt president ever.Now Obama is.every president that gets in is always worse than the previous one.

notice how those Clinton apologists ran off back then when they were cornered with these facts they could not refute.:D they want to keep their heads buried in the sand with that ostrich and attack the messenger because the truth hurts. God that would be americans worst nightmare,if another Bush or another Clinton was president.

Not that it already isnt with Obama but things would get no better thats for sure.HELLARY is even more evil than Bill.The arkansas state troopers who served under him while he was governor all said back then they were relaxed around Bill but Hellary scared them to pieces.same with the people that served in the white house.HELLARY was running the country back then,thats why you saw bumper stickers that said-IMPEACH CLINTON,AND HER HUSBAND TO.:D

Its no theory that she is gay anymore.she has even come out and ADMITTED it in a book recently that she is. Gays have a weird mind.It just amazes me how they cant seem to comprehend it that that thats not the way it was suppose to be.that the reason they exist in the first place is because of two people who were the opposite sex.:cuckoo:

I think you didn't get much of a reponse from the left to your thread because it is all so very Looney Tunes. You need
You've got to be kidding.

She ranks tight up there with Maurice Strong and the World Conservation Bank?
She doesn't even come close to that man or those people running that bank.
So who are the heros?

Anybody have any heros they want to tell us about?
9/11, dear,

Your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall syntax have degraded significantly since you started posting in this forum.

You're losing it, dude. Seek help while you still can.

you are the one that needs to seek help dude.the fact that all you can do is throw childish insults when the facts scare you and carry over a childish grudge that happened a long time ago now thats someone who needs to seek help.:cuckoo:
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oh really?:lol::lol::lol: I knew you would ignore this post below since it proves your ramblings to be just that.:lol:

with that woman." Clinton lied to the american people on live television saying-We never fired onto the compond.The davidians fired at us but we never fired on them.Problem is the films taken that day show army helicopters firing machine gun rounds onto the compound. He then goes on to say-We never started any fires,the davidians were the ones that started the fires.again the problem with slick willies lies is that the films taken that day show an army tank with a flame thrower mounted on them shooting flames on the compound burning it down.

Clinton and his thugs murdered innocent women and children.survivors of that tragedy stated when they came out when they set it on fire,they were yelling-dont shoot,dont shoot. yet the ATF continued shooting at them when they came out.some free country we live in. during all this witme,Clinton was in the white house watching it all on tv with some known chinese mafia thugs. Janet Reno also stated in time magazine that Clinton gave her the okay to burn down the compound.

Till Bush came along,Clinton was the most evil and corrupt president ever.Now Obama is.every president that gets in is always worse than the previous one.

notice how those Clinton apologists ran off back then when they were cornered with these facts they could not refute.:D they want to keep their heads buried in the sand with that ostrich and attack the messenger because the truth hurts. God that would be americans worst nightmare,if another Bush or another Clinton was president.

Not that it already isnt with Obama but things would get no better thats for sure.HELLARY is even more evil than Bill.The arkansas state troopers who served under him while he was governor all said back then they were relaxed around Bill but Hellary scared them to pieces.same with the people that served in the white house.HELLARY was running the country back then,thats why you saw bumper stickers that said-IMPEACH CLINTON,AND HER HUSBAND TO.:D

Its no theory that she is gay anymore.she has even come out and ADMITTED it in a book recently that she is. Gays have a weird mind.It just amazes me how they cant seem to comprehend it that that thats not the way it was suppose to be.that the reason they exist in the first place is because of two people who were the opposite sex.:cuckoo:

I think you didn't get much of a reponse from the left to your thread because it is all so very Looney Tunes. You need

read above post grandma sock puppet.
9/11, dear,

Your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall syntax have degraded significantly since you started posting in this forum.

You're losing it, dude. Seek help while you still can.

you are the one that needs to seek help dude.the fact that all you can do is throw childish insults when the facts scare you and carry over a childish grudge that happened a long time ago now thats someone who needs to seek help.:cuckoo:

It's not a childish insult, it's a statement of fact.

What is this childish grudge you speak of? Did we meet in some previous incarnation?

Seriously. Your mind is a mess.
yey your funny how you use a sock puppet to troll as well and again,thanks for showing how childish you are,bringing a grudge from one thread over from another one cause the truth hurts and you could not refute the facts kid.:clap2:
people cant get around the fact that the clintons are evil monsters.In the wacon tragedy Bill "i never had sex with that woman." Clinton lied to the american people on live television saying-We never fired onto the compond.The davidians fired at us but we never fired on them.Problem is the films taken that day show army helicopters firing machine gun rounds onto the compound. He then goes on to say-We never started any fires,the davidians were the ones that started the fires.again the problem with slick willies lies is that the films taken that day show an army tank with a flame thrower mounted on them shooting flames on the compound burning it down.

Clinton and his thugs murdered innocent women and children.survivors of that tragedy stated when they came out when they set it on fire,they were yelling-dont shoot,dont shoot. yet the ATF continued shooting at them when they came out.some free country we live in. during all this witme,Clinton was in the white house watching it all on tv with some known chinese mafia thugs. Janet Reno also stated in time magazine that Clinton gave her the okay to burn down the compound.

Till Bush came along,Clinton was the most evil and corrupt president ever.Now Obama is.every president that gets in is always worse than the previous one.

Very nice.

Most Americans can't understand the evil we all face. It is nice to see some people who do understand. And these powers aren't "playing games"....but most Americans don't understand that either. Each night, the American right wait to hear what to do from their own destroyers, (MSM) Each night, the left seeks the same thing, but think of it as light, instead of the dark light which they have embraced out of selfishness. Also shown in MSM, because MSM is dark light, not right light.

All humans are make in the image of GOD, but to many don't understand God, just selfish wants and ways. (Satan) ie .... blah blah blah....

This is the world...blah blah blah....
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