One Of The Secret Reasons Democrats Staged A False-Flag Op On Jan 6th

The left knew they were never going to get MAGA REPUBLICANS to become violent the way BLM & ANTIFA already are, they had to start trashing them before the election in hearings in 2022.

Right now Biden is out there perpetuating this hoax daily by demonizing normal law-abiding US citizens.

So now that Democrats have established a false stereotype of whites and they're busy putting in place exclusionary policies that abuse the civil rights of Trump supporters.

Jan 6th was an absolute invention designed to fearmonger the US population into once again hating Trump supporters.

Biden is supposed to be giving a speech on his budget, but instead he turns it into a bitch session against..

Remember the speech he gave on Jan 6th? Well he's still doing it.

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CNN is trying to trash the GOP in this video....but instead they reveal a flaw in their beliefs.

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The left knew they were never going to get MAGA REPUBLICANS to become violent the way BLM & ANTIFA already are, they had to start trashing them before the election in hearings in 2022.

Right now Biden is out there perpetuating this hoax daily by demonizing normal law-abiding US citizens.

So now that Democrats have established a false stereotype of whites they're busy putting in place exclusionary policies that abuse the civil rights of Trump supporters.

Jan 6th was an absolute invention designed to fearmonger the US population into hating Trump supporters.

Biden is supposed to be giving a speech on his budget, but instead he turns it into a bitch session against..

Remember the speech he gave on Jan 6th? Well he's still doing it.

You are mistaken. Jan 6 was not an invention to turn the U.S. population into hating tump supporters. The U.S. population already hated trump supporters long before Jan 6.
You are mistaken. Jan 6 was not an invention to turn the U.S. population into hating tump supporters. The U.S. population already hated trump supporters long before Jan 6.
The Democrats started priming the pump around the time parents started raising hell in our public schools. Then AG Garland sent out a memo that declared parents to be domestic terrorists.

At this point it doesn't matter if Jan 6th was real or not.
It's what Democrats are trying to do with Jan 6th that is the most insidious.
The US population never hated Trump Supporters that much. More than half of them are Trump Supporters.
Only the mindless and the weak with zero core principles are falling for this hoax.

This is the same tactic they used to turn the Tea Party into a terrorist group.....when in fact the Tea Party is just a bunch of grandmas and grandpas that dared to think for themselves.
The Democrats started priming the pump around the time parents started raising hell in our public schools. Then AG Garland sent out a memo that declared parents to be domestic terrorists.

At this point it doesn't matter if Jan 6th was real or not.
It's what Democrats are trying to do with Jan 6th that is the most insidious.
The US population never hated Trump Supporters that much. More than half of them are Trump Supporters.
Only the mindless and the weak with zero core principles are falling for this hoax.

This is the same tactic they used to turn the Tea Party into a terrorist group.....when in fact the Tea Party is just a bunch of grandmas and grandpas that dared to think for themselves.
Quit lying. People making credible threats were discussed by Garland. Some of those people making credible threats were parents.
Quit lying. People making credible threats were discussed by Garland. Some of those people making credible threats were parents.
Nope. Garland overreacted.
This is just part of the move to turn MAGA into the new Jew.
Next they'll be putting us in boxcars and hauling us off to detention camps waiting to be thrown in the ovens.
And guess what.....dipshits like you made it all possible.
Nope. Garland overreacted.
This is just part of the move to turn MAGA into the new Jew.
Next they'll be putting us in boxcars and hauling us off to detention camps waiting to be thrown in the ovens.
And guess what.....dipshits like you made it all possible.
Detention camps and ovens? You're kinda off the deep end there, aren't you buddy? Making you stand in the corner till you finish your tantrum would be more appropriate.
Detention camps and ovens? You're kinda off the deep end there, aren't you buddy? Making you stand in the corner till you finish your tantrum would be more appropriate.
If the left thinks they can use Jan 6th to purge the government of all of their political opposition what's next?

I remember a few years ago before the Tea Party was created you folks didn't like conservatives, but you weren't talking about throwing them in prison because they didn't get a vaccine. But that's what you folks are thinking on the left.
Now we all discover that the vaccine doesn't work and is being used to attack MAGA.
What's next?
How far are you going to let the left go before you object to it?
You don't even want to consider that fact that every country that switches to communism ends up murdering millions of their own people, you ignorant asshole!!!!
Here's Jane Fonda on The View discussing murdering MAGA Republicans and pro-lifers.

This old prune doesn't even have eggs anymore yet in her psychotic mind she feels abortion is an issue worthy of murder.
The feds wanted to use Jan 6th as an excuse to purge the government of MAGA Republicans.
They've already done the same in the US military. 9500 of them have been forced out using vaccine-mandates.

That’s not a secret. MAGA republicans should absolutely be purged from government. That’s the responsible thing to do
Just in case you didn’t already know that Jane Fonda is a sick rancid evil twat.
I didn't know she was such a c**t till I went SF.
All of the guys in selection had F Jane Fonda bumper stickers.


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