One of the targets in the "Nothing Burger" just invoked the 5th....WHY?

The only one needing Maalox is YOU, snowflake,

Well, actually the Maalox would be helpful for those Trump cult members who least......some sense of the shit storm that's about to hit this corrupt administration.... but you, Queasy, are so fucking dumb to not realize it, that only a lobotomy might
OP belongs in conspiracies. CNN lied, he never even testified, let alone took the Fifth.

His attorney's have already sent a letter saying he was pleading the 5th!

Yeah, you may want to re-check the first paragraph in your link.
"Roger Stone is telling congressional committees that he would invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in order to not testify in response to requests for documents and testimony."

The letter from Stone's lawyer reads....

Smith sent a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California stating that Stone was declining Feinstein's requests, which she released over Twitter on Tuesday.
"Mr. Stone's invocation of his Fifth Amendment privilege must be understood by all to be the assertion of a Constitutional right by an innocent citizen who denounces secrecy," the letter states.

Special counsel Robert Mueller is also investigating whether Stone was communicating with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks during the 2016 election either directly or through intermediaries. Mueller has spoken to a number of Stone's intermediaries, but he has still not reached out to Stone himself, Smith said.

He is refusing the requests for the Senate committee by invoking the 5th Amendment. PLEASE STOP LYING AND PLAYING REPUB SEMANTICS!

Gee, maybe you ought to consider not posting a fricken link from CNN...the quote was from your link....dumbass.
Roger Stone is the a long time friend & confident of Donald Trump--and the author the "Making of a President"


During the campaign season he repeatedly publicly stated he had a backdoor into Julian Assange (Wikileaks) and could often predict when Wikileak's would dump Russian hacked material. His twitter communications also show him in contact with the Russian hacker known as Guciffer 2.0
How Roger Stone interacted with Russia’s Guccifer and Wikileaks who leaked the DNC emails: The Timeline

In the final months of the 2016 campaign, longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone repeatedly discussed his backchannel communications with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and claimed knowledge of forthcoming leaks from the group, a CNN KFile review of his public statements shows.Stone's comments about WikiLeaks have come under increased scrutiny as the FBI and congressional committees investigate whether Trump associates were involved in Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics

Roger Stone just today pleaded the 5th in a Senate hearing.

President Donald Trump's confidant Roger Stone is telling congressional committees that he would invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in order to not testify in response to requests for documents and testimony. Stone's attorney Grant Smith rebuffed a request from the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee this week for documents and an interview connected to 2016 Russian election meddling. And Smith said he sent a similar letter to the Senate Intelligence Committee in September invoking the Fifth after the committee -- which is still conducting its investigation into Russian meddling -- requested documents and an interview.
Roger Stone invokes Fifth Amendment in Senate Russia probe - CNNPolitics

Roger Stone is who Robert Mueller is going after. The reason that Roger Stone's friend Jerome Corsi of (Info-wars) has grabbed the attention of Mueller's investigation. It is believed that Roger Stones backdoor into Wikileaks was through Jerome Corsi. Corsi a long time master of conspiracies--the moon landing was a hoax, 9/11 was an inside job, & Obama was born in Kenya and his birth certificate is fake. Corsi is concerned that Mueller already has him for lying to investigators.
Where's the FUCKING evidence that Trump collaborated with the Russians to steal the 2016 election?

I've asked that question at least eight times on this forum and never got SHIT for an answer.

That's because there was no collusion and the lefty loons just keep hoping a praying that Mueller will have something for them.

If you read the board every time you turn around another lefty loon has another hate Trump thread up.

They are all frothing at the mouth for the collusion charge to stick, which it won't.

Sucks to be them.
The only one needing Maalox is YOU, snowflake,

Well, actually the Maalox would be helpful for those Trump cult members who least......some sense of the shit storm that's about to hit this corrupt administration.... but you, Queasy, are so fucking dumb to not realize it, that only a lobotomy might
Oh, he knows. What we are seeing is the external signs of the internal "shit storm" going on inside him's usually called "denial".
Roger Stone invokes Fifth Amendment in Senate Russia probe - CNNPolitics

If this is Nothing Burger, why all the lies and why the 5th. Just what is Stone, the right hand slug to the Orange Slug, got to hide? If there is nothing there, why all the lies, why the stone walls, why the changed stories?

I hate to tell you Mister Stone, you POS, but Mueller never asks a question unless he already knows the answer. So, yes you will be indicted. Yes, he has the answers, and yes, your orange king will need to pardon you to keep you out of prison. Then he can kiss his political ass good bye.

I'd almost be willing to bet that you're one of those people who believe that if a person is innocent, they don't need a lawyer...

Only a fool defends himself with the council of a lawyer...

Many are fools and that is why we have so many ignorant voters.
If you take the Fifth, you are accused of having something to hide.

If you talk, they indict you for lying to the FBI.

This is a classic no-win situation.
OR...... You can just tell the truth. I know the right has a very hard time telling the truth and you must lie about everything, but if you talk AND tell the truth you have nothing to hide. Funny how that works.

It's so funny to watch you people squirm over this.
The only one needing Maalox is YOU, snowflake,

Well, actually the Maalox would be helpful for those Trump cult members who least......some sense of the shit storm that's about to hit this corrupt administration.... but you, Queasy, are so fucking dumb to not realize it, that only a lobotomy might
Oh, he knows. What we are seeing is the external signs of the internal "shit storm" going on inside him's usually called "denial".
The only shit-storm right now is the one between your ears, darlin'. You call it 'thinking'. :p
If you take the Fifth, you are accused of having something to hide.

If you talk, they indict you for lying to the FBI.

This is a classic no-win situation.
OR...... You can just tell the truth. I know the right has a very hard time telling the truth and you must lie about everything, but if you talk AND tell the truth you have nothing to hide. Funny how that works.

It's so funny to watch you people squirm over this.
Explained, though snowflakes have a hard time with following simple things.

Nervous, sitting before the FBI answering questions, suddenly being asked about an - 1 (ONE) - email YEARS ago, 'you' answer in what you think is total honesty....except you forget one detail / mis-remember......and suddenly you are indicted for 'Lying to the FBI' - OVER SOMETHING INSIGNIFICANT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT'S BEING INVESTIGATED...because it is a prosecutorial 'PERJURY TRAP' intended to get leverage over the person being interviewed, what is required - by someone who is already on record as having intentionally sent 2 innocent people to jail - to extort / blackmail the person being questioned into giving false testimony, like in Corsi's case.

After millions of dollars, hundreds of hours of committee hearings, thousands of documents poured over, and another DNC Witch Hunt failure, Scooter Libby went to jail for not remembering a date justify the Democrats' witch hunt against 43. Libby's Perjury Trap indictment / conviction had nothing to do with the reason Bush was being investigated, did not involve any criminal activity Libby had engaged in. It is the EXACT thing Mueller has done with every one he has interviewed in this case and his indictments have turned out to be the same thing as Scooter Libby's....Insignificant Perjury Trap indictments that have nothing to do with the reason the investigation was opened and what they ended up 'lying about' was not even a crime....and in Flynn's case - according to Comey under oath - Flynn didn't even LIE!
If you take the Fifth, you are accused of having something to hide.

If you talk, they indict you for lying to the FBI.

This is a classic no-win situation.
OR...... You can just tell the truth. I know the right has a very hard time telling the truth and you must lie about everything, but if you talk AND tell the truth you have nothing to hide. Funny how that works.

It's so funny to watch you people squirm over this.
Explained, though snowflakes have a hard time with following simple things.

Nervous, sitting before the FBI answering questions, suddenly being asked about an - 1 (ONE) - email YEARS ago, 'you' answer in what you think is total honesty....except you forget one detail / mis-remember......and suddenly you are indicted for 'Lying to the FBI' - OVER SOMETHING INSIGNIFICANT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT'S BEING INVESTIGATED...because it is a prosecutorial 'PERJURY TRAP' intended to get leverage over the person being interviewed, what is required - by someone who is already on record as having intentionally sent 2 innocent people to jail - to extort / blackmail the person being questioned into giving false testimony, like in Corsi's case.

After millions of dollars, hundreds of hours of committee hearings, thousands of documents poured over, and another DNC Witch Hunt failure, Scooter Libby went to jail for not remembering a date justify the Democrats' witch hunt against 43. Libby's Perjury Trap indictment / conviction had nothing to do with the reason Bush was being investigated, did not involve any criminal activity Libby had engaged in. It is the EXACT thing Mueller has done with every one he has interviewed in this case and his indictments have turned out to be the same thing as Scooter Libby's....Insignificant Perjury Trap indictments that have nothing to do with the reason the investigation was opened and what they ended up 'lying about' was not even a crime....and in Flynn's case - according to Comey under oath - Flynn didn't even LIE!

Like I said the right has a hard time telling the truth. This is complete fake news.
Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury on five felony counts of making false statements to federal investigators, perjury for lying to a federal grand jury, and obstruction of justice for impeding the course of a federal grand jury investigation concerned with the possibly illegal leaking by government officials of the classified identity of a covert agent of the CIA, Valerie Plame Wilson, the wife of former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV.

Libby told lies multiple times to investigators and a grand jury. They proved he knowingly lied to impede the investigation and protect Cheney.

Like I said, if you have nothing to hide then there is no such thing as a perjury trap. Just tell the truth and you are fine. The problem is that republicans can't tell the truth, hence they are afraid to meet with investigators.
One of the targets in the "Nothing Burger" just invoked the 5th....WHY?
Because he has the right to???
Of course he has the right to....just as we have the right to go "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm" :eusa_think:
Lois Lerner.
So, you supported her too. Or did you go "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" there also?
Did you go "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" when she plead the fifth?
I think he's going down (pun intended) but I'd be takng the 5th before congress too. I'm guessing Mueller will indict him for something related to emails.
If you take the Fifth, you are accused of having something to hide.

If you talk, they indict you for lying to the FBI.

This is a classic no-win situation.

Well they do, if you lie to them! Why is this so hard to understand?

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