One of Trumps first acts....Stiff the vets


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Trump hiring freeze includes the short-staffed VA

After railing for a year and a half about the sad state of veterans affairs.....first thing Trump does is freeze hiring at the VA

A federal hiring freeze imposed by President Trump on Monday affects thousands of open jobs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, despite the half-million veterans still waiting longer than a month for VA appointments.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Tuesday that the VA is covered under the freeze, which exempted the military and other positions deemed necessary for national security and public safety.

the first step is to stop the bleeding

the 2nd step is to assess what needs to be addressed

the wailing will continue as Trump keeps keeping campaign promises
Trump hiring freeze includes the short-staffed VA

After railing for a year and a half about the sad state of veterans affairs.....first thing Trump does is freeze hiring at the VA

A federal hiring freeze imposed by President Trump on Monday affects thousands of open jobs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, despite the half-million veterans still waiting longer than a month for VA appointments.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Tuesday that the VA is covered under the freeze, which exempted the military and other positions deemed necessary for national security and public safety.

If you leftists actually understood the real world, you would still be dumb.
He is about to make some changes. What part of that don't you understand? Isnt there REAL shit you could be blasting him for?
Expect him to address the VA problem in due time. We're not talking about obozo here.
Trump hiring freeze includes the short-staffed VA

After railing for a year and a half about the sad state of veterans affairs.....first thing Trump does is freeze hiring at the VA

A federal hiring freeze imposed by President Trump on Monday affects thousands of open jobs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, despite the half-million veterans still waiting longer than a month for VA appointments.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Tuesday that the VA is covered under the freeze, which exempted the military and other positions deemed necessary for national security and public safety.

Why were there thousands of open jobs at the VA?
Think about this. After eight years of Obummer the vets were waiting years and months for care while thousands of openings went un filled. That's how much democrats gave a shit about vets! Yet! Here is right winger after two days of Trump yada yada yada!
Money now, Hire how ever many people it takes, take care of our vets. any other answer is Bull %#@t
Why didn't Obummer fill those slots? Better yet, why didn't Obummer fire the asshole at the VA who were fucking over the vets? Huh? Too busy golfing?
The vets are going to be just fine. The vets are going to do better than they ever have. They are probably actively doing better today because I bet every VA employee across this nation, from doctors to admin to janitors, are furiously scrubbing their social media accounts and brushing up on the law and their job descriptions to figure out what they need to hide. Or improve. Or just learn.
Trump hiring freeze includes the short-staffed VA

After railing for a year and a half about the sad state of veterans affairs.....first thing Trump does is freeze hiring at the VA

A federal hiring freeze imposed by President Trump on Monday affects thousands of open jobs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, despite the half-million veterans still waiting longer than a month for VA appointments.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Tuesday that the VA is covered under the freeze, which exempted the military and other positions deemed necessary for national security and public safety.


Another sad day under Adolf Trump.
Trump hiring freeze includes the short-staffed VA

After railing for a year and a half about the sad state of veterans affairs.....first thing Trump does is freeze hiring at the VA

A federal hiring freeze imposed by President Trump on Monday affects thousands of open jobs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, despite the half-million veterans still waiting longer than a month for VA appointments.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Tuesday that the VA is covered under the freeze, which exempted the military and other positions deemed necessary for national security and public safety.


After eight years of O'dumbo's rule, there are still thousands of unfilled positions in the VA hospitals....

because, why?
Perhaps Trump will do away with the VA hospitals and allow veterans to go to their local hospitals and doctors of their choice like the rest of the citizens are able to do. Many veterans reside far away from any veteran's hospital.
Perhaps Trump will do away with the VA hospitals and allow veterans to go to their local hospitals and doctors of their choice like the rest of the citizens are able to do. Many veterans reside far away from any veteran's hospital.

Or at least make it an option.
the first step is to stop the bleeding

the 2nd step is to assess what needs to be addressed

the wailing will continue as Trump keeps keeping campaign promises

Ah.............. actually the time to "assess what needs to be addressd" would have been during, or preferably BEFORE the campaign --- not freaking OJT.

That's why one would run for the office in the first place --- to fix specific things. Unless of course one was running strictly out of his own narcissism. That way you have actual policies to talk about and you're not just running on LCD emotional crapola like "build a wall" and "knock the crap out of 'em'".

Of course Rump's dependence on OJT is in one sense understandable since he's never even held a JOB before.........
Trump hiring freeze includes the short-staffed VA

After railing for a year and a half about the sad state of veterans affairs.....first thing Trump does is freeze hiring at the VA

A federal hiring freeze imposed by President Trump on Monday affects thousands of open jobs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, despite the half-million veterans still waiting longer than a month for VA appointments.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Tuesday that the VA is covered under the freeze, which exempted the military and other positions deemed necessary for national security and public safety.

This isn't only FAKE NEWS, it's disgusting and should be are a pathetic asshole and you should be deported.
Trump hiring freeze includes the short-staffed VA

After railing for a year and a half about the sad state of veterans affairs.....first thing Trump does is freeze hiring at the VA

A federal hiring freeze imposed by President Trump on Monday affects thousands of open jobs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, despite the half-million veterans still waiting longer than a month for VA appointments.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Tuesday that the VA is covered under the freeze, which exempted the military and other positions deemed necessary for national security and public safety.

Obama froze our pay for 6 years and instituted a hiring freeze for years when he took office.

So :anj_stfu:
Trump hiring freeze includes the short-staffed VA

After railing for a year and a half about the sad state of veterans affairs.....first thing Trump does is freeze hiring at the VA

A federal hiring freeze imposed by President Trump on Monday affects thousands of open jobs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, despite the half-million veterans still waiting longer than a month for VA appointments.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Tuesday that the VA is covered under the freeze, which exempted the military and other positions deemed necessary for national security and public safety.


Another sad day under Adolf Trump.
Well Obama handed him that failure after campaigning that he would solve the problem. Your complaining Trump after days of being in office.

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