One small backward step for man; One giant leap for fake global warming

Look this is not an issue of the President on a personal level it is this myth that has been used for years that NASA funding is somehow better used on earth. While in 1965 that may have been closer to the truth because there was no GPS, and we were not as a society almost completely dependent on space for our communication today it is simply not true. The same can be said for the moon, the moon while in 1969 when Armstrong set foot there was more a matter of national pride than it was of exploration by the tiime Apollo 17 came around it became a scientific mission and one of discovery. Today as our nations power needs get increasingly larger and I hear constantly how many want to create a "green economy" with domestic energy, then that supposes that we USE ALL resources to harness that energy including one of the leargest sources for future energy needs and yes people thats the moon. One of the reasons I pointed out on funding for High Speed rail is that it is taxpyer funded and that is the ONLY way in which it survives all you need to do to know that is look at any High Speed Rail project the world over. The jobs created by such a project come no where near what a project the size of the constellation program creates nor does it have ANY of the long term benefits. think for a moment all of you who are opposed to this, the Budget for NASA on this program represents a tiny fraction of healthcare so much so that if the Govt. just purchased smartly the entire project as well as healthcare could be funded. So this argument that we need the money here is a baseless one when you consider that NASA's budget is smaller than DOE's , DEA, DOD, HHS, and many many others.
Funny... these libs are real stoneagers. Probably just stoners.

Global warming man.... cool dude!
Now that Lord Obama has decided that NASA "bad", his brownshirts goosestep right behind!!! It has become the one government program they don't like. Probably because it is somehow seen as military like.
Save money is fine but waste and redirect the resources to fake global warming
what a waste

It's more than a waste if you ask me. It's proof that Obama is INSANE. :eek:
It's the kind of thinking we'd expect from a petty despot, one who is so convinced that his own neurotic view of the world is right and true, he has no ability to recognize reality.

Honest to God... what sane person would assume that there's no essential difference between a bunch of astrophysicists and aero engineers as opposed to great bands of hippies taking weather readings?

To date, NASA has created something like 6300 patents. Going to the moon is NOT about going to the moon. It's about setting a goal that harnesses innovation. "Necessity is the mother of invention". By placing the goal posts just so, we discover worlds of technological advance on our path from A to B.

If the only purpose of human beings is to eat, sleep, and shit... we're not appreciably different as a species than cockroaches. But... this is the pessimism in which liberals spend their lives, never hoping for more or better.
Obama has a goal... it is to establish the U.S. as a third rate power in every aspect. We'll be France soon enough.
Now I want some con who posts here to tell me what the difference is between GOVERNMENT-RUN space programs, which provide GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS to hire employees (still paid by us, folks), and a GOVERNMENT-RUN health care system, or any other government-sponsored program which you idiots blather incessently about. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?

The difference between healthcare and space exploration?...

How many healthcare plans can you name that use weapons-grade materials? How many could rip holes in the planet's atmosphere or change the trajectories of orbiting bodies nearby? How many can drop a rocket into the heart of a city should they experience a failure?

What NASA does is sometimes dangerous. They use contractors, of course... but they oversee the work, and even though mistakes sometimes happen, I can't imagine what a free-for-all would look like in the private sector.
Okay as many seem to be under the impression that the Govt. can simply just ask a private company to handle all their launch needs for them. Lets look at the main contenders shall we.

The Falcon launch vehicle family is designed to provide breakthrough advances in reliability, cost, flight environment and time to launch. The primary design driver is and will remain reliability, as described in more detail below. We recognize that nothing is more important than getting our customer's spacecraft safely to its intended destination.

Like Falcon 1, Falcon 9 is a two stage, liquid oxygen and rocket grade kerosene (RP-1) powered launch vehicle. It uses the same engines, structural architecture (with a wider diameter), avionics and launch system.
Space Exploration Technologies Corporation - Falcon 9

On Monday 7th December Virgin Galactic unveiled SpaceShipTwo to the world at Mojave Spaceport, California. 800 press, future astronauts and VIP guests gathered in the desert for a press conference and to view the roll out of the….
Welcome | Virgin Galactic

None of these two main contenders which by the way I fully support have anywhere near the capability to support the lifting capability that NASA will need to support the International Space Station for 10 to 15 years. None of these two companies have ANY heavy lift capability to provide on-orbit capability for modules or heavy needs of the ISS or near earth exploration. So that leaves three nations with that capability and those are Russia, China, and France. As we have the capability with the Delta series of rockets to continue with manned space flight this too has been set on the back burner. What we have done with this decision is basically for the next 20 years and beyond is "OUTSOURCE" another industry this one being or space industry to other nations. Call it Wal'Marting Space Exploration if you will and I was always under the impression that my friends on the democrat side were in facor of jobs, and domestic energy and scientific research.
Its rather obvious 'jobs' is not really on Barry's radar.

The cap & trade bill he wants so badly will kill thousands of jobs, and now he's doing in NASA, thousands more will be out of work.

Ideology trumps employment in Barry's world.

Right, with all these moves he is making, it appears he is attempting to destroy this country not take it forward and pull it out of this recession. He is keeping us in the recession. If it is not intentional then he is a fucking idiot which I do not believe he is.
Okay as many seem to be under the impression that the Govt. can simply just ask a private company to handle all their launch needs for them. Lets look at the main contenders shall we.

The Falcon launch vehicle family is designed to provide breakthrough advances in reliability, cost, flight environment and time to launch. The primary design driver is and will remain reliability, as described in more detail below. We recognize that nothing is more important than getting our customer's spacecraft safely to its intended destination.

Like Falcon 1, Falcon 9 is a two stage, liquid oxygen and rocket grade kerosene (RP-1) powered launch vehicle. It uses the same engines, structural architecture (with a wider diameter), avionics and launch system.
Space Exploration Technologies Corporation - Falcon 9

On Monday 7th December Virgin Galactic unveiled SpaceShipTwo to the world at Mojave Spaceport, California. 800 press, future astronauts and VIP guests gathered in the desert for a press conference and to view the roll out of the….
Welcome | Virgin Galactic

None of these two main contenders which by the way I fully support have anywhere near the capability to support the lifting capability that NASA will need to support the International Space Station for 10 to 15 years. None of these two companies have ANY heavy lift capability to provide on-orbit capability for modules or heavy needs of the ISS or near earth exploration. So that leaves three nations with that capability and those are Russia, China, and France. As we have the capability with the Delta series of rockets to continue with manned space flight this too has been set on the back burner. What we have done with this decision is basically for the next 20 years and beyond is "OUTSOURCE" another industry this one being or space industry to other nations. Call it Wal'Marting Space Exploration if you will and I was always under the impression that my friends on the democrat side were in facor of jobs, and domestic energy and scientific research.
Why would you say that they were in favor of jobs, domestic energy or even science?
Okay as many seem to be under the impression that the Govt. can simply just ask a private company to handle all their launch needs for them. Lets look at the main contenders shall we.

The Falcon launch vehicle family is designed to provide breakthrough advances in reliability, cost, flight environment and time to launch. The primary design driver is and will remain reliability, as described in more detail below. We recognize that nothing is more important than getting our customer's spacecraft safely to its intended destination.

Like Falcon 1, Falcon 9 is a two stage, liquid oxygen and rocket grade kerosene (RP-1) powered launch vehicle. It uses the same engines, structural architecture (with a wider diameter), avionics and launch system.
Space Exploration Technologies Corporation - Falcon 9

On Monday 7th December Virgin Galactic unveiled SpaceShipTwo to the world at Mojave Spaceport, California. 800 press, future astronauts and VIP guests gathered in the desert for a press conference and to view the roll out of the….
Welcome | Virgin Galactic

None of these two main contenders which by the way I fully support have anywhere near the capability to support the lifting capability that NASA will need to support the International Space Station for 10 to 15 years. None of these two companies have ANY heavy lift capability to provide on-orbit capability for modules or heavy needs of the ISS or near earth exploration. So that leaves three nations with that capability and those are Russia, China, and France. As we have the capability with the Delta series of rockets to continue with manned space flight this too has been set on the back burner. What we have done with this decision is basically for the next 20 years and beyond is "OUTSOURCE" another industry this one being or space industry to other nations. Call it Wal'Marting Space Exploration if you will and I was always under the impression that my friends on the democrat side were in facor of jobs, and domestic energy and scientific research.
Why would you say that they were in favor of jobs, domestic energy or even science?
I am basing that on what I hear Darkwind, the President has made it clear that he wants to create jobs and has made it clear that the reasoning behind the cap and trade bill is for production of domestic energy and "green jobs". He has also made it clear his investment in science. Now given all this , I thought it somewhat counter productive to suddenly decide that none of this applies to NASA. Now if you think this as endorsement of the Presidents policy on some of those , I think many of my postings on here on the various subjects makes it pretty clear where I stand on them.
say what you want about climate change, but I'm very concerned about global warming, concerned that it might not happen, had to shovel 11 inches of snow today, that's as much as we normally get in an entire winter
say what you want about climate change, but I'm very concerned about global warming, concerned that it might not happen, had to shovel 11 inches of snow today, that's as much as we normally get in an entire winter

NOAA confirms that a loss of water vapor is responsible for the temp decline that East Angelia got busted trying to hide
The Marxist Ideologue orders NASA to stop all other activities except those that support his EcoMarxist Ideology.

According to the director of the OMB this morning the reasoning behind it is so that NASA can concentrate on MARS missions. What I find interesting about that is, moon missions were a step in the learning process for manned Mars mission. Another thing that is interesting here is that Mars is many years if not a generation away perhaps two and the potential for energy sources on the moon is there. I said this in another post, I frankly am sad for young people because they will NEVER know the sense of pride as an Amercan citzen and what it feels like to watch one of their fellow citizens step foot on another body in our solar system. They will never be able to enjoy benefits from that discovery process and will for some time to come have to beg other nations in order to discover the world and the universe around them.
I am basing that on what I hear Darkwind, the President has made it clear that he wants to create jobs and has made it clear that the reasoning behind the cap and trade bill is for production of domestic energy and "green jobs". He has also made it clear his investment in science. Now given all this , I thought it somewhat counter productive to suddenly decide that none of this applies to NASA. Now if you think this as endorsement of the Presidents policy on some of those , I think many of my postings on here on the various subjects makes it pretty clear where I stand on them.
Barry makes nothing clear.

His polices are normaly exactly the opposite of his stated goals.

He wants to increase jobs, yet he champions bills that will bleed jobs.

He talks about the importance of science yet wants to virtually shutdown the most scientific branch of the feds, NASA.

He talks about post partisanship and reaching accross the isle and is the most partisan and polarizing POTUS of all time.

Making things clear is something barry never does.
I am basing that on what I hear Darkwind, the President has made it clear that he wants to create jobs and has made it clear that the reasoning behind the cap and trade bill is for production of domestic energy and "green jobs". He has also made it clear his investment in science. Now given all this , I thought it somewhat counter productive to suddenly decide that none of this applies to NASA. Now if you think this as endorsement of the Presidents policy on some of those , I think many of my postings on here on the various subjects makes it pretty clear where I stand on them.
Barry makes nothing clear.

His polices are normaly exactly the opposite of his stated goals.

He wants to increase jobs, yet he champions bills that will bleed jobs.

He talks about the importance of science yet wants to virtually shutdown the most scientific branch of the feds, NASA.

He talks about post partisanship and reaching accross the isle and is the most partisan and polarizing POTUS of all time.

Making things clear is something barry never does.

I said HE has made it clear , I made no comment on his policies which as we can see in this latest one with NASA run contrary to that.
Which is why stating 'he makes it clear' is a misnomer.

laughs* soo making it clear is wrongly applied, well I guess it can argued that way. No matter, I was pointing out that the Presidents stated goals, often work in the opposite direction of his policies. With NASA thats on display for all to see in terms of jobs, science, and education.
Now that Lord Obama has decided that NASA "bad", his brownshirts goosestep right behind!!! It has become the one government program they don't like. Probably because it is somehow seen as military like.

Of all the ignorant posters here, you take the cake. One of the reasons the F-22 has been scrapped for more updated models (and the Predator drone) is because Gates will be increasing the size of the military to bring it back up to full complement, AND replace all the damaged or destroyed logistical equipment used in Iraq.

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