One thing I don't understand about BLM harassing random people.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Let's say you are driving home from work. You get stopped by a BLM mob at a stop light. Simply because you are not rioting at that particular moment in time says nothing about your political viewpoints. For all they know, your plan is to go home, change into your riot clothes, and join a BLM riot to go out and destroy the neighborhood and terrorize innocent people until they agree with you.

I saw a video where a BLM mob stampeded into a restaurant and harassed customers, demanding they join their riot. A guy was eating with what I assumed to be his daughter, maybe 5 years old. BLM gets in his face screaming. Even if he agrees with their cause and actions, what is he supposed to do, drag his 5 year old daughter along for a night of family fun that may involve burning down buildings, jumping in front of traffic, assaulting people in the street, etc?
It's a great point, OP, and food for thought.

Suggests to me that it's not really about black lives at all. It's more a show in domination to subjugation. Most of it is just mental illness or moral bankruptcy. Idiot people that are bored and in need of feeling empowered by some fictional cause.

Easier to commit crimes while flying under the banner of social change. Important revolutionaries!!!

Sad and transparent world of mindless snowflakes, these days.
It's a great point, OP, and food for thought.

Suggests to me that it's not really about black lives at all. It's more a show in domination to subjugation. Most of it is just mental illness or moral bankruptcy. Idiot people that are bored and in need of feeling empowered by some fictional cause.

Easier to commit crimes while flying under the banner of social change. Important revolutionaries!!!

Sad and transparent world of mindless snowflakes, these days.

and nothing new-----it is a replay of the 1960s -
70s era It destroyed whole cities back then too
I suggest arming yerself or learning martial arts.

oh-----I just stay home

That's what these people thought.

In Milwaukee, BLM surrounded this guy's house threatening to burn it down if he didn't leave and let use the house for the night. He stood in the window with a gun and called the police. The police showed up and arrested him.

BLM burned this guy's house down in Minneapolis because he had a Trump sign in his yard.

I suggest arming yerself or learning martial arts.

oh-----I just stay home

That's what these people thought.

In Milwaukee, BLM surrounded this guy's house threatening to burn it down if he didn't leave and let use the house for the night. He stood in the window with a gun and called the police. The police showed up and arrested him.

BLM burned this guy's house down in Minneapolis because he had a Trump sign in his yard.

they are not alone------we (hubby and me) have an epic story that lasted more than 2 1/2 years that has only just ended but with a huge financial loss and
personal property loss----- with the endorsement of THE COURT-----the courts are cooperating with BLM
concepts in my town. Someday I will publish (that means throw the whole story into cyberspace) For the
record----the cops are sympathetic but there is an evil
force that tied their hands
It's a great point, OP, and food for thought.

Suggests to me that it's not really about black lives at all. It's more a show in domination to subjugation. Most of it is just mental illness or moral bankruptcy. Idiot people that are bored and in need of feeling empowered by some fictional cause.

Easier to commit crimes while flying under the banner of social change. Important revolutionaries!!!

Sad and transparent world of mindless snowflakes, these days.

Agreed. They want an America were people are cowed into submission by the mob. A mob protected and defended and assisted by the power of the lib dominated State.
The negroes believe that bleeding on people who never cut them is their right and so therefore that is what makes their race a disaster and a joke in America.

Stupid asses.
The negroes believe that bleeding on people who never cut them is their right and so therefore that is what makes their race a disaster and a joke in America.

Stupid asses.
There are Black people and there are black victims. Black people also don't like the black victims, makes the good Black people look bad.
Let's say you are driving home from work. You get stopped by a BLM mob at a stop light. Simply because you are not rioting at that particular moment in time says nothing about your political viewpoints. For all they know, your plan is to go home, change into your riot clothes, and join a BLM riot to go out and destroy the neighborhood and terrorize innocent people until they agree with you.

I saw a video where a BLM mob stampeded into a restaurant and harassed customers, demanding they join their riot. A guy was eating with what I assumed to be his daughter, maybe 5 years old. BLM gets in his face screaming. Even if he agrees with their cause and actions, what is he supposed to do, drag his 5 year old daughter along for a night of family fun that may involve burning down buildings, jumping in front of traffic, assaulting people in the street, etc?
They are an EXTORTION RACKET------------its about robbing and extorting money from drivers. If you are one of them, you will know the pass words like who the mob leaders are.
A lot of the BLM protestors are white. It's an ANTIFA, BLM, batshit-crazy SJW issue, not a race issue.

I came of age way back in the 60s. I am not what anyone would call a "JOINER" ---but lots of the
new HIP GENERATION were. I did not JOIN----in
what I was SUPPOSED to join at the age I was---but
I did notice to the point that I realized that people of
the HIP generation did not need to know the issues in
order to JOIN a demonstration. "DEMONSTRATION"
was GOOD and JUST by definition. It was
If you agree that some citizens are not treated with the same respect as other citizens, and you support their right to that respect . Then comes part two. Sleaze Bags with there own agenda,
1. a chance to steal & loot
2. a change to vent anger & destroy things
3. a chance to discredit the legitimate protest
4. a chance to cause political discord.
It seems to me that BLM actions are sometimes self-defeating. Although there is no "one" BLM or central HQ. People harassing other people who are just living their lives is not a way to earn support. And, not just BLM entities, but everyone who lumps in every incidence of blacks getting killed/injured by cops together, without even attempting to separate on the facts, and especially not helping ordinary citizens understand that it is nearly impossible to convict a cop on criminal charges when he's making an arrest or serving a warrant … is just irresponsible. And that's not to say there is no systemic racism or that cops are actually protecting the public with what they do.

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