One thing I don't understand about BLM harassing random people.

The negroes believe that bleeding on people who never cut them is their right and so therefore that is what makes their race a disaster and a joke in America.

Stupid asses.
There are Black people and there are black victims. Black people also don't like the black victims, makes the good Black people look bad.
Yeap, and they all know it too. All of them without exception know exactly what Chris Rock was talking about.

100 percent true and anyone from the hood know exactly this.

No, patronizing white leftists aren't welcome.
"everyone who lumps in every incidence of blacks getting killed/injured by cops together, without even attempting to separate on the facts, and especially not helping ordinary citizens understand that it is nearly impossible to convict a cop on criminal charges when he's making an arrest or serving a warrant … is just irresponsible. And that's not to say there is no systemic racism or that cops are actually protecting the public with what they do."

HUH ? is an arrest or an attempt to serve a
warrant a CRIME? Not in my mind. But I
have come across lots of people who do consider
it a crime. IN FACT it is and SHOULD be a crime
to resist arrest or the serving of a warrant. It is
not so in the courts today in my town. In fact,
I have a personal experience. A real officer of
the court told me that if a defendant decides to
DENY THE RECEIPT of court papers long after the
trial-----the defendant WINS and can NULLIFY
the judgement (for the record---this
legality exists only in recognition of current developements
and only for applicable "classes" of PERSONS OF
Let's say you are driving home from work. You get stopped by a BLM mob at a stop light. Simply because you are not rioting at that particular moment in time says nothing about your political viewpoints. For all they know, your plan is to go home, change into your riot clothes, and join a BLM riot to go out and destroy the neighborhood and terrorize innocent people until they agree with you.

I saw a video where a BLM mob stampeded into a restaurant and harassed customers, demanding they join their riot. A guy was eating with what I assumed to be his daughter, maybe 5 years old. BLM gets in his face screaming. Even if he agrees with their cause and actions, what is he supposed to do, drag his 5 year old daughter along for a night of family fun that may involve burning down buildings, jumping in front of traffic, assaulting people in the street, etc?

Let me help you regarding BLM. They are not there in order to achieve anything. They are there to burn down civilization. Taking a shit on family with child, the enemy, is great time for them.
One day these idiots are going to do that to the person who has a conceal carry permit and is armed and it won’t end well.

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