One way road to impeachment

We are headed down a road that has only one destination...impeachment.

The President is obviously afraid of an investigation into his connections to the Russians. Multiple and continuous contacts with the Russians during the election culminated in the top Russian intelligence agent, er I mean the Russian ambassador being welcomed to the Oval Office yesterday.

Colluding with a hostile foreign power to affect our elections is an impeachable offense. The FBI is going to continue it investigation regardless of the Comey firing. The truth will come out and then Trumps Chumps will have to decide country or party.

We already know of numerous contacts between Trump campaign associates and the Russians, AG Sessions had to recuse himself because it was discovered he did not disclose his contacts with Russian intelligence.

Trump's Chumps have convinced themselves that all these contacts between a Presidential Campaign and a hostile foreign power are perfectly normal. If that is true why were there over a dozen such contacts that have been confirmed so far between Trump and the Russians and none between Clinton Campaign associates and any other hostile foreign power?

Country or party? The time to decide is coming as assuredly as the dawn.

On what grounds will he be impeached?
Like sending classified information off of an unsecured server? The way Hillary did?
Not even illegal, much less treason. Fail.
So sending classified information off of a personal server isn't illegal? Even Comey stated either she broke the law or she is a stupid bitch. Tell me, which one is it? There is only one answer out of the two.
We are headed down a road that has only one destination...impeachment.

The President is obviously afraid of an investigation into his connections to the Russians. Multiple and continuous contacts with the Russians during the election culminated in the top Russian intelligence agent, er I mean the Russian ambassador being welcomed to the Oval Office yesterday.

Colluding with a hostile foreign power to affect our elections is an impeachable offense. The FBI is going to continue it investigation regardless of the Comey firing. The truth will come out and then Trumps Chumps will have to decide country or party.

We already know of numerous contacts between Trump campaign associates and the Russians, AG Sessions had to recuse himself because it was discovered he did not disclose his contacts with Russian intelligence.

Trump's Chumps have convinced themselves that all these contacts between a Presidential Campaign and a hostile foreign power are perfectly normal. If that is true why were there over a dozen such contacts that have been confirmed so far between Trump and the Russians and none between Clinton Campaign associates and any other hostile foreign power?

Country or party? The time to decide is coming as assuredly as the dawn.

On what grounds will he be impeached?
Like sending classified information off of an unsecured server? The way Hillary did?
Not even illegal, much less treason. Fail.
So sending classified information off of a personal server isn't illegal? Even Comey stated either she broke the law or she is a stupid bitch. Tell me, which one is it? There is only one answer out of the two.
No law against private servers back then, dummy. That's it. End of story. And remember, Trump instructed your dumb rube ass to stop caring now that the election is over. You played your part, trash. Enjoy the Russia investigation.
On what grounds will he be impeached?
Like sending classified information off of an unsecured server? The way Hillary did?
Not even illegal, much less treason. Fail.
So sending classified information off of a personal server isn't illegal? Even Comey stated either she broke the law or she is a stupid bitch. Tell me, which one is it? There is only one answer out of the two.
No law against private servers back then, dummy. That's it. End of story. And remember, Trump instructed your dumb rube ass to stop caring now that the election is over. You played your part, trash. Enjoy the Russia investigation.
Oh yes it was, treasonous actually. Makes you a traitor for supporting it. Maybe Trumps cia needs to investigate you. Better yet the irs since you supported them abusing their power when it was ran by Obama. Maybe I can report you.
We are headed down a road that has only one destination...impeachment.

The President is obviously afraid of an investigation into his connections to the Russians. Multiple and continuous contacts with the Russians during the election culminated in the top Russian intelligence agent, er I mean the Russian ambassador being welcomed to the Oval Office yesterday.

Colluding with a hostile foreign power to affect our elections is an impeachable offense. The FBI is going to continue it investigation regardless of the Comey firing. The truth will come out and then Trumps Chumps will have to decide country or party.

We already know of numerous contacts between Trump campaign associates and the Russians, AG Sessions had to recuse himself because it was discovered he did not disclose his contacts with Russian intelligence.

Trump's Chumps have convinced themselves that all these contacts between a Presidential Campaign and a hostile foreign power are perfectly normal. If that is true why were there over a dozen such contacts that have been confirmed so far between Trump and the Russians and none between Clinton Campaign associates and any other hostile foreign power?

Country or party? The time to decide is coming as assuredly as the dawn.

Don't know where you get your information.. FAR more direct conflict of interest in the Clinton Campaign. You said there was none. That destroys the entire credibility of your rant and premise.

How can you NOT be aware that Clinton's campaign mgr, the moron who left his emails unprotected, had a lobbying group (Podesta Group) that took on SberBank of Russia in the CLOSING MONTHS OF THE CAMPAIGN. SberBank controls a FULL 1/3 of Russian assets. That means corporations, state run energy interests, real estate -- virtually EVERY ASPECT of the Russian economy.

As for any HARD evidence that Trump was involved in ANYTHING Russian (other than proper business contacts and deals) --- you HAVE NONE. Turn off the CNN -- put down the Dem Underground -- it's rotting your brain and embarrassing you in public.
We are headed down a road that has only one destination...impeachment.

The President is obviously afraid of an investigation into his connections to the Russians. Multiple and continuous contacts with the Russians during the election culminated in the top Russian intelligence agent, er I mean the Russian ambassador being welcomed to the Oval Office yesterday.

Colluding with a hostile foreign power to affect our elections is an impeachable offense. The FBI is going to continue it investigation regardless of the Comey firing. The truth will come out and then Trumps Chumps will have to decide country or party.

We already know of numerous contacts between Trump campaign associates and the Russians, AG Sessions had to recuse himself because it was discovered he did not disclose his contacts with Russian intelligence.

Trump's Chumps have convinced themselves that all these contacts between a Presidential Campaign and a hostile foreign power are perfectly normal. If that is true why were there over a dozen such contacts that have been confirmed so far between Trump and the Russians and none between Clinton Campaign associates and any other hostile foreign power?

Country or party? The time to decide is coming as assuredly as the dawn.

On what grounds will he be impeached?
The grounds that they don't like him!

Oh yeah I forgot about the new fuzzy liberal Constitution, article 87.8

A president can be impeached if he is a poopy head

remember, it's a "living document". It can be manipulated as it suits them.

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