One week in and Biden has a 63% approval rating

WOW! And the Liar in Chief never even broke 50%. Well, I guess folks are happy with President that returns dignity and truth to the White House.

Gotta gall you MAGA nuts...huh?



JimH52, Are you still crowing about a nine-point drop while President Biden spent the weekend in the basement?

He is now in the Oval Office....
He didnt have 70 million idiot mind controlled terrorists trying to kill him.
Now who is overstating Trump's crowd? :laugh2:

View attachment 448575
Never seen so many inbreds in one picture.

Damn, you weren't with family on Thanksgiving?
I dont consider you family. Sorry

And I thank god for that.
I will. I promise.
He didnt have 70 million idiot mind controlled terrorists trying to kill him.
Your spiritual leader that told you to attack the WH and that Dump would have all his enemies arrested. BTW Dump wont be back on 24Mar21 either. He lost. Deal with it.
Says the Qannon disciple. You dont even operate in the real world.
Never seen so many inbreds in one picture.
I dont consider you family. Sorry
Speak for yourself. My family photos inspire me
Ah yes. Biden's approval numbers.

WOW! And the Liar in Chief never even broke 50%. Well, I guess folks are happy with President that returns dignity and truth to the White House.

Gotta gall you MAGA nuts...huh?
Idiots like stupid.

WOW! And the Liar in Chief never even broke 50%. Well, I guess folks are happy with President that returns dignity and truth to the White House.

Gotta gall you MAGA nuts...huh?



JimH52, Are you still crowing about a nine-point drop while President Biden spent the weekend in the basement?

He is now in the Oval Office....
You think he knows that?
The poll question:

Do you agree, strongly agree, super duper agree with Joe Bidens tie choice for his inauguration speech?

You could just look at it yourself.

View attachment 448556

LOL...Maybe an appropriate follow up question would be to name one policy he has implemented with which you agree. What percentage would be able to name one? You see, people “agree” with what he is doing because there is an appearance of calm, because the left wing-nut brats stopped rioting and looting. Many uninformed attribute that to Biden. People are pretty ignorant overall of actual policy. Wait until the nonsense kicks in and the economy tanks and then take the poll again.

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