One week in and Biden has a 63% approval rating

The ”rich”, not the Gates and Bezo’s rich, but the regular “rich”, already pay their fair share and then some. We have a progressive tax system and those making a good income pay a high percentage on income above certain levels, but you already knw that didn’t you? You aren’t under the impression that the “rich” have a team of accountants on standby are you?

NO, they really aren't. Let's go back to the pre-Reagan tax levels when they WERE paying their fair share.

You know, when we weren't running up Trillion dollar deficits.

Hey genius, all of the folks coming in caravans don’t qualify for asylum. They must be vetted. Due to Biden‘s ignorance, all of them get to roam around our country before being vetted and those that don’t qualify won’t show back up for the process, much like illegals. If you dimwits weren’t so gullible and stupid you would understand just how ridiculous the process is, but then again, Democrats love the extra votes once you grant asylum and ultimately citizenship to the poorest of the poor.

Again, you could solve the "illegal" problem in ten minutes. Go after the white people who hire them. The sweatshop owner, the rich douchebag who doesn't want to raise her own kids, the jackass who hires a truckload of day laborers to finish that DIY project that Chip and Joanna made look a lot easier than it is.

It has nothing to do with a guy in a dress. He can compete against other guys in dresses, but not ruin women’s sports by having a clear advantage. One would think you lefties who are all in favor or women’s rights would protest, but the indoctrination and stupidity is thick with you and your ilk.

First, your chances of encountering a trans athlete are about as rare as you encountering a unicorn.
Second, I get a little bored with fake moral panics the right comes up with to get stupid white people to keep voting against their own economic interests. Hey remember when Bush was going to save us from the evil gays getting married? How'd that turn out again?
Third, women should be a lot more worried you guys will take away their rights to equal pay or their right to control their own bodies, and be less worried that, "Oh, Gosh, I might not win a little plastic trophy!!!"
Little Joey thinks taking money from "the rich" and giving it to politicians and the politicians are going to spend it wisely.
Little Joey ain't too bright.

Says the guy who probably collects a big government check every month.

Nope. Says the guy who goes to work everyday to pay for your leftist kook big government failed schemes.
NO, they really aren't. Let's go back to the pre-Reagan tax levels when they WERE paying their fair share.

You know, when we weren't running up Trillion-dollar deficits.

We weren't running up TRILLIONS of DOLLARS in spending either. Give the Federal Government a dime and they'll find a reason to spend a quarter.

You have a bit of a foggy memory about the Eisenhower Days. Either that or you have gotten your talking points from the DailyKOS who left out a few...minor details.

I have done this before but I’ll do it again for your edification, from (1963). It will do for our purposes. Anyone (a single person) earning $4,000 per year or less paid income tax at the rate of 20%. Adjusted for inflation, that would be $31,800.00 per year. That translates to everyone earning LESS THAN $31,800 PER YEAR TODAY WOULD PAY 20% INCOME TAX. Gosh, that sure would eliminate that 48% that pay no income tax today! Way to go!

As for the top rate of your beloved 91% in 1963, that was paid by those earning over $400,000.00 Adjusted for inflation, that would be $3,186,770.00 today. Do you want to tell us that 1% of the nation earns in excess of 3.2 MILLION PER YEAR? Really?

In the same year, employees paid 3.625% for Social Security and the employer paid nothing. Not quite the 15.2% of today.

Now, do you really want to go back to those rates? Are you aware of the long, long list of deductions in 1963? All interest on everything and the list goes on.

Federal Income Tax Brackets for Tax Year 1962 (Filed April 1963)

FICA & SECA Tax Rates

The Inflation Calculator
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First, your chances of encountering a trans athlete are about as rare as you encountering a unicorn.

First...that is not the point at all, is it? You, nor I are a woman, who has been working for years training, practicing, and pushing yourself to be at the top of your game only to have a step in and compete against you.

Even Time magazine caught on to the fact that men and women are different! Did you know that?

Gosh, who wouldn't be happy with that crayon-eating stuttering fuck?

It's been a hell of first week:

A fake inauguration attended by nobody, and slept through by those forced to attend
19,000+ Kung Flu deaths on his watch
100,000+ jobs wiped out
Women's athletics completely demolished
Banished the troops to a freezing parking garage with 1 bathroom and no wifi
Admits no plan for Covid
Invaded Syria (let's kill some more brown kids!)
Ended US energy independence
Broke his own mask mandate..... twice

and the icing on the cake, at the fake inauguration....

(stage directions whispered in the stuttering fuck's ear) "Salute the Marines"
Drooling Dumbfuck to the world: "Salute the Marines!"


That's the laughingstock of the entire fucking planet!

His approval rating is so high that had to disable the likes and comments on the white house youtube channel because they're 20 to 1 against him.

You stole an election for THAT drooling fucktard????.... ya dumb fucking animals.
For asshole republicans Take that 2 iron and shove it up where the sun don'r shine
50 things that are better already

President Biden has not completed his first week in office, but already there is much to celebrate. Let’s count the ways:
1. You can ignore Twitter

2. The White House briefing room is not an Orwellian nightmare of lies
3. We are now confronting white domestic terrorism
4. We are not paying for golf trips
5. There are no presidential relatives in government
6. The tenor of hearings is sober and serious
7. Qualified and knowledgeable nominees have been selected for senior spots
8. We have a first lady who engages with the public
9. We have not heard a word from presidential children
10. We are now tough on Russian human rights abuses
11. We get normal readouts of sane conversations between the president and foreign leaders
12. The White House philosophy is to underpromise and overdeliver, not the other way around
13. Manners are in, bullying is out
14. You feel calmer after hearing the president
15. Fact-checkers are not overworked
16. Quality entertainers want to perform for the White House
17. We have seen the president’s tax records
18. The president is able to articulate policy details, coherently even
19. The worst the press can come up with is the president’s watch
20. We have a White House staff that looks like America
21. We have a national covid-19 plan
22. Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony S. Fauci is liberated, sounds happy and even looks younger
23. Fauci, not the president, briefs on the science of covid-19 and efficacy of vaccines
24. Masks and social distancing in the White House
25. The White House has policy initiatives and proposals, not merely leaving it all to Congress
26. The administration is committed to releasing information, not covering it up, on the slaughter of journalist Jamal Khashoggi
27. The Muslim ban is gone
28. It is the Republicans not the Democrats who are in disarray
29. The national security adviser has not been fired for lying to the FBI
30. No Soviet-style fawning over the president by his subordinates
31. The president takes daily, in-person intelligence briefings
32. The president does not care about Air Force One colors
33. We have a president familiar with the Constitution
34. Real cable news outlets get high ratings, others not so much
35. President Andrew Jackson is out of the Oval Office, Benjamin Franklin is in
36. Voice of America is back in the hands of actual journalists
37. We get memes about Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), not crowd size
38. We are back in the Paris climate accord and the World Health Organization
39. Instead of running it like a business, the new administration will try running government competently
40. We have a president who doesn’t think military service is for “suckers” and who doesn’t send his “love” to people assaulting law enforcement
41. The secretary of treasury nominee has her own Hamilton lyrics
42. Amanda Gorman is a household name
43. More than two-thirds of Americans approve of the White House covid-19 approach.
44. No more work-free “executive time” in the presidential living quarters
45. We have a churchgoing president “who has spent a lifetime steeped in Christian rituals and practices.”
46. We have first dogs
47. The vice president’s spouse does not teach at a school that bars LGBTQ students
48. The White House takes the Hatch Act seriously
49. The administration wants as many people as possible to vote
50. The president will talk more to our allies than to Russian President Vladimir Putin
The poll question:

Do you agree, strongly agree, super duper agree with Joe Bidens tie choice for his inauguration speech?

You could just look at it yourself.

View attachment 448556
LOL---you are ignoring common sense.

No one is buying the bs that you are trying to sell
And no one is buying the BS that this nonsense graph is trying to sell

I know it sucks when most Americans don't think like you do. You have to make up coping conspiracies about stolen elections and fake polls.
I'm not worried about MOST hun----MOST is simply MOB or GROUP thought---something idiots do.

My iq is well above average-------and I am more than capable of thinking for myself and don't need a group to agree or disagree with me. A freedom that I realize that you will never experience.
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WOW! And the Liar in Chief never even broke 50%. Well, I guess folks are happy with President that returns dignity and truth to the White House.

Gotta gall you MAGA nuts...huh?
Gosh, who wouldn't be happy with that crayon-eating stuttering fuck?

It's been a hell of first week:

A fake inauguration attended by nobody, and slept through by those forced to attend
19,000+ Kung Flu deaths on his watch
100,000+ jobs wiped out
Women's athletics completely demolished
Banished the troops to a freezing parking garage with 1 bathroom and no wifi
Admits no plan for Covid
Invaded Syria (let's kill some more brown kids!)
Ended US energy independence
Broke his own mask mandate..... twice

and the icing on the cake, at the fake inauguration....

(stage directions whispered in the stuttering fuck's ear) "Salute the Marines"
Drooling Dumbfuck to the world: "Salute the Marines!"


That's the laughingstock of the entire fucking planet!

His approval rating is so high that had to disable the likes and comments on the white house youtube channel because they're 20 to 1 against him.

You stole an election for THAT drooling fucktard????.... ya dumb fucking animals.

You left off Biden saying "I don't know what I'm signing" and then proceeds to sign an EO...
Who else was validated by these so-called polling results? Yeah, same poll results that had Trump losing bigly.

Say PROGS, how come you don't yet realize your Demonicrats orchestrate these "polls" to swing opinions ONLY? Same kind of BS as their fabrication-checks, it's all the same.
Gosh, who wouldn't be happy with that crayon-eating stuttering fuck?

It's been a hell of first week:

A fake inauguration attended by nobody, and slept through by those forced to attend
19,000+ Kung Flu deaths on his watch
100,000+ jobs wiped out
Women's athletics completely demolished
Banished the troops to a freezing parking garage with 1 bathroom and no wifi
Admits no plan for Covid
Invaded Syria (let's kill some more brown kids!)
Ended US energy independence
Broke his own mask mandate..... twice

and the icing on the cake, at the fake inauguration....

(stage directions whispered in the stuttering fuck's ear) "Salute the Marines"
Drooling Dumbfuck to the world: "Salute the Marines!"


That's the laughingstock of the entire fucking planet!

His approval rating is so high that had to disable the likes and comments on the white house youtube channel because they're 20 to 1 against him.

You stole an election for THAT drooling fucktard????.... ya dumb fucking animals.

A fake inauguration attended by nobody, and slept through by those forced to attend
attendance limited by covid restriction

19,000+ Kung Flu deaths on his watch
deaths come nearly a month after new case, and "kung flu" is racist.

100,000+ jobs wiped out
remnant of Trump admin.
Trump is worst jobs president ever

Women's athletics completely demolished
false rating on that one, no impact on women's sports

Banished the troops to a freezing parking garage with 1 bathroom and no wifi
democrats not responsible, you fail fact check

Admits no plan for Covid
Plan is already here.
It was Trump that had no covid plan.

Invaded Syria (let's kill some more brown kids!)
fails fact check

Ended US energy independence
speculation at best.

Broke his own mask mandate..... twice
how often has Trump worn a mask? That a big reason we're in this mess now.
Gosh, who wouldn't be happy with that crayon-eating stuttering fuck?

It's been a hell of first week:

A fake inauguration attended by nobody, and slept through by those forced to attend
19,000+ Kung Flu deaths on his watch
100,000+ jobs wiped out
Women's athletics completely demolished
Banished the troops to a freezing parking garage with 1 bathroom and no wifi
Admits no plan for Covid
Invaded Syria (let's kill some more brown kids!)
Ended US energy independence
Broke his own mask mandate..... twice

and the icing on the cake, at the fake inauguration....

(stage directions whispered in the stuttering fuck's ear) "Salute the Marines"
Drooling Dumbfuck to the world: "Salute the Marines!"


That's the laughingstock of the entire fucking planet!

His approval rating is so high that had to disable the likes and comments on the white house youtube channel because they're 20 to 1 against him.

You stole an election for THAT drooling fucktard????.... ya dumb fucking animals.

A fake inauguration attended by nobody, and slept through by those forced to attend
attendance limited by covid restriction

19,000+ Kung Flu deaths on his watch
deaths come nearly a month after new case, and "kung flu" is racist.

100,000+ jobs wiped out
remnant of Trump admin.
Trump is worst jobs president ever

Women's athletics completely demolished
false rating on that one, no impact on women's sports

Banished the troops to a freezing parking garage with 1 bathroom and no wifi
democrats not responsible, you fail fact check

Admits no plan for Covid
Plan is already here.
It was Trump that had no covid plan.

Invaded Syria (let's kill some more brown kids!)
fails fact check

Ended US energy independence
speculation at best.

Broke his own mask mandate..... twice
how often has Trump worn a mask? That a big reason we're in this mess now.

Why are you so desperate that have to boldly lie already?
NO, they really aren't. Let's go back to the pre-Reagan tax levels when they WERE paying their fair share.

You know, when we weren't running up Trillion-dollar deficits.

We weren't running up TRILLIONS of DOLLARS in spending either. Give the Federal Government a dime and they'll find a reason to spend a quarter.

You have a bit of a foggy memory about the Eisenhower Days. Either that or you have gotten your talking points from the DailyKOS who left out a few...minor details.

I have done this before but I’ll do it again for your edification, from (1963). It will do for our purposes. Anyone (a single person) earning $4,000 per year or less paid income tax at the rate of 20%. Adjusted for inflation, that would be $31,800.00 per year. That translates to everyone earning LESS THAN $31,800 PER YEAR TODAY WOULD PAY 20% INCOME TAX. Gosh, that sure would eliminate that 48% that pay no income tax today! Way to go!

As for the top rate of your beloved 91% in 1963, that was paid by those earning over $400,000.00 Adjusted for inflation, that would be $3,186,770.00 today. Do you want to tell us that 1% of the nation earns in excess of 3.2 MILLION PER YEAR? Really?

In the same year, employees paid 3.625% for Social Security and the employer paid nothing. Not quite the 15.2% of today.

Now, do you really want to go back to those rates? Are you aware of the long, long list of deductions in 1963? All interest on everything and the list goes on.

Federal Income Tax Brackets for Tax Year 1962 (Filed April 1963)

FICA & SECA Tax Rates

The Inflation Calculator

Gosh, who wouldn't be happy with that crayon-eating stuttering fuck?

It's been a hell of first week:

A fake inauguration attended by nobody, and slept through by those forced to attend
19,000+ Kung Flu deaths on his watch
100,000+ jobs wiped out
Women's athletics completely demolished
Banished the troops to a freezing parking garage with 1 bathroom and no wifi
Admits no plan for Covid
Invaded Syria (let's kill some more brown kids!)
Ended US energy independence
Broke his own mask mandate..... twice

and the icing on the cake, at the fake inauguration....

(stage directions whispered in the stuttering fuck's ear) "Salute the Marines"
Drooling Dumbfuck to the world: "Salute the Marines!"


That's the laughingstock of the entire fucking planet!

His approval rating is so high that had to disable the likes and comments on the white house youtube channel because they're 20 to 1 against him.

You stole an election for THAT drooling fucktard????.... ya dumb fucking animals.

A fake inauguration attended by nobody, and slept through by those forced to attend
attendance limited by covid restriction

19,000+ Kung Flu deaths on his watch
deaths come nearly a month after new case, and "kung flu" is racist.

100,000+ jobs wiped out
remnant of Trump admin.
Trump is worst jobs president ever

Women's athletics completely demolished
false rating on that one, no impact on women's sports

Banished the troops to a freezing parking garage with 1 bathroom and no wifi
democrats not responsible, you fail fact check

Admits no plan for Covid
Plan is already here.
It was Trump that had no covid plan.

Invaded Syria (let's kill some more brown kids!)
fails fact check

Ended US energy independence
speculation at best.

Broke his own mask mandate..... twice
how often has Trump worn a mask? That a big reason we're in this mess now.

Why are you so desperate that have to boldly lie already?
And Hillary stood up to 11 hours of Gowdy posturing and lying. Came out sweating like a pig because she bested him.

WOW! And the Liar in Chief never even broke 50%. Well, I guess folks are happy with President that returns dignity and truth to the White House.

Gotta gall you MAGA nuts...huh?

The greatest administration in Americas history.
In just 7 days!LOL

WOW! And the Liar in Chief never even broke 50%. Well, I guess folks are happy with President that returns dignity and truth to the White House.

Gotta gall you MAGA nuts...huh?
Hi, Jim H. Another Jim H here.

Monday, January 25, 2021

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Sponsored by SLANTED from Sharyl Attkisson, for Monday shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

I guess that you probably can't trust polls these days, eh, as half the population has below average intelligence anyway, by definition.
Rasmussen is so far right it tilts.

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