One Year of Trumponomics already screws wage earners.


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
“A separate Labor Department report on Friday showed inflation-adjusted wages were unchanged in July from the previous month and dropped 0.2 percent from a year earlier.”

Highest Core Inflation in Decade Flattens Real U.S. Wage Growth
Sho Chandra
August 10, 2018, 8:30 AM EDTUpdated on August 10, 2018, 8:53 AM EDT

What has Trumpo done for you besides making you think he is standing up for whites, Christians and nationalism?
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You people trying to sell us on how this economy sucks are the same ones yelling how obies crap economy was a boom. You looked dumb then and you look dumb now.

BTW- you’re also the ones that were trying to credit the last economic report to obie not Trump. But now you blame Trump less than two weeks later. You’re all unhinged morons.
Why do alleged Americans consistently strive to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory in an age of peace and prosperity? Is political hatred that strong that they would turn on their own Country? We can play with a tenth of a point all day but it seems that the July wage inflation adjustment actually dropped two points from the previous month. You almost have to scratch your head when the crazy left posts comparisons to 2008 at a time when the DOW was around 6,500 when the freaking DOW is around 25,000 and unemployment is historically low today.
Missouri_Mike, post: 20552484
You people trying to sell us on how this economy sucks are the same ones yelling how obies crap economy was a boom.

It’s flat for wage earners. Just a fact that Trumporoids don’t want to discuss. Obama dug wage earners out of a deep hole. Trumpo is screwing that up with his inflation and increases in Federal Debt.

You don’t care about Debt any more do you?
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Missouri_Mike, post: 20552484
You people trying to sell us on how this economy sucks are the same ones yelling how obies crap economy was a boom.

It’s flat for wage earners. Just a fact that Trumporoids don’t want to discuss. Obama dug wage earners out of a deep hole. Trumpo is screwing that up with his inflation and increases in Federal Debt.

You don’t care about Debt any more do you?
Oh so now we’re going to talk about debt and try to walk away from your stupid OP. Like I said. You’re just an unhinged spaz looking for a place to freak out.
whitehall, post: 20552495
Why do alleged Americans consistently strive to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory in an age of peace and prosperity?

Who is an ‘alleged’ American? You answered your own question. Must we kiss Trumpo on the ass to be considered an American by you Trumporoids?

Trumpo is said to be doing wonders for the wage earner. Reality says that ain’t so
When it comes wage growth. Why can’t someone post a dose of reality anymore without having their American citizenship questioned?
Missouri_Mike, post: 20552484
You people trying to sell us on how this economy sucks are the same ones yelling how obies crap economy was a boom.

It’s flat for wage earners. Just a fact that Trumporoids don’t want to discuss. Obama dug wage earners out of a deep hole. Trumpo is screwing that up with his inflation and increases in Federal Debt.

You don’t care about Debt any more do you?
Then why is my paycheck bigger than than it's ever been?
If everything is so bad under Trump, why is our middle-class household flourishing as it never has before?
Imagine how much money an America would earn if his job was outsourced to China...

At least now you have a President willing to fight for the U.S economy and worker.
SmokeALib, post: 20552683
Then why is my paycheck bigger than than it's ever been?

My paycheck got bigger every year since Bush 43 got elected. Nothing to do with Trumpo. I guess I earned it the old fashioned way.

Yours might be bigger but it buys less. Trumpo stimulated the economy during an upturn mostly for the fat cats like himself. He has needlessly aggravated inflation.

Also his tradewar bs is adding to inflation.
“A separate Labor Department report on Friday showed inflation-adjusted wages were unchanged in July from the previous month and dropped 0.2 percent from a year earlier.”

Highest Core Inflation in Decade Flattens Real U.S. Wage Growth
Sho Chandra
August 10, 2018, 8:30 AM EDTUpdated on August 10, 2018, 8:53 AM EDT

What has Trumpo done for you besides making you think he is standing up for whites, Christians and nationalism?

Thanks Obama. It’s his economy, right? At least that’s what you guys have been saying the last year and a half
SmokeALib, post: 20552683
Then why is my paycheck bigger than than it's ever been?

My paycheck got bigger every year since Bush 43 got elected. Nothing to do with Trumpo. I guess I earned it the old fashioned way.

Yours might be bigger but it buys less. Trumpo stimulated the economy during an upturn mostly for the fat cats like himself. He has needlessly aggravated inflation.

Also his tradewar bs is adding to inflation.
I haven't seen this so-called inflation where I live. You may want to shut off your tv, get off your couch, and walk outside and see what's really going on.
Dreadnaught1968, post: 20552798
Something good happens = "It's still Obummer's economy!
Something bad happens = "It's Trump's economy!"

No, it’s deplorable for Trumporoids to declare it was all bad that under Obama and its all good only since Trumpo took over.

Obama had a helluva deep ditch to pull the economy out of from the start. Trumpo had a growing economy to start with.

Because wage growth has declined the past year Trumpo owns that stat. Accept reality - that is what we are saying. Stop pretending Trumpo fights for the little guy. That is bullshit.
SmokeALib, post: 20552683
If everything is so bad under Trump, why is our middle-class household flourishing as it never has before?

I didn’t tell you everything is bad under Trumpo. I told you that the average wage, when adjusted for inflation for working Americans, has gone down, not up, over the past year.

If you don’t understand what ‘average’ means, I can’t help you.

Perhaps you finally got a raise only because Trumpo made your wealthy boss so happy with the huge tax cut he received at the expense of the US Treasury. Lucky you. Don’t expect much during the next downturn other than a layoff.

Your tax cut - damn, had to use the ‘average’ word again - may be about $800.

Average salary: $47,390

Current tax: $4,825

Tax under the Republican plan: $4,056

Percent tax cut: 15.9%

Here's what Trump's tax plan means for people at every income level from $20,000 to $269,000 a year

So if you bought an average of 30 gallons of gas a week you are now paying about $15 a week for that privilege for a total of $780 for a year. You actually get $20 bucks more to spend thanks to Trumpo’s massive tax cut for the wealthy and the piddlings he bequeathed to you.

Trumpo has really done nothing for his Trumporoids. (You know .. those white worker the economy left behind) The economy is booming but the average lower to middle class worker is either stagnant or losing ground when it comes to how much a paycheck will buy.

Stop suffering the grand illusion that everyone is now GREAT that the top snake oil salesmen in the land is selling you.

That’s all.
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A board full of Nancy Pelosis trying to claim the best economy, most Americans working, and lowest unemployment in decades is a bad thing and how a return to the way things were under Obama would be better....

Too funny...
Well one thing that can't be denied is that supposed "fiscal conservative" republicans are exploding the debt. What a joke.
You people trying to sell us on how this economy sucks are the same ones yelling how obies crap economy was a boom. You looked dumb then and you look dumb now.

BTW- you’re also the ones that were trying to credit the last economic report to obie not Trump. But now you blame Trump less than two weeks later. You’re all unhinged morons.
Is there anything that you don't whine and cry about? Nope.
“A separate Labor Department report on Friday showed inflation-adjusted wages were unchanged in July from the previous month and dropped 0.2 percent from a year earlier.”

Highest Core Inflation in Decade Flattens Real U.S. Wage Growth
Sho Chandra
August 10, 2018, 8:30 AM EDTUpdated on August 10, 2018, 8:53 AM EDT

What has Trumpo done for you besides making you think he is standing up for whites, Christians and nationalism?

deMS-13: we H8 America! Throw down your weapons, hand over your crumbs, we have illegals to support

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