Online privacy and electronic freedom advocacy?


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2017
alaska, usa
What do you think about the following non-profits?

>>> EPIC was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging privacy and civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, freedom of expression, and democratic values in the information age.

Many of their stated goals are supportive of individualism and privacy -- just as conservatives tend to be. But they work among many Democratic-Party-associated decision-makers and organizations, and furthermore various state-corporate and intellectual property interests come into play in conflict with the rights of individuals over their own property. The organizations have an almost vicious tendency toward the Democratic Party in general, but many prominent Democrats such as Elizabeth Warren, are strongly opposed to privacy and anti-surveillance goals stated by these organizations. Does anyone have more useful information on where these organizations really stand on some of the issues?

EFF's past support of slander sites such as is characteristic of a big-government extended-background-check agenda including gun control and other issues that infringe the privacy rights of individuals on behalf of whom they claim to be advocating.

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