Only 26% of Americans support obamacare

It's a pretty safe bet that most of those who still support it aren't paying for it.

Just sayin'.
What do you think is most likely to happen with the health care law passed by Congress in March 2010?

It will be implemented as passed: 12

It will be implemented with minor changes: 42

It will be implemented with major changes: 30

It will be completely repealed: 13
It's a pretty safe bet that most of those who still support it aren't paying for it.

Just sayin'.

It's a pretty safe bet that most of those who oppose it have not been affected by it.
It's a pretty safe bet people with pre-existing conditions, who came up against lifetime caps, couldn't afford care they needed, etc etc etc, would love to strange your brainwashed dumbass lol...
It's a pretty safe bet that most of those who still support it aren't paying for it.

Just sayin'.

It's a pretty safe bet that most of those who oppose it have not been affected by it.

B'loney. We've been paying the taxes for years...and the job market is being destroyed by it.

They will be working on this desperately needed framework FOREVER, dingbats- that's the whole point. Our Pub scam of a system it replaces was a ridiculous disaster except for the scammers, for the economy at the least...OP is double talking Pubcrappe.
Here is the actuall poll and its results: March 2014 Poll Topline Final_HEALTH CARE.pdf

Which party do you trust to do a better job of handling health care?

The Democratic Party: 30

The Republican Party: 26

No don't go posting the facts or anything, right wingers don't like that and would rather believe their propaganda from radical right wing sites like hot air :D

4 years ago 42% supported Obamacare

Now only 26%.

Support for it has been steadily tanking over the last 4 years.

It's never been lower.

So......there you are.
For all of it's expectations, broken promises, lies, inflated costs, very high deductibles, delays, screwed up web site, and unverifiable numbers is there any doubt in anyone's mind that the Affordable Health Care Act is anything but affordable. The one good bit of news is that the Democrats completely own this train wreck and I believe it will haunt them in 2014 as well as 2016. This is a very bad law and it will only get worse not better as time goes on. Think about this, the government cannot run the post office they are a complete failure with Am Trac what gives anyone the idea they can successfully manage your health care.
For all of it's expectations, broken promises, lies, inflated costs, very high deductibles, delays, screwed up web site, and unverifiable numbers is there any doubt in anyone's mind that the Affordable Health Care Act is anything but affordable. The one good bit of news is that the Democrats completely own this train wreck and I believe it will haunt them in 2014 as well as 2016. This is a very bad law and it will only get worse not better as time goes on. Think about this, the government cannot run the post office they are a complete failure with Am Trac what gives anyone the idea they can successfully manage your health care.

I think Obamacare isn't the worst part of this.

The arrogant prick that signed it is the worst part.

He keeps giving us reasons to make sure this never happens again.
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